воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Motivation In Action: How Motivation Can Make Employees More Productive

15 ways to motivate your team
Author: Anna Rodriguez

Not everything is about money. People have other sound reasons for going to work and doing their jobs than earning a pay-check. To name a few, there’s self-ffulfilment personal and career growth, social interaction, and satisfaction. Employers and managers know that employee satisfaction is crucial if you want to have productive team members.
There is high regard on the importance of productivity in the workplace. The easiest way to boost productivity seems to be through incentives. However, employers should be happy to know that there are other things that employees appreciate. These are sometimes even more than money: work conditions, well-being, positive recognition, personal growth, sense of purpose, etc. Employee satisfaction and perception has a direct impact on a company’s success and there are several studies to prove it. Here are ways to motivate your team members and make them productive without sacrificing their happiness and sense of self-fulfilment.
Never use fear
There is a whole world of difference between being respected and being feared. Strive for respect. A good manager doesn't motivate his team members to be productive by yelling what needs to be done and instilling fear. Yes, maybe employees will be forced to finish their jobs but only for the wrong reasons.
Do what you say
An impressive leader is the one who does what he said he will do. If you say something that you don't intend to follow through, you lose credibility. Keep your team motivated by letting them know that they have a leader who honors his words and acts on his promises.
Motivate and show appreciation
Show appreciation
Give credit where it is due. A study by online career site Glassdoor revealed that 80% of employees are motivated to work harder when their bosses show appreciation. This number is twice as high compared to those who work harder because they fear losing their job or their boss is demanding. Not only does appreciation keeps employees motivated but, it also makes employees stay longer in a company.
Don't slow them down
When you have to make a decision, do it as fast as you can, without of course sacrificing the quality of the decision. Growth and success largely depend on action and procrastinating will only slow the entire team down. Be decisive and influence your team to develop the same decision-making skills.
It's okay to show emotions
Showing emotions doesn't make a manager look weak. It only shows that you are human. Do not be a robot when talking or giving instructions to your team. It's okay to laugh, smile, and have fun. Managers should also be more personable and accessible. Employees will not only be more comfortable, they will also feel more confident about their suggestions and comments.
Motivate employees by providing feedback
Give feedback
Give honest feedback regularly to let employees know where they stand. Be careful with the way you approach them, mind your tone and your words, never shame and avoid assigning blame. Keep in mind that employees react to negative comments by their bosses six times more strongly than positive ones according to one study by the University of Minnesota
Encourage personal growth
Personal and career growth are crucial to keep employees motivated. This is especially true with millennials who are expected to take over the workforce in just a few years. The work demands of millennials are not limited to a hefty paycheck but also to flexibility and continuous learning. The career opportunities that millennial must not miss in today’s competitive work environment are vast and diverse and they desire for growth and fulfilment every time.
Motivated employees can truly make all the difference. It is important for employers and managers to know what exactly does their team need, what their concerns are and what drives them to go further in order to make more productive team members. No two employees are the same and good leaders know how to deal with every kind of personality, insecurity, and ego. Be more personable in motivating your team and strike a balance between achieving company targets and keeping employees happy.

Sense of accountability
Accountability is what keeps everyone on their toes. Giving your team something to be accountable for makes them feel like they are invested in a company. If managers encourage team members to take responsibility, employees become more willing to navigate potential obstacles and they feel the importance of getting things done.
Rewards are important
Rewards and incentives put value on achievement. They energize progress by making employees realize that they have to earn it. If you are working with teams, having a team reward system is encouraged. This is a way to keep a team motivated on reinforcing "team goals." This is also a great way to demonstrate that teams win and lose together.
Surprise with treats
There are a lot of inexpensive ways to keep employees motivated and make your team more productive, happy, and engaged. One great idea is surprising them with lunches or snacks. One study showed that 46% of employees feel appreciated with unexpected treats from leaders or managers. Company-sponsored activities and events are also preferred by many.
Reiterate purpose 
Shared goals and common objectives keep a company on track. Always assure your team that all their hard work is contributing to the company's goals and purpose. Constantly reminding your employees why your company started out in the first place keeps them focused and on target.
You are no Big Brother
It is okay to stay plugged in with what's happening with your team but as a manager, you should also know how to trust that they are doing their jobs well. Among the tips on building on a team’s productivity is to resist the urge to constantly look over someone's shoulder all the time. Resist the urge to micromanage. Remember that freedom can unlock creativity and productivity.

Keep everyone involved
Encourage your team to get involved and stay in the loop. A team that feels they are a part of something bigger than themselves are inclined to find more meaning in their work. Employees are inspired and motivated when they are involved with the plans of the company, making them feel part of growth and success.
Responsibility to build
One way to add value to the work that teams do is by giving them responsibility and room to grow. Switch Communications CEO and Founder Craig Walker suggests that managers should not "overbuild" when building a team. Give them work to do and opportunities to push themselves more.
Keep them happy
An article from the Harvard Business Review stated that the level of happiness has profound impact in creativity and productivity of workers. When employees are unhappy, they don't show up consistently and produce less quality work as revealed in a recent well-being index. This also means losses for the company. Other than reward and benefits, employees need nourishing personal relationships in a social workplace and find meaning in the work that they do.

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