вторник, 11 августа 2020 г.

The 61 Best Marketing Tools for Every Business & Budget [2019 Guide] Part 2.

(Continued. The part 1 - https://bit.ly/3immuI2)

Lead Nurturing

In the world of lead nurturing, the tools and techniques used are constantly involving. While some aspects of nurturing remain the same, like using email to nurture contacts down your funnel, for example, the content and positioning you use is ever-changing. It would be easy for us to introduce a set of standard workflow and automation tools (like HubSpot's, for example) you can use to nurture your contacts down the funnel. But if you're looking for something a little more innovative for actually creating nurturing content, we have a new tool for you to try.
Vidyard is a great tool for creating and hosting awesome video content in your nurturing flows and otherwise. At HubSpot, for example, we've even started using Vidyard to create unique, customized nurturing videos specific to our audience and product. What makes Vidyard so great is its variety of video tools that you can use to create remarkable content.
From Vidyard's live feature to its studio content creation products to its free tool - ViewedIt -- Vidyard is an excellent tool if you're a marketer looking to jump on the video bandwagon and start integrating video into all of your content.

Online Advertising

If your team is making investments into PPC ad campaigns on platforms like Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, it's probably a bit of a hassle to manage all the different ad campaigns you're running across each different network. Besides just managing them, you then have to try and report on the results of all of them. What a struggle. Luckily, there's a tool for that.
AdStage takes the hassle out reporting on all of the PPC campaigns you're running and puts it all in one place. AdStage helps you automate, create, and manage your campaigns across all of the major PPC platforms, then allows you to report on your results. With visual features and powerful automation tools, AdStage is a must for PPC experts and newbies alike.
Check out AdStage

Other Online Advertising Tools:

  • HubSpot Ads Add-On
  • Perfect Audience
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • AdRoll

Project Management

File management and organization is one thing, but how do you manage all of the moving pieces of a marketing campaign or project? There are many different tools you can use for project management, but only one sticks out when it comes to the number of integrations and features at the price of -- oh yeah -- free!
Trello is a great project management tool for small teams and individuals. With it's Kanban-style setup and fun user interface, Trello lets you set up to-do lists and tag individual cards with due dates, members, labels, and more. You can attach files, links, images, and more to your cards and easily get a full-view of any project that you're working on. At HubSpot, we use Trello daily to manage our team campaigns and individual to-do lists. Want an example of how we do this? Check out our guide to managing marketing campaigns in Trello.
Get Trello -- It's Free!

Other Project Management Tools:

  • HubSpot Projects Tool (one of many tools in the HubSpot Marketing Platform)
  • JIRA
  • Asana
  • Airtable

Search Engine Optimization

Whether its keyword research, content optimization, or checking your current page rankings, every marketer needs a go-to tool for planning what content to create and how to optimize it for SEO. Google Analytics and SEMrush our great tools for planning which keywords to rank for, but how do you make sure the content you create actually meets your goal once it's created?
Ryte is the ideal tool marketers can use to make sure their SEO efforts are having a real impact on their marketing strategy.
Check out Ryte now

Other SEO Tools:

  • HubSpot Content Strategy Tool
  • Google Analytics / Keyword Tool
  • Keywords Everywhere Chrome Extension
  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush
  • Moz

Social Media

Social Media Managers know the pain of posting that perfect social media post only to have a follower find a typo a minute later and call you out. For marketers, using a social media tool to schedule all of your posts (so you catch those typos beforehand) is a must. But it also helps to get the right analytics from your social posts, especially on channels where it can be hard to get that information.
Iconosquare is the perfect tool for marketers to grow their brand on Instagram with easy-to-use analytics. It's not always easy to know what's working and what's not on Instagram. But, as the second most popular social channel and one that's quickly approaching first most popular among some age groups, it's a channel that marketers can't afford to miss out on. Try Iconosquare now to maximize your Instagram analytics and optimize your brand Instagram channel for success.
Try Iconosquare Now

Other Social Media Tools:

  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • HubSpot Social Inbox (one of many tools in the HubSpot Marketing Platform)
  • Team Communication

    Where would your work day be without accessibility and communication between you and your colleagues? Probably pretty frustrating. Marketers can't shy away from communication when it comes to aligning with team members and across the company, so having the right team communication tools is necessary every single day.
    I'd be given a lot of slack if I didn't make the world aware of this tool.
    Slack is a powerful messaging app that allows you and your teammates to quickly message back and forth without the hassle of email. But it's not just AOL instant messenger 2.0. Slack has powerful features and integrations that make it possible for you to integrate all of your other daily tools -- like Trello, Gmail, Giphy, and so many more -- right where you're already communicating. You can start channels between different teams or just chat with specific colleagues. Slack makes remote and in-person work possible and easier than ever.
    Get Slack today. Seriously. Do it.

Another tool to mention, though slightly different in purpose, is Shift. If you're running multiple email account and multiple extensions and applications, this is a great way to organize everything.
A cool part of Shift is that, in addition to compiling your email inboxes, it also allows you to manage other applications, such as HubSpot Sales, Grammarly, and Asana.

Other Team Communication Tools:

  • HipChat
  • Google Chat
  • Join.Me
  • Zoom
  • Skype

Website Optimization

As marketers, sometimes it feels like we're constantly making educated guesses about how our site visitors are going to interact with our content. While we might design a page to draw our user's eye to a spot on a page, how do we ever really know where their focus is so that we can improve that experience?
Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand what your web and mobile site visitors are looking at when they interact with your site. WIth its visual heatmap tools, you can understand what users want, care about, and interact with on your site. Hotjar visually represents visitors' clicks, taps and scrolling behavior, giving you the ability to find hot areas for growth and conversion rate optimization.
Convinced? Try Hotjar. It's Free!

Other Website Optimization Tools:

  • HubSpot Website Platform
  • Optimizely
  • Unbounce

Get the Full List of Tools

* = Free Marketing Tools

We've covered a lot of tools for every part of your job on this page. But sometimes, it's just helpful to see the full list. Here is our list of the top 61 marketing tools you need to know about. You'll see an asterisk (*) next to each free marketing tool that has either a free account with limited features or a select group of free functions within the product.


Adobe Color CC*Hotjar*Product Hunt*
Adobe Spark*HubSpot Academy*Recordit*
AdrollHubSpot CRM*SEMRush*
AdstageHubSpot Marketing*Skillshare*
Canva*Keywords Everywhere*Typeform*
General AssemblyOptimizelyWistia*
Google AdsPocket*Zoom*
Google Analytics*Picatic* 
Google Drive*  
Digital Marketing Tuner*

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