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пятница, 12 апреля 2024 г.

План маркетинга на деловых рынках


Согласно исследованию Rain Group на рынках В2В происходит изменение методов работы с клиентами. И те компании, которые способны увидеть и понять ключевые драйверы увеличения продаж на деловых рынках, смогут повысить конкурентоспособность своих продуктов и занять лидирующие и растущие позиции в своих отраслях. В данной статье приводится пошаговое руководство для маркетинга на B2B рынке, основанное на последних мировых тенденциях и учитывающее эволюцию приемов продаж. Мы расскажем только о проверенных и наиболее эффективных инструментах маркетинга B2B. В конце статьи вы найдете подробный маркетинговый план продвижения товаров и услуг на на B2B рынке.

Новая модель работы с клиентами

Существует трех-ступенчатая модель работы с клиентами на B2B рынке, которая доказала свою эффективность на практике.

Сначала компания должна наладить связь с клиентом:

Затем, компания должна убедить клиента в том, что именно она — лучший выбор из всех альтернатив:

И наконец, компания должна проявить максимальный уровень сотрудничества с клиентом:

Как данная модель должна быть интерпретирована с точки зрения работы менеджера по маркетингу? Предлагаем авторское руководство для для управления маркетингом в B2B секторе, учитывающее все особенности и специфику делового рынка.

Первый шаг: налаживаем контакт с клиентами

Вначале следует наладить и отшлифовать качество взаимодействия с клиентами. Это означает улучшить качество первого контакта с клиентами, разработать программу по управлению обратной связью с клиентами, проанализировать спрос и ключевые потребности клиентов, разработать план по улучшению и развитию продукта компании.

Второй шаг: правильные аргументы для переговоров

Следующий шаг: поработайте с текстами о продукте. Сделайте так, чтобы тексты демонстрировали, что:

  • продукт вашей компании — лучшее решение среди всех альтернатив
  • продукт вашей компании демонстрирует максимально эффективный результат
  • сотрудничество с вашей компанией не несет никаких рисков для клиента, только преимущества

Третий шаг: разрабатываем программу поддержки клиентов

В завершении создайте работающую программу по удержанию клиентов: способную исключить переключение на конкурентов, повышающую частоту использования продуктом компании, повышающую сумму сделки с клиентом.

Готовый чек-лист

Подробный и максимально практичный чек-лист по b2b маркетингу. С ним Вы не забудете важные моменты и сможете эффективно спланировать свою работу.


воскресенье, 3 декабря 2023 г.

B2B Multichannel Marketing: Top Channels, Trends, and Challenges

 B2B marketers say email is the channel that has the biggest impact on their multichannel strategy, according to recent research from ZoomInfo and Ascend2.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in April 2023 among 101 B2B marketers.

Half of respondents cite email as among the three channels that have the biggest impact on their multichannel strategy, and a third cite social media.

Some 39% of B2B marketers say having a cohesive multichannel marketing strategy is extremely important and 50% say it is somewhat important.

Some 57% of B2B marketers say their multichannel strategy is now at least partially automated.

B2B marketers say the top challenges they face with multichannel marketing are creating an effective strategy (57% cite as a major challenge), insufficient budget/resources (46%), and data quality (44%).


среда, 15 ноября 2023 г.

What Makes B2B Influencer Marketing Programs Successful

 Marketers who rate their B2B firm's influencer program as very effective are more likely to say they outsource the work, use AI, and keep the program going continually, according to recent research from TopRank Marketing and Ascend2.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in July and August, 2023, among 425 marketing decision-makers at B2B brands.

Some 34% of respondents rate their firm's influencer marketing as very effective. Compared with other respondents, this group is significantly more likely to say their firm outsources most or the entirety of its influencer program, uses AI for performance tracking, uses AI for influencer identification and selection, and utilizes an always-on influencer program.

The most common uses of AI for B2B influencer marketing are to aid with content creation (53% of respondents say they are using), performance tracking (51%), campaign optimization (44%), and influencer identification and selection (42%).

B2B marketers say they're turning to influencers most often to create social media content (51% are doing so).

B2B marketers say the most significant challenge they face with their influencer program is identifying, qualifying, and engaging with the right influencers.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in July and August, 2023, among 425 marketing decision-makers at B2B brands.


воскресенье, 29 октября 2023 г.

B2C Vs B2B: Differences And Examples


Are you in a B2B or B2C market? Often when you have a product or service you can be in both.

What is B2B and B2C?

There are lots of business models but broadly they can be split into B2B vs B2C. Business to Business (B2B) is defined as businesses that market and sell to other businesses. Whereas, Business to Consumer (B2C) markets and sell to consumers.

What is B2B?

B2B or business to business refers to businesses that develop products and services for other businesses. What makes B2B so different to B2C is often the complexity and scale of the products and services.

An example of a B2B platform business model is Alibaba.

What is B2C?

B2C or Business to Consumer refers to businesses that create, market and sell products or services to consumers (end-users) and individuals.

As a contrast to Alibaba – Amazon is primarily a B2C market. See the Amazon business model article and discover more.

How Do B2C vs B2B Compare?

There are some similarities and differences in how B2B and B2C compare. If you think about the complexity of an organization and how many different people are often involved in making decisions, it gives you a start point for understanding the differences.

However, there are some common threads – trust is needed across both B2B and B2C.


  • Both require trust for the sales and marketing process
  • Both involve people making decisions
  • Quality and value are important criteria for both.
  • Both will often seek out information for high-value purchases before deciding.
  • Both require market segmentation for marketing strategies to be effective.

Differences between B2C and B2B

Business to Business (B2B)Business to Consumer (B2C)
Customer• Businesses and Companies – SMB, SME, Enterprises and International Corporates• Consumers – individuals/families
Offer• High-value products
• Complex high value services
• Low-value products
• Low value services
Quantity• Large deal sizes
• Fewer purchases
• Small sales
• Higher quantities
Buying decision• Complex
• Multiple stakeholders
• Mixed expert groups
• Long lead times
• Often long-term contracts
• Service Level Ageements
• Short time frame
• Emotion based
• Impulse decisions
Sales cycle• Ranges from 1 – 12 months+• Minutes to days
Value• Mid to high value• Low to mid value
(depending on product/service)
Primary focus• Creating and maintaining relationships
• Reliability and consistency
• Partnerships
• Design and create product
• Advertise and promote
• Build loyalty
Examples• IBM
• Salesforce
• Cisco
• Linkedin
• Alibaba
• Rolls Royce
• WeWork
• Netflix
• Sptify
• McDonalds
• Twitter
• Amazon
• Apple
• Nike

B2C Vs B2B eCommerce

Organizations have transformed to become more modular, integrated and adaptive through digital technologies. This, in turn, has led to the faster processes, reductions in costs, improved decision-making as well as easier integrations with other businesses.

As a result, B2B eCommerce has given rise to more services between companies. Antoerhj factor is the digitization of products and the subsequent data that is ‘servitized’ e.g. sensors monitor flow through pipes and also check for corrosion levels.

Historically the figures behind B2C eCommerce were thought to dwarf that of B2B. But that has now changed.

B2B eCommerce

  • US B2B eCommerce will hit $1.8 Trillion by 2023 – Forrester.

However, a revised report by Forrester breaks out commerce figures for six channels of B2B online commerce that companies use to buy and sell with trading partners.

The revised global B2B online Commerce market is estimated to be worth $9 Trillion – Forrester

  • Global business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce sales are predicted to reach over $6.6 trillion by 2020 – Frost & Sullivan.

B2C VS B2B varies according to the scale and type of eCommerce transactions. Think about shipping, logistics in general and how and when payments take place between companies.

Global b2c eCommerce sales projections

  • Global B2C eCommerce is expected to grow to $6.54 Trillion by 2022 – Statista.

B2C VS B2B Business Models

The Internet of Things, Big Data, AI and platforms and other technologies are creating a new wave of disruption across many industries. Value chains are being unbundled and established B2B markets such as banking (Fintech) and logistics are being transformed. Digital technologies enable new ways to reconfigure how value is created in these industries.

Even low-tech industries are affected. Investments into early-stage startups in supply chain and logistics have created excitement amongst venture capital investors collectively raise approximately $15B in 2019.

Example of a B2B business model

B2B Pay a digital disruptor that saves money vs banks

B2B Pay is a German/Finnish startup which offers virtual bank accounts for companies that export into Europe or export from Europe to the rest of the world. The mission of B2B Pay is to make international business transactions as quick and as cheap as possible with complete transparency about costs.

B2C Business Models

Digital business models have led to the network effects associated with platforms. In B2C markets this has resulted in new business models such as Uber, which disrupted the taxi industry.

Uber B2C business model

As technologies evolve there are ever new ways of creating businesses. B2B vs B2C vs B2B2C.

In the business world, the difference between B2B vs B2C businesses often seems clear and straightforward. However, there is a third kind of business model, primarily based on what might seem B2B strategy. However, the final aim is to build a B2C company over time.

This model is called B2B2C or business to business to consumer. The logic is the following. If a business can’t have direct access to consumers, it will gain it via a second business. Unlike B2B vs B2C, it is often not recognized or discussed much. I’ll cover the B2B2C business model in a following article.

B2B vs B2C Value Propositions

A key outcome of developing a business model is to produce a value proposition. Understanding the difference between value in B2B vs B2C is crucial when designing a business model.

B2B Value Pyramid

B2B value pyramid – source BCG

The b2b value pyramid has several differences vs B2C pyramid. Cultural fit, stability, expertise configurability are some of the important criteria that an organization will use to judge a potential supplier.

B2C Value Pyramid

B2C value pyramid – source BCG

B2B vs B2C Buying Process

Example of some of the B2B buying process and influencing factors

B2B vs B2C Marketing

B2B businesses focus on building long term relationships with their clients and often across different levels of the company. As an example, board directors of companies that supply to a business will meet with their clients buying team annually or even quarterly to review key performance indicators and service level agreements.

Often contracts are much longer – in some cases up to ten years if there is heavy investment in infrastructure e.g. satellites in the broadcasting industry.

In B2C, the interaction between the business and the consumer is more dynamic and depends on the nature of the product. Even then, the interaction periods and the number of goods tend to be quite small on average.

B2B vs B2C Sales

B2B SalesB2C Sales
Longer lead-timesShort lead-times (except in cases of high value e.g.buying a car or house)
Complex – often involves multiple stakeholdersUsually individual
Assessed against buying criteriaOften emotional or impulsive
Requires consultancy approachRequires good interpersonal skills and being able to pinpoint fit to a product.
See: B2B buyer personaSee persona canvas


воскресенье, 22 октября 2023 г.

The Top Generative AI Tools for B2B Marketers

 Which generative AI tools should you be considering?

For B2B marketers, this question has become increasingly difficult to answer as more and more solutions have come to market.

To help sort through the many options available, TopRank Marketing created an infographic (below) that covers more than 30 of the best generative AI tools for B2B marketers.

It looks at top solutions across a range of different areas, including visual content creation, text content creation, and SEO.


понедельник, 31 июля 2023 г.

The State of B2B Sales in 2023

 B2B sales leaders say they are experiencing longer sales cycles and more opportunities being lost to no decision this year, according to recent research from RAIN Group.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in 2023 among 322 B2B sales leaders from around the world.

Some 43% of respondents say the sales cycle timeline for deals has increased over the past 12 months, 41% say it has stayed the same, and 16% say it has decreased.

Some 44% of B2B sales leaders say the share of potential deals lost to no decision has increased over the past 12 months, 42% say it has stayed the same, and 15% say it has decreased.

Some 47% of B2B sales leaders say the share of potential deals lost to competitors has stayed the same, 31% say it has decreased, and 22% say it has increased.

B2B sales leaders say the top challenges they face are hiring strong sales talent, selling in an uncertain economy, and generating sales-ready leads.

About the research: The report was based on data from a survey conducted in 2023 among 322 B2B sales leaders from around the world.
