вторник, 24 июня 2014 г.

How To Land A Job When You’re Over 55


A common theme I hear from candidates in their mid fifties and older, is that being out of work when you are over 55 is the proverbial “kiss of death” to a career.
I hear from these candidates that they feel overlooked and passed over, that their resumes go into the dreaded black hole and they don’t get calls — let alone interviews — solely because of the their age and nothing more.
And I say, “Nonsense!”  I am a firm believer in the old adage, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Beyond some of the advice you’ve probably already heard about having an up-to-date resume and making sure your skills and credentials are current, here are 5 tips you might not have heard before:
  1. Project energy and optimism. A can-do, energetic attitude is the single most important thing you can do to improve you odds of landing a job. A light walk (or having a bounce in your walk), a sparkle in the eye, and no sighing, will help. Always focus on the opportunities, and find the silver lining in every situation. When you talk use positive words, and make sure to use uplifting words to describe yourself and even your job search.
  2. Create an online presence.  Be an active LinkedIn user.  Check out XING.  Tweet every once and awhile.  Make sure your online profiles are up to date.  If you can, create a blog and actively post on your blog.  Build a following.  These are easy things you can do to build a personal brand presence that is searchable by potential employers, and that also indicates you are in touch with current technologies.
  3. Check your ego at the door.  Be able to demonstrate your potential for value add – humbly.   If you present yourself as “been there and done it” — it doesn’t sell.  If you belabor the “history” lessons, you won’t get the call back.  You have to present yourself as knowledgeable AND willing to learn and embrace the new.  Accept that your teachers AND managers at the company may be a decade or two or three younger than you. And, most importantly, project the willingness to learn and the enthusiasm to climb learning curves – whatever they will be.
  4. Be current on current events.  Know what is going on in your industry, in the world.  Who are the disruptors?  Who are the movers and shakers?  Who are the thought leaders?  How do global trends and events impact your industry?
  5. Be flexible.  This is the hard one to swallow.   You may need to lower your compensation expectations and/or be prepared to work on a contract basis until you prove yourself. Titles will become less important in the whole scheme of things – when you have to choose between paying the mortgage and having a job.  You just cannot afford to be overpriced and overqualified.
Your job search may take a little longer, but it is not impossible.  You just need to be resolved, resourceful, and optimistic, and things will happen.
About the Author
Elena Bajic is the founder and CEO of Ivy Exec, a selective online career network for top performers.

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