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четверг, 9 июля 2020 г.

The DSDM principles: A visual guide

Learn the 8 DSDM principles and ensure they stick in your mind with this handy graphic and article. Ideal if you are working on DSDM projects at the moment or taking an AgilePM course.

Principles are the building blocks

DSDM has eight principles underpinning the framework. Each principle must be adhered to by the project team, as ignoring any of the principles can increase the chance of project failure.
The graphic below was created to help you learn about DSDM. If you like it, please show your appreciation by linking back to this page.
Now, let’s find out more about the DSDM principles and how teams can ensure they stick to them.

1. Focus on the business need

DSDM has a strong business-driven approach. A business case must be established for the project and the team must understand project priorities. Every decision the team make during the project should help achieve the project goal and the team must ensure the project is delivered on time.

MoSCoW prioritisation

To adhere to this principle, DSDM teams have several tools at their disposal. For example, the MoSCoW technique helps the team prioritise which of the business requirements Must be, Should be, Could be or Won't be delivered. Timeboxing helps to separate work into manageable chunks of time, with each chunk having its own deliverables and deadline.
The Foundation phase in DSDM also helps the team build focus. During this phase, team roles are established. The team then form the overall strategy, decide how risk/quality will be assessed, how technology will be used and how the project will be managed.

2. Deliver on time

DSDM places a strong emphasis on prompt delivery, proposing that even projects without any need for a fixed deadline still benefit from one. This is because having deadlines is the best way to control changing requirements. To stick to this principle, DSDM teams should focus on priorities, hit deadlines and manage their time by using the MoSCoW and timeboxing techniques.

3. Collaborate

Team spirit and collaboration is highly important for DSDM teams. This is based on a rejection of having multiple departments that rarely interact. Teams should instead work as one unit and collaborate to encourage understanding, higher performance and shared ownership.

Business and technical staff work together

DSDM teams fulfil this principle by having business and technical staff together in the team, instead of separately. The team involve stakeholders throughout the project and ensure each team member feels empowered to make decisions. The team use ‘workshops’ to meet stakeholders and involve them in the project.

Ensuring collaboration

The visionary, ambassador and business advisor roles also ensure collaboration. The visionary conveys the sponsor’s needs to the team and ensures the business case objectives are achieved. Ambassadors communicate user’s needs to the development team, whilst business advisors assist with areas such as law or marketing. On a non-agile project, these roles would be performed outside of the project or would not exist at all.

4. Never compromise quality

Quality is always fixed on DSDM projects and must be decided at the start. The final product shouldn’t be any more or any less than the quality decided upon.

Continuous testing

To adhere to this principle, DSDM teams must ensure quality doesn’t become a variable by testing continuously and reviewing constantly. This testing and reviewing occurs during the ‘exploration’ and ‘engineering’ iterative development phases. Testing should happen early in the project. Again, MoSCoW and timeboxing can be used to ensure testing is appropriate and organized.

5. Build incrementally from firm foundations

DSDM differs from other agile methods as it requires the foundations of the project to be agreed early. The foundations don’t need to be in too much detail – just agree on what the problem is and how to solve it. Once foundations are established, the solution must be delivered incrementally.

Just enough design up front

To adhere to this principle, DSDM teams must ensure they perform analysis and ‘enough design up front’ (EDUF) at the start of the project. During each increment, the team must re-assess priorities and project viability, ensuring they have taken stakeholder feedback into consideration. Both the feasibility and foundation phases allow for establishing a foundation; the exploration and engineering phases allow for incremental delivery.

6. Develop iteratively

DSDM proposes that nothing is created perfectly first time and projects operate in a constantly changing world. Incremental delivery allows for such change to be embraced and leads to higher stakeholder satisfaction. Each iteration is combined with testing, demonstrations and feedback. This ensures that each iteration improves upon the last and leads to a decent final product.

Feedback loop

DSDM teams can adhere to this principle by building feedback into each iteration. They must also be in the mindset that details should emerge later, not sooner, and they must embrace change. During each iteration, they should encourage creativity and experimentation, which will lead to learning and improvement. Constant review and feedback allow for change and progress to occur.

7. Communicate continuously and clearly

Bad communication often leads to project failure and traditional non-agile approaches fail to address this. DSDM aims to improve communication by using frequent face-to-face meetings, visual communication (modelling), advance releases of prototypes and workshop sessions.

Daily stand-ups

DSDM teams can fulfil this principle with several methods. One way is to encourage team interaction through daily stand-up meetings. These informal meetings allow the team to meet and discuss issues or ideas together. Facilitated workshops are also an effective way for stakeholders to improve their understanding and discuss requirements.
DSDM teams commonly use modelling and prototyping to further improve communication. These practical methods help replace the need for heavy, useless documentation.


Modelling is a visual form of communication utilizing diagrams. This allows for complex systems, designs and products to be better understood.


Prototyping means creating prototypes of the product early in development, to allow stakeholders to ‘test-drive’ early versions of the solution.

8. Demonstrate control

It is vital to keep control of the project. DSDM proposes that it is only possible to do this by using a plan aligned to the project aims, with both being accessible to the entire team.

Ensure progress is visible

DSDM teams, especially the project manager and team leader, can fulfil this principle by ensuring plans and progress are visible to everyone. Managing must be proactive with an emphasis on reporting and tracking.

Measure progress by delivery

Also, progress must be measured by looking at what has been delivered, rather than activities completed. Timeboxing helps to control who is doing what and when. DSDM can also be combined with methods such as Kanban, which help teams to visualize project progress and see who is doing what, when and how long it will take them.


As you might have noticed, the eight DSDM principles embody the principles of the agile manifesto. The focus on iterative delivery, effective communication, collaboration and continuous delivery all align with the agile philosophy. DSDM also has some of its own characteristics – it’s process model and specific team roles - for instance. Yet, many of the other tools and techniques recommended by DSDM - modelling, prototyping and workshops, timeboxing, MoSCoW - are used by other agile methods.

DSDM® is a Registered Trade Mark of Agile Business Consortium Limited.

воскресенье, 5 июля 2020 г.

How to use MoSCoW

The MoSCoW prioritisation technique is used on agile projects to help prioritise tasks. It’s an incredibly useful method that non-agile projects can benefit from too. It's taught as a core component on an agile project management course.
Read this article to learn more about MoSCoW and how to use it.

What is MoSCoW?

MoSCoW is a prioritisation technique commonly used by agile project teams. It stands for
and helps teams understand which requirements or tasks they should focus on. MoSCoW was invented by Oracle employee Dai Clegg in 1994 and is the most common prioritisation technique used on agile projects.
Though MoSCoW is often used to prioritise customer’s requirements on projects, it can also be used outside of projects. For example, to prioritise business as usual work within an organisations or to prioritise jobs to do at home in your personal life.
If you’re learning about agile project management, MoSCoW is one of the many key agile techniques which you need to understand. It’s one of the techniques covered on the popular AgilePM courses.

Why should I use it?

Using MoSCoW is a highly effective way for a project team to prioritise its work. Focussing on the most important tasks means they can get the main components of the project finished quickly, before the fancy bits are added later. It keeps the entire team on the same page, ensuring everyone knows what is being worked on.
Using MoSCoW also means both customer and project team might decide that some requirements don’t even need to be there. It helps cut out unnecessary things and keeps things lean, agile and simple. MoSCoW is one of the aspects of agile that helps the team minimise wasted time, effort, resources and money.

How to use it

MoSCoW is simple to use. Firstly, you’ll need a list of the customer’s requirements. A great way to use MoSCoW is in a workshop with users. Brainstorm a list of requirements, writing each one on a post-it note and then apply MoSCoW.
It is also commonly used during Scrum planning meetings to prioritise user stories for the next sprint.
So, with your list of requirements, ask whether each requirement is one of the following:


A requirement which must be completed and is vital for the project’s success. Without this requirement, the project will likely fail.


Whilst these requirements are important, they can be delayed if time, resources or money are tight. They are not as time-critical as musts.


These requirements are not necessary, but they can be completed if there’s enough time.


These requirements are the least critical and can be completed at a later stage.
Let’s use an example. Your customer wants a new e-commerce website for their small clothing business. Their requirements for this project are:
  • It needs a homepage
  • It needs product pages
  • Each product needs a photo and description
  • There needs to be a shopping cart
  • There needs to be an about us page
  • There needs to a be a terms & conditions, returns page
  • There should be a banner with special deals
  • There should be live chat
  • It would be nice to have social media buttons
  • It would be nice to have a pop up for subscribing to mailing lists
  • Perhaps there can be a blog, but not sure
Using MoSCoW, you might want to prioritise these requirements like this:


Homepage, product listings, product photos and descriptions, shopping cart, about us page, returns page, terms & conditions page.


Banner and live chat


Social media


Once prioritised, your team will know which requirements to work on first. To help keep everyone on the same page, it’s highly recommended you use a Kanban board. This can be a physical board in the office, or you can investigate digital boards, such as KanbanFlow and Trello.


Overall, the MoSCoW technique is an excellent tool for any agile project team. It brings focus and simplicity to everyday work, cuts down on wasted time and effort, and keeps everyone working towards the same goals. It can even be used outside projects on business as usual activities.

воскресенье, 14 июня 2020 г.

Agile principles: An illustrated guide

By Simon Buehring

The 12 agile principles underpin every successful agile project and can inspire even non-agile teams. They form a core part of any agile project management course. Below is our beautifully illustrated infographic detailing the agile principles. Perfect for anyone working on agile projects!

суббота, 30 мая 2020 г.

The Agile Manifesto: An illustrated guide

The 4 Kanban principles: A visual guide

We have developed this visual guide to help you understand how Kanban method works and whether it will be useful for your organisation. Kanban is such a flexible agile method that it can be used on all types of work and different types of projects, as long as the 4 principles are followed.
Kanban is discussed on many agile courses, including Agile Project Management (AgilePM) courses.

What is Kanban?

Developed by Toyota

Kanban is a highly visual work management method, developed in Japan in the late 1940’s by Toyota engineers. The word Kanban roughly translates in Japanese as “visual card”.

Limiting waste

By displaying cards on a board, a team can easily display a workflow to everybody involved in the team. The fundamental benefit of working in this way is that any disruptions to workflow are easily identified, and team members can collaborate to rectify issues before they get out of control.
The approach also limits the amount of work in progress, thereby minimising any build-up of tasks which wastes time and money.

Pulling work

Kanban is based on a pull rather than a push system. This means that team members only start work when they have capacity, rather than work being pushed to them with the potential of getting piled up. Kanban can be a valuable tool when managing projects that require deliverables frequently and is also a popular choice for software development teams.
The graphic below was created to help you get a basic understanding of the 4 principles of Kanban. If you like it, please show your appreciation by linking back to this page.

The 4 principles of Kanban

1. Visualize workflow

Visualize your work on a board with cards to represent user stories (work) in your product backlog (inventory). Use colours to represent the theme of your user stories. For a simple Kanban board, label one column “TO-DO” and another “DONE”. Label columns in between “TO-DO” and “DONE” to represent either the type of work or whoever is responsible for undertaking it. Split these columns into two and label “Doing” and “Done”. Place the cards into columns depending on their workflow status. Doing this enables the whole team to view work in progress, work that has been completed and work to be started next. As work gets completed, move your cards from left to right.
Top tip: Keep your column labels simple and intuitive.

2. Limit work in progress (WIP)

Set a limit on how much work can be in progress at one time in each column. In other words, how many cards can be in each column at a given time. This ensures that cards are moving smoothly across the board as and when the team are ready for them.

Do the top priority work first

Your “TO-DO” column should be filled with top priority work from your product backlog. When you have a space in your “TO-DO” column, you can fill it with another user story from your product backlog.
By setting work in progress limits (WIP limits), the entire team can quickly see if there is a blockage and collaborate to fix it. Setting WIP limits eliminates multi-tasking, which is the ultimate productivity killer.
Top tip: Teams can assist other teams when bottlenecks are identified, regardless of expertise.

3. Focus on flow

By now, your work should flow freely through the Kanban system. It might even feel very easy! Make sure that you keep a lookout for any interruptions in flow and use these as opportunities for improvement. Workflow should run smoothly and not stop and start. Choose some flow metrics to track and analyse them. Which ones you choose are entirely up to you, but here are some helpful examples:
  • Lead time - how long does it take for a card to move from “TO-DO” to “DONE”?
  • Cycle time - how long does it take for a card to move from “Doing” to “Done”?
  • Number of items not started - are you struggling with your workload?
  • Number of items that are WIP - are you staying within your WIP limits?
  • Blockage areas - do you see any areas where cards build up, causing a blockage in flow?
Top tip: Smooth flow = creating value

4. Continuous improvement

Remember that even after implementing Kanban, the work is never truly finished. Part of the Kanban method is to continuously improve your processes. Monitor your Kanban system and make improvements on an ongoing basis.


By following these 4 principles, you should have enough of an overview to get yourself started with a Kanban board and some cards to represent your user stories.
For some teams, Kanban may be all they need to effectively manage their day to day development. Kanban ensures that there is a seamless flow to your production line regardless of the type of work you do. However, you might like to use Kanban alongside a good Scrum framework, which will provide even more structure and organisational improvements.

вторник, 4 сентября 2018 г.

How Agile Is Transforming the Way Business Is Done

The concept of agility as a way to organize a business has been gaining popularity across the corporate world, after emerging from long-standing collaborative practices cultivated by software development teams.
In agile project management, groups set short-term goals and continually produce deliverables, incorporate user feedback, and react to changing priorities as they develop larger products. Businesses are following those tenets, too.
HR is expected to play a vital role as employers in numerous industries adopt these lean, flexible, decentralized practices.
What Is Agile?
"Agility refers to the ability of organizations to respond to change with speed," said Sanjiv Augustine, co-founder and CEO of Herndon, Va.-based "agile" training firm LitheSpeed.  "In the past few years, business units have begun adopting agile across the entire value stream of business functions—legal, marketing, sales and HR."
ING, the Dutch banking giant, initiated a makeover in 2015 from a traditional organizational structure to the kind of agile model embraced by major digital pioneers like Google and Spotify. Thousands of headquarters employees had to reapply for jobs and shift into "squads," "tribes" and "chapters."
Becoming agile means shifting from "a siloed, hierarchical organization to a flatter, adaptive one," Augustine said.
Leaders will "work more closely with their employees and customers on small, collaborative teams to deliver value in a more iterative and incremental fashion," said Augustine, author ofManaging Agile Projects (Prentice Hall, 2005).
"That is, solutions are developed collaboratively and progressively with close customer interaction.  Employees are thrilled to have their work count for something and find greater meaning and purpose in their lives, due to closer bonding with their peers and clearer contributions to their organizations," he said.
While there's no one universally accepted definition of agile organization, the SD Learning Consortium—a group of large, agile-embracing companies including Ericsson, Fidelity Investments, Barclays and Microsoft—met in 2016 to try to characterize it. They defined the four main themes of agile:
  • Delighting customers.
  • Descaling work.
  • Enterprisewide agility.
  • Nurturing culture.
Accenture has defined agility as "a company's ability to anticipate, sense and respond to volatility in markets in ways that create competitive advantage" or, in Accenture's shorthand, "Agility = adaptability + speed + execution."
Agile at Work
Rather than depend on a few high-level decision-makers to rigidly control activities, agile companies rely on their entire workforce to nimbly respond to change, Accenture noted in 2015.
Agile teams need a "product owner" empowered to make decisions about scope, timing and budget without having to consult a steering group or governing body, the Boston Consulting Group says, adding that two or three people may assume the role in more complex companies.
A 2016 Harvard Business Review article described agile methods as a group of values, practices and principles representing a "radical alternative to command-and-control-style management." It reported that some companies had reallocated 25 percent or more of leaders' time from "functional silos" to agile, multidisciplinary teams.
Department leaders at Mission Bell Winery, for example, joined an agile executive team that prioritized company initiatives based on value and collaboration opportunities, according to the article, which noted that National Public Radio, John Deere, Saab and GE also had adopted agile methods.
Consulting firm Scaled Agile Inc. says 70 percent of Fortune 100 companies have adopted its Scaled Agile Framework training and certification program.
New Role for HR
HR will need to take on new roles and responsibilities as companies seek to become more agile, and this will require HR to reshape its own structure and operations to promote flexibility, according to Scaled Agile.
HR professionals will need to foster worker mobility, help discover unknown talent, help to build "an adaptive, ethical and empowered culture," emphasize quick skills development, and redesign work to allow "on-the-fly problem-solving and experimentation and less conformance to rigidly prescribed job tasks," the firm said.
"HR organizations of the future will have to reinvent themselves—and the HR and talent management practices they support—to drive agility in their organization. Those that fail to do so may put their organizations at risk of obsolescence," Accenture said.
HR can support agile environments by hiring the appropriate people, using performance reviews that don't kill collaboration and implementing work policies that lend proper flexibility, said LitheSpeed co-founder Arlen Bankston.
Bankston recently laid out several principles for organizational agility, including the concepts of choosing self-managing groups over hierarchy and wholeness over work focus alone—that is, supporting employees' well-being, motivation and growth through "organic, human work environments, flexible hours, workspaces, tools, approaches and connection to a resonating purpose."
Keith Johnstone, head of marketing for Peak Sales Recruiting, recommends that HR teams:
• Work with C-suite executives to empower middle managers and front-line leaders to build small, dexterous, talented, cross-functional teams with decision-making autonomy.
• Transform internally at scale. Johnstone cited a McKinsey report on ING's "agile transformation," which said the changes led to better time to market, employee engagement and productivity. After headquarters employees reapplied for jobs, 40 percent wound up with different positions in the firm. The selection process was weighted more for culture and mindset than for experience or knowledge, according to McKinsey. ING executives said the financial institution lost a lot of people who had good knowledge but lacked the right mindset, and many older employees adapted more quickly and readily than younger counterparts.
• Hire versatile "change agents" with fresh ideas and thinking who won't rely on doing things the way they've always been done. "For agile to become an organizational practice, HR leaders first need to get buy-in from the C-suite. If there isn't support from the top, the promise of increased productivity and efficiency won't be realized. Second, they need to educate front-line managers on the benefits of the approach and its core principles," Johnstone said.
"Third, they need to make agile part of the onboarding program for new hires. This not only highlights to new employees that agile is a core organizational practice, but it ensures new team members have the skills and mindset necessary to execute," Johnstone said.
Dinah Wisenberg Brin is a freelance writer covering workplace issues, entrepreneurship, small business, health care, personal finance and logistics from Philadelphia.

пятница, 6 апреля 2018 г.

A New Approach to Designing Work

For years, management thinkers assumed that there were inevitable trade-offs between efficiency and flexibility — and that the right organizational design for each was different. But it’s possible to design an organization’s work in ways that simultaneously offer agility and efficiency — if you know how.

You can hardly pick up a business publication without reading about the ever-increasing pace of change in technologies and markets and the consequent need for more adaptable organizations. Given the imperative of adaptability, it is not surprising that few words have received more attention in recent conversations about management and leadership than “agile.”1 Organizations ranging from large corporations like General Electric Co. to tiny startups are trying to be both flexible and fast in the ways that they react to new technology and changing market conditions.2
The word “agile” appears to have been first applied to thinking about software by 17 developers in 2001.3 Having experimented with more iterative, less process-laden approaches to developing new applications for several decades, the group codified its experience in an agile manifesto. “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it,” they wrote. In software development, agile now has a variety of manifestations, including scrum, extreme programming, and feature-driven development.4 The results have been significant. A variety of studies show that agile software development methods can generate a significant improvement over their more traditional predecessors.5
But what does this mean outside of software? Can agile methods be successfully applied to other types of work? Many proponents (a number of whom started in the software industry) argue that the answer is yes, and a growing collection of books, papers, and blog posts suggests how it might be done.6 The evidence, however, remains limited to date, and a recent article by two of agile’s founders cautions against applying agile indiscriminately.7 The blogosphere is also replete with discussions of an ongoing agile backlash.
To provide some practical advice to business leaders trying to understand what agile might mean for their organizations, we take a different approach. Our research suggests that in applying agile methods from the software industry to other domains, managers often confuse practices and principles. When agile methods work, they do so because the associated practices manifest key behavioral principles in the context of software development. But, successful as those practices can be when developing software, there is no guarantee that they will work in other contexts. The key to transferring a set of practices from one domain to another is to first understand whythey work and then to modify them in ways that both match the new context and preserve the underlying principles.
The goal of this article is to help you understand several key work design principles that undergird not only agile practices in software but also Toyota Motor Corp.’s well-known production system in manufacturing. Once you understand these underlying work design principles — through a framework we call dynamic work design — you can create work processes in your own organization that are both more flexible andmore efficient. (See “About the Research.”)

About the Research

Our dynamic work design framework originated more than 20 years ago when two of the authors worked together to improve both manufacturing and product development at Harley-Davidson Inc. (At the time, one of the authors [Don Kieffer] was leading Harley-Davidson’s largest engine development project, and another [Nelson Repenning] was doing research on failures in new product development.) Following the principles of action research, in the ensuing decades we have regularly iterated between trying to help organizations improve their work design and building a theory grounded in the underlying social science for why these interventions did or did not work. Over the years, we have done dozens of projects in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, software, and genetic sequencing. We have also supervised more than 1,000 work design projects done by executives in our courses at MIT.

Stability vs. Uncertainty

Academics and managers alike long believed that organizations had to make trade-offs between flexibility and efficiency. A central notion in the academic theory on organizational design is contingency, the idea that organizations and their associated processes need to be designed to match the nature of the work they do. One of the most common variables in contingency theory is the degree of uncertainty in the surrounding environment (often also conceptualized as the need for innovation). When both the competitive environment and the associated work are stable and well understood, contingency theory suggests that organizations will do best with highly structured, mechanistic designs. In contrast, when facing highly uncertain situations that require ongoing adaptation, the theory suggests that organizations will do better with more flexible, organic designs.8
An early advocate of the mechanistic approach to work design was Frederick Winslow Taylor, author of the 1911 book The Principles of Scientific Management.9 Taylor’s essential insight was simply that if work is regularly repeated, it can also be studied and improved. In stable, well-understood environments, it is thus often best to organize work in ways that leverage the efficiency that comes with repetition. For example, in a modern factory, well-defined tasks are specified, and the work proceeds serially, moving from one carefully constructed and defined set of activities to the next. There is little need for collaboration in these settings, and the organizational structure that surrounds stable and repeatable work tends to be hierarchical to ensure that everybody follows the prescribed work design. The cost of such efficiency is adaptability. Due to the high degree of routinization and formalization, mechanistic process designs are difficult to change in response to new requirements. Though efficient, a mechanistic design is not agile.
When, however, the environment is unstable and uncertain, discrete tasks are harder to define, and therefore organizations cannot rely on a sequence of clearly defined steps. For example, product development teams often face challenges for which there is little precedent. Contingency theory holds that in unpredictable environments like new product development, organizations rely more on things like training and collaboration and less on routinization and careful specification. Developing a breakthrough product or service usually can’t be organized like a factory assembly line. Marketing experts may develop a set of initial requirements, which are then passed on to designers and engineers, but the requirements often evolve through multiple iterations as designers and engineers determine what is technically feasible. Consequently, effective development processes often require ongoing real-time collaboration, rather than rote adherence to a set of sequentially organized steps.
Though the contingency theory was first developed more than 50 years ago, its basic insights reappear frequently in contemporary management thinking. Many flavors of process-focused improvement, such as total quality management, Six Sigma, and business process reengineering, are extensions to Taylor’s fundamental insight that work that is repeated can also be improved. Recently, the increasingly popular design thinking approach can be thought of as a charge to tackle ambiguous, uncertain tasks with a more collaborative, less hierarchical work design.10 In general, contingency theory gives managers a straightforward approach to designing work: Assess the stability of the competitive environment and the resulting work, and then pick the best mix of defined tasks and collaboration to fit the challenge at hand. (See “A Traditional Approach to Work Design.”) If the work being designed consists of well-defined tasks (for example, assembling components), then it is best to organize it serially, or, as we label the cell on the bottom left, using the “factory” mode. Conversely, if the work is highly ambiguous and requires ongoing interaction (for example, designing new products), then the work is best organized collaboratively, or, as we label the cell on the top right, in “studio” mode.

A Traditional Approach to Work Design

In a traditional approach to work design, if the work being designed consists of well-defined tasks (for example, assembling components), then it should be organized serially, in what we call the “factory” mode. Conversely, if the work is highly ambiguous and requires ongoing interaction (for example, designing new products), then the work should be organized collaboratively, in what we call the “studio” mode.

Though powerful, this approach to work design is not entirely satisfying for two reasons. First, it describes an unpalatable trade-off: Work done using the serial factory design isn’t very flexible, making it hard to adapt to changes in external conditions, and work done using the collaborative studio approach often isn’t very efficient. Second, few types of work perfectly fit the archetype of well-defined or ambiguous work. Even the most routine work has the occasional moment of surprise, and conversely, even the most novel work, such as designing a new product or service, often requires executing routine analysis and testing activities that support each creative iteration. Academic theory notwithstanding, real work is a constantly evolving mix of routine and uncertainty.
At first glance, agile methods appear to fall more toward the collaborative side of the work spectrum. However, our research suggests a different interpretation. The conventional approach to process and organizational design is almost entirely static, implicitly presuming that once a piece of work has been designed, everything will go as planned. In contrast, a dynamic approach to work design suggests viewing work as an ever-evolving response to the hiccups and shortfalls that are inevitable in real organizations. As we will describe later in this article, agile methods actually transcend the traditional serial vs. collaborative work framework by creating better mechanisms for moving between the two basic ways of organizing work. By identifying mechanisms to cycle back and forth between well-defined factory-style tasks and collaborative studio modes when appropriate, an agile approach can considerably reduce the trade-off between efficiency and adaptability.

Dynamic Work Design at Toyota

What does this look like in practice? Consider a well-known example of work and organizational design, Toyota’s Andon cord. Work on Toyota assembly lines is the epitome of the serial, mechanistic design. Tasks are precisely specified, often detailing specific arm and hand movements and the time that each action should take. In a plant we visited recently, training for a specific role began with the trainee learning to pick up four bolts at a time — not three and not five. Only when the trainee could pick up four bolts regularly was she allowed to learn the next motion. But, despite an attention to detail that would have made Taylor proud, sometimes things go awry. In the Toyota scheme, a worker noticing such an issue is supposed to pull what’s known as the Andon cord (or push a button) to stop the production line and fix the problem.
While the management literature has correctly highlighted the importance of allowing employees to stop the line,11 what happens after the cord is pulled might be more important. During a recent visit we took to a Toyota supplier in Toyota City, Japan, we observed that one operator on the factory floor was struggling to complete her task in the allotted time, and so she hit a yellow button, causing an alarm to sound and a light to flash. (This factory has replaced the Andon cord with a yellow button at each operator’s station.) Within seconds, the line’s supervisor arrived and assisted the operator in resolving the issue that was preventing her from following the prescribed process. In less than a minute, the operator, now able to hit her target, returned to her normal routine, and the supervisor went back to other activities.
What, from a work design perspective, happened in this short episode? Initially, the operator was working in the “factory” mode, executing well-defined work to a clearly specified time target. (See the box on the lower left in the exhibit “Dynamic Work Design at a Toyota Supplier.”) But when something in that careful design broke down, the operator couldn’t complete her task in the allotted time. Once the problem occurred, the operator had two options for responding. She could have found an ad hoc adjustment, a workaround or shortcut that would allow her to keep working. But this choice often leads to highly dysfunctional outcomes.12 Alternatively, as we observed, she could push the button, stop the work, and ask for help. By summoning the supervisor to help, pushing the button temporarily changed the work design. The system briefly left the mechanistic, serial mode in favor of a more organic, collaborative approach focused on problem resolution. Once the problem was resolved, the operator returned to her normal task and to the serial work design.

Dynamic Work Design at a Toyota Supplier

At a Toyota supplier, a worker on an assembly line can press a button if he or she faces a problem. A manager then helps solve the problem through collaboration; once the problem is solved, the worker returns to his or her task. Pushing the button thus initiates a temporary shift in the work design — from serial to collaborative work and then back again — that increases agility.

The Toyota production system might at first appear to be the ultimate in mechanistic design, but a closer look suggests something far more dynamic. When a worker pulls the Andon cord, the system actually moves between two modes based on the state of the work. Though the nature of the work couldn’t be more different, such movement between the two modes is also the key to understanding the success of agile software development.

As we discussed earlier, the last two decades have witnessed a significant change in the conduct of software development. Whereas software was once largely developed using what is known as the
 waterfall approach, agile methods have become increasingly popular. From a dynamic work design perspective, the waterfall and agile approaches differ significantly.

Agile as Dynamic Work Design

In the waterfall approach, the software development cycle is typically divided into a few major phases. A project might include a requirements phase, an architecture development phase, a detailed coding phase, and a testing and installation phase. A waterfall project typically cycles between three basic modes of work. First, the bulk of the time is spent by software architects and engineers working individually or in small groups, completing whatever the specific phase requires. Second, typically on a weekly basis, those people leave their individual work to come together for a project meeting, where they report on their progress, check to ensure mutual compatibility, and adapt to any changes in direction provided by leadership. Third, at the end of each phase, there is a more significant review, often known as a “phase-gate review,” in which senior leaders do a detailed check to determine whether the project is ready to exit that phase and move to the next. Development cycles for other types of non-software projects often work similarly.13
Agile development processes organize the work differently. For example, in the scrum approach14 (one version of agile), the work is not divided into a few major phases but rather into multiple short “sprints” (often one to two weeks in length) focused on completing all of the work necessary to deliver a small but working piece of software. At the end of each sprint, the end user tests the new functionality to determine whether or not it meets the specified need.
Like the waterfall method, the agile approach to software development also has three basic work modes — individual work, team meetings, and customer reviews — but it cycles among them very differently. First, proponents of agile suggest meeting daily — thus moving from individual work to teamwork and back every day — in the form of a stand-up or scrum meeting, where team members report on the day’s progress, their plans for the next day, and perceived impediments to progress. Second, agile recommends that at the end of each sprint, the team lets the customer test the newly added functionality. Finally, in something akin to the Andon cord, some versions of agile also include an immediate escalation to the entire team when a piece of code does not pass the appropriate automated testing, effectively again moving the system from individual work to the team collaboration mode.
Viewed from a dynamic work design perspective, agile offers two potential benefits over waterfall. First, in waterfall development, the frequency of collaborative episodes is usually too low, both among the team members and between the team and its customers. A developer working for a week or two without a check-in could waste considerable effort before it’s clear that he or she has made a mistake or gone off course. In practice, developers often do not wait this long and informally check in with supervisors or teammates. While seemingly functional, these check-ins can lead to a situation in which the entire team is not working from a common base of information about the state of the project. In such cases, the operating mode starts to migrate from the box on the lower left, the “factory” mode, to the one on the lower right, where ambiguous work is organized serially. This results in costly and slow iteration, which we call ineffective iteration. (See “Dysfunctional Dynamics.”) Research suggests that in R&D processes, this mode can be highly inefficient.15 Similarly, checking in with more senior leadership only in the form of periodic phase-gate reviews means that the entire team could work for months before realizing that it is not meeting management’s expectations, thus also potentially causing rework.