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суббота, 4 мая 2024 г.

Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 7. Distributed Leadership


RoundMap® adopts a forward-thinking stance towards leadership, endorsing a distributive model that juxtaposes traditional hierarchical structures. This paves the way for the distribution of decision-making responsibilities, fostering empowered and agile teams.

Embracing Distributed Leadership: Transformation Through Empowerment

The dawn of the information age brings with it complexity and dynamism that conventional hierarchical leadership structures can struggle to navigate effectively. The need for more fluent and adaptive leadership methods arises. One approach gaining significant traction is Distributed Leadership, a model emphasizing collaboration and decentralizing authority instead of sticking to rigid hierarchies. This model sees leadership as diffuse and spread across different organizational members based on expertise, not titles.

The DNA of Distributed Leadership

Distributed leadership breaks free from the convention where leadership is vested in a single authoritative individual or a top-tier executive team. Instead, it celebrates the idea that every team member, endowed with a unique assortment of skills, knowledge, and experience, can contribute to steering the organization. This innovative approach to leadership empowers individuals across all levels of the organization, nurturing a culture of shared responsibility, engagement, and ownership.

Pillars of Distributed Leadership

Embedded in the fabric of distributed leadership are several key principles:

  • Autonomy: Autonomy fosters an environment where employees feel they can take initiative and operate independently. In the distributed leadership model, empowered team members can wield their authority and tap into their unique skills to contribute remarkably to their organization’s growth and success.

  • The Power of Collaboration: Distributed leadership builds upon the concept of “distributed cognition,” suggesting that intelligence and understanding expand when we interact with people, tools, and routines. Thus, effective leadership practice becomes a concert of interactions among leaders, followers, and the context over time.

  • Flipping the Hierarchy: A significant departure from traditional models, distributed leadership presents an ‘inverted hierarchy.’ This inverted pyramid pushes power and influence out and down, fostering an accessible leadership ecosystem with formal and informal leaders interspersed across the organization.

  • Shared Decision-Making: In distributed leadership models, decision-making is a collective journey. It encourages all members to participate, facilitating a shared sense of ownership and responsibility, and cultivating a genuine democratized workplace.

  • Flexibility: Flexibility leads to versatility in a distributed leadership model. Adaptable leadership styles working symbiotically with the demands and nuances of different situations allow various individuals to emerge as leaders when their expertise meets the requirements (source).

The Distributed Leadership Advantage

By fostering a distributed leadership model, organizations stand to gain in multiple dimensions:

  • Increased Engagement: Since it empowers employees at all levels, distributed leadership increases engagement and commitment.

  • Boost in Innovation: With diverse individuals stepping into leadership roles, their unique perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and strategies.

  • Motivated Workforce: Emphasizing shared responsibility and collective success, this model can significantly enhance team morale and motivation.

  • Accommodating to Complexity: As organizations grow and become more complex, distributed leadership can accommodate that complexity by distributing decision-making and leadership responsibilities.

  • Resilience During Change: During periods of organizational change, a distributed leadership approach can help maintain stability and continuity by scattering authority throughout the organization.

Parting Thoughts

Distributed Leadership presents a paradigm shift in organizational stewardship, encouraging organizations to embrace adaptation, collaboration, and democratization as critical elements of success in today’s complex business landscape. Its principles serve as a guide for leaders to understand and navigate this transformative journey. By integrating this approach, businesses can foster a dynamic, empowered, and engaged community, equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities of the modern world. In a world of distributed work, matching it with distributed leadership creates a symphony of productive harmony, leading organizations to new horizons.


пятница, 29 декабря 2023 г.

Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 4 People-Centric


4 People-Centric


People-centric organizing, rooted in the virtuous cycle leadership theory, redefines organizational paradigms by placing humanity at the forefront. Departing from analytical dissection, this approach embraces strength-based solutions, tapping into innate human capabilities and passions. At its core is the pivotal concept of psychological safety, creating environments where individuals feel secure to voice their thoughts, fostering genuine innovation and change.

Involving the entire human system in the organizational narrative cultivates resilience and adaptability, nurturing a culture receptive to change. The virtuous cycle comes alive, as caring for employees empowers them to care for customers, capturing value from their satisfaction. This cyclical process ensures a fair share of proceeds for all stakeholders, aligning with the philosophy that a thriving internal ecosystem catalyzes external success.

This holistic approach not only fuels creativity and innovation but reinforces the notion that when people are genuinely valued and involved, they become the driving force behind transformative evolution. Integrating the virtuous cycle leadership theory into people-centric frameworks is an invitation for organizations to prioritize employees and reap the cascading benefits of a flourishing internal ecosystem, fostering sustained growth and shared prosperity.

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety refers to an individual’s perception of the consequences of an interpersonal risk. It is the belief that one can express thoughts, questions, concerns, and ideas without fear of punishment or humiliation. In environments where psychological safety is fostered, individuals are more inclined to take creative risks, experiment with new approaches, and voice unconventional ideas. 

Such a foundation is critical for creativity and innovation because breakthroughs often arise from challenging the status quo. When team members feel secure in sharing and iterating upon diverse perspectives, it accelerates collective problem-solving and paves the way for groundbreaking solutions. Fear of reprisal can stifle this creativity without psychological safety, preventing organizations from unlocking their full innovative potential.

Positive Inquiry

Positive Inquiry™ encourages organizations to venture beyond problem-fixing and explore innovative approaches to tackle emerging challenges. By shifting our focus from predicting outcomes to understanding the underlying forces at play, we gain the ability to anticipate and adapt to shifting landscapes. This proactive stance empowers organizations to weather the storms of change and thrive amidst uncertainty.

We become agents of positive change by engaging all relevant stakeholders in positive conversations. By sharing stories about our greatest achievements, we transform as the awareness of our strengths grows. This will give us the much-needed hope, courage, and excitement to embrace transformation and uncover new possibilities, seize untapped opportunities, and build resilience in the face of VUCA.


A roundtable setting in decision-making and governance processes emphasizes equality, collaboration, and open dialogue. Its circular configuration inherently eliminates hierarchical distinctions, allowing each participant an equal voice and visual access to all others. This democratic setup fosters active participation, encourages diverse perspectives, and facilitates transparent communication. 

Benefits include more holistic decisions, increased buy-in from stakeholders due to the inclusive nature, and a reinforcement of trust and mutual respect among participants, making the roundtable a potent tool for fostering unity, clarity, and effective governance.

Leading from the Whole

Leading from the Whole, as championed by the RoundMap approach, taps into the collective intelligence and expertise of an organization’s entire human system, irrespective of hierarchies. Such inclusivity garners diverse perspectives, enabling richer insights and swift, informed responses to change. This distributed leadership style fosters a shared sense of ownership, promoting resilience and adaptability. By cultivating an adaptive culture and empowering its workforce, organizations are better poised to navigate uncertainties, fostering agility and a proactive stance in the face of evolving business landscapes.


пятница, 1 декабря 2023 г.

Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 2 Impact-Driven. 3 Value-Based


2 Impact-Driven


In the spirit of the RoundMap principles, the impact-driven core principle embraces the powerful notion of driving meaningful change within and beyond the organization. Every facet of operations is analyzed, formulated, implemented, and evaluated for its impact.

Under this principle, businesses are not just attuned to the consequences of their actions but actively weave impact measurement, management, and optimization into their strategic fabric. The Impact-driven principle involves a four-step recursive process: Impact Analysis, Impact Formulation, Impact Implementation, and Impact Evaluation.

Ultimately, an impact-driven organization is one that aligns its core objectives with its desired positive effect, ensuring its business strategy actively seeks and drives opportunities to enact beneficial change. It understands that impact analysis is a dynamic process, requiring continual refinement and adjustment – similar to a well-oiled machine that requires regular maintenance for smooth operation.

Through this, organizations strive to create positive shifts, differentiate themselves, and enhance their long-term performance while contributing to the global tapestry of change.



Value-based emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the creation of meaningful value for customers before considering how to capture value for the stakeholders. Instead of solely pursuing short-term profits or fixating on building transient competitive advantages, a value-based organization commits to principles that reflect its intrinsic ethos, ensuring long-term sustainability and engendering trust among stakeholders. 

Such organizations recognize that genuine value is multifaceted. While financial growth is crucial, it’s equally important to prioritize ethical practices, social responsibility, employee well-being, and, most significantly, consistently delivering meaningful value to their customers. By aligning their operations and objectives with these guiding principles, they build a solid corporate culture, fortify customer relationships, and ensure customer, employee, and partner loyalty. 

In a nutshell, being value-based is about grounding business practices in principles that prioritize the customer’s needs and fostering a broader sense of purpose beyond mere profit-making.

The ValueActor™

The concept of a ValueActor is rooted in the intricate workings of a value-driven ecosystem. At its core, a ValueActor is an active entity in the value exchange process, whether an individual, organization, or other form. Structurally, a ValueActor comprises three primary components: an intake funnel for value reception, a value-processing unit that refines and manages value, and an output funnel for value dissemination. It operates in a dual-mode system, characterized by a value deficit on one end and a value surplus on the other. The objective is symbiotic; a ValueActor seeks to address its deficit by harnessing surplus from others while simultaneously aiming to dispense its surplus to those in need. 

Crucially, communication is vital in this ecosystem. A ValueActor signals its value mode, whether a surplus or deficit, through compelling stories, enabling effective and efficient value exchange. Additionally, in pursuing this value-centric operation, a ValueActor must capture value equivalent to or more than the cost of its value creation, ensuring sustainability and perpetuity in its role within the ecosystem.

The ValueCircle™

The ValueCircle™ offers a holistic framework that synergistically amalgamates the strengths of the value chain, value stream, and value network theories, thereby transcending their constraints. It champions end-to-end value creation from raw materials to final customer delivery, underpinned by Lean principles prioritizing waste reduction and iterative refinement. 

Beyond mere linear processes, ValueCircle embodies a collaborative ecosystem of interwoven stakeholders—from suppliers and partners to competitors—all aimed at shared value generation. This structure accentuates customer-centric co-creation, ensuring organizational actions are anchored in real-world needs and active customer engagement. 

Guided by an ethical compass, ValueCircle’s positive core shapes decision-making, ensuring alignment with organizational values. Embracing the dynamism inherent in the value network theory, it promotes adaptability, readiness to shift with changing landscapes, and the elimination of inefficiencies like siloed operations. In essence, the ValueCircle represents a transformative approach to value creation, seamlessly intertwining optimization, collaboration, ethicality, and adaptability within a cohesive and interconnected paradigm.


In the intricate tapestry of a value-driven ecosystem, a ValueActor is a veritable nexus of activity, seamlessly transitioning between various pivotal roles:

  • As a producer, it generates novel value,
  • and as a supplier, it offers this value to other actors within the system.
  • In its capacity as a consumer, it absorbs and benefits from the value generated elsewhere in the ecosystem.
  • As a regulator, it helps establish the guiding principles for value exchange,
  • and as an enforcer, it ensures adherence to these norms.
  • A ValueActor doesn’t stop at merely obtaining value; it further refines and elevates it as a refiner
  • Acting as a facilitator, it paves the way for smooth interactions and transactions, 
  • while in the avatar of a distributor, it ensures that value reaches its intended recipients. 
  • The ValueActor’s job as a communicator is to signal needs and offerings, fostering transparency and mutual understanding. 
  • By serving as an integrator, it weaves together disparate entities, strengthening the interconnectedness and resilience of the ecosystem. 

Yet, amidst these manifold responsibilities, it still fosters innovation, perpetually seeking better, more efficient methods of value creation and exchange in its ever-evolving role as an innovator.


The Job-to-Perform concept, based on the JTBD,  emphasizes understanding the underlying tasks, goals, or needs individuals or organizations seek to accomplish. Instead of focusing merely on the product or service, it zeroes in on the fundamental problem or aspiration driving a consumer’s decision-making process. By identifying and framing these Jobs-to-Perform, businesses can design solutions that more effectively address their target audience’s true desires, ensuring a more tailored and value-centric offering that resonates deeply with the end user.

Value-driven Leadership

Value-driven leadership underscores the necessity of offering intrinsic and enduring value to every stakeholder, transcending a mere competitive mindset. These leaders prioritize the aspirations and anticipations of customers, employees, and the wider community, firmly anchored in the conviction that authentic value generation forms the cornerstone of lasting success. Instead of reflexively responding to competitors, they proactively enhance their portfolio, services, and organizational ethos. 

Central to this proactive approach is the integration of effective feedback loops or learning cycles. By systematically capturing and processing feedback from various touchpoints, leaders can continually refine their strategies, ensuring that the value created remains deeply relevant and resonant with their audience’s evolving needs. Through cultivating an environment of perpetual enhancement and spotlighting tangible impact, value-driven leaders foster trust and loyalty and fortify their organization’s reputation in an ever-fluctuating competitive arena.


вторник, 14 ноября 2023 г.

Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 1 All - Round


Introducing the Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework


Welcome to our guide on the Core Principles of RoundMap®—your compass to conquering business complexities and propelling sustainable growth. RoundMap®, not just a framework but a holistic ecosystem, fortifies modern organizations with crucial insights and strategies sculpted around its foundational principles.

At the heart of RoundMap® lie eight robust principles: An All-Round Approach, Impact-Consciousness, Value-First Orientation, Human-Centricity, Story-Driven Engagement, Consentric Alignment, Distributive Leadership, and Augmentative Innovations.

Our guide will delve into understanding each of these principles, exploring how they drive the effectiveness of RoundMap® across diverse business contexts. Beyond theoretical knowledge, you’ll gain invaluable insights into how these principles can be put into action, propelling your organization towards achieving sustainable prosperity.

Whether you’re a seasoned leader, a start-up entrepreneur, or an aspiring business professional, gaining insights into these principles will empower you to navigate the intricate corridors of the business landscape with confidence. Prepare to embark on a journey of profound learning that will fundamentally redefine how you perceive and act within the business world.

Unravel the RoundMap® framework, derived from its eight core principles, to illuminate your pathway toward sustained relevance and prosperity. Dig in, and let your journey toward business excellence commence.

1 All - Round



The RoundMap® Advantage: At the heart of RoundMap® lies a transformative approach that unifies all facets of organizational dynamics, ranging from strategy to stakeholder engagement. This comprehensive framework underscores the interconnectedness of organizational components, pushing past departmental barriers and offering a cohesive roadmap to decision-making and value delivery. Applicable to diverse entities — from businesses to nonprofits — RoundMap® serves as a beacon, guiding organizations to convey resonating messages and deliver unparalleled value. 

As the business landscape shifts, marking change as its only constant, growth is no longer linear but cyclical. Traditional business cycles offer insight into these oscillations. However, success hinges on agility and adaptiveness to these patterns, with a keen understanding of value creation and optimization. Cyclical leadership, an approach adaptable to market rhythms, paired with a value-driven ethos, ensures organizations prioritize long-term, multifaceted value. Simultaneously, human-centric design emphasizes the importance of fostering environments promoting innovation, psychological safety, and the holistic involvement of individuals.

Innovative Organization with RoundMap®: The Consentric Distributed Leadership Model (CDLM or Consentricity) championed by RoundMap® revolutionizes traditional structures. It places value creation at its epicenter, surrounded by distinct echelons from inner circle counselors to the constellation of teams in the outer ring. This structure fosters harmonious collaboration, ensuring aligned objectives and consent-driven decision-making. 

RoundMap® doesn’t just stop there; its augmentative prowess integrates deep thought with advanced business intelligence. The 48 Thinking Caps tool offers an exhaustive view of business operations, empowering executives to dissect every aspect of their organization. Coupled with augmented intelligence and generative chat agents, RoundMap® maps out business dynamics meticulously, emerging as an indispensable asset for leaders in a complex business era.



RoundMap® is an all-encompassing framework meticulously designed to integrate every facet of organizational dynamics. Whether addressing strategy, operations, marketing, or stakeholder engagement, RoundMap® offers a holistic view, ensuring that no element is viewed in isolation. It recognizes the interconnectedness of all organizational components and promotes a cohesive approach to decision-making and value delivery. 

By providing a comprehensive roadmap transcending departmental silos and industry-specific challenges, RoundMap® empowers organizations to achieve optimal coherence, drive alignment, and ensure that every action contributes harmoniously to the overarching objectives.

Universally Applicable


RoundMap® is a universal framework designed to address a foundational challenge inherent to all types of organizations, commercial entities, educational institutions, government bodies, political parties, or non-profits. Every organization’s core lies in conveying a message that resonates with a target audience, offering them distinct and tangible value. Whether it’s a product, a service, an idea, or a mission, the goal is to establish relevance and create a meaningful impact. RoundMap® is a guiding tool in this endeavor, helping organizations navigate the complexities of value delivery, ensuring that their message reaches and resonates deeply with the intended audience, and fostering engagement, trust, and loyalty.


Non-linear Growth


In the evolving landscape of business and economics, growth no longer follows a linear trajectory. Rather, the prevailing notion is that change is the new normal, compelling us to understand growth in non-linear terms. Growth has increasingly become cyclical, oscillating through various phases instead of ascending in a straightforward manner. 

Traditional economic business cycles, such as Kitchin, Juglar, Kuznets, Kondratiev, and debt cycles, offer a historical lens through which these non-linear patterns emerge. However, this cyclical nature is not exclusive to macroeconomic trends; it extends to microeconomic elements like product growth and customer growth. These cycles underscore the potential for growth by outlining patterns and seasons, lending a degree of predictability. 

Yet, it’s essential to acknowledge that even with these patterns, growth remains complex, influenced by various internal and external factors. As such, businesses and policymakers must be agile, adaptive, and well-versed in these cycles to navigate the multifaceted terrain of growth.

Cyclical Leadership


At its essence, a market participant is driven by the ethos of efficient value creation and optimization, always aiming for the cost of value production to be lower than the value retrieved upon its delivery to the market. However, in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) world, organizations might confront scenarios where the expense of realizing value temporarily surpasses its creation. This deviation doesn’t detract from the ultimate goal of profitability but underscores the imperative of adaptability and building resilience for the future. 

Herein lies the significance of cyclical leadership—a leadership style that recognizes the inherent ebb and flow of business cycles, adapting strategies and tactics in response to the changing rhythms of the market. Rather than being linear and fixed in approach, cyclical leaders iterate, pivot, and evolve, ensuring their organization’s long-term viability and competitiveness in perpetually evolving market terrains. This agility and cyclical perspective position organizations to weather challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


пятница, 20 октября 2023 г.

RoundMap™ Framework


A Comprehensive Framework for Breaking Down Silos, Elevating Organizational Performance, and Fostering Equitable Business

In a world undergoing rapid transformation, where the tectonic plates of technology, society, and economics shift beneath our feet, one truth emerges: businesses that stay rooted in old paradigms will crumble. We are caught in the currents of the Longwave business cycle, a transformative era that challenges every rule we thought we knew. Edwin Korver: ‘We stand not just at a threshold but at a gateway to a future where the lines dividing business sectors, stakeholders, and societal roles blur into a holistic tapestry.’

Enter RoundMap™, a guide for this new world, conceived out of a simple yet powerful question: ‘What if the division of labor, which has siloed us into isolated units, could be transcended?’

We invite you to join us on an extraordinary journey. Picture yourself as a ValueActor, a crucial player in a complex network of relationships or ValueCircles. Here, in a cycle of perpetual motion, you and your organization contribute to a vibrant ecosystem. A Symphony of Strengths harmonizes as all members bring their unique contributions to the table, bound together by shared values and purpose. Edwin Korver: ‘This is not about a single virtuoso performance but a collective masterpiece, each note as vital as the next.’

As we navigate together through uncharted territories, you’ll discover new principles that redefine what it means to be a business in the 21st century. We’ll walk through the Four Pillars of Enterprise, consult the Consentric Compass, and explore the Value Orchestration Blueprint—each a landmark in our quest to usher in an era of equitable, value-driven organizations.

RoundMap™ is more than just a framework; it’s the embodiment of a new organizational philosophy. Edwin Korver: ‘We’re fostering not just businesses but equitable ecosystems where people find purpose and belonging, all while contributing meaningfully to society at large.’

Join us in this transformational adventure as we collectively redefine what it means to be a thriving, equitable business in today’s interconnected world.

Quick Introduction to RoundMap®

The RoundMap framework is a comprehensive and transformative approach that addresses the multifaceted dimensions of business strategy, organizational development, and sustainable growth. It illuminates the intricacies of these elements and bridges the gaps that prevent organizations from achieving success. 

By amplifying the often-neglected phases of the customer lifecycle, such as customer success, and introducing the concept of significance, RoundMap underscores the importance of understanding future customer needs to foster enduring relationships. 

The Business Model Matrix and the Business Model Roadmap provide a comprehensive overview of existing and emerging business models, facilitating non-linear growth and distributed leadership that departs from traditional hierarchical structures.

Central to RoundMap’s ethos is recognizing that change is inherent, championed through Positive Inquiry, driving businesses to explore untapped markets and create new value propositions. This approach aligns with the notion of blue oceans, encouraging businesses to venture beyond competition-driven differentiation and instead focus on innovative market creation. 

Storycasting emerges as a pivotal tool, transforming products and concepts into compelling narratives that guide their placement along the customer lifecycle, fostering buy-in for change and sparking fresh market opportunities. 

Complemented by the Thinking Caps methodology and the Panoptic perspective, RoundMap presents a holistic framework that navigates business intricacies and propels organizations towards sustainable growth through adaptive strategies, holistic leadership, and captivating storytelling.

At its core, the RoundMap framework embodies foundational principles that synergize to drive its effectiveness across diverse contexts. It operates under the tenet of being all-round, encapsulating every facet of business within its comprehensive structure. This holistic approach ensures that strategic decisions are informed by a complete understanding of the customer lifecycle, encompassing initial engagement to long-term satisfaction.

The framework is deeply value-driven, emphasizing the creation and delivery of value as the central driving force. By evaluating business models and mapping the entire value chain, RoundMap aligns every element of an organization toward fulfilling customer needs and aspirations. It’s undeniably human-centric, acknowledging that the heart of business success lies in forging meaningful connections. Through storycasting, RoundMap recognizes that impactful narratives resonate more effectively than product-centric pitches, engaging audiences on emotional levels and fostering lasting relationships.

RoundMap’s consentric nature underscores its ability to align all elements of business in harmonious synchronization. From leadership roles to operational functions, each concentric layer reinforces the others, leading to a cohesive and effective organizational ecosystem. 

The framework is augmentative, leveraging technology and innovation to amplify its impact. By embracing the potential of AI, data analytics, and emerging trends, RoundMap enables organizations to adapt to dynamic markets while remaining rooted in its core principles. In essence, RoundMap is a versatile and adaptable blueprint that thrives on its integrated principles, navigating businesses through complexity while ensuring sustained relevance and prosperity.

The RoundMap framework, a comprehensive and unified approach encompassing every facet of business, from strategic planning to client interaction, is an invaluable tool for organizations. RoundMap guides strategic decision-making by integrating customer insights, market analysis, and goal establishment. This fosters a holistic understanding of business operations, cultivating cross-functional collaboration, distributive leadership, and consent-based decision-making. 

RoundMap’s Storycasting method ensures consistent and impactful messaging to stakeholders, while its delineation of leadership roles and responsibilities fuels leadership development and alignment with organizational goals.

Operational functions like marketing, sales, and customer service are streamlined within the framework, enhancing operational efficiency. 

RoundMap encompasses change management and innovation strategies, assisting organizations in navigating transitions and uncovering growth opportunities. By furnishing measurement metrics and key performance indicators aligned with business goals, RoundMap empowers organizations to monitor progress and enact data-driven decisions. Its adaptive structure maintains relevance in dynamic markets, while its role in fostering organizational alignment cultivates collaboration and a shared sense of purpose across all organizational tiers. 

Ultimately, RoundMap functions as a comprehensive roadmap, expertly guiding organizations through strategic, operational, and communicative pursuits with unwavering clarity and effectiveness.

Imagine navigating the intricate tapestry of modern business without a compass, a map, or even a guiding star. That’s how most organizations operate today: in fragmented silos, stumbling in the dark, detached from the holistic ecosystem they’re part of. We’ve crafted a suite of instruments to illuminate your path and orchestrate your journey toward an equitable, thriving future.

The Value Orchestration Blueprint is your strategic playbook, harmonizing all aspects of your organization into a cohesive, value-driven narrative. Think of it as your master score, where each department’s contributions are carefully arranged to create a Symphony of Strengths that resounds through the marketplace and society.

Our Customer Dynamics Lifecycle is the lifeblood pulsating through this symphony. It doesn’t just map out customer interactions; it delves into the emotional and transactional ebbs and flows, highlighting opportunities for meaningful connections. Every touchpoint becomes a note in a larger melody, elevating your brand and value proposition.

When challenges arise or transformations are needed, the Positive Inquiry Cycle serves as your philosophical cornerstone. This isn’t problem-solving; it’s possibility-enhancing. Inspired by the pioneering work in appreciative inquiry, this cycle invites your entire team to participate in creating affirmative visions of the future, grounded in your collective strengths and aspirations.

Finally, the Business Model Matrix acts as your navigational grid. Instead of boxing you into a single business model, it presents an expansive landscape of possibilities. This matrix encourages you to explore diverse revenue streams, stakeholder engagements, and value creation pathways, ensuring that your strategy is resilient, flexible, and aligned with your higher mission.

These instruments are not isolated tools but interconnected elements of the RoundMap™ framework. They come together to form a comprehensive guide for any organization aiming to navigate the complexities of the 21st-century business landscape. A new paradigm awaits—let these instruments be your guide.

Embarking on the RoundMap™ journey is akin to setting sail into uncharted waters. It promises discoveries that can redefine your organization, but such a voyage requires more than just intent; it demands precise navigation. Here’s where the rubber meets the road: the implementation of RoundMap™ is not a mere ‘project’ but a paradigm shift, a re-orchestration of your entire organization.

Phase One: Readiness Assessment
Before we hoist the sails, we assess the wind and currents—a thorough organizational readiness check. Leveraging a combination of stakeholder interviews, analytics, and readiness metrics, we ascertain how prepared your organization is to break down silos and embrace new ways of thinking.

Phase Two: Harmonizing Instruments
Now, we introduce you to the core elements of RoundMap™—the Value Orchestration Blueprint, Customer Dynamics Lifecycle, Positive Inquiry Cycle, and Business Model Matrix. Teams are trained, and pilot projects are launched to facilitate a smooth integration of these instruments into your organizational DNA.

Phase Three: The Ensemble
The Symphony of Strengths cannot exist without a harmonious ensemble. Here, we align your departments and teams to act in concert, focused on value creation, equity, and a higher purpose. We deploy tools like Value Circles to connect disparate functions and foster an all-around, human-centric approach.

Phase Four: Mastering the Score
With your ensemble in place and your instruments attuned, you’ll be ready to tackle complex compositions—enterprises, markets, and social ecosystems. We revisit your Value Orchestration Blueprint, refining it to mirror the evolving dynamics within your organization and the world.

Phase Five: A Living Symphony
RoundMap™ isn’t a one-off performance but a living, evolving symphony. Regular check-ins, adjustments and even course corrections keep the music flowing, ensuring your organization remains resilient, innovative, and equitable in an ever-changing landscape.

As you navigate through these phases, you’re not alone. Our coaches and consultants act as your seasoned navigators, lending expertise, offering critical feedback, and celebrating your milestones.

In implementing RoundMap™, you’re not just adopting a new strategy; you’re heralding a new era of business—an era of equitability, interconnectedness, and boundless potential. The voyage may be complex, but the rewards are immeasurable.

The All-Seeing Eye: Navigating the Panoptic of Modern Business

One of the instruments we created is the RoundMap® Panoptic. By putting on multiple Thinking Caps, you can obtain a panoptic view of your team, division, or business situation (panoptic is derived from the Greek panoptēs, meaning “all-seeing”).
