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суббота, 14 марта 2015 г.

Setting Goals: 3 Steps to Igniting Workplace Engagement

Setting Goals: 3 Steps to Igniting Workplace Engagement

The most important power a CEO has is the power to motivate the company’s employees. However, few CEOs realize just how critical it that job is. Often, the ability to motivate is chalked up to a natural flair or charisma -- but in fact some simple practices can help any leader inspire an entire company.
It begins with setting goals. I don’t mean the dry, mandatory exercises where staff write something obligatory, submit it to their managers and promptly forget about it. I’m talking about setting goals that galvanize the entire company. When you think about it, goals should be exciting. They shape the future. They give staff the power to direct their daily responsibilities and even their careers. They infuse the company with an energizing sense of purpose.
Setting meaningful goals can help even disconnected employees feel invested in the company’s success. And an enthusiastic workforce equals a high-performing company.
To begin the process, follow these three steps:

1. Begin with company goals. 

It’s the job of the CEO to select the company’s top goals. Maybe they include new product development or a way to help the local community. They’re not random, of course; you’ll listen to the market, analyze past results and brainstorm with key advisors. But the real secret here is listening to the customer. The smartest businesses today practice agile strategies, and in this case that means aligning your goals with what your customers are trying to achieve.
Pro tip: When you draft your official goals, don’t just stick to the operational. Include two or three big ambitious goals -- the kind that move the needle. They’ll be too remote to feature in your immediate plans, but you want to promote them anyhow. Why? Because these are the goals that will get your employees excited about coming to work every day.

2. Focus on the 'why.'

Let’s face it, most businesses don’t have Apple’s hipness factor or a clear and relatable purpose like an environmental company. That means it’s your job as CEO to draw the connection between the employee’s duties and the customer’s benefit. Employees need to know that what they do during the day impacts big-scale results. By putting the employee’s purpose in the context of helping others, you can help everyone understand their role in achieving the company goals. It’s a critical ingredient in making sure the goals get executed. If you fail to provide a “why,” your busy employees simply won’t make their goals a priority.
Pro tip: Link the “why” of goals back to your company’s core values and mission. That provides wind at your back and makes it easy to prioritize plans.

3. Get your employees involved

This is where most leaders derail the whole goal-setting enterprise, as they tend to get overly detailed in their planning and try to set everyone else’s goals. Because the CEO doesn’t know how to actually do everyone’s job, those plans wind up being implausible and disconnected from the staff’s day-to-day reality. Instead, trust your people to write their own goals. Allowing employees to select the “how” of their contributions will boost morale and help them connect their work to results. Provide guidance and motivation, but let them chart their course.
Pro tip: Encourage employees to align their goals with their manager’s to ensure all goals line up with the company end game. Tools like scorecards and dashboards will help keep everyone on track, while metrics for measuring progress will keep your workforce enthusiastic.
When you get down to it, the heart of goal setting is communication. Employees feel motivated when they understand how their work impacts the company’s mission. Communicate a sense of purpose and give your team autonomy in their contributions, and you’ll have a workforce committed to driving the company forward.

суббота, 31 января 2015 г.

10 Ways to Create an Irresistibly Great Workplace

People come to the workplace with different motivations, different personalities, different stories, different abilities. The right kind of workplace makes it easier to bring them in, keep them, and boost their effectiveness--creating a workplace that is irresistibly great.
So how do you create a irresistibly great workplace?

1. Play your part.

When people talk about great places to work, they're often talking about great leadership. So if you're in a leadership position, start by doing your job. Make sure you're moving people to act, mentoring them for growth, and guiding them toward success.

2. Check your attitude toward mistakes.

Some companies are hard on failure and unforgiving of mistakes--but the best organizations reflect an understanding that perfection is unattainable and failure can be a great teacher. They opt for messy over easy and learning over perfection. Knowing it's OK to take a risk and disclose an error without fear creates a culture that people find extremely inviting.

3. Have nothing to hide.

The best workplaces are led with transparency. Where nothing is hidden, trust flourishes. When you speak with candor, you gain credibility and model responsibility and accountability, helping build great teams.

4. Defy gravity.

Give people what they need to fly with ideas, creativity, and innovation. Empower them to do surprising things, and they'll empower your organization every day.

5. Give people what they need and stay out of the way.

It seems like a simple thing, but when people have the right tools to do their job and a minimum of administrative interference, they're ready to bring their best.

6. Create a compelling community.

In a workplace where everyone is valued, opinions are important, and relationships are pivotal, people feel open to connecting and investing in each other. Building relationships and community is the key to great collaboration.

7. Destroy the status quo.

Make "how we've always done it" a thing of the past. Leave room to back up and rethink everything, top to bottom. Show people that change and innovation are worth pursuing.

8. Model the mission.

People want to be part of something bigger than themselves, and they want to know they're working in support of of a mission that makes a difference. Stay connected to the big picture, and create opportunities to reinforce that connection for everyone.

9. Celebrate pivotal moments.

Whether it's an individual goal met, a team achievement, or an extraordinary effort in a crisis, make celebration part of your organizational culture. It brings people together and motivates them to excel.

10. Groom new leaders.

Make what you know accessible, and help those around you begin to think of themselves as leaders. Guide them out of any fears and insecurities and help them discover what they're capable of. It's a wonderful feeling for everyone.
When people love their work and their workplace, when they trust each other, when they have pride not only in what they're doing but also in what everyone is doing together, you have a workplace that is productive, effective, efficient, successful, and irresistibly great. And it's something you can start building today.


President and CEO, Lead From Within