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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком exporters. Показать все сообщения

воскресенье, 16 октября 2022 г.

The World's Largest Exporters


Exports are goods or services produced in one country that are sold to another country. The difference between exports and imports can be confusing, because any given product is both an import and an export, and the appropriate term at any given time is dependent upon whether the user is in the sending country or the receiving country. The country producing and selling a product is the exporter, and the products it sends to other countries are known as exports. Conversely, the country purchasing and receiving the products is known as the importer and calls those products imports. Exports are extremely important for a country’s economy. Exports give producers access to a global marketplace, greatly expanding their potential customer base. Additionally, imports and exports factor heavily into international diplomacy and foreign policy between governments.

Governments encourage exports and generally want to increase exports over imports. Exports create jobs, bring in higher wages, raise the standard of living for a country’s residents, and increase foreign currency reserves and liquidity. Because exports result in international funds coming into the country and imports result in money being sent out of the country, governments will often use trade protections, such as placing tariffs on incoming goods, to raise the price of imports and give their domestic industries an advantage. Alternatively, countries often negotiate trade agreements with one another that reduce trade protections such as tariffs and create mutually beneficial trade relationships.

Top 10 Countries that Export the Most Goods and Services (Current US$ millions - World Bank 2020)

RankCountryExports (Current US$)
2United States$2,123,410.00
5United Kingdom$770,478.62
8Hong Kong (China SAR)$612,566.52
10South Korea$596,945.20

Why exports and imports are important

One major advantage of the import/export model is that it enables countries to import goods and services that aren't readily available domestically. Another advantage is that it enables countries to specialize in goods or services that are easier to produce, less costly, or in greater supply in that country as compared to others. This gives the country a competitive advantage and enables it to get the most out of its available natural resources or demographic qualities.

For example, Saudi Arabia possesses one-sixth of the world's crude petroleum reserves, but if the petroleum producers could only sell to other citizens of Saudi Arabia, their market would be very small indeed. What's more, crude petroleum would be immensely expensive in countries that lacked large natural reserves of it. However, because Saudi Arabia can export crude petroleum and other countries can import it, crude petroleum is readily available worldwide and Saudi Arabia's petroleum producers have become much more successful by selling to customers outside their national borders.

Similarly, cacao trees can only grow in roughly 25% of the world's countries. If the import/export market did not exist, cacao producers such as Ivory Coast and Malaysia would not be able to export cacao to countries such as Germany, Belgium, and the United States. More importantly to consumers with a sweet tooth, those countries would not be able to export the chocolate made from that cacao all over the world.

Profiles of the world's largest exporters

1. China

Aside from the European Union (which is a collective of many countries), China is the world’s largest exporter. In 2020, China exported an estimated $2.72 trillion worth of goods and services, primarily electronic equipment and machinery such as broadcast equipment, computers, integrated circuits, office machine parts, and telephones. In 2018, China’s exports made up about 10.78% of the global total.

2. United States

The U.S. is the second-largest exporter in the world, with an estimated $2.12 trillion in exports for 2020. The largest exports of the U.S. are crude and refined petroleum; integrated circuits; pharmaceuticals and medical instruments; and aircraft including planes, spacecraft, and helicopters as well as their replacement parts. One of the reasons that the United States lags behind China in exports is the cost of labor. Many goods cannot be produced, manufactured, or assembled in the U.S. for a price comparable to that in China.

3. Germany

Having exported an estimated $1.67 trillion worth of goods and services in 2020, Germany is the world’s third-largest exporter. As one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, Germany’s main exports include automobiles (BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen), pharmaceuticals (Bayer), aircraft, machinery, electronics, and chemicals. Germany is the third of three countries to have exports exceeding $1 trillion, behind only China and the United States.

4. Japan

Japan’s exports for 2020 were valued at an estimated $785.4 billion. Japan’s major exports include automobiles (Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Suzuki, more) and automobile parts, integrated circuits and electronic devices (Nintendo, Panasonic, Sony, and many more). Japan's largest export customers are China, the United States, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

5. United Kingdom

The United Kingdom ranked as the fifth-highest exporter in the world in terms of dollar value in 2020, shipping an estimated $770.5 billion in goods and services to international customers. The U.K.'s top exports include cars (Bentley, Jaguar, Mini, Rolls-Royce, more), gas turbines, gold, medicines, hard liquor, antiques, and crude petroleum (which is often first imported from Norway, then exported to the rest of Europe, as well as China and South Korea).

CountryExports (current US$ millions) Year of Data% of Global Exports 2018 (GE)Main Export 2019 (OEC)
China$2.72 Mn202010.78%Broadcasting Equipment
United States$2.12 Mn202010.26%Refined Petroleum
Germany$1.67 Mn20207.62%Cars
United Kingdom$770,478.6220203.58%Cars
France$733,165.4020203.59%Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft
Netherlands$711,504.8020203.14%Refined Petroleum
Hong Kong$612,566.5220202.77%Gold
Singapore$599,216.2820202.70%Integrated Circuits
South Korea$596,945.2020202.92%Integrated Circuits
Ireland$558,393.9120201.92%Blood, antisera, vaccines, toxins, and cultures
Italy$555,043.2020202.66%Packaged Medicaments
India$496,486.3620202.19%Refined Petroleum
Canada$476,044.9820202.26%Crude Petroleum
United Arab Emirates$404,046.2920191.59%Crude Petroleum
Russia$378,635.8520202.07%Crude Petroleum
Poland$335,209.3820200.00%Vehicle Parts
Australia$318,466.2820201.27%Iron Ore
Vietnam$286,206.8920201.05%Broadcasting Equipment
Thailand$258,155.1620201.33%Office Machine Parts
Malaysia$207,035.0920201.00%Integrated Circuits
Denmark$195,424.8620200.82%Packaged Medicaments
Saudi Arabia$184,429.4920201.28%Crude Petroleum
Indonesia$181,713.7520200.89%Coal Briquettes
Czech Republic$174,167.7920200.78%Cars
Luxembourg$150,147.0720200.61%Iron Blocks
Norway$117,886.3320200.67%Crude Petroleum
Finland$97,609.8020200.43%Refined Petroleum
South Africa$93,179.1520200.45%Gold
Romania$92,665.4620200.41%Vehicle Parts
Philippines$91,052.3220200.43%Integrated Circuits
Iraq$88,902.9020190.38%Crude Petroleum
Venezuela$80,524.2320140.00%Crude Petroleum
Chile$79,789.6020200.34%Copper Ore
Kuwait$72,583.9320190.32%Crude Petroleum
Qatar$70,933.2420200.42%Petroleum Gas
Argentina$64,589.9620200.31%Soybean Meal
Greece$60,397.0520200.34%Refined Petroleum
Kazakhstan$51,711.3420200.27%Crude Petroleum
Egypt$47,875.7420200.19%Crude Petroleum
Iran$46,323.0320200.40%Crude Petroleum
Oman$46,185.7220190.17%Crude Petroleum
New Zealand$45,908.1220200.24%Concentrated Milk
Peru$45,118.8920200.23%Copper Ore
Slovenia$41,737.2020200.19%Packaged Medicaments
Lithuania$41,562.8320200.16%Refined Petroleum
Bangladesh$38,733.7620200.16%Non-Knit Men's Suits
Bulgaria$38,665.0920200.18%Refined Petroleum
Nigeria$38,169.5120200.25%Crude Petroleum
Belarus$37,300.1720200.00%Refined Petroleum
Colombia$36,702.1220200.22%Crude Petroleum
Bahrain$29,564.3620190.12%Refined Petroleum
Pakistan$26,343.9620200.11%House Linens
Algeria$26,103.3620200.18%Crude Petroleum
Serbia$25,727.9520200.10%Insulated Wire
Croatia$24,039.8320200.13%Refined Petroleum
Myanmar$22,615.1420200.08%Petroleum Gas
Ecuador$22,263.9920200.10%Crude Petroleum
Angola$22,059.2120200.17%Crude Petroleum
Estonia$21,815.5920200.09%Broadcasting Equipment
Panama$21,379.1720200.11%Refined Petroleum
Malta$20,591.3620200.09%Integrated Circuits
Latvia$20,334.7020200.09%Sawn Wood
Costa Rica$19,488.9820200.09%Medical Instruments
Tunisia$19,445.3620180.08%Insulated Wire
Cyprus$18,711.8020200.08%Passenger and Cargo Ships
Cambodia$15,793.2320200.06%Knit Sweaters
Azerbaijan$15,208.7620200.10%Crude Petroleum
Dominican Republic$14,425.1920200.08%Gold
DR Congo$13,935.2920200.07%Refined Copper
Uruguay$13,607.3920200.07%Sulfate Chemical Woodpulp
Sri Lanka$13,379.0720200.08%Tea
Ivory Coast$13,221.5720200.05%Cocoa Beans
Jordan$10,365.2150500.06%Potassic Fertilizers
Turkmenistan$9,23920180.04%Petroleum Gas
Cuba$8,76920200.00%Rolled Tobacco
Zambia$8,473.9920200.04%Raw Copper
Honduras$8,335.9520200.04%Knit Sweaters
Mongolia$7,676.3120200.03%Coal Briquettes
Bolivia$7,448.7420200.04%Petroleum Gas
Iceland$7,436.0320200.05%Raw Aluminium
Gabon$7,304.2720200.03%Crude Petroleum
Libya$7,239.3420200.12%Crude Petroleum
Brunei$6,886.0720200.03%Petroleum Gas
Bosnia and Herzegovina$6,885.4820200.03%Electricity
El Salvador$6,290.3720200.03%Knit T-shirts
Mozambique$6,271.2320190.03%Coal Briquettes
Cameroon$6,134.9820200.03%Crude Petroleum
Georgia$5,909.3920200.04%Copper Ore
Republic of the Congo$5,524.7720200.04%Crude Petroleum
Nicaragua$5,341.7820200.02%Knit T-shirts
Jamaica$5,234.9120200.02%Aluminium Oxide
Djibouti$5,193.1120200.02%Other Animals
Burkina Faso$4,467.7820190.02%Gold
South Sudan$4,397.3620150.00%Crude Petroleum
Equatorial Guinea$4,341.9720200.03%Crude Petroleum
Armenia$3,762.4920200.02%Copper Ore
Namibia$3,544.1320200.02%Raw Copper
Albania$3,440.6920200.02%Leather Footwear
Cayman Islands$3,372.6120200.00%Recreational Boats
Mauritius$3,276.6220200.02%Processed Fish
Moldova$3,161.4820200.01%Insulated Wire
Mauritania$3,147.6720200.01%Iron Ore
Benin$3,110.3520200.02%Raw Cotton
Syria$2,891.4020190.00%Pure Olive Oil
Chad$2,862.7420200.02%Crude Petroleum
Papua New Guinea$2,83420040.00%Petroleum Gas
San Marino$2,650.8020190.01%Washing and Bottling Machines
Bahamas$2,405.2020200.02%Passenger and Cargo Ships
Aruba$2,363.2020180.01%Refined Petroleum
Nepal$2,275.2620200.01%Palm Oil
Barbados$2,188.2020190.01%Hard Liquor
New Caledonia$1,927.2720170.00%Ferroalloys
Maldives$1,851.7020200.02%Fish Fillets
Eswatini$1,788.6820200.01%Laboratory Glassware
Faroe Islands$1,788.6820200.01%
Togo$1,653.5120200.01%Refined Petroleum
Yemen$1,308.5920180.00%Crude Petroleum
Timor Leste$1,307.5520200.00%Crude Petroleum
Montenegro$1,240.0420200.01%Raw Aluminium
Greenland$1,156.6020190.00%Non-fillet Frozen Fish
Haiti$1,110.0220200.01%Knit T-shirts
Sint Maarten$80020180.00%
Seychelles$790.9120200.01%Refined Petroleum
Guyana$698.0420050.00%Special Purpose Ships
Sierra Leone$613.1920200.00%Titanium Ore
Antigua and Barbuda$598.8720200.00%Passenger and Cargo Ships
Belize$590.9420200.00%Raw Sugar
Northern Mariana Islands$49720190.00%Scrap Iron
American Samoa$42620200.00%Animal Meal and Pellets
Solomon Islands$424.4320200.00%Rough Wood
Cape Verde$423.3920200.00%Processed Fish
Central African Republic$390.6520200.00%Rough Wood
Guam$37120200.00%Scrap Iron
Samoa$225.0520200.00%Refined Petroleum
Guinea Bissau$205.9920200.00%Coconuts Brazil Nuts and Cashews
French Polynesia$168.8120000.00%Pearls
Dominica$161.9620180.00%Medical Instruments
Vanuatu$156.8620200.00%Non-fillet Frozen Fish
Gambia$149.4120200.00%Rough Wood
Micronesia$96.9020200.00%Non-fillet Frozen Fish
Tonga$92.7020200.00%Other Vegetables
Marshall Islands$85.5320200.00%Passenger and Cargo Ships
Nauru$23.6020190.00%Non-fillet Frozen Fish
Kiribati$18.9520180.00%Non-fillet Frozen Fish
