четверг, 23 мая 2024 г.

What's your Emotional Intelligent Leadership Style?


If we have learned anything at EBW Global since this pandemic began, it is that the role of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for leaders in the workplace is ever more critical.

Leaders and managers around the world are finding their ability to use their Emotional Intelligence in their daily lives is having a profound effect on the success of their teams and businesses.

From the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s national coronavirus briefings to work Zoom meetings with socially distanced colleagues, how key messages are delivered is impacting hugely the success of their take up by employees and the general public alike.

The message back from them is clear:

Make us feel valued, safe and that our voices are heard.

This isn’t to say that all operational leaders and employees will crave security and understanding, or that there is a one-size-fits-all solution.

Some will need space or the expectation of results, others might seek long-term goal setting or rapid-fire short-term tasks.

The trick is knowing who will respond to what; and why.

This is not an easy task to achieve when communicating solely via email or video chats with one hundred other priorities fighting for your attention.

It is, however, one that can be made feasible and profitable by adapting leadership techniques on demand and taking the time to add another skillset to your professional arsenal.

"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change."

Charles Darwin

We find that a great starting point for leaders and managers is to think of leadership in terms of six main styles:

Above: The EBW Leadership Compass

1 - Visionary Leaders - Mobilizing people towards a vision. This style is great for when moving in a new direction; it may struggle when motivating highly experienced staff.

2 - Coaching Leaders – Developing people for the future. A style that works well when building up long-term capabilities, this is least effective when teammates are defiant and unwilling to learn.

3 - Affiliative Leaders – Creating emotional bonds and harmony. Not to be used exclusively, this can work well alongside visionary leadership and is used to best effect in times of stress or when building trust.

4 - Democratic Leaders – Building consensus through participation. Excellent for co-creation and inspiring collective ownership, this style may not be best suited for emergency situations or those requiring rapid decisions.

5 - Pacesetting Leaders – Expecting excellence and self-direction. Perfect for highly motivated and skilled teams, this can provide quick results, but suffers when people need extra guidance or lack drive.

6 - Commanding Leaders – Demanding immediate compliance. This style is most effective in times of crisis or when employees do not respond to other leadership styles. But it can stifle motivation innovation and flexibility.


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