вторник, 30 ноября 2021 г.

3 C’s of Marketing Strategic Concept


The 3 C’s of marketing, a strategic marketing concept, is a very popular concept for marketers. This model takes into consideration 3 variables to develop an effective marketing strategy. These 3 variables are dynamic in nature and fully depend on each other. In case, any variable changes, it affects the other variables as well.

The 3 C’s of marketing strategy are

  • The Customer
  • The Company
  • The Competitors

The strategic 3 C’s of Marketing is a strategic triangle when integrated, a sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved.  Customers have different wants and needs. The company finds out these wants and offer products and services. To fulfill customer wants and needs, the company offers low cost and differentiated products from its competitors. Similarly, competitors also try to offer a differentiated product to have a competitive advantage.

This concept of marketing strategy focuses on the dynamic and interrelated relationship of 3 Cs Here I will explain these 3 variables with examples.

The Customers

Customers are the important part of any business. If your company customers are loyal it will be difficult for your competitors to penetrate. In case you don’t have loyal customers, it will be difficult for you to penetrate. When do a customer analysis keeping the mind the following question?

  • Who are your customers? what are their demographics? They are men or women, what is their disposable income?
  • Why do they buy? Are they looking for value, economy or prestige?
  • How many customers do we have in the present and future?
  • They are satisfied customers and are looking for improvements
  • What is their decision-making process?
  • What are the different segments in the market?
  • Who are the most valuable customers for our brand?

Use detailed interviews and questionnaires to collect the relevant data. We can create charts, diagrams variety for reports using the Business Analytical Data. By this way, you can reach to the most appropriate customers and sever them for a longer time.

The Competitors

Customer has always a choice to buy from your company or your competitors. you should always create a unique value proposition than your competitors’ UPS, for example, Lululemon, Nike and Under Armour.

Ask the questions when conducting a competitors’ analysis.

  • Do the customers buy for us or from competitors as well.
  • Who are those competitors?
  • What value proposition the offer we don’t?
  • What are the competitor goals and accomplishments?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses in terms of competitive advantages?

You can collect competitor analysis data by conducting research, gather competitive information then analyze competitive information and determine what is your own competitive position. You can use their website, newsletters and annual reports and utilize your sales force to access competitive information.

The Company

You can stand out of the crowd and reach out to your target customer if you have a completive advantage. Your company can achieve it through cost leadership strategies and product differentiation strategies.

  • How is the market where the company competes? Do products are commodities or can they be differentiated?
  • Estimate the full product cost. This cost gives you a lower bound for pricing.
  • Estimate the value of the product to potential buyers. This value gives you an upper bound for pricing.
  • Investigate your competitors’ pricing strategies. How do their products and prices compare to your company?
  • Set prices and take into account all these inputs.

The 3 C’s of marketing strategy is focused on certain grounds i.e. if you are unable to capture the audience, someone else will capture it. According to the 3Cs model, strategists should focus on customers, competitors and company or corporation for a competitive edge.


The 3 C's of Effective Marketing

Sammi Caramela

Running an effective marketing campaign doesn't have to be complicated. Just remember the three C's of marketing.

A good marketing strategy is a must-have, especially for a small business with a limited following. To truly build brand loyalty, you have to appeal to your customers while staying true to your company and keeping your competitors in mind – in other words, follow the "three C's model" of marketing. This model focuses on three key factors every marketing strategy should prioritize. Here's how to use this method to boost your business.

1. Company

Marketing is all about branding. Start by defining your company's mission and building a brand that accurately represents it. That way, people understand who you are and what to expect from you, and you'll feel more confident in your marketing messages.

"2020 has been a year where employees and consumers want to know what your brand, company or business stands for," said Jessica Garrett Modkins, president of Hip Rock Star. "This is the time to build your strategy around the issues that matter to the very fabric of your service. This is an opportunity to evaluate your corporation's heartbeat."

By doing so, you're reminding your customers who you are beneath the surface, which is crucial in today's socially responsible business climate. However, consistency is a key factor, said Daniel Foley, director of Assertive Media.

"Having strong values and ideals for the company is important, to make sure that all marketing [for]  a business is done in the same way each time," he said.

2. Customer

Your customers are the reason for your business and the driving force behind all you do. It's important to communicate with them in a personal way, rather than simply buying ad space or pushing your products and services.

"You have to know your customer base well and make sure you are pitching to them; make your product exactly what they need," Foley said. "Your marketing should speak to them, not just be shown to them."

This is especially true on social media, where many customers vet businesses before investing. You can get to know your customers by engaging with them on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

However, creating a social media account shouldn't be something you just check off your list. To really benefit from it and connect with your customers, you'll want to dig a little deeper.

"Your customer is relying on you to communicate with them – staying top of mind," said Garrett Modkins. "Run a campaign using social media, requesting your customer base to provide their name, email address, telephone number and other industry-specific information you need to stay in touch with them when they are no longer active on social media. Use this database to expand your communication with coupons, testimonials and how-to videos exclusive to this platform."

It's crucial you meet your customers where they are, rather than simply hoping they'll come to you. Find ways to express your appreciation, and support them through their buyer journeys.

3. Competition

Regardless of the industry your business is in, you'll always have competition – and that's a good thing. You're doing something right if you have direct competitors, but you'll want to understand how they market themselves, as well as any gaps they fill that you don't.

But while it's important to keep up with your competitors, they shouldn't be all you think about.

"Competition should be evaluated but not stalked," Foley said. "Remember, your competitors should be worried about you, not the other way around. Continue to innovate, and they will not be competition anymore."

To really stand out from your competition, personalize your messaging whenever possible. Storytelling is an instant way to connect with your customers, Modkins said.

"This is the surefire way to give a point of differentiation between your company and the competition," she said. "Seek out success stories with your customers. Take these stories, and amplify this message through marketing tactics to bring in new customers. Every brand has a good success story which can lead to deeper customer engagement."

Additional C's of marketing

 We put together some more C's to help spice up your marketing strategy.


The word "compelling" is defined as evoking interest or attention in an irresistible way. It's also the opposite of boring. From the marketing angle, it means that your brand messaging needs to capture your audience's attention (and, of course, that it doesn't bore them like those hundreds of cookie-cutter pitches they are bombarded with daily).

How do you do that? At a time when people's attention spans are so short, what are you doing to ensure that your marketing message or the content you create truly resonates with your clients in a convincing, powerful and credible way? It is important to genuinely understand what your clients are interested in and to offer them a compelling reason to notice you.

If your content is quickly forgotten – or, worse, not noticed at all – it's a red flag you're doing something wrong. Here's how you can fix that:

  • Dig deeper into your marketing metrics from a recent campaign.
  • Evaluate how much or how little you've achieved your goals.
  • Conduct customer research and/or surveys to determine your customers' biggest pain points and challenges.
  • Collect relevant data, and turn them into actionable insights.
  • Create marketing campaigns based on those insights.
  • Test the effectiveness of your content. Your readers will indicate what they like by responding, sharing and taking action. The content that fetches the best results will tell you what type of content you should write and share in the future.


Marketing requires a consistent drumbeat to steadily build up your firm's awareness and credibility. You can't expect overnight results, and you certainly can't expect to get thousands of followers despite never posting a second article on your LinkedIn page. When it comes to your marketing efforts, frequency matters a lot, but what's even more important is to make sure that everything about your brand looks, feels and sounds consistent.

Often, companies struggle in this area. They throw different (and inconsistent) messages against the wall to see what sticks. Unfortunately, this confuses your customers and leaves your company riddled with brand-awareness and identity issues. In contrast, when your target customers hear the same core message several times, they are more likely to spread the word in the way you want.

Millennials – currently the most lucrative market, with $200 million in annual buying power –  demand a consistent experience from brands, a global SDL survey  revealed in 2015 . Clearly, if left unchecked, inconsistency can become the weakest link in your marketing strategy.

A content audit is a great place to start. Assess blog posts, whitepapers, bylines, case studies, social media posts and other forms of content to check if every aspect of your brand's presence looks and feels consistent across every channel. Also, check for consistency in every customer touch point: email signatures, business cards, letterhead, invoices, envelopes, fax sheets and all other things related to your brand.


Your clients find you and interact with your company in a variety of ways, including PR, social media, websites, videos, email, sales meetings and events. However, your efforts across all marketing channels should weave together a cohesive story.

This doesn't mean repeating the same message mindlessly over and over again, in a way that borders on spamming. Instead, it's about finding the central theme that will resonate with your clients and then carrying that golden thread throughout your campaign. Simply put, presenting a marketing campaign that isn't thematically united is like arriving at a party wearing mismatched clothes: People may notice you, but they certainly won't take you seriously.

Instead, take your clients on a journey. Tell them the story of how your company can help solve their problem, and make sure every story has a beginning, middle and end. Don't reduce your brand stories to merely marketing materials or sales pitches. Rather, treat them as opportunities to let your brand's personality shine through and connect on a deeper level with customers.

For B2B businesses competing in today's rapidly changing digital economy, the customer may seem like a moving target, constantly flitting among myriad channels and displaying an incredibly diverse range of behaviors and preferences. The three C's of marketing will help you develop solid engagement strategies and highly relatable content to capture mindshare, build market share effectively and dominate your industry.


A Guide to Measuring Brand Health

 How to measure brand health

The role of a brand in developing a loyal and profitable customer base and providing a strong differentiation from competitors, has never been more important. The ease with which companies can now communicate globally, multiplies the number of effective competitors in many sectors. If brands fail to distinguish themselves in this explosion of competition, they will be seen as interchangeable, leaving price as the key discriminating factor. There may be a ‘brand’ name, but without a clear, relevant and differentiated brand positioning, this is simply a label to write on the box.

The brands owned by the Forbes 500 organisations are estimated to account for 30% of their combined balance sheets. Furthermore, the top 100 brands in the Millward Brown Brandz list of the Most Valuable Brands show an increase in value of 14% in the past year alone, and 126% over the 10 years of the study.

Brands clearly have a value, and yet, when we ask business people how important the brand is to them in their business decisions, they routinely attach an insignificant weight of around 5% to its importance. Business buyers claim to be rational in their decisions and driven by price, availability or reliability of a product or service.

We think otherwise. Statistical analysis of the impact on satisfaction and advocacy of more emotional and intangible attributes, as well as observed behaviour tell us that emotions play a very important role. Buyers of business products and services switch suppliers relatively infrequently and sometimes stay loyal for years – despite there being cheaper and possibly better products available to them. The reputation of a company (its brand by any other name) is so important that it could account for 50% not 5% of the buying decision.

The risk manager who returns to the account manager who puts his mind at rest, the tradesman who enjoys a free coffee or newspaper at the builders’ merchant, or the IT manager who insists on a single printer manufacturer are certainly influenced by the brand, as well as the functional features of the products they choose.

The crux of the issue here is ‘what is the brand?’ and ‘what makes it strong’?

There are three main components to brand health tracking and these we describe as “the brand health wheel”.

Awareness and usage – if potential customers have no awareness of your brand, they cannot consider it. Measuring levels of awareness and use is a critical component of brand health.

Brand positioning – your brand has to stand for something and that something should be what customers and potential customers want.

Brand delivery – the brand must live up to its promise.

These three important components of brand health can be further broken down into other factors which can be measured. These measurements lead to an overall brand health score. This is illustrated in the diagram.

The Brand Health Wheel

Awareness and usage

For a brand to do its job, it stands to reason that people must know about it. But that’s not enough – brand owners must consider their target audiences in the widest sense. These include but are not limited to:

  • Specifiers
  • Influencers
  • Decision makers
  • Approvers
  • Users
  • Order placers

B2b purchase decisions, in particular, require rather more justification to other stakeholders, than a personal consumer decision. It is far less likely that a high value purchase, or ongoing contract will be awarded to a business that a key decision maker has never heard of.

More directly related to the business bottom line, is the percentage of the target audience who use a brand. Strong brand penetration, as well as a high share of wallet within a category, are key to building and maintaining a profitable customer base. Retaining, and building spend with a given customer is always less costly than spreading sales thinly amongst an ever changing audience.

Brand positioning

The awareness that a brand has amongst its target audiences is clearly critically important. If somebody doesn’t know of a brand, it will have no position in their mind and quite probably will not be included in a consideration set. IBM, HSBC and Samsung have lost billions of dollars off the value of their brands in the past year, according to Millward Brown Brandz. They had slipped back not in awareness but in the positioning within customers minds.

The positioning of a brand is inextricably linked to brand benefits, perceptions and associations such as:

  • Relevant to the needs of the individual and their business
  • Clear and distinct from the associations with competitor brands
  • Credible and consistent across all touchpoints and experiences of the brand

Relevance to a potential customer is at its most basic ‘do you supply the product type I’m looking for?’ It’s no good being a leading brand in cameras, if no-one knows you make office printers. A brand that has a level of awareness linked to a positioning that is relevant to the target audience is one step closer to being considered in a b2b purchase decision. At its most compelling, a relevant brand so strongly connects with its audience, their lives and needs, that nothing else will do. Ask a Manchester United fan to fly with an airline whose brand is on the front of arch rival Manchester City’s shirts and watch them squirm!

Distinctiveness is the key to differentiation and can take many forms. A product can be distinguished by its functional features or benefits, whilst a brand needs to feel different. Only then can there be loyalty beyond reason. A strong brand gives reassurance and trust that the company’s money has been well spent, and that you, the decision maker, are a smart and competent businessman. Beyond this, a brand may offer emotional benefits of inspiration, fun or belonging.

With an understanding of what the ‘ideal’ brand in a market will represent to its target audience, a brand must then be inextricably and uniquely connected to that positioning. Which brings me to the final part of the Brand Health Wheel…

Delivery of the Brand Promise

I use the word ‘delivery’ rather than ‘communication’ because a brand’s beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is not about a business’s advertising messages, or even its marketing output in a wider sense. A brand’s position in the hearts and minds of its b2b target audience is a product of all messages and impressions received from all sources.

Though I am discussing business decision making, it is as human beings that we gather and process experiences to create our view of a brand. If delivery of the brand promise comes down to one word, it is ‘consistency’.

  • Consistency means that your brand’s positioning has the chance to transmit loud and clear through the noise of business life to mean something, rather than nothing, to your b2b audience
  • Consistency of message, customer knowledge and experience lends credibility and ownership of your brand positioning
  • Consistency means that every single experience of a brand should fit together as part of the same entity,
    • from the first time a brand name passes your eyes sponsoring a local golf event
    • through advertising, and every kind of marketing communication, including a brand’s visual identity
    • the way your phone call or email enquiry is answered when you get in touch
    • the enquiry, proposal and business development process
    • the service design and set up phase
    • the quality and attributes of the product and service itself (though this may in rational terms differ little from the competition)
    • your experience as a customer and the way you are dealt with by all people from all departments and functions of the business
    • the values by which a business is seen to operate
    • and, most difficult of all to manage; comments, reviews and news stories from customers, competitors or press – our multi-media world makes this an ever growing and changing challenge

Early in this article I suggested that the greater role played by personal relationships in many b2b business models may reduce the importance of the brand. However, when a brand is consistently delivered across all touchpoints, these relationships are powerful tools in embodying the values of the brand itself, and strengthening emotional relationships with the brand. Will you really turn down a proposal from an account manager you trust and get on with, if there is no rational difference from a competitive offering?

In short, the brand is something that your business IS and not what it wants, or claims to be. Building a strong brand is the biggest single determinant of long term business success. As b2b marketers join their b2c colleagues in building strong and powerful brands that are relevant, unique and consistent across every touchpoint, who wants to be the ‘product’ left behind?

Written by Catherine Firth


Стратегия бренда в зависимости от SOV и SOM

 Удобная модель выбора стратегии развития и продвижения товара компании в зависимости от соотношения значений двух показателей: доли голоса и доли рынка.


Доля голоса (SOV — share of voice) — показатель, означающий долю рекламного сообщения бренда в потоке рекламных сообщений всего рынка.

Доля рынка (SOM — share of market) описывает положение компании/ бренда на рынке, измеряется в %, в модели используется доля рынка в стоимостном выражении. Доля рынка = выручка бренда за период N / размер рынка в стоимостном выражении за период N.

Описание модели

Для построения модели необходимо выполнить 4 шагов:

  • Определить ключевых конкурентов бренда в сегменте
  • Рассчитать долю рынка бренда и конкурентов в сегменте
  • Рассчитать долю голоса бренда и конкурентов в сегменте
  • Заполнить таблицу, представленную ниже

Принцип заполнения таблицы: если показатель SOV конкурентов выше, чем показатель бренда — показатель «высокий», иначе «низкий». Если показатель SOM бренда выше, чем показатели конкурентов — то показатель «высокий», иначе «низкий»

Описание стратегий матрицы

Теперь давайте рассмотрим каждую из 4 возможных стратегий развития и продвижения товара.

Стратегия №1

Стратегия развития через нишевые сегменты рынка с акцентом на защиту устойчивого конкурентного преимущества. Найти рыночную нишу — сегмент, в котором бренд компании имеет максимальные конкурентные преимущества, а бренды конкурентов слабые позиции. Всю стратегию бренда сосредоточить на его развитии в нишевых сегментах и укреплении конкурентных преимуществ. Вся рекламная поддержка бренда должна быть направлена на укрепление конкурентных преимуществ бренда. Не стремиться нарастить долю голоса, искать каналы коммуникации, релевантные целевой аудитории бренда, в которых слабо представлены бренды конкурентов.

Стратегия №2

Стратегия удержания лидерства. Увеличить инвестиции в рекламу для роста доли голоса бренда. Достичь лидерства по доли голоса в каждом канале коммуникации рынка — бренд компании должен быть лидером по заметности. Все усилия сосредоточить на защите продаж бренда от конкурентов (акцент в коммуникации на конкурентные преимущества, активное использование BTL-акций, инвестиции в лояльность целевой аудитории и т.п.)

Стратегия №3

Стратегия нападения и экспансии. Достигать высокой доли голоса для нападения на ключевых конкурентов с целью переключения потребителей. Сосредоточить рекламные инвестиции на построении подавляющего лидерства в знании и лояльности среди аудитории. Поддерживать активность на всем процессе покупательского цикла аудитории.

Стратегия №4

Стратегия ожидания. Сохранять умеренное рекламное давление для поддержания уровня заметности и осведомленности о бренде. Быть готовым к увеличению доли голоса в случае увеличения доли голоса конкурентами.


понедельник, 29 ноября 2021 г.

Minto Pyramid Principle


This article offers a practical explanation of the Minto Pyramid Principle, developed by Barbara Minto. After reading this article, you’ll understand the basics of this powerful effectiveness and communication tool.

What is the Minto Pyramid Principle?

Minto Pyramid Principle, also referred to as the McKinsey’s Pyramid Principle, is a tool used to process and structure large amounts of information to convey a story, message or presentation without omitting important details. The principle of the McKinsey Pyramid is to cut to the chase in written texts or presentations. This ensures that the audience’s attention is captured and that a riveting story can be created that’s easy to remember and understand.

The Minto Pyramid Principle is applied by structuring points and arguments after the thesis statement has been introduced. The information that is presented subsequently branches off to the specific details in a clear and insightful manner.

‘The Pyramid Principle’, a book written by Barbara Minto, was published in the 1970s by McKinsey & CompanyBarbara Minto was responsible for training new recruits into becoming expert consultants in the shortest possible time.


Writing texts, giving presentations or making recommendations based on the Minto Pyramid Principle is done by applying the following three levels of the pyramid:

1. Start with the answer, thesis or key point

Applying the top-down structure of a pyramid in communication methods means that a direct answer is given to the question that has been asked. These could also be recommendations, the results from a study, thesis statement or other key points.

Minto Pyramid Principle inverts the traditional method that’s used to arrive at a conclusion. Usually, the conclusion in a text or presentation is given after the facts have been presented, and all analyses and supporting ideas have been discussed.

With her McKinsey Pyramid Principle, Barbara Minto explains why the answer is first given in a clear and concrete form. Only then must the supporting reasons or motivations be given. The first reason for this is to maximise and effectively use the limited time of the audience.

In most conversations with a supervisor, for instance, recommendations are made. The reason to first make the recommendation and then offer the motivation is that the supervisors often already see the conclusion or recommendation coming when a flood of arguments and reasons is provided. This because they think in such a top-down way, focusing on the bigger picture.

Moreover, a direct communication method is more convincing than a conversation that beats about the bush. A direct communication style is a display of assertiveness and self-confidence.

2. Group arguments and summarise the main points

Now that the key point has been laid down, the arguments, reasons or motivation for giving the presentation must be discussed. According to the Minto Pyramid Principle, this level is about joining all arguments in main points. Each point represents a summary of specific support for the recommendation or the answer from the first step.

3. Present supporting details and ideas in a logical manner

Subsequently, the pyramid branches out from each argument to the lowest level where supporting details and ideas are given that must show the validity of the presented arguments. The whole of these three levels forms the pyramid structure.

Always first give the summarising idea, on the top of the pyramid. Clarity and logic can be applied in the story by paying attention to the structure and order.

If the arguments and ideas that are given contain a certain flow, frequency or cause-effect structure, these must be placed in chronological order. It’s also recommended to first present the most important arguments and ideas.

McKinsey Pyramid Principle: applicability

It’s not surprising that the pyramid principle arose in the organisational consulting branch. That’s exactly where larger and more complex writing tasks is the order of the day. By structuring texts by means of the Minto Pyramid Principle, the texts are shortened, become clearer and are easier to follow.

This also has a great advantage for the writer himself. By thinking about the cohesion between ideas beforehand, these can be put to paper more efficiently and the main and auxiliary matters can more easily be distinguished.

Facts and thoughts are organised in a way that makes the text more convincing. Moreover, training with such a structure also has the benefit of the person choosing his words more carefully in everyday life, including on the work floor.

By removing all irrelevant matters, the core takes front and centre and the user increases the potential to climb up the hierarchy.

Advantages and disadvantages in using the McKinsey Pyramid Principle

According to Barbara Minto, using the Minto Pyramid Principle offers several advantages compared to other writing structures:

  • More efficient writing because thoughts and ideas are organised in advance
  • It helps the reader because reading strategies have been incorporated into the text itself
  • Consistent quality
  • Greater persuasion
  • The Minto Pyramid Principle matches the way the human brain works

However, there are also disadvantages concerned with the use of the Minto Pyramid Principle:

  • The tool demands a lot of training to create better texts
  • There is a danger of repeating information
  • And this makes it difficult to formulate an insightful synthesis
  • Minto Pyramid Principle is mainly effective for texts with an unambiguous conclusion or recommendation, and not for other types of texts

More information

  1. Minto, B. (2009). The pyramid principle: logic in writing and thinking. Pearson Education.
  2. Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2009). Business communication: Building critical skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Доходный маркетинг

 Что такое доходный маркетинг? 

Доходный маркетинг — это комплексный подход, который позволяет устранять разногласия между маркетингом и продажами, согласовывая их с общей целью: получение дохода с помощью повторяемых процессов. 

Механизм доходного маркетинга обеспечивает: 

  1. Наполнение воронки продаж квалифицированными лидами для маркетинга (MQL). 
  2. Повышение конверсии продаж и сокращение продолжительности цикла продаж. 
  3. Расстановку приоритетов в повторяемых и масштабируемых действиях с измеримым ROI. 
  4. Установление связи доходов от продаж с маркетинговыми активностями для подтверждения ROI. 

Чтобы выполнить эти обещания, маркетологи должны внедрить серьезные организационные и культурные изменения. Должна быть обеспечена связь отделов маркетинга и продаж по трем важным принципам: цифровая трансформация, клиентоориентированность и учет доходов. 

  • Цифровая трансформация: знакомство с покупателями через цифровую трансформацию маркетинговых каналов. В то же время предполагается прокачка маркетинговых операций с помощью технологического стека, который помогает сделать выводы и разработать стратегию. 
  • Клиентоориентированность: сегодня маркетинг отвечает за опыт клиентов. Это больше, чем просто создание образа покупателя и его путешествия; это позволяет учитывать голос клиента при организации GTM. 
  • Учет доходов: маркетологи должны думать, как продать, и нести ответственность за достижение целей по доходам. Вместо того, чтобы использовать поддержку MQL в качестве окончательной метрики, маркетинг должен учитывать общую жизненную ценность клиента. 

Почему доходный маркетинг? 

Способ продажи товаров клиенту изменился и продолжает меняться в сторону более персонализированного и детализированного пользовательского опыта. Согласно последнему отчету Salesforce State of Marketing, 84% клиентов B2B хотят, чтобы к ним относились как к людям, а не как к цифрам в показателях доходов. 

Иными словами, им нужен более индивидуальный подход. В сочетании с развитием искусственного интеллекта и накоплением данных современные компании быстро переходят к модели доходного маркетинга. Ответственность за доходы чувствуют 52% маркетологов, которые заявили, что делятся метриками с командой продаж, а 65% руководителей отделов маркетинга сказали, что все команды преследуют общие цели и делятся показателями. 

Переход на удаленку в 2020 году усилил важность цифрового взаимодействия с клиентами. Согласно данным международной консалтинговой компании McKinsey & Company, B2B-компании видят, что для их клиентов цифровое взаимодействие в два-три раза важнее, чем традиционные продажи. Также отмечается, что покупатели все чаще предпочитают самообслуживание, что делает поддержку мобильных приложений и интернет-сообществ продавцов востребованной, как никогда раньше. Этот процесс не ограничивается стадией изучения продукта, а сопровождает все этапы путешествия покупателя. 

Чем доходный маркетинг отличается от других видов маркетинга? 

Вот несколько отличий доходного и некоторых других видов маркетинга, таких как традиционный маркетинг, ABM, маркетинг роста и операции с доходами. 

Традиционный B2B маркетинг 

Традиционный маркетинг сосредоточен на 4 составляющих (подход 4P): продукт, место, цена и продвижение (product, place, price, promotion). 

При таком маркетинге собирается мало данных и организуется мало процессов. Маркетинговый план оказывается не связан с общими бизнес-целями и целями по доходам. Все измеряется затратами, количеству действий и количеству лидов, переданных в продажи. Многие SaaS-компании выходят далеко за рамки традиционного маркетинга, полагаясь на ABM или на маркетинг роста. 


ABM (Account-based marketing) — это такая модель маркетинга, которая направляет маркетинговые ресурсы на вовлечение отдельных людей/аккаунтов. Продажи и маркетинг должны взаимодействовать друг с другом, потому что персонализация охвата и контента на уровне аккаунта требует полной синхронизации продаж и маркетинга. 

Цель — получить больше доходов в более короткие сроки, сосредоточив внимание на идеальных клиентах. Маркетологам необходимо создавать кастомизированные программы совместно с отделом продаж для более эффективного взаимодействия с конкретными аккаунтами. 

Маркетинг роста 

Стартапы, которые хотят быстро увеличить доход и расширить базу пользователей, используют техники маркетинга роста. Это постоянно меняющаяся стратегия, которая предполагает частые эксперименты с различными каналами и сообщениями, чтобы постепенно оптимизировать маркетинговые расходы. Она позволяет создавать инновационные планы, направленные на увеличение пользовательской базы компании при минимальных затратах. 

Операции с доходами 

Операции с доходами (RevOps) — это централизованная функция, которая объединяет традиционно разрозненные команды в единую команду. Она включает в себя операции по продажам, маркетинговые операции, операции по обеспечению успеха клиентов и технический стек. Операции с доходами отличаются от маркетинговых операций и операций продаж, потому что они объединяют людей, процессы и ресурсы всей организации. Доходный маркетинг может стать первым шагом для многих предприятий на пути к внедрению полноценной функции RevOps. 

Как выглядит стратегия доходного маркетинга? 

Pedowitz Group называет свою стратегию доходного маркетинга «RM6». Вот шесть составляющих для перехода к стратегии доходного маркетинга: 

  • Стратегия: четко определите роль продаж и маркетинга в вашем плане роста. Проведите внутреннюю проверку персон покупателей, циклов продаж и каналов. Создайте планы роста, а также четкий план коммуникации. 
  • Люди: объедините свои человеческие ресурсы для создания контента, автоматизируйте маркетинг и регулярно сотрудничайте с руководителями продаж для достижения общих целей по доходам. 
  • Процесс: нанесите на карту весь путь покупателя от потенциального клиента до потребительской ценности клиента (lifetime customer value). 
  • Технология: оптимизируйте технологический стек с помощью интегрированной маркетинговой автоматизации и программного обеспечения для продаж. Сегодня существует много разных софтов, которые помогают закрыть какие-то процессы. 
  • Контент: разработайте контент-план, который учитывает людей, этапы покупательского пути, сегментирование и различные типы контента. 
  • Результаты: установите основные показатели дохода и создайте информационные панели, демонстрирующие ваш прогресс. 

Другой способ взглянуть на свою стратегию доходного маркетинга — это следовать методологии роста доходов Sales Benchmark Index, которая рассматривает доходы в зависимости от источников и предполагает ответы на следующие вопросы: 

  • Сколько мы должны инвестировать в каждую маркетинговую категорию? Категории включают ABM, генерацию лидов, клиентский маркетинг, партнерский маркетинг, продуктовый маркетинг и полевой маркетинг. 
  • Как эта инвестиция увеличивает доход? 
  • Как мы можем измерить успех маркетинга в этой области? 

Какие модели доходного маркетинга существуют? 

Существует несколько моделей и структур доходного маркетинга. Рассмотрим три модели, которые хорошо работают в сфере B2B SaaS и помогут вам трансформироваться в организацию, ориентированную на получение дохода. 

Sales Benchmarks Index (SBI) 

SBI предлагает методологию роста доходов, в которой вы должны пройти каждую категорию плана маркетинга и плана продаж и назначить соответствующую метрику, чтобы обеспечить непрерывный многоканальный опыт для вашего пользовательского пути. Объединение этих показателей дает вашей команде полную картину доходов.

Составляющие модели SBI: стратегия выхода продукта на рынок, стратегия сегментирования, стратегия управления талантами, пользовательский опыт, стратегия продукта, стратегия ценообразования, маркетинговая стратегия, стратегия продаж, успех клиента 

Модель GAME 

Яг Ганеш (Yaag Ganesh), автор и маркетолог, который на ранней стадии помогает стартапам строить бизнес, придумал модель GAME: Gather (собирать), Agree (договариваться), Map (сопоставлять) и Execute (проводить). Она представляет собой более простую структуру, которая в конечном счете требует проделать ту же работу, разбитую на четыре этапа:

Модель GAME: 1. Gather (собирать). Определите аккаунты и возможности, с которыми будете работать. 2. Agree (договариваться). Утвердите аккаунты и ключевые цели. 3. Map (сопоставлять). Сопоставьте ресурсы, средства и решения по болевым точкам, оцените общую стоимость контракта. 4. Execute (проводить). Определите стратегию выхода продукта на рынок, осуществление ABM и проведите оценку потребительской ценности клиента 

  1. 1. Собирать: определите аккаунты, на которые вы хотите потратить деньги и ресурсы, включая новых и уже существующих клиентов. Определите маркетинговые источники, которые приводят к доходу, такие как тематические исследования и другой контент, плата за клик (PPC), мероприятия и многое другое.
  1. 2. Договариваться: сотрудничайте с отделом продаж и составляйте окончательный список аккаунтов с потенциальным доходом. Убедитесь, что ваши KPI-метрики приведены в соответствие, когда будете выбирать аккаунты. Определите, где находится каждый аккаунт на пользовательском пути, и договоритесь с отделом продаж о правильном послании и истории для каждого аккаунта. 
  1. 3. Сопоставлять: соедините болевые точки и этапы воронки для своих аккаунтов и сопоставьте их со своим продуктом и решением, которое он предлагает. Рассчитайте приблизительную потребительскую ценность клиента для ваших аккаунтов. 
  1. 4. Проводить: проводите свои маркетинговые кампании с правильным посланием и персонализацией для каждого покупателя. Запустите свои кампании по определенным маркетинговым каналам и продолжайте настраивать свой подход, пока маркетинговые усилия и продажи не будут оптимизированы для получения дохода. 

6 шагов к стратегии доходного маркетинга 

Используйте следующие шесть шагов стратегии доходного маркетинга как способ оптимизации вашей системы организации доходов:

  • Шаг 1. Определите (Identify) ключевые группы людей, которые с большей вероятностью совершат покупку. Опирайтесь на демографические данные, а также ориентируйтесь на идеальные аккаунты и контакты. 
  • Шаг 2. Распределите ресурсы (Allocate resources) между программами и каналами на основе прогнозируемой производительности. 
  • Шаг 3. Осуществляйте (Operationalize) продажи и маркетинг за счет максимального использования технологий. 
  • Шаг 4. Следуйте (Deliver) запланированным программам на всех этапах воронки продаж и оптимизируйте их в режиме реального времени. 
  • Шаг 5. Отслеживайте полный путь (Track full-funnel) потенциального и уже существующего покупателя по всем точкам взаимодействия. 
  • Шаг 6. Оцените (Evaluate) свою эффективность по показателям дохода и ROI

По материалам "What Is Revenue Marketing?", Sales Hacker.
