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понедельник, 30 декабря 2024 г.

Tactics for Managing Change


Managing change in an organization is crucial for encouraging new growth and instilling confidence in employees. Therefore, managers must provide leadership and inspire employees to make changes themselves.

After observing changes in numerous industries, I created an 11-item checklist for managers to use to manage and promote change.

1. Be a Change Agent

Embrace change instead of simply letting it happen. Become involved, and be an agent of it. Work hard to realign the way you think about it. Typically, when organizations experience change, there are gaps and spaces – organizational uncertainty – about things like ill-defined roles.

2. Utilize the Empowerment

Many times, the best way to be a change agent is to utilize the empowerment you have been given and do a power grab. If there are things to accomplish, just do it! Don’t wait until deciding if it is the organization’s responsibility or yours. If it’s a gap and needs to be filled, then fill the gap.

3. Focus on Short-Range Objectives

When you are trying to work on change, instead of looking at the big vision of where you want to go, create a series of short-range objectives. It is good for you, the manager, as well as the organization that reports to you.

4. Get Resistance Out in the Open

As you manage the changes, understand any resistance that is out there. In other words, if you are proposing something different, make sure to:

  • Propose it,
  • Get it out there, and
  • Figure out why there is resistance to it.

That way, you can understand how it is going to work. In fact, you can couch it like this, “Hey, we’re going to be agile. Let’s perform an experiment. You have these reasons why it won’t work, but we want to try to move in this direction. Let’s do this for x period of time and see if those concerns come up. Then, we can adjust.”

5. Lead by Being a Motivator

If you are a line manager and trying to be a change agent, encourage and motivate people to be willing to experiment, be agile, and be leaders. Leaders create followers. That is a crucial part of the process as is motivation.

6. Encourage Initiative

It is important to realize that all the ideas cannot be yours as the manager. Encourage the initiative from people reporting to you. If you can ultimately get people motivated and following you, then have them help you establish short-range objectives. Get them to find the power grabs out there and be their own change agent. The best thing a manager can do is to lead a group of fellow change agents. 

7. Create a Supportive Work Environment

During this time of change, people will be more stressed than not. For example, they may be thinking … Does this change mean that my job is going to change? Will I still be needed? I won’t be as valuable. The people I work with might not be here because of the reorganization.

Those are all the thoughts going through people’s minds when they are in the middle of a major change. Create the most supportive work environment that you can so that people have a chance to feel comfortable and have a safe space. They need to know that there will be good communication throughout the process.

8. Pass Out More Psychological Paychecks

Because of all the stress, you must provide more psychological paychecks. In other words, subconsciously they are thinking, “Is my job going away or changing? What’s going to happen to the people around me?”

Before they put those thoughts into words, pay them the support they need by saying, “Wow, what you’re doing is really valuable. I’m sure glad we have you doing that. I can’t imagine what we would do if we didn’t have you.”

Little encouragements like that go a long way. Before people can figure out the words to describe the stress they are feeling, they already have reinforcement. They think to themselves, “Hey, wait a minute. My boss just told me how this couldn’t be done by anyone else but me. Wow! That’s really cool.” Once that individual is comfortable, they can help the other people around them to accept the change. That is an excellent way for managers to create change agents within their organization. 

9. Increase Communication

What I have just talked about has really increased communication, which is a critical part of a supportive environment. But another crucial element is to ensure that people communicate with each other effectively. 

10. Reduce the Level of Job Stress

Do whatever you can to reduce the level of job stress during times of change. This is not the time to do 10% more with 10% less time and resources. This phase requires extra space for people to maneuver. Provide opportunities for them to think about things – how to be a change agent and what are ways to be able to do that.

11. Proactively Encourage Risk-Taking

Do whatever you can do to make employees feel better so that they are comfortable with change. Once this occurs, the next step is to encourage team members throughout your organization to proactively take on risk.

Sliwa Leads by Example

When I was at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as their new President, I was concerned about trying to create change and to encourage the faculty members and managers to follow suit.

I gave a speech to about 1,500 people and talked about how it was important to have a model to reduce risk aversion because many things are broken and need fixing. One reason that there was little change was that people were afraid of making mistakes. It was a very control-oriented organization, partially because of the extensive military influence. I tried to send the message that we must reduce the risk of making mistakes. My main point was, “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes!”

I encouraged people to:

  • Not be afraid of making mistakes.
  • Identify them.
  • Correct them.
  • Avoid them in the future.
  • Learn from the experience.

Early on, I made what many of the faculty viewed as a major mistake. I appointed a dean who they did not feel comfortable with, nor did they approve of the process I used. I had consulted numerous people about the position, talked it out, found out what I required, and then made a selection.

They were not happy with that. After a couple of days of people visiting me and explaining how upset they were, I said, “Okay. I made a mistake and will correct it. For this particular dean position, I will list my requirements and ask the faculty to conduct a search and provide three candidates. From there, I will make the final choice.” They liked that idea and moved forward. Even though we ended up with a candidate who did not satisfy all my requirements, it was a joint project. 

About six months later when I had built some rapport, several faculty members said to me, “Yes, Sliwa leads by example. He told us to go out there and make mistakes. And by golly, that’s what he did. Right from the beginning, he made a huge blunder.” I had to chuckle about that because it is a fun faculty interpretation of the situation. It ended up being a little endearing. 

About five to eight years after I left Embry-Riddle, some faculty members were talking to faculty at another institution. They said some kind things about my tenure and also brought up the fact that I encouraged taking risks and making mistakes. I had also made plenty of errors in the beginning, such as the dean appointment, but I was willing to correct them. At the time, they were shocked that a President would listen and be willing to admit and correct his/her mistakes.

I was true to my principles. If you make a mistake, own it, correct it, and then avoid it in the future. That experience created endearment between the faculty and me.


понедельник, 28 августа 2023 г.

Marketing strategy vs tactics – why the difference matters


9 key differences between strategy vs tactics

What is the difference between strategy vs tactics?’ is one of the most common questions that 'crops up' when I’m running training workshops or discussing creating marketing plans with businesses.

It’s no surprise since the difference between these two activities often isn’t distinct. Yet, it’s an important question to answer since our research shows that so many businesses don’t have a clear marketing strategy or plan.

Without a clear strategy, it’s likely some of your tactics may be poorly directed, so may not be propelling the business in the direction needed.

9 key features that distinguish marketing strategy vs tactics

In this article, I will show the difference between strategy and tactics by looking at the characteristics of marketing strategy, which distinguish it from tactics. I’ll give examples that help show the difference between the two based on essential strategic activities.

What's the difference between strategy vs tactics?

Strategy dictates the marketing activity needed to achieve your business goals and vision, whereas tactics, the 'detail of the strategy', answer how exactly that will happen.

The 9 points below can be used to check if your current marketing strategy is high-level enough, compared to a tactical plan. You can also highlight the benefits of a marketing strategy when advocating for a more structured approach to strategy and planning within your business.

1. Strategy defines competitive advantage

Looking at strategy through the lens of how precisely you can compete against competitors is a good way of distinguishing between strategy and tactics. If it fits your mindset, you can think of it as your ‘rules of engagement’ in a battle or war.

Sun-Tsu was certainly  the first to write about this and Sun-Tsu's strategic thinking can be readily applied to marketing strategy, his well-known, but likely apocryphal quote illustrates this well:

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat".

If you're looking for a marketing strategy to reach and acquire more customers, why not book a free consultation to kick off your strategic planning? Identify your problems, and discuss solutions that work for your business. Find out more about the RACE Framework, and integrated marketing strategy tools covered in this blog.

2. Strategy defines top-level resource allocation

Every business has limited resources of budget, people, and time at their disposal in the same way a general does. So, an essential part of the strategy is deploying these resources to drive the biggest impact.

I like the technique of informing strategy by deciding what you WON’T invest in addition to deciding where you will focus. In this classic Harvard Business Review paper, it's suggested that many strategies fail because they are not strategies at all, instead, they are simply aspirations...

"One major reason for the lack of action is that “new strategies” are often not strategies at all. A real strategy involves a clear set of choices that define what the firm is going to do and what it’s not going to do".

3. Strategy sets a specific long-term vision

Within our RACE Growth System we explain the process of strategy development as Opportunity > Strategy > Action to distinguish between strategy and tactics.

Here the O includes performance and marketplace analysis, objectives and vision setting.  You need specific targets to work towards and review performance against. Lack of specific targets to be delivered by communications is a common problem when there is no strategy and people in a business are focusing on tactics only.

As well as these hard numbers, having a softer idea of future vision is important so you can communicate your direction with the people inside a business and beyond to partners and other stakeholders. Your strategy should define the linkage between vision, goals, objectives and how to achieve them through resource allocation.

4. Strategy sets specific long-term objectives

Collectively, tactics should support the overall direction of a business. They should contribute to the overall aims of the business. The best way to ensure that the tactics are contributing to overall strategic objectives is to LINK align objectives against strategies.

We also recommend building forecasts based on conversion models to ensure that strategic investments are going to give us the returns we need.

5. Marketing strategy defines priority markets, audiences and products

This is where Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning fits. Tactics will involve devising the best way to communicate these to audiences but typically won’t involve a strategic review of which are the best audiences or product/market fit.

In a larger business, using the BCG Matrix to review your portfolio of products and set future priorities for growth is a key technique.

Another key part of STP is defining key audiences and marketing personas which will inform the tactics of how you reach and communicate to these audiences.

6. Strategy defines brand positioning

Once our target audience characteristics, preferences and behaviors are defined through personas, the strategy involves defining how we want our brand to be perceived relative to competitors.

With extra financial pressures on customers, competitive advantage is even more critical for businesses in crowded marketplaces. In our experience, having a defined strategy can be the difference between make or break. If you're still looking for buy-in for investment in marketing, don't miss these 10 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy.

7. Strategy defines how to engage the audience through branding

Branding can be considered at a tactical level, for example, which brand idents and color-ways to use. But branding should also be thought through at a strategic level, to consider how a business can appeal to audiences through key messaging including message architecture and tone-of-voice, again part of positioning relative to competitors. That's why we recommend using the RACE Framework to plan your brand marketing strategy.

8. Strategy defines a long-term roadmap for investment in technology and other major investments

In today’s marketing, we also need to exploit data and technologies to get a better response from our tactics. We should techniques like AB testing available through conversion optimization tools to get the best results from the tactics we use. But to do this modern marketing strategy requires a marketing technology stack to be defined to achieve this

In this era of digital transformation, many organizations are running change initiatives to use marketing technology to improve their processes and use of customer insight and data.  The investments in digital experiences, marketing automation and, in future, artificial intelligence and E-learning will be significant.

So often, it won't be practical in terms of the cost of technology or the complexity of investment to implement everything required in one year. So longer-term roadmaps of martech to build an integrated martech stack need to be defined to support marketing goals.

9. Strategy helps steer activities through governance

Finally, a marketing strategy should link through to give businesses an overarching control of the tactics. This involves the Action part of OSA. As part of strategic planning, we need to make sure we have the best tactical process to ensure tactics are aligned with a strategy to make sure they are kept on track.

All businesses use tactics to run their marketing because these happen organically, but a marketing strategy doesn’t, instead it requires a proactive effort to define it and communicate it to inform tactics. It’s vital to define a strategy since ultimately this is what will make your business successful by differentiating it from your competitors.

By Dave Chaffey


воскресенье, 16 ноября 2014 г.

Designing a Digital Blueprint for Your Bottom Line

Before setting out to do anything, you should have a plan. A blueprint is the plan that contractors, builders, electricians, plumbers, and carpenters use to be sure that their concerted efforts are properly channeled and set out to achieve the same, desired goal. You would not consider building a house without a detailed blueprint to keep everyone on the same page and marching in the same direction.
In the same way, a business should design a blueprint for their online marketing success. And that success should contribute to an increase in profit.
This three-part article will outline the necessary steps and elements to create a blueprint for an integrated online marketing strategy to increase revenue and reduce costs – thus positively impacting your business’ bottom line.
In this article, you’ll learn how to:
•    Set clear, constructive goals for your business
•    Develop a tactical road map to your goals
•    Craft a compelling value proposition
•    Have a persuasive call-to-action message
•    Conduct an online competitive analysis
•    Identify operational impacts to marketing, sales, service and support
•    Measure internet marketing performance

Set Clear, Constructive Goals for Your Business

Most businesses set out to create a website without defining a clear, constructive goal. In most cases, their primary goal is to have an online brochure that can lend legitimacy to their business. However, they have no plan to actively attract qualified site visitors and convert those site visitors to sales-ready leads or customers.
It’s not good enough to just have a website anymore. Rather, it is important that specific and measurable goals are attached to your website. How will you define success? How will you know if your Internet marketing strategy is succeeding or failing?
Before setting out with a new strategy, it is important to set a baseline with existing performance metrics. Identify your current website traffic volume, traffic sources and conversion rates. This information can be found within your company’s financial data, such as your sales closure rate and cost to generate a lead/customer. This information can also be found in your current website’s analytics account. By establishing this baseline, you can measure the impact your changes had on your current statistics.
A business’ goals should also be based on market research. Google provides free tools to identify the online search demand for your product and services. This research can help you better understand how people go about researching and buying your products and services online. By knowing this, you can tailor your strategy around what your ideal prospect is looking for online and how best to engage them.

Develop a Tactical Road Map to Your Goals

Once you’ve set clear and constructive goals, you can align tactics and strategies that will contribute to those goals. If you’re goal is to generate new customer growth, there’s a set of unique strategies made up of specific tactics that will help you move towards that goal. If you’re goal is to establish your company as a thought-leader or industry expert, you’ll need to be sure that your strategies and tactics align accordingly.

Once the strategy and tactics are identified, a tactical road map can outline the sequence of events in different phases or benchmarks. This can help outline timeline expectations and important milestones for collaboration or feedback within the implementation of each step. Below is an example of Xcellimark’s tactical road map for website development.

In part two of this article, we’ll continue to talk about other elements that are critical to your website’s success such as a compelling value proposition and persuasive call to action.