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суббота, 24 августа 2024 г.

43 business lessons I wish I knew at 21


For the past 2 decades I've helped 

Hundreds of companies grow.

All over the world. 

But the very first company I grew

Was my own. 

I started it when I was only 21 years old. 

And there was a lot I didn't know.

So I made mistakes

I doubted myself

I wasted time

I hesitated.

Here are 43 business lessons I wish I knew at 21: 

1. Results matter.

2. Mind your business.

3. Perception is reality.

4. Innovate or evaporate.

5. Measure twice, cut once.

6. Done is better than perfect.

7. Focus on what you can control. 

8. Your network is your net worth.

9. If it was easy anyone could do it.

10. Actions speak louder than words.

11. Consistency is the key to success.

12. Ideas are easy, execution is hard.

13. Learning never exhausts the mind.

14. Focus on progress, not perfection.

15. The best investment is in yourself.

16. Discipline eats talent for breakfast.

17. Persistence breaks down resistance.

18. Vision without action is just a dream.

19. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

20. The best time to start is always now.

21. Execution beats strategy every time.

22. Always choose quality over quantity.

23. Your challenges reveal your character.

24. Your reputation is your greatest asset.

25. Everyone else is still figuring it out too.

26. Delegate so you can buy back your time.

27. Negotiate with the goal to create value.

28. Every setback is a setup for a comeback.

29. Feedback is the breakfast of champions.

30. Change is the only constant so keep adapting.

31. Growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.

32. Whatever happens, you either win or you learn.

33. How you do anything is how you do everything.

34. Work hard enough so one day you can get lucky.

35. You choose to accept everything you don’t change.

36. Break every task down in small sub steps and just start.

37. Stay humble and kind no matter what room you walk into.

38. Don't take criticism from those who have never built anything

39. There is no reward without risk, but not all risk gets rewarded.

40. You’re on your own path, so don’t compare yourself to anyone else.

41. You are the product of the closest 5 people you surround yourself with.

42. Most people don’t care about you, don’t worry over what others think.

43. Your best life is at the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for.