среда, 29 января 2025 г.
Dave Ulrich: Reinventing the Organization
среда, 15 ноября 2023 г.
The 20 Companies That Produce the Most CEOs
Consulting firms have the highest share of employees who go on to become chief executive officers of American companies.
That's according to a recent report from OnDeck. The researchers used LinkedIn data to determine what proportion of employees at major companies end up as CEOs.
An infographic (below) covers key findings from the report.
The researchers found that McKinsey & Company produces the highest share of CEOs (7.1% of former employees now hold the title). It is followed by Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, and Kearny.
Check out the infographic to see the 20 companies that topped the list:
вторник, 26 сентября 2023 г.
Understanding, Engaging and Developing Your Workforce
Understanding and developing your people
The most valuable resource of any organization is its people. Staff well-being and their level of satisfaction directly impacts on an organisation’s performance and success.
Satisfied people are not necessarily high performers. Happy, content employees are less inclined to seek improvements or do things differently. In today’s climate, this is not a good position for any organization. A company needs energised, motivated staff eager to try something new.
Organizations need to understand behaviors and the key motivating factors for employees. Motivational theories can be helpful at understanding motivations, though satisfaction at work is achieved through a complex interplay of variables. High pay rarely compensates for poor working conditions, and modern offices and good working conditions rarely compensate for very low pay.
Engaging your employees
Engagement is a combination of commitment to the organization and its values, plus a willingness to help colleagues. It goes beyond job satisfaction. Engagement cannot be ‘required’ as part of the employment contract. There are many individual and organizational factors determining engagement. Engaged employees speak positively about their organization, have a strong desire to be a member of their organization, and make an effort to contribute to its success.
Measuring satisfaction
Common approaches to measuring satisfaction use a combination of qualitative and quantitative research designs. Off the shelf staff survey packages are available, but most companies choose a customized project design conducted by an external agency/partner or in-house HR team.
Qualitative research methods take their roots in the social sciences. They are often used in early consultations with staff identifying issues of greatest importance. At this consultative stage, staff should have freedom to express their views. Research is carried out through internal focus groups and depth interviews.
Quantitative research methods involve samples of large numbers and measurement. It is usual for staff surveys to be census surveys, inviting all staff to participate. The questionnaire is developed from issues which have arisen from the consultative stage, and the questionnaire comprises mainly closed questions.
The employee survey
Employee surveys normally cover key areas impacting on the staff experience, such as leadership and staff development opportunities.
The rating scales are usually determined by the sensitivity of the measurement required. There is no definitive or “correct” way to measure satisfaction – all scales need to be translated to a numerical scale in order to analyse the results.
Ensuring the highest response rate
When carrying out surveys, getting employees on-board can be challenging. Poor response rates, insufficient or unclear information and a failure to use the survey to drive actions are just some of the disappointments that are reported. Attention to several issues surrounding the survey can facilitate a positive response, including CEO involvement and a publicity campaign prior to the survey.
Comparing employee satisfaction
Benchmarking of employee satisfaction can be carried out internally where scores from within the company are compared using the same questions over a period of time, or externally, where scores from other external organisations are taken and compared.
External benchmarking has problems of comparability when taken out of the context of the original survey. It can be tempting to “cherry pick” questions from several sources where the data from other companies is publicly available, however, questionnaires tend to work in their entirety, and the total composition of the questionnaire therefore has an impact on the results obtained.
суббота, 17 апреля 2021 г.
Evolving and Elevating Leadership Consciousness
How conscious is your own leadership and your leadership team? What do you and your leaders need to become to create the future you want? What type of leaders are needed? How can leaders enable breakthroughs at all levels of society - individuals, teams, communities, organizations (for profit and not for profit) and even nations?
- The Consciousness which perceives the world is one with the Reality of the world. Consciousness and reality are one. [1]
- We construct our own reality - everything in our world is self created.[3]
- Timeless leaders free the confines of their consciousness and rediscover its identity with reality to liberate the human potential that lies with themselves and others (and others). [3]
- This translates in time in the organisational world to higher employee engagement, productivity, individual and organisational capacity and profitability.
Call to Action – Leadership profiling and Discovery workshops
The diagram below summarises the action steps that a company can take to access this newer (postmodern) science of liberating the immense potential, performance and effectiveness through higher stages of leadership consciousness development. This is an opportunity to get a head start for the challenges and opportunities that we all will have to face in the future of work and in our lives.
How some of our customers have seen demonstrated business benefits
"I love that the tool does get at deeper discussions, this is terrific." (HR Director P&G Europe)
"We as Omega truly are inspired by your intent and we are experiencing a true partnership. We are really proud to have partnered with you." Senior Director Human Resources, Omega Healthcare Management Services
"It's heartening to see so many of us working towards a common vision in our own ways across the world. Look forward to working with you in trying to understand what we can do for our organisation...hopefully make it into a larger case study". Head of Personal Excellence & Organization Transformation at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
“Together with HR, I have reviewed and endorsed the “Being At Full Potential” methodology and believe it could be a great enabler in our journey as a Team. … I entirely trust the solidity of the self-assessment survey he (Mark) is offering us to take. VP Global Sustainability P&G.
Leadership today - We are taught what to do as leaders, but we must learn how to be good leaders[4]
Organisation have done a great job at teaching leaders in what to DO as managers and leaders - in setting direction, translating goals into concrete actions, establishing the right systems, structures and reward mechanisms to influence behavior, all contribute to the DNA of an effective “DOING” leader.
Leaders in the modern era are trained for the need to manage (and DO) things that works well in simple and complicated situations. We have learned how to be very good at this. We are taught well in what to do as a leader and we are good at it. But this world is clearly disappearing in the new technological age of unrelentless changes, complexity and often chaos that leaders must deal with constantly today. In other words, effective “DOING” leaders alone are insufficient for meeting today’s and especially the future needs of organisations.
But in terms of our innate Human Potential “How much of a person's true leadership potential is being expressed when we solely focus on the “DOING” or stay at DOING level? 50% 65%?
Our Human Potential data shows that the average is 65% (see figure below)
What new learning will it take to move the ‘Human Potential needle’ to 80% or 90%?
Our Human Potential data shows that the average is 65% (see figure below).
New studies by many prominent constructive-developmental researchers[5] have shown us a new body of knowledge of higher stages of leadership development by new learning that can shift the “leadership potential meter”. This body of knowledge called “Action Logic”, first developed by William Torbert (building on the work of other scientists and researchers) and it is catching the attention of global leaders - both in high ranked organisations and large not for profit global organisations.
There are 8 action logics prevalent in the adult population as summarised by the generalised diagram (by Edward Kelly[6]) shown below.
Vertical Learning is the key to shift the leadership potential to the next level of action logic or consciousness
According to the constructive-developmental scientists and researchers, there are two kinds of growth that we associate with adult development - vertical and horizontal and both are important, but they are very different. “If horizontal development is concerned with content and what we know, vertical development is concerned with how we know it (Harris & Kuhnert). As Cook-Greuter describes it, horizontal development is the gradual accumulation of new knowledge, new skills and experience, which can occur without any fundamental change in the individual’s overall meaning making, epistemology or worldview. Vertical development on the other hand, which is a much rarer form of development, entails a complete transformation in the individual’s meaning-making and in their overall view of reality that in turn transforms what they think, how they feel and what they do.[7] This is illustrated in the diagram below.
The new science of vertical learning is becoming central to leadership and high-performance development in organisations.
There is an economic value business case for leaders to develop their leadership action logic or consciousness. In a study by Zenger & Folkman (of over 20,000 leaders), they state that “Good leaders create 3x more economic value than poor leaders, and extraordinary leaders create significantly more economic value than all the rest.” (emphasis mine). From their study, they show that good or great leaders have leadership characteristics that enable them to increase productivity, employee engagement, innovation and customer orientation.
Newer studies show that by developing the action logic or consciousness of leaders, they can potentiate a shift (an increase) in their leadership potential leading to higher performance and expanded effectiveness.[8]
Today, this new leadership action logic development and learning has been accessed by primarily by high-ranked global corporations or more progressive companies. They have paved the way for this adopting new developmental research science into the organisational world. But they also gain a head start in developing the next generation of Conscious leaders.
We [1] believe is that leadership consciousness development goes beyond creating economic value. Together with creating economic value, conscious leaders also learn how to enable breakthroughs at all levels of society - individuals, teams, communities, organizations and even nations. In other words, conscious leadership goes beyond just creating economic value.
By deploying our Human Potential realisation tool and methodology, we now have access to a new language and developmental practices (rituals, ceremonies and symbols) for shifting individual leader’s consciousness maturity or action logic across to their next higher state or level, and therefore to higher states of leadership performance and experience.
Another actionable pathway in learning and applying leadership action logic or consciousness
We [9] offer another viable and practical pathway to access higher stages of leadership consciousness or action logic. Our work lies at the intersection of cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom traditions.
Modern management science and ancient wisdom traditions recognize a certain state consistent among those who operate at high potential. These people tend to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, create significant impact and have the ability to do all of this while remaining centered, irrespective of the circumstances they encounter.
When the Human Spirit is ignited, peak performance inevitably follows
In the realm of sports, music and arts we have known this for a long time. Acquiring more skills can only take us so far. Getting to Peak Performance however also requires doing the inner work of shifting mindsets, addressing our limiting beliefs and learning to manage the EGO through higher stages (or levels) of consciousness. Now is the time to bring this same thinking into the world of organizations.
Since the late 2000s, we have taken on the challenge to create a holistic model that will inform and help drive greater levels of Human Potential realization among individuals and organizations. The “Consciousness Maturity Index” is the product of that effort.
The ultimate test that decides whether leaders are reaching their ultimate leadership potential or not is by finding out how masterful they are in the manner they consciously experience reality.[10]
Awakening our consciousness through vertical learning AND elevating levels of consciousness help us to redefine our view of reality (and help others to do so as well), to start showing up in our full potentialities as leaders and in “dancing” with the how the reality of the emerging situations is occurring to us in the complex and uncertain world we live in.
Our Human Potential diagnostics gives leaders in organisations another affordable, practical and actionable way in advancing leadership action logic and consciousness, leading to the development and liberation of leadership potential that lies within themselves and their performance and effectiveness.
Our Human Potential diagnostics also give us a new kind of language and crucible for supporting, shifting and uncovering consciousness to help us to see the world with “new eyes” that reflects new possibilities and insights. The diagram below summarise how this new pathway helps us in learning and advancing leadership action logic and its correlation with consciousness maturity states or levels.
Developing a spectrum of next generation conscious leaders
It is a well know statement (attributed to Albert Einstein) that “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness
that created it.” Through this new pathway of developing conscious leaders with the Human Potential Diagnostics, we are also developing a conveyor, pipeline or spectrum of the next generation of conscious leaders – in solving today’s and tomorrow’s problems, challenges and opportunities with new levels or states of consciousness.
Companies developing a spectrum of leaders with different stages of action logics is better prepared to take advantage of the opportunities and face challenges in the fast change, volatile and complex future world that we are working in. These companies have a greater capacity and confidence to act in and on the world in a way it believes it can be effective and have significant impact.[11]
The diagram below shows how for example we can map or profile the spectrum of leadership consciousness levels or action logics of 10 leaders in an organisation.
Creating the Future That We Aspire For
The Human Potential Assessment Tool and methodology makes it very easy for organizational leaders to discover how and where to place themselves (the types of leadership action logics and consciousness) based on today's reality, and more importantly, get a glimpse of what the emerging future reality and human capacity could look like at its full potentiality.
It is this future state, and the additional value that it can create for an organization, that triggers an openness to look at the deeper human levers sitting beneath the surface. Not only do we measure where you and/or your organisation are today on these leadership priorities, but we also provide you with a detailed map of your ideal end state.
With this ideal state in mind we work backwards to identify the areas of intervention at the deeper human dimension to bridge the leadership gap and the readiness to deliver short- and long-term expectation and outcomes demanded by customers and stakeholders.
[1] Rupert Spira – The Transparency of Things
[2] Debashis Chatterjee – The other 99%
[4] Inspired by an article I read, but could not find the reference to it
[5] Piaget, Loevinger, Kegan, Cook-Greuter, Torbert, Ken Wilber, Barrett Brown and many (many) others
[6] Edward Kelly - Transformation in Leadership, Part 1: A Developmental Study of Warren Buffett
[7] Ibid
[8] Reference – Barrett Brown – Leadership at the edge – leading complex change with postconventional consciousness; with adaptations
[9] Being at Full Potential - http://beingatfullpotential.com/
[10] Debashis Chatterjee – The other 99% - adapted
[11] Reference - on action logic and action inquiry by William Torbert - http://www.williamrtorbert.com/
понедельник, 7 мая 2018 г.
Management Skills 101: How setting expectations is critical to leadership
How is setting expectations a critical leadership skill?
The 4 key areas to setting expectations
Evaluating Performance Expectations
- Does your team know what’s expected of them? It’s important to have your team paraphrase what has been told to them. Have a conversation to test their understanding of the expectations shared with them. People may know the specifics, but often lack knowledge about how what they do helps the entire organization.
- Have you told your team what they can expect from you? It’s important to let employees know that you as their manager are available to them. It’s important they know how and when to reach out to you, and that you are accessible to them as a knowledgeable resource. For new hires, the role would be more as a teacher than as a boss. For experienced hires, you will have to be a coach and help them unlearn and relearn the behavioral and cultural aspects of their job. For the team, you will be the supplier of resources as well as their champion.
- Do employees know what is expected of each other? In a team everyone has defined roles and responsibilities, so it’s also important that everyone knows how their work affects their colleagues and how to work in tandem to achieve team/organizational goals.
четверг, 25 февраля 2016 г.
Keep Calm and Manage Disruption
Joshua S. Gans
If you want to capture the attention of a business leader, say the word “disruption.” At least, that was the reaction of Andy Grove, then the CEO of Intel Corp., when he first heard the disruption theory espoused by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen.1Christensen argued that even when a company does everything right — for example, focuses on its customers — it remains vulnerable to competition from unexpected sources. Christensen had seen a pattern of market leaders being upended by entrants in the hard disk drive and steel industries, among others. Grove called Christensen’s message “scary,”2 and indeed, over the past 20 years, Christensen’s observations have led to widespread fear and paranoia. In the minds of many executives, disruption is just around the corner, and the fear is palpable.