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вторник, 25 января 2022 г.

13 Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur



Entrepreneurs often go through an imposter syndrome phase. Imposter syndrome in entrepreneurs is where entrepreneurs think and feel that they are not worth it, do not have what it takes, are frauds, and feel like failures and let-downs. This causes self-doubt.

However, entrepreneurs could not be all this they think to be, but this stems from a drop or lack in confidence. At times, entrepreneurs underestimate their capabilities, skills, and knowledge, and this makes them feel inferior – hence the imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome may also stem from a feeling of insecurity, and this often works against the entrepreneur. The thing with imposter syndrome is that it can plague even the most experienced and seasoned entrepreneurs.

There is no recipe or formula when it comes to entrepreneurship. It is an entirely fluid and ever-changing space. As new technologies, mechanisms, and ways of doing things come into existence, the business landscape changes. Adaptation is key, therefore. In the course of business, some of these changes could somewhat test you, and it is during such times that you might face the imposter syndrome.

Tackling the imposter syndrome requires taking steps including:

  • Acknowledge and recognize the syndrome
  • Get a business partner
  • Work with feedback
  • Keep forging ahead
  • Focus on your unique skill-set and expertise
  • Challenge yourself
  • Lifelong learning
  • Talk to other people
  • Write down your achievements
  • Think positively
  • Take a break
  • Ditch the perfectionist mentality
  • Own your strengths and weaknesses

Acknowledge and Recognize the Syndrome

Tackling any challenges or problems requires you to recognize and acknowledge that the problems indeed exist. This way, it becomes easier to chart a way forward. When you feel that you have the imposter syndrome, it is essential to acknowledge that you indeed have the syndrome and start taking action on it.

Since the imposter syndrome mainly brings about self-doubt and reduced confidence, it is important to note those areas that you think have witnessed confidence erosion. You can then start from these areas. Work on these areas. All actions and efforts that you take to beat imposter syndrome should relate to these areas.

Get a Business Partner

Being an entrepreneur means that you will have to make hard decisions over a long period. It also means that you will be responsible for anything that happens in the business. At times, you might feel that you are not executing well, and this is when you begin to doubt yourself.

This self-doubt could morph into a lack of confidence, and this could lead to other psychological issues. The imposter syndrome has a way of bleeding into your business, and this could be detrimental to your enterprise.

When you work with a business partner, it boosts your confidence since you know that you have somebody alongside you who is supporting you. Working with a partner who has complementary skills, knowledge, and expertise can help you navigate the imposter syndrome phase.

This is because such people can help to remind you of the progress you have made and the efforts you have put in. This can significantly assuage and eventually help you overcome any self-doubt that you may have regarding your capabilities.

Work With Feedback

The imposter syndrome is mostly an internal thing. It is something that comes from within. In this sense, it is more of a self or personal matter rather than an external thing. To get a clear and impartial picture, you might want to ask for reviews from your clients, your employees, or people you have worked with over time.

When you ask these people for their reviews, they will have independent opinions about your work. Going through these reviews can help to bring up some assertion that was chipping away. Most importantly, your clients will be in a better position to inform the decisions you have made as far as your enterprise goes.

In this sense, when you look at feedback to gauge your progress in your journey as an entrepreneur, you will find that you have made considerable progress. This feedback can help to restore your confidence, remove any self-doubts, and even revitalize your energy and resolve to move forward and make progress.

Keep Forging Ahead

No matter the imposter syndrome that you are going through, some facts remain. Like the fact that you have to ensure that you hold the ship together and keep affairs running at your enterprise. You are only going to move forward and make your company progress if you take active steps and put in the effort required day in day out.

Remember that you have set some goals that you intend to achieve after some time. The only surefire way to realize these goals is by creating and implementing short-term tactical strategies and long-term plans. Therefore, you need to ensure that day in day out; you put in the necessary effort.

In the event you oversee employees, then you might want to ensure that you do the oversight and supervision as usual. Otherwise, some things could go wrong and weigh in on your enterprise. There will be some satisfaction that will come as a result of the progress that you are making. Progress will help to alleviate the psychological situation that you are going through – the imposter syndrome – and will help you to get your confidence back.

Focus on Your Unique Skill-Set and Expertise

The imposter syndrome, in most cases, comes as a result of a feeling of inward insufficiency. This inner insufficiency could be skill insufficiency, lack of knowledge, and information about other areas. However, worth noting is that there is a lot of information to cover in the world today.

It is thus impossible to include all the information in your specific area or field of expertise. To beat the imposter syndrome, look inwards and focus on the things that you are good at. There is an array of things that you can do well and understand in depth.

What you need to do is ensure that you give these things the limelight. Amplify them. Work on them to improve yourself. This way, you can easily break that yolk of imposter syndrome, get back to your normal mentality, and forge ahead with your business.

Challenge Yourself

When you are undergoing the imposter syndrome, it means that you doubt almost everything about yourself. You doubt your skills, knowledge, experience, and capabilities that you have gained over time. Essentially, you are re-looking into yourself, thinking that you are insufficient.

As an entrepreneur, the chances are high that you have faced a lot of challenges and successfully pulled through. Therefore, if you are looking to beat the imposter syndrome, taking on a new challenge might help to boost the confidence in you.

First, a new challenge means a new hurdle to jump. It tests you, your skills, capabilities, as well as your commitment. In the entrepreneurship world, taking on a new challenge could involve setting new goals, or even doing extra on top of what is currently on your plate. It could be a business expansion. It could be increasing sales.

It could be increasing output, or even developing a new product line. All these are challenges for you to choose from to kick out the imposter syndrome. When you challenge yourself, you test your limits and capabilities. Solving these challenges can help to reinvigorate the energy in you. It can help you regain the confidence that you had. In this regard, therefore, setting yourself up for a challenge could be the game-changer.

Lifelong Learning

In the entrepreneurship world, things keep changing day in day out. There are no fixed operations or fixed environments. Disruption will always be there. The risk will always be there. The imposter syndrome makes doubt what you are, but you need to realize that you can beat it by constantly and continually improving yourself through lifelong learning.

The more knowledge you acquire in a particular area, the more your confidence increases. When your confidence increases, you will stand at a higher ground, and you will stop feeling like an imposter. For the entrepreneur, there is a lot to learn. You can learn more about how businesses in your area of focus have grown.

Their histories. How the significant players grew. You could also learn how business systems work and how they integrate and the role of your business or enterprises in your line of business in these business systems. There is always more to learn, and you can do yourself service by learning.

Learning will also help to shape your thoughts and ideas. It will also help you think from different perspectives and angles, and this can help improve your standing as an entrepreneur.

If you want to start now, you can check out our post on content marketing for startups to start learning.

Talk to Other People

It is most likely that you are not the first person experiencing imposter syndrome in your circle. There is a good chance another person in your circle, and it could be an entrepreneur even, has been through imposter syndrome.

Talking and opening up to such folks helps you to learn from their experiences. Learning from people’s experiences can help you to take on the imposter syndrome. This is possible since you look at it from various dimensions and angles since you are factoring in the experiences of other people.

Further, when you talk to people who have been through it, they will throw in a technique or two on how to get over it. These tips could also help you to rebuild your confidence, reassure yourself of your abilities, and get yourself up and running again.

Write Down Your Achievements

As an entrepreneur, you have been through a lot of ups and downs. This is how it goes in the entrepreneurial world. There is a lot of risks that entrepreneurs take whenever they go out to conduct their business affairs. When you feel that you are experiencing imposter syndrome, then beating this syndrome might require some degree of internal convincing and reassertion.

When you write down your achievements, they help to remind you how far you have come and the kind of effort that you have invested along the way. This also helps to remind you of your worth. This can be a potent tool in rebuilding your confidence since you get assurances that you have been doing the appropriate things all along, and there are things and progress to show for it.

Think Positively

The imposter syndrome can only get the better of you when you overthink it. It is worth noting that your thoughts help to shape you up. Therefore, when you think that you cannot make it, then indeed, you will not make it. When you feel that you are not worth it, then this will weigh in on your value. Entertaining negative and imposter thoughts can erode your confidence to a high degree.

In this sense, therefore, you might want to embrace positive thoughts and discard negative thoughts that only work towards reducing your value or worth. If you want to stop feeling that you are an imposter, then it is all up to you. It starts with the thoughts that you conceive in your head. Stop thinking or harboring thoughts that you are an imposter if you want to kick out the imposter syndrome.

When you look at it closely, the imposter syndrome comes up at times that things have been flowing that you think it is too easy to pull off, and you are not any special. This means that you are getting things right. It also means that you are doing the right things as far as your business or company goes. Otherwise, if you were failing, you wouldn’t develop any self-doubt as you would be working day and night to get yourself ahead.

Take a Break

Taking breaks helps to give you a new or fresh perspective on various aspects. When you have self-doubts, you might want to take a step back and take a break. During this break, focus on other stuff that does not relate to the work that you do. Break the routine. Check out your bucket list and strike something off.

Catch up with some friends. It is amazing what these breaks can do to you physically and mentally, and you might want to try them and see their impact on your self-doubts.

Create an activity that interrupts the typical workflow that can help to reset things and get you back on track. These breaks not only help to re-energize and revitalize you, but they also help to shape your thinking.

Ditch the Perfectionist Mentality

At times, the imposter mentality comes as a result of trying to attain perfectionism in what you do. Therefore, you tend to continually review your work and rate it lower or below standards since you think that it is not perfect. This also leads to overthinking, and this is where you might end up with thoughts about how insufficient your abilities are.

Different folks in various areas routinely take breaks. These breaks are often periods to retool and further sharpen skills. From professional writers to sportspeople, these breaks come in handy in skill improvement.

Ditching perfectionism or the obsession about being perfect can help significantly in getting rid of the imposter syndrome. When you ditch any perfectionist thoughts, then it becomes clear to you that it is possible to bring ideas to fruition without necessarily perfecting everything. This can, in turn, help to boost your self-confidence and help get rid of any self-doubt.

Own Your Strengths and Weaknesses

A fundamental cause of imposter syndrome is self-doubt, insufficiency, and not realizing that there are limits and boundaries. Indeed, everyone has their strengths as well as their weaknesses. When the imposter syndrome comes as a result of you looking at your weaknesses, then you are doing a huge disservice to yourself.

You need to know that you cannot be strong in all areas and that you cannot be weak everywhere. It is thus crucial that you own your strengths and your weaknesses in equal measure, and accept yourself for the person that you are.

To sum this up, the imposter syndrome affects almost everyone regardless of their situation in life. Entrepreneurs are, therefore, not exempted. It is important to note that these self-doubts often come due to explainable and sometimes unexplainable reasons. Whatever the case, getting ahead of them will immensely help your entrepreneurship journey.

Beating imposter syndrome requires firm action from within and external help. Since the syndrome stems from doubts originating from oneself, you must reassure yourself based on past successes. Also, you might want to look forward to better stuff and shrug off any negative thoughts that may hold you back as far as self-confidence goes.

Author’s bio

Daniela McVicker is a blogger and a freelance writer who works closely with B2B and B2C businesses providing blog writing, copywriting and ghostwriting services. When Daniela isn’t writing, she loves to travel, read romance and science fiction, and try new wines. You can check her last Trustmypaper review


суббота, 25 апреля 2020 г.

9 Habits Successful Entrepreneurs Use to Increase Productivity

There are always those successful entrepreneurs and small business owners who check so many tasks off of their to-do list, it seems they must have extra hours in the day. But since they’re only human, there must be something they’re doing to get so much done, right? There must be habits and hacks they have to increase productivity while encouraging inspiration to strike and creativity to flow.
In Tim Ferriss’ 2016 book, “Tools of Titans,” he gathered the habits of major field leaders and some of the most popular answers were daily mindfulness and—of all things—cooling pads for mattresses, which relax the body and help you sleep. Interesting, right?

We took note and asked several entrepreneurs and business owners what habits they have to keep themselves motivated and increase productivity. Their responses are below.

They embrace their body clocks
Contrary to popular belief, not every productive person wakes up at dawn. You just have to tap into the rhythm that works best for you.
“I wake up at 9:30 a.m. and work until 2 a.m.,” Brandon Crossley, CEO of Poindexter, said. “Because no one bothers you at 2 a.m.”  
Ben Taylor, consultant and founder of Homeworking Club, makes the most of his sleep troubles, saying, “I embrace my insomnia and messy sleep patterns and try to make myself productive at unusual times.”
They keep themselves moving
It’s no secret that exercise gives you a hit of energizing endorphins and is a tool to recharge for many. Sometimes even switching up your routine provides some much needed perspective change during a busy day.
Shyam K. Iyer, founder of SKI Charities, does this by utilizing multiple workspaces throughout the workday, something he says keeps him energized and on his toes. Zachary Weiner, CEO of Emerging Insider Communications, shares that he closes his office door and does a headstand in his office every few hours to keep the blood flowing.
Sydney Liu, co-founder of Commaful, has a nice energy-jolting habit, too. “Every time I leave the room, I have to do five pull-ups,” he shares. “After doing pull-ups, I drink a lot of water. So the cycle repeats itself!”
They get unique with their to-do lists
Andrew Elliot of Go Designer Go changes up the normal to-do list to keep his mind engaged, and he keeps track of his daily accomplishments as encouragement, too. His secret to beating monotony?
“I change the format of how my lists are written each day,” he said. “Some days I write in a spiral, or I change the spatial relation of the two lists. It makes you focus more on what you are writing and less on the dread of a long, boring list.”
Graciela Tiscareño-Sato of Gracefully Global Group does her to-do list on large pieces of butcher paper, one for the larger goals for her corporation, and one just for her.
Marketing consultant Nicole Royer separates her list of tasks into four categories: keep, give away, throw away and later. “I try to spend as little time on unnecessary tasks as possible,” she said. “Being very clear about what’s most important and time relevant really helps with that.”
They design their own kind of mindfulness
Many super successful people use mindfulness as a technique to find their centers and give their mind a much needed break.
Diane Elizabeth, founder of Skin Care Ox, uses sound to get in her flow. “I have a habit of listening to subliminal music whenever I’m having trouble getting things done…after a few minutes of listening to what is essentially ‘productivity hypnosis music,’ I find myself easing into my work effortlessly.”
They take multitasking to another level
Many entrepreneurs we spoke to noted how they try to put their commute and their workouts to extra use by checking emails, scheduling and brainstorming during that time. But some had even more unique multitasking tips.
Antonia Townsendfounder and CEO of [Enclosed], a lingerie subscription service, took a tip from a friend to use her morning routine to be productive. Her pal studied for her MBA at a makeshift work station while she straightened her very difficult to tame hair—now Townsend does something similar. She also notes that she makes her commute specifically a time to connect to other business women who inspire her.
Alan Ilyaich, founder of Eco Choice Windows & Doors, carries his laptop everywhere, so he can do work at the drop of a hat. “This includes bringing my laptop to family gatherings and the gym,” he added. “Just to name a few.”
They get their art on
Sometimes you just have to get the brain working outside your box. How about doing a little doodle or singing a tune?
Sam Olmsted, director of search and content at Online Optimism, said she’s found a great creative practice in drawing political cartoons, something she started during the hectic political news cycle.
“I wake up, read the news and draw a cartoon,” she shared. “It helps me to stay relevant, interpret information and be creative and artistic enough to get my thoughts onto a one-panel cartoon format. Not only have I gotten a jump on the day waking up one and a half hours earlier than I used to, but I stimulate my brain in a way that helps me execute my daily tasks in a creative way.”
They make brainstorming bizarre
When brainstorming sock designs, we gather around a whiteboard and blurt out absurd ideas,” Sergey Sapelnyk of Society Socks, a sock subscription service, said.  “The goal is to to think (of) radical and nonsensical ideas, and what we find time and time again is that no idea is too crazy.”
Repeat that last part, friends: no idea is too crazy.
They recognize their most creative moments in the day
Some people feel most creative in the morning, others right before they go to bed.
Scott Kalwei, founder and operator of the innovative self pouring pub, Ruins Pub, takes tiny breaks throughout the day to shake it up and keep his mind engaged and fresh. And what does he do during those little breaks? “I like to spin around in my computer chair.” While it may seem dumb, he says, those moments get his head clear and right where it needs to be.
They work less
Not overworking can be a major key to both success and that other elusive goal: happiness.
It sounds counterintuitive, but working less has enabled me to be much more productive. In the past after working long hours, I found myself avoiding difficult tasks, learning little, remembering less and making mistakes,” Brad M. Shaw, president and CEO of Dallas Web Design Inc., said.
So don’t forget to work a daily wind-down into your habits, as well.

пятница, 20 апреля 2018 г.

Innovating in Zeroes: Skype Co-Founder finds Lessons in Failure

“No one really thought it was going to work but, actually, it went okay.” That is how Jonas Kjellberg, entrepreneur and investor, described the sentiment around one of his most famous ventures — Skype.
Kjellberg has always been interested in disrupting traditional systems, and he recalled some of his business successes and failures at the 2017 European Investment Conference in Berlin, offering plenty of advice for budding and experienced entrepreneurs alike.
“The truth is, I lose more than I win,” he said. Among Kjellberg’s near-misses: a stint at a company that was failing fast. He could not figure out how to drive enough sales to keep it afloat. With his tail between his legs, he turned to his father, who put him in touch with a friend who was particularly successful in sales. The advice he received was so simple, he struggled to take it seriously: “Knock on 100 doors, get 10 responses, get one sale.”
“Sales is actually super simple — it’s math,” Kjellberg said. Today, when he looks for companies to invest in, he focuses on how they innovate in sales. All of the successful companies he’s worked with have built a compelling sales proposition.
“This is a science that most companies neglect,” he said. “The successful ones make it an art form.”
Innovating in Zeroes
Kjellberg introduced the audience to the concept of innovating in zeroes. What does it mean to innovate in zeros? Cut down your costs in ways that your competitors haven’t yet figured out.
For example, Airbnb has innovated in zeros by cutting out all hotel maintenance costs. How much does it cost Airbnb to clean one of its listed apartments? Nothing. How did Amazon innovate in zeros? It cut the costs associated with brick-and-mortar stores.
Skype is a prime example of this phenomenon as well. While traditional telecommunications companies invested in infrastructure, Skype piggybacked on the internet connections users already paid for to place calls.
Another way in which Skype cut down on costs: dropping customer service. Customer service can eat up a lot of a business’s capital and still leave customers unsatisfied. As Kjellberg noted, he was “often more angry after talking to customer service” than he was about the original problem. So he and his team made it impossible for users to call Skype.
While it’s a bold move to remove all customer-service options, many organizations havemigrated their customer-service models towards chatbots, another method that is cheaper than hiring rooms of human agents.
Extra Zeros
In some cases, innovation in cost cutting just isn’t possible. Kjellberg says the question you should ask yourself then is, “If I can’t innovate by zeros, what can I do to put an extra zero behind my price?”
But driving sales is not always enough to guarantee a successful long-term business. One of Kjellberg’s notable failures came before his time at Skype, and taught him the importance of understanding what users want — not just what boards want.
Kjellberg served as vice president of Bertelsmann for Lycos Europe, the second-largest search engine at the time. The same day he joined the organization, Google was founded. When the topic of buying Google came up, the company’s lawyers advised the board against it. Google was “totally overvalued, there is no business model,” they said.
“Google always talked about delighting the user,” Kjellberg said. “My motto had always been, ‘Always delight the shareholder.’ Users are something you bring through the door.”
Lycos tried a different model in an effort to fight off the challenge from the upstart search engine. “Do you think it was a success?” Kjellberg asked. “No. It was an epic failure. The company was listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and now it’s gone.”
What did Google do differently? “They just made a better product,” he said. “And if you’re a simple sales guy, that’s not fair.”
The Friction-Free Story
There is another way to look at the success of companies like Google: through the message they send to potential customers. What is the friction-free story? If you don’t know what your message is and can’t explain it internally, there is no way your potential customers will understand it. If you’re at the head of the table and don’t know what your company is selling, how do you expect your employees to know? This concept parallels another partner of innovation, what Kjellberg calls “tomorrow’s delight.”
Tomorrow’s delight, Kjellberg says, is looking ahead to see how the market will change and getting in front of it, rather than sitting back complacently as other companies catch up and beat you at your own game.
He used the example of Volvo, “the pinnacle of Swedish engineering.” Volvo built its reputation and its friction-free story at a time when safety features constituted a unique selling point for an automobile. But Volvo didn’t change its messaging when safety became a commodity, and every car came equipped with the same features. After poor performance, Volvo was sold to Geely Holding Group, a Chinese automotive manufacturing company. Now, Kjellberg said, it’s “‘Scandinavian designed,’” and doing quite well.”
Business leaders should always be aware of what both established and upstart competitors are doing and how they may compete for the throne. More importantly, they should also understand why customers come to them in the first place.
In the end, success is relative. Its measures are as varied as the people setting them. Kjellberg defines it based on his own experiences: “Success is going from failure to failure with the same enthusiasm.”

вторник, 17 октября 2017 г.

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Stay Motivated

As an entrepreneur, staying motivated can make the difference between business success and business failure. Other people will appreciate your work ethic and you will have a greater chance at success.
There are other positive outcomes that could happen as a result of staying motivated as well. Your home life can improve and you may make more money in your business.
But staying motivated, regardless of the many positive reasons to do so, is not always easy to do. Below there are 5 ways entrepreneurs can stay motivated that can help you.

1. Focus on the Positives

When you are tired or lack motivation staying positive about your work is not always easy. One thing that can help you to remain motivated is to keep your focus in the right place.
Rather than keeping your attention on negative people and situations, concentrate on what is positive. Even if the only good thing about your day is that you got up and got to work, make that your focus instead. Keep working and stay thankful you are able to do so when others aren’t able.

2. Create a Mission Statement

One way entrepreneurs can stay motivated is by creating a mission statement. Are you wondering what that is and the purpose for it?
A mission statement summarizes your goals and values. It can give you direction and help you remember your purpose or reason for starting your business in the first place. Furthermore, it’s a great tool to help you stay motivated.

3. Set Goals

Setting business goals is akin to creating a business plan. To put it another way, you are creating a map of where you are going and steps for how to get there. Instead of simply plugging along in your business you will have a reason for working every day.
Think of it like the end zone in a football game. If you have ever watched football you know that the goal is to get a player in the end zone with the ball so that team can score.
Having goals is very similar. It gives you something to work towards, which can ensure that you keep working even when it’s hard.
Perhaps you are working hard so that in the future you will be able to take more vacations. Or, maybe you are working hard now so you can retire early and have more leisure time. You could be trying to have a larger nest egg for retirement.
No matter if your goals are short term or long term, having clear goals gives you an end zone to move toward in your work.

4. Get in a Routine

If you are in business for yourself and working at home some people find it hard to get started each day. Something that can help is to get into a routine.
Begin each day by getting yourself ready and then getting your cup of coffee and rolling up your sleeves to tackle your work. Or, read a short motivational story. You can find plenty of sources on the internet on Facebook or from other sources.
The point is to set up a regular routine that can help you get through your day. You might be surprised by all that you can accomplish by doing this one small thing.

5. Enjoy Small Rewards

Another way entrepreneurs can stay motivated is by enjoying small rewards. Working without ever rewarding yourself can make you begin to question why you are working in the first place. This can zap your motivation and put you on a path toward failure.
You don’t have to spend thousands to give yourself a reward. You can enjoy small rewards that help you keep your focus.
Get your favorite drink from a local coffee house once a month. Or, make a special treat at home once per week. Find something you enjoy that makes you feel good and indulge once in a while. These small rewards are what make life worth living and can keep you going.
When you want to thrive in your business, staying motivated is important. Use these ideas to stay motivated so you can reach your goals.