пятница, 29 декабря 2023 г.

Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 4 People-Centric


4 People-Centric


People-centric organizing, rooted in the virtuous cycle leadership theory, redefines organizational paradigms by placing humanity at the forefront. Departing from analytical dissection, this approach embraces strength-based solutions, tapping into innate human capabilities and passions. At its core is the pivotal concept of psychological safety, creating environments where individuals feel secure to voice their thoughts, fostering genuine innovation and change.

Involving the entire human system in the organizational narrative cultivates resilience and adaptability, nurturing a culture receptive to change. The virtuous cycle comes alive, as caring for employees empowers them to care for customers, capturing value from their satisfaction. This cyclical process ensures a fair share of proceeds for all stakeholders, aligning with the philosophy that a thriving internal ecosystem catalyzes external success.

This holistic approach not only fuels creativity and innovation but reinforces the notion that when people are genuinely valued and involved, they become the driving force behind transformative evolution. Integrating the virtuous cycle leadership theory into people-centric frameworks is an invitation for organizations to prioritize employees and reap the cascading benefits of a flourishing internal ecosystem, fostering sustained growth and shared prosperity.

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety refers to an individual’s perception of the consequences of an interpersonal risk. It is the belief that one can express thoughts, questions, concerns, and ideas without fear of punishment or humiliation. In environments where psychological safety is fostered, individuals are more inclined to take creative risks, experiment with new approaches, and voice unconventional ideas. 

Such a foundation is critical for creativity and innovation because breakthroughs often arise from challenging the status quo. When team members feel secure in sharing and iterating upon diverse perspectives, it accelerates collective problem-solving and paves the way for groundbreaking solutions. Fear of reprisal can stifle this creativity without psychological safety, preventing organizations from unlocking their full innovative potential.

Positive Inquiry

Positive Inquiry™ encourages organizations to venture beyond problem-fixing and explore innovative approaches to tackle emerging challenges. By shifting our focus from predicting outcomes to understanding the underlying forces at play, we gain the ability to anticipate and adapt to shifting landscapes. This proactive stance empowers organizations to weather the storms of change and thrive amidst uncertainty.

We become agents of positive change by engaging all relevant stakeholders in positive conversations. By sharing stories about our greatest achievements, we transform as the awareness of our strengths grows. This will give us the much-needed hope, courage, and excitement to embrace transformation and uncover new possibilities, seize untapped opportunities, and build resilience in the face of VUCA.


A roundtable setting in decision-making and governance processes emphasizes equality, collaboration, and open dialogue. Its circular configuration inherently eliminates hierarchical distinctions, allowing each participant an equal voice and visual access to all others. This democratic setup fosters active participation, encourages diverse perspectives, and facilitates transparent communication. 

Benefits include more holistic decisions, increased buy-in from stakeholders due to the inclusive nature, and a reinforcement of trust and mutual respect among participants, making the roundtable a potent tool for fostering unity, clarity, and effective governance.

Leading from the Whole

Leading from the Whole, as championed by the RoundMap approach, taps into the collective intelligence and expertise of an organization’s entire human system, irrespective of hierarchies. Such inclusivity garners diverse perspectives, enabling richer insights and swift, informed responses to change. This distributed leadership style fosters a shared sense of ownership, promoting resilience and adaptability. By cultivating an adaptive culture and empowering its workforce, organizations are better poised to navigate uncertainties, fostering agility and a proactive stance in the face of evolving business landscapes.


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