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четверг, 6 июня 2024 г.

Turnaround in business. Part 2


Mission: Business Strategy Focus On Turnaround Processes

When we are talking about business strategy many times we use the following strategic concepts: values, mission, vision, strategic objectives, strategy, and business policies. Those strategic concepts can be sorted into present and future focus on. Thus, values, mission and policies are very much focus on the present/today (the current situation), and vision and strategy build the company future. In the case of objectives, there are short-term and long-term (more than one year).

From the turnaround prospect, it is more important present than future because if we do not quickly solve the current problems, there will not be any future. Therefore, business strategy in turnaround should be prioritized short-term strategic concepts. This is going to offer us the actual strategic status of the company.

The main strategic concept related to the present is mission that is going to answer questions like: What do we do? or What is our business?

Mission Definition: Adapted from Derek F. Abell; and Nigel F. Piercy and Neil A. Morgan

Mission: If we ask the Managing Committee the six basic questions for Mission Definition (and the answers match with the reality), we would probably discover any of the following problems:

  • Market: Selling to companies of many different industries, sizes, and so on. So there is not any customer segmentation strategy, or it is not properly implemented and controlled it. In those situations, firms used to be more focus on sales than profitability. Perhaps we have some unprofitable customers that erode the profit generated for the rest of the customers.
  • Product: Selling with important price discounts even if the company does not enjoy an important cost advantage compared with his competitors. That discount affect importantly to bottom line. Usually those situations come when we do not understand our own value proposition for customers, and obviously we are not able to sell value. We have to highlight that failing to define our market segmentation, or using a passive sell strategy (waiting for customers calls rather than “hunting” customers) in industrial markets push organizations to reduce prices to close sales.
  • Capabilities: When we do not understand how to create value for customers, we invest in the wrong capabilities in the medium and long-term and that could jeopardize our competitive advantage. Without a competitive advantage, firms used to reduce prices/margins to maintain sales.
Finding the leverage points is the key for quick and substantial improvements

System thinking teaches us that focusing on a few leverages points, we are able to create a big impact in our organization faster. The different between leverage points and other improvement initiatives is that leverage points attack problem root causes rather than problem symptoms.

Turnaround need to attack urgently the main problems and that means finding the leverage points quickly. But many managers fail to identify the right leverage points because they use a silo functional view (sales, manufacturing, etc.,) of the problems rather than a system/company view. For example, it is very common finding companies in which the sales department is focusing on maintain some overstock to satisfy “unpredictable” sales demand; manufacturing is creating overproduction in order to optimize production resources; and so on when other system solutions like lean manufacturing could improve much more the company results without overusing stock strategy.

Accounting Roadmap for Turnaround

Accounting discipline offers us a roadmap for turnaround. I mean accounting provisions offers us a checklist about company risks. When we are talking about turnaround one of the first things to do is checking the status of the provisions and be sure that all the risks are really contemplated, provisioned and updated.

In order to turnaround a company first it is to recognize the problems and make the provisions needed to create a realistic baseline. Then we will be able to design a company recovery path. Sometimes this important turnaround stage is not well performed and the result is a false turnaround starting phase because of every few weeks any unexpected risk is discovered and appeared.

Now we are going to review some of the main provisions to be reviewed in turnaround:

  • Provisions for long-term employee benefits: For instance holidays not enjoyed previous years that must be paid in case that the relationship with those employees finished. Moreover in turnaround is quite common to change some people to get out of the crisis, I mean to “get out of the bus” staff that sabotages the turnaround process, or they are not able to adapt to the new management needs, or they do not have really interested to continue in the company, or they do not have the skills or productivity needed.
  • Provisions for taxes: Because the company is in financial troubles, it is not going to paid taxes for profits. However, we could have other taxes like VAT that could be delayed the payment. So those taxes delayed must be provisioned.
  • Provisions for other liabilities: One of the core turnaround disciplines is legal issues. It is quite common having legal issues opened for firing people, stopping or renegotiate  suppliers’ contracts, customers’ complaints for delays, and so on.
  • Provisions for dismantlement, removal or restoration of fixed assets: I have personally seen a situation in which the factory floor status prevents that forklift can do their job properly, or roof that allows raining goes inside the warehouse.
  • Provisions for environmental actions: Firms in financial troubles use to neglect environmental issues.
  • Provisions for impairment of inventories (merchandise, raw materials, work in progress, finished goods, waste and revered materials): It is usually to find in turnaround companies’ problems with the stock. So problems with: expired stock; obsolete stock; wrong purchases that was never returned and with very limited chance to sell someday; revered materials bad stocked that affect to material quality.
  • Provisions for impairment of trade receivables: Sales process is not finished until we receive the customer payment. However sometimes sales and financial departments do not coordinate properly in monthly basis to optimize trade receivables. So you can find situations with trade receivables that were created several years ago and the documentation that supports the sale has been lost…
  • Provisions for onerous contracts: The costs associated to accomplish a contract that exceeds the economic benefits of the contract. I mean problems with sales pricing or/and executing the contract.
  • Provisions for other trade operations: Costs related to sales returns, product/service guarantees, or revisions. Those costs represent an important risk and you can find companies that do not provision them.
Should We Push Sales Importantly in the Middle of Turnaround Processes?

Many times we have listened that increasing sales have a positive effect in profits because fixed costs are sharing with more sales units (CVP Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis). What it is not many times remembered is that this is true under a few hypotheses (we are going to review some of them):

  • Selling price is constant for any volume: Although, it is quite common using discounts’ prices in order to increase or even maintain sales volume. Be aware that low margins are a cause of turnaround need.
  • Costs are linear: Sometimes firms have operational and managerial problems. This situation is quite common in turnaround (e.g. special projects with a wrong risk management process can be turned a planned positive margin into big losses). Those problems are showing an erratic negative behavior of costs. In this case more sales could mean much higher costs, and additional losses.
  • Costs are accurately classified in fixed and variable: Make this classification is  accurately not an easy task. When we are talking about companies in troubles, this assumption use to be wrong. Unfortunately, in turnaround many times that classification is wrong, so it is one of the causes of wrong decisions.
  • All units produced are sold, there is no significant change in the size of inventory: When we are pushing sales, sometimes large accounts (with important negotiation power) initial selling conditions are changed at the shipping or invoicing time affecting negative to stock. Again in turnaround situations are quite often to find some over optimistic people in the sales department, and the consequence is overstock.

CVP Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Moreover, we have to highlight that growth need an additional investment/capital. Thus, for increasing sales importantly we need an additional capital needs to create stock, more production capacity, finance customer days of payment, and so on. Usually in turnaround project we do not have the extra capital for investments, we need capital to sustain the current business.

So in turnaround we should work to improve sales process. But until the firm is not stabilized, we should likely focus on profitability (eliminating unprofitable products and customers) rather than on growing sales. Although, that decision must be studied case by case.

Time for Turnaround: Why does the turnaround decision use to be delayed?

Many times CEOs used to protect their management responsibility delaying turnaround with different “strategies”:

  • Arguing that is a conjectural stage
  • Arguing that is a marketplace situation
  • Using “accounting engineering” to cover the problem during some while

Recognizing that a company has important problems is complex because that means that we have to realize that we are doing business in the wrong marketplace and/or time, or we have the wrong people managing that market. So there is a responsible, that took the decision to entry in that market or that choose the current management team. Many decision makers do not want to recognize the problem because means recognizing the responsibility. So they used to wait some time with the hope that “something” is going to happen that change the current bad performance. We have mention that “something is going to happen” because people that create problems do not use to know how to solve those problems.

In many companies bad performance in some quarters is not so “significant”, and they wait until the end of the year in order to review the situation. Be aware that in many cases companies offer a second opportunity to the current management team. This means that because the review process is a yearly basis rather than a semester or quarterly basis that situation could be deteriorated even more, if the current managing team is not able to recover the situation.

Using Digital Transformation as a Turnaround Tool

The rate of technology innovation is part of the digital disruption challenge facing companies, department, teams and employees. That disruption is threaten many traditional businesses like banking or my last turnaround assignment that is a traditional software reseller threaten by cloud services. In my last turnaround, I decided to use the digital transformation as a business turnaround tool at the same time that the whole organization would understand better the cloud advantages and how to adapt the business model for the new cloud services.

First at all, let’s define what is a company-wide digital transformation.

What is a company-wide digital transformation?

We have to say that there are many definitions, for instance large traditional software firms that has been focused on offering many features and customization options to customers for long time would probably define digital transformation as access to new important business “features” like new customer engagement features, etc. However, I think that a transformation is something deeper than just adding a new business functionality to our systems.

I would say that a company-wide digital transformation should create a disruptive change in the organization that take full advantage of the new cloud systems to make what use to be complicated simple, and the processes and systems that used to be expensive affordable. Thus, a digital transformation should create a competitive advantage or at least neutralize the digital competitive advantage of our largest competitors.

That disruptive change would be produced, if we were able to create a better, faster and more cost-competitive organization. If our digital transformation does not achieve any of those three objectives, we shouldn’t talk about digital transformation and we should talk about just a digital upgrade.

What is involving a company-wide digital transformation?

A company-wide digital transformation should rethink the firm IT strategy and must affect several key areas of the firm by changing processes that enhance the customer experience and boost employees productivity:

  • Feature-rich software versus software based on simplicity: For instance, 80% of Microsoft Office users only use 20% of Office’s features. So, why should we pay more for features that many users won’t use and will make their work more complex? Another common example for SMB (Small and Medium Business) is: should we buy a feature-rich and complex ERP as SAP, if our SMB firm doesn’t have the resources to invest heavily in the long-term on consulting, training, licenses, etc? Using a lean approach to process and software could be a source of competitive advantage rather than a disadvantage. Investing in pre-internet and pre-cloud software without a large budget used to bring a poor ROI investment. Even if you are a large corporation with a huge budget, you should rethink your feature-rich approach versus lean. Moreover, those software were focused to “lock the system,” I mean to push customers to buy new license from the same software firm rather than ready to connect with new applications.
  • Software best of the breed versus integrated ERPs: In the pre-internet and pre-cloud era, connecting applications used to be complex and expensive. Nowadays many software firms are offering pre-built connections easy and cheap to implement. One of the major advantage of integrated ERPs used to be “the unique data” that users have to enter just once and it is shared for all the ERP modules. However, in order to take advantage of “the unique data”, anytime that you make an ERP customization this is likely affecting many others areas of the company which means that the customization process is slow and costly. It looks that the traditional ERPs are the new legacy system, and nowadays organizations need agility, flexibility and cost competitiveness. The new cloud ERPs are offering “strength functionalities” with less complexity, faster and simpler implementation, and much lower cost.
  • IT “make versus outsource” SaaS (Software As A Service): In the past organizations has to build big IT department to buy hardware and software, setup, maintain and upgrade systems, and so on. Right now, we are reducing the complexity of our IT department moving to the cloud as many as possible of our Information Systems. At the same time that we created a lean company, we improve our IT cost structure because of large data center transfer to us the benefits of economies of scale.
  • Processes change: A properly implementation of any new software should bring processes review in order to improve processes and reduce business complexity.
  • People change management: People need to understand and accept the benefits of the new processes and systems.
  • Enhance the customer experience: At the center of any business transformation and turnaround should be the customer. We shouldn’t forget that most customers expect agile services with no errors and at competitive price. So, the design of our information systems, processes and team should be aligned with the customer experience expectation.

What is the connection between a firm-wide digital transformation and turnaround?

A turnaround is a deep company transformation in which we need to improve drastically and quickly the operational and financial performance of the firm to “guarantee” the survival of the company. Many times, improving the operational performance will require important changes in the company processes and in the mindset of the people to be able to improve productivity and the cost structure of the firm. So a digital transformation could bring those benefits to a turnaround.

Nevertheless, someone could say “but a company-wide digital transformation can be an expensive and a long-term project no suitable for a turnaround”. Well, today innovation is happening at a faster rate than ever before. That innovation is not just happening in the technology field, it is happening as well in many business fields. So, nowadays you can find “new generation” software firms that are able to deliver excellent state of the art software solutions easy a fast to be implemented and with very affordable prices. Therefore, find those solutions is part of the successful digital transformation planning process.

Our experience using digital transformation to turnaround a firm

As I have mentioned before my definition of digital transformation is a transformation that must produce an important organization impact allowing the company to be better, faster and more cost competitive. So, in my last turnaround assignment I decided to implement the following digital and turnaround initiatives:

  1. ERP Financial software in cloud: The new financial software supported us to redesign the so critical turnaround process of controlling the cash flow. The invoicing process that wasn’t been reviewed in the last ten years was optimized, improving the productivity of that area. Additionally, we started using a fintech firm to make our receiving process faster and cheaper. Finally, our software was connected with our outsourced accounting services, getting a reduced service price based on our fast, easy and reliable way to share and transfer information with the accounting firm.
  2. The traditional telephone was migrated to cloud PBX system: Our communication costs dropped more than 50% and we enhance the communication flexibility of our team.
  3. Productivity/Office suite in the cloud: Local files servers, e-mails servers and backup systems were no longer to need it. Maintenance and support tasks provide for those servers by the IT area was no longer to need it either. The most important achievement was that people was able to collaborate better and with higher productivity.
  4. The 10-years-old CRM was changed for a new state of the art cloud based CRM: We took advantage of the CRM migration to clean and update the CRM database. Moreover, before migrating the database, we review the sales definitions (customer types, active customers, pipeline stages, deal types, etc.) and reports (dormant accounts campaign, cross-selling campaign, sales campaigns by products, customers and deals profitability, etc.) Right now the sales team has better and faster information. Last but no less important, the new CRM is focused on improving sales reps productivity rather than on sales management.
  5. Formalize the use of applications that improve productivity and reduce the traditional costs in areas as sales (Linkedin), advertising (Google Adwords), communication (Skype), project management (Trello), travels (Uber, Waze, Kayak, booking), and so on.

We would like to clarify that we are not suggesting that a digital transformation must be part of the turnaround toolbox but it could work very well in some situations as it was in our case.


пятница, 22 марта 2024 г.

How to create an effective pharmaceutical marketing strategy in 2024


Combine opportunity, strategy, and action to identify the right approach for your pharma brand

The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride for many of us, not least those within the pharmaceutical sector. Digital transformation is rapidly altering the way pharma brands communicate and deliver their products: consumers are becoming more knowledgeable and proactive, whilst businesses are having to adapt to an increasingly digital-first world.

And this has all happened alongside broader trends which KPMG believes will have a significant impact on revenues and business and operating models:

“The pharmaceutical sector is at a crossroads. In a heavily disrupted marketplace, characterized by shifting payer attitudes and patient empowerment, neither incremental adjustments nor steady evolution are likely to halt the decline of the traditional pharmaceutical business model.”

As a result of these different trends, it’s important for businesses to evaluate their digital communications and value delivery. Within the pharma sector, brands need to continue innovating and make their online experiences and customer engagement communications more effective. Moving into 2024, it will be crucial to have a clear, coherent and joined-up marketing strategy to compete. 

But why is it important to have a marketing strategy? I’ve highlighted below some of the key elements from Smart Insights’ marketing strategy definition to help explain why?

“A proactive, data-driven approach to marketing and communication activity across all channels and touchpoints. The marketing strategy informs all marketing activity taking place for the business since all marketing plans stem from this overarching structure and vision. Once the strategy is set and communicated, marketers use tactics to put into place their actions that drive to the result.”

Smart Insights has a wide range of strategic marketing guides, resources, and templates for pharmaceutical and healthcare companies looking to develop their marketing strategies. As we know, to succeed in pharma marketing today, marketers and managers must apply a data-driven, customer-focused approach to their strategy and planning, such as our popular RACE Framework lifecycle.

Take steps to optimize your marketing by joining Smart Insights as a Free Member today. Gain instant access to a wealth of digital marketing tools, some of which are mentioned in the article below, designed to help you convert more customers.

Within this post, we’re going to look at some of the key steps you can take to create a pharma marketing strategy that will set you up for success in 2024. 

3 key trends in the pharmaceutical sector

Although many strategic marketing models, frameworks, and plans can be applied to companies across different sectors, we need to first acknowledge the key trends in the pharma sector that will underpin your marketing strategy.

1. The impact of digital transformation and AI on content marketing

Whilst increased global use of AI is no doubt the major trend impacting the pharmaceuticals sector, it’s worth exploring how it has influenced marketing. The pandemic has forced many pharma operations to move online and provided new options to communicate with customers. This has given pharma brands an opportunity to create content for both healthcare professionals (HCP) and patients, and distribute this across different channels.

Now, we see generative AI used to increase content production, although at Smart Insights we recommend taking a blended approach. You can read our Free ChatGPTprompt cheatsheet for more tips on working collaboratively with AI to improve your work.

Needless to say, it’s become more important than ever to have a clear idea of the customer/ patient information journey and how to communicate with them at different stages:

2. The consumerization of healthcare

Pharmaceutical consumers want to have the same experience in healthcare that they have from other businesses. The presence of tech brands like Amazon, Netflix and Meta has exposed us to new information and levels of service that weren’t present 10-15 years ago. This has influenced what we expect from other brands, meaning marketers must take a customer-first approach to their marketing planning.

If you're not already familiar with it, don't miss this handy infographic on 15 uses of Machine Learning, Propensity Modeling, and AI. Even if you're not using all elements depicted in the lifecycle, you can use this structure to plan improvements to your customers' online experiences of your brand.

3. Enhancing consumer engagement

Competitiveness within the pharma sector and the consumerization of healthcare mean that engaging and retaining healthcare customers is crucial. This trend requires pharma companies to review and invest in platforms that they can use to create a consistent view of the customer across many touchpoints, including targeting, segmentation, and performance management:

Use RACE to structure your pharma company's digital strategy

Find out more about how your company can benefit from utilizing the RACE Growth System to strategize each component of your marketing funnel.

From strategy and planning to reaching customers and getting known, from encouraging interaction to increasing conversions, and keeping hold of loyal customers and advocates, the RACE Framework has everything your pharmaceutical marketing team needs to achieve your goals.

What's more, all our marketing tools, training, and templates are integrated across RACE, meaning you can adapt and prioritize key customer journeys to target high-value customers, using data and insights to confidently make decisions about your marketing strategy. Download your free digital marketing plan template to start today.

Optimize your marketing strategy using the Opportunity > Strategy > Action Framework

Opportunity, Strategy, Action is a perfect starting point for pharmaceutical marketing leaders looking to audit and reinforce their marketing strategies. This simple 3-step approach empowers marketers to adapt and react to internal and external factors influencing their customers' lifecycles:

  1. Opportunity
  2. Strategy
  3. Action

To help bring this further to life, let’s look at each section of the OSA framework with some examples of how it can be used to create an effective pharmaceutical marketing strategy.


This stage is about evaluating the current contribution of marketing channels by reviewing your data and setting future objectives.

The consumerization of healthcare will give you a macro view of the current situation and where to explore further. The trend of people influencing and controlling their medical and wellness care is here to stay and is only likely to grow:

The consumerization of healthcare means that there is an opportunity for providers to develop strategies and market offerings that fulfill customer needs and preferences while fully engaging them in an end-to-end customer experience. 

With this background insight in mind consider the following:

  • Your current performance and business contribution from digital channels
  • The digital maturity of your organization - are you currently set up to tackle the new challenges?
  • Review employees marketing skill-set to ensure they have the right tools and capabilities 
  • Benchmark your company vs. the competition 
  • Set SMART objectives informed by your audience and marketplace analysis


Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve (objectives), you must define a strategy for how you will get there and which tactics you will use for customer acquisition (Reach), conversion (Act and Convert), and customer retention/loyalty (Engage).

The objective you’ve set in the first stage will help you shape your strategy. For example, if you are developing a new product offering, you may need to focus on Reach to build awareness of your brand and grow your audience. But if you are already established you may instead want to focus on Act to prompt interaction, subscribers, and leads.

The key steps to consider at this stage include:

  • Review new business model options
  • Update your brand positioning, including your value proposition
  • Ensure you have a content marketing strategy 
  • Brand governance, including new planning processes or new controls on communications
  • A long-term roadmap - it’s likely that your strategic initiatives won’t be achieved within 6 months or even a year 


Finally, you will need to define how your team will execute the strategy and the methods you will use to measure and track success.

In this stage, you will take your objectives and strategy and translate them into an action plan. If your pharma strategy is going to take a very content-oriented approach to inform and engage consumers, for example, Smart Insights’ Content Marketing Blueprint provides a structure and workflow for planning a content marketing program:

Once you’ve established the key actions, the next step is to define the metrics and KPIs to determine success.

The key steps to consider at this stage include:

  • Create 90-day action plans for each quarter that show the focus on different techniques across paid, owned, and earned media
  • Structure different strategic initiatives and improvements for 90-day plans across RACE (Reach, Act, Convert, Engage)
  • Create a detailed budget for prioritized activities across paid, owned, and earned media
  • Define dashboards and KPIs to review progress against your targets
  • Create a resourcing and development plan to ensure your team has the right skills 

Pharmaceutical marketing bottom line

Pharmaceutical marketing leaders looking for pharma/healthcare marketing solutions need to consider their marketing strategies in the context of the RACE Framework and OSA. By applying a practical, data-driven approach, you can streamline your marketing activities and focus on your patients' customer journeys.

Interested? Discover new opportunities for your company and implement quick changes to start optimizing your marketing funnel. Join as a Free Member to find out more.


четверг, 12 октября 2023 г.

Digital Business Model – How Digital Transforms Value


A digital business model focuses on harnessing digital technologies to create a value proposition.

Digital technologies change how value is created as well as change the outcome of innovation.

As an example, by attaching sensors to a large wind turbine engineers can create a digital twin and then use this to understand faults in the current design. In this case, digital technologies are tools that provide new ways to innovate.

On the other hand, digital innovations can be new product-service systems like a Fitbit watch. Fitbit uses sensors on a physical watch that generate digital data and help people to understand their heart rate, fitness level and track their performance.

Because of low cost, global digital infrastructure and the ease with which technologies can be integrated, creating a new and innovative digital business model is within reach of most entrepreneurs.

Add to this the no-code movement and you have the ability for most business people to at least create a prototype digital business model.

What’s Driving The Change To Digital Business Models

digital business models trends

Compared to physical resources, digital technologies change the way an organization interacts with customers, partners as well as transforming internal processes.

What Is A Digital Business Model?

Digital technologies also present opportunities to identify and realise new and untapped revenue streams, distribution methods and monetization opportunities.

Examples of how digital business models change work, home and consumer behaviour

Products and processes that were once physical are now digital. A newspaper used to be printed overnight and then sent in vans to be sold in newsagents and on streets. Now, the news is digital and fluidly distributed globally in seconds.

Likewise, internal processes in a company were once heavily reliant on paper but now digital enables collaborative and social processes, speeding up decisions and saving time.

But, digitalization is much more than this. Trying to track and analyse things when everything was physical was difficult and sometimes just impossible. Digital technologies are interwoven and code is ubiquitous.

Just about everything can be digitized to generate data. Smartphones, interactions on social media – virtually anything through sensors. As a result, we are now swamped with data.

The growth in IoT devices is massive. By 2025, there 41.6 billion IoT devices will generate over 79.4ZB.

NameUnitSize (in bytes)
bbit1/8 byte
Bbytes1 byte
The Scale of Digital Data

What types of data can create value?

  • Social data e.g. Tweets, posts on Facebook can be tracked to understand brand sentiment – negative or positive.
  • Customer data can be used to understand shopping behaviours and characteristics that then enable improved targetting and better conversion rates thus lowering cost of acquisition.
  • Sensor data – can help improve logistics, enable better management of infrastructures, help design smarter cities and model new ways of working.
  • Transaction data: this is data as a result of a transaction e.g. you buy a bitcoin, sell a bitcoin or buy something from an eCommerce store like Amazon.
  • Interactive Data: If you think of smart cities then you will interact with lots of different spaces, environments and systems. Understanding where people go, how they move through a city can help optimize the layout and design.

Digital Business Models Examples

Digital Platforms

Platforms like Uber run on large scale infrastructures with a global reach. Moreover, they harness the power of mobile devices and apps to connect customers with drivers.

How Uber has different sided platform models

Open Digital Models

Another familiar open-source business model is WordPress. WordPress is freely available and can be installed by anyone as long as they use it on a hosting service e.g. Bluehost. However, for those that want a more simple solution, they offer a premium ready-hosted solution on WordPress.com that is subscription-based and has other premium features.


Ecommerce stores like Amazon have transformed how we shop. Moreover, the AI and machine learning process Amazon employ help with personalized suggestions. Without digital technologies, the whole supply chain of Amazon would disintegrate.

Amazon business model simplified as a platform perspective

Software as a Service Business Model

Software as a Service (SaaS) companies typically uses subscription models. A good example is Salesforce.com. This digital business model lowers initial barriers to entry and also require less commitment long-term. To improve cash flow and lock-in customers many companies offer discounted rates for annual buy-in e.g. get two months free if you pay for twelve.

Both B2C- and B2B-facing organizations can benefit from subscription economics, assuming revenue and retention outweigh customer acquisition costs (CACs).

On-Demand model

Netflix Business Model Map

The on-demand business model is defined by fulfilling customer demand via the immediate provisioning of goods and services.

On-demand digital business models


If we focus on the different types of digital business models as they are now we can see how they will change. The diagram below shows the current digital business model characteristics.

The Characteristics of Digital Business Models

Digital Business Model Transformation

The core of future business models is the value proposition that solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.

Digital business models are both easy and complex to understand. So let’s start with the easy and look at how digital transforms the business model. We can use the business model canvas to do this.

Various trends and drivers determine the transformation of business models.

The complexity, speed and effectiveness of these influences make it increasingly difficult for companies to master the challenges of transformation.

digital business models – Value Propositions

How Digital Technologies Shape Future Digital Business Models

Various megatrends, as well as digital and technological trends, will fundamentally change the value proposition of the future.

Trends and technologies do not exist in isolation. They build on and reinforce one another to create the digital world. Combinatorial innovation explores the way trends combine to build this greater whole. Individual trends and related technologies are combining to begin realizing the overall vision embodied in the intelligent digital mesh.

Some statistics from Gartner that demonstrate the speed and impact of digital business models:

  • By 2022, at least 40% of new application development projects will have artificial intelligence co-developers on the team.
  • By 2024, most cloud service platforms will provide at least some services that execute at the point of need.
  • By 2023, blockchain will be scalable technically and will support trusted private transactions with the necessary data confidentiality.

Technology innovation leaders must adopt a mindset and new practices that accept and embrace perpetual change. That change may be incremental or radical and may be applied to existing or new business models and technologies.


Of course, each person is built differently and will need to examine how it creates value using digital business models. These ten building blocks for value proposition design are just some of the ways that digital technologies transform the value chain.

Digital Value Propositions examples

Digital Business Models: Trends Accelerating Innovation

There are four trends that relate to the democratization of technology which will, in turn, ignite new levels of innovation:

  • Democratization of Application Development. AI is now offered as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) providing access to sophisticated AI tools to leverage custom-developed applications. As a result, developers can harness powerful AI-model-building tools, APIs and associated middleware. Additionally, PaaS providers have quickly established valuable training and knowledge sharing communities, including pre-built modules. These processes and resources are accelerating the development of digital business models. New solutions include vision, voice, and general data classification and prediction models of any type. digital business models
  • Democratization of Data and Analytics. The tools used to build AI-powered solutions are expanding. New tools are built for the professional developer community (AI platforms and AI services) and the general data specialist. These tools enable rapid new modelling and testing and speed up innovation cycles.
  • Democratization of Design. In addition, low-code or in some cases no-code, application development platform tools exist to build AI-powered solutions. In turn, these are built on and have new AI-driven capabilities that assist professional developers to automate tasks. This expands on the low-code, no-code phenomenon with automation of additional application development functions to empower the citizen developer.
  • Democratization of Knowledge. Non-IT professionals increasingly have access to powerful tools and expert systems that empower them to exploit and apply specialized skills beyond their own expertise and training. Dealing with the issues around “shadow AI” in this user-led environment will be a challenge.

Blockchain Model

Blockchain has the potential to reshape industries by enabling trust, providing transparency and enabling value exchange across business ecosystems. There is a huge potential to lower costs, reduce transaction settlement times and improve cash flow. digital business models

Moreover, in combination with IOT technologies, assets can be traced and tracked from their origin to the point of production or purchase. Often it is the combination of blockchain and other digital technologies that produces more radical digital business models.

As a result, blockchain significantly improves supply logistics and reduces risks associated with counterfeit goods.

Another area in which blockchain has potential is identity management. Smart contracts can be programmed into the blockchain where events can trigger actions; for example, payment is released when goods are received.

The Blockchain Value Proposition

A key component of digital business models is the realization of value. Blockchain potentially drives value in a number of different ways:

  • Blockchain removes business and technical friction by making the ledger independent of individual applications and participants and replicating the ledger across a distributed network to create an authoritative record of significant events. Everyone with permission access sees the same information, and integration is simplified by having a single shared blockchain model.
  • Blockchain also enables a distributed trust architecture that allows parties that do not know or inherently trust one another to create and exchange value using a diverse range of assets.
  • With the use of smart contracts as part of the blockchain, actions can be codified such that changes in the blockchain trigger other actions.

Development of a digital business model

Despite the proliferation of technology, it is essential to put people at the centre of your technology strategy. Digital business models need to be evaluated but it is in the generation stage that modelling needs to be aligned to potential solutions.

Solutions must be assessed as to how they impact your customers, employees, business partners, society or other key constituencies. digital business models

A people-centric approach should start with understanding these key target constituencies and the journey they undertake to interact with or support your organization.

Digital technologies enable new forms of interaction and therefore creative visioning and thinking is essential. The boundaries, methods and approaches to business are changing and demand new mindsets to innovate.

Some useful tools:

Personas (See the persona canvas)

A persona is a useful tool to describe a target individual or group. The persona highlights the set of motivations, preferences, biases, needs, wants, desires and other characteristics that can be used to evaluate how applications of technology might impact that group. digital business models

Personas have been used for many years and have gained broadest adoption in design and marketing areas, where understanding the motivations of a target audience are particularly important. 

The persona sets the context for evaluating the potential impact on people and the resulting business outcome. Personas can be used to anticipate the valuable business moments that emerge as people traverse technology-enabled smart spaces.

Persona-based analysis is a powerful tool that helps leaders diagnose and take action against digital-business-disruption opportunities. Enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders can help business and IT leaders to consider the human side of digital business strategy decisions with personas.

Journey Maps (See the Customer Journey Map Canvas)

A second useful tool is “journey maps.” A journey map is a model that shows the stages that target personas go through to accomplish a task or complete a process.

Customer journey maps diagram the stages a customer goes through to buy products, access customer service, or complain about a company on social networks. It can be linked to the jobs to be done framework and as such provides a compelling method to identify customer problems (pains and gains).

An alternative approach is to use a journey map to diagram the stages employees go through in onboarding or in adopting new systems. Journey maps look at how multiple constituencies interact around a provide a powerful way to identify improvements.

For example, a journey map for a customer purchase might consider not only the customer view but also that of a salesperson or a fulfilment group.

Journey maps provide even more concrete context for digital business model innovation. Executives and innovation teams should consider the pain points, inefficiencies, gaps, and opportunities to delight and create new digital business moments for all the relevant constituents.

Digital Business Models

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