суббота, 7 марта 2020 г.

How to Make Your Website a Powerful Marketing Machine

Not so long ago, websites were purely used to deliver product and services information to target customers…
But they have morphed into a point-of-sales platform where businesses leverage their website for sales. Selling products or services on websites has become de rigueur and most businesses have jumped on board this money spinner of an idea, and why not? With consumers doing most of their shopping online, it makes perfect business sense to ensure your products and/or services are sold on your website.
Since businesses began seeing their website as a sales tool, another realization dawned upon them – their website is also a great marketing tool. Building a website is not only about ensuring your brand reaches a wider audience, but also about making sure that this audience is convinced about the merits of the products or services of your brand and persuaded to buy them.
Yes, your website can be turned into a lean mean marketing machine. The kind that drives not just online sales but offline sales as well!
But this is easier said than done isn’t it? There are plenty of articles out there with great tips about turning your website into a successful marketing tool, but it requires a lot of effort to put these tips into action.
What I’ve realized, quite painfully, is that you can turn your website into a marketing powerhouse, but it requires one hell of an effort. You’ve got to put your heart and soul into the process and it still might not work.
Over time, I have learnt the hard way that there are some tips that can be applied to all websites. So these are the one size fits all kind of tips and there are others that can only be applied to certain websites.
So, here’s my list of tips that fall into the one size fits all category; these are the kind of tips that all of you can incorporate irrespective of your business domain and your website’s audience:

1. Call to action images

Have you looked at your images with call-to-action tinted glasses? Yes, each and every image on your website can be a call to action.
When you are choosing images for your website, don’t just think ‘high quality’, ‘unique’, ‘relevant’, also think ‘actionable’. You want your images to reflect the products or services you are selling, but why not go beyond this limited perspective; use images as an action trigger.
If used well, images can boost site conversion rates and if they aren’t, all they will do is act like a decorative element for your site and at best add heft to your brand messaging.

The images on most fast food chain websites are an ideal example of images that persuade people to take action. They use mouth-watering product images that are typically a part of a deal they want to market. More often than not, the image also carries the deal cost and a fantastic tagline.
That’s what marketing is all about isn’t it. Make the target customer aware of your product or deal and make them want to purchase it.

2. Primary focus on trust elements

Nothing sells like trust. It is the single most important website quality that will make it an all-powerful marketing machine. If consumers trust your brand, they are more likely to recommend it to their friends, family and associates.
So how do you go about building trust on your site? Very often it’s the little things that help build trust on your site.
While product images, prices, detailed product information, extremely visible contact info, list of clients etc. are extremely important elements that drive website credibility, there are some other super-important elements that are given the short shrift by business owners.

These are crucial in contemporary websites. If you are working with top of the line and highly reputed customers, why not mention that fact on your website? There are times when the NDAs you’ve signed with your clients will prevent you from doing so, but if you make the effort you might be able to convince a few clients in this regard. It’s well worth it.

Customer stories are like testimonials on steroids. They are far more engaging than testimonials and better equipped to convince potential customers that your products or services can serve their expectations.
Research, case studies and whitepapers are brand collateral that are extremely important if you want to convince people you have what it takes. They demonstrate domain expertise, which is the bulwark of trust and credibility.
So, think about how you can boost website credibility so that your target audience is able to trust your brand.  Take the usual route but also think innovatively. Try to do something that your competitors aren’t doing. This differentiation can help you work a marketing miracle with your site.

3. ‘Shareworthy’ content

We are well aware that you must ensure your website content is easy to share, and this is done with the integration of social media buttons on your site.
But have you thought about whether your content is actually worthy of sharing? Yes, you need to ensure your social share buttons are prominently placed and customized keeping in mind the design of your site, but what people forget is that website visitors will only click on these buttons if the content is good enough to hold and engage their attention.
Typically, the best place to add social share buttons will be your website blog (hot tip: a website blog is another key element for boosting website marketing goals).

The idea is to use your blog in many different ways, so that you are able to create content that is shared by readers. So make your blog a platform to tell your brand story and your customer stories. Why not use your blog to discuss your products or services and their different use cases? Make sure you post videos regularly and most importantly – come up with thought leadership articles.
Mix up your content and ensure its well thought through, extremely well written, current and relevant.
Here are a few benefits of coming up with share worthy content for your site:
  • It helps you personalize your brand, wherein you can actually solve customer problems with your content.
  • It helps you come across as an authority in your domain.
  • It helps conversions and lead generation.
  • It drives organic search visibility.
  • It can help build your personal brand.
Taken together, these benefits will add to your efforts to create an online marketing machine a.k.a. your website.

4. Website translation

Try localizing your website by translating it into different languages, if your business wants to establish a global connection. Neil Patel has a great article on how he increased his traffic enormously be translating his website into 82 languages. Yes, that’s right – 82 languages.
It’s pretty simply really – your website can only be a powerful marketing machine, if it reaches out to the widest number of people. And this isn’t going to happen if your website is only available in one language.
Let’s say your primary website is in English and you want to take it to the world. One of your target markets is Germany. Now, the Germans speak English but it is their second language. So, there might be a case wherein they find it difficult to understand your brand messaging, which in a worst case scenario can lead to lower conversion rates? But what if your website had a German translation? Your website immediately resonates with the German target audience, and this can lead to better conversions and improve lead generation.
But a word of caution here – You need to aim for translation that is authentic and perfectly carries your brand message to the target audience. You don’t want the message to be lost in translation.
Apart from the language, you need to keep the cultural, regional and tonal considerations in mind while translating your website. Your website might have adopted an informal tone, but the target market might prefer a formal tone, this is one of the many factors to keep in mind while translating your website.

Final thoughts

Your website can’t be converted into a marketing machine overnight, and the process will require sustained efforts. One of the things you must take care of is that the website shouldn’t remain in permanent beta. I’ve come across businesses that can’t seem to stop making changes to their site. While this isn’t a bad thing, you need to give your website some time to work its “magic”. If you’ve added an element that you think will make your website more marketing friendly, allow it do its job. Give it some time. Over time, if you think it’s performing poorly, make the necessary changes, but not until then.
Guest Author: Aigars is CEO and founder of Colorlib, a company that develops website templates, WordPress themes and is behind several best-selling products. He has been in the web development for 3 and internet marketing for 7+ years and that’s just the beginning

суббота, 29 февраля 2020 г.

Book Review: Business Model Generation


Business Model Generation launched in 2010 and has since become a global success story. It was written as a practical guide to enable people to implement effect change in their organisations and businesses via the redesign and transformation of business models. The most groundbreaking aspect of the book is the introduction of the business model canvas. The structure is shown below, and as you can see it is made up of nine key building blocks.

Prior to the creation of the canvas, businesses and organisations communicated their business models via business cases. These would be created in spreadsheets, written up in documents, and presented in slides. The canvas was created to enable a shared understanding of what a business model actually is. With this format, the model can be easily manipulated to enable those discussing strategy to try out alternative models. Here for example is the business model canvas of the Financial Times:

Author Alex Osterwalder describes the benefits of using a more visual language:
Visual thinking is indispensable to working with business models. … Because business models are complex concepts composed of various building blocks and their interrelationships, it is difficult to truly understand a model without sketching it out.
A business model really is a system where one element influences the other; it only makes sense as a whole. Capturing that big picture without visualizing it is difficult. In fact, by visually depicting a business model, one turns its tacit assumptions into explicit information.
I would certainly agree with this, but just because you have visualised a concept does not necessarily mean you really have captured the whole, and it does not guarantee that the visualisation is actually of high quality and helpful. In reading Business Model Generation I kept swaying from one extreme to another. Many times I kept saying to myself this is too simple, and then at other times I could really see the benefits of such simplification.
I have now settled down and arrived at a final conclusion: the canvas is one of those simple tools that at first sight you think is obvious, but in fact if it was so obvious someone would have done it earlier. It’s simplicity is a huge strength, so long as whoever is using it does not get caught up in thinking that having a business canvas is the be all and end all. The reason I say this is that there is that one of the chapters in the book examines the wider business environment, and the diagram from the book lists the additional complicating factors, without positioning them into a new framework or canvas:

One theme I talk a lot about is the act of seeing. I am always interested in looking at how people are using both the current business model canvas, and also how they are looking to improve it. It is one thing to have a business model for a new product or service, but the current business model canvas has no explicit reference to the organisation’s core values. If people within an organisation really do live by their core values (as opposed to publishing a mission, vision and value statement which reads well but is not followed) then all other activities flow from this. For this reason I quite like a remodelled Value Envelope canvas created by Jeroen Kraaijenbrink:

Photo credit: Jeroen Kraaijenbrink
I think one final comment is that the presentation of the book has been designed to be luscious and seductive. This is no bad thing, but I do wonder if the authors missed a trick in examining the realities of some of the companies they provide case studies and commentary on. For example, Amazon features prominently, with two different case studies, the first being their web services and the second being a more strategic look at how and why Amazon needed to diversify. As the authors say in the opening paragraphs, Business Model Generation is about “creating value, for companies, customers and society. It is about replacing outmoded models.” A recent report on Amazon by the Financial Times was quite an eye opener, stating that some workers walk between seven and fifteen miles a day. (Source: Amazon Unpacked, Financial Times).
Amazon have also launched another service called Mechanical Turk. This allows anyone with a computer and internet access to carroy out crowd-sourced jobs (which are described as HITs – Human Intelligence Tasks). This sounds like a great new business model, but often the jobs are poorly paid, with workers signing an agreement which means they are not covered by minimum-wage requirements. Employers can reject work on any grounds, and those doing the work have few options to complain and claim compensation for unpaid work.
So when we examine Amazon, despite a business model canvas which on the surface seems to be cutting edge and next generation, in fact harks back to the beginning of the twentieth century and good old fashioned Taylorism. This is not a paradigm shift from the industrial revolution, it is the industrial revolution with computer chips and security tags and time and motion studies.
On Transition Consciousness I do every so often look at organisations and business leaders I rate and who I think have something extremely valuable to add to the global conversation on the shape and evolution of business, and how business can be inspired by nature. I think that the Business Model Canvas is a valuable tool, but we need to ensure that we do not become seduced by it. In the right hands it becomes an extremely powerful tool to promote effective dialogue and to aid creative thinking around the logic and structure of new business models. But without Values at the core of the thinking, we are in danger of believing the hype and not being able to see that what seems like a visionary business model is in fact just “business as usual” in a different disguise.
Just to be clear on how I rate the book, I do recommend people to read it. While many reviewers on Amazon criticise it for being too simplistic, I think the actual concept of the canvas is powerful, and for those who have not worked with business models and business cases before, for those who are looking at starting or developing a new business for the first time, the book is an excellent introduction. A canvas by its very nature is blank, waiting to be drawn upon, and I can see many ways in which it can be used creatively to develop new insights, innovations, communication and team building in organisations, and in fact I am developing various workshops utilising the canvas at this moment in time. But ultimately, it can only reflect the quality of thinking which goes into the thinking behind the business models, and so we continually need to seek out mentors, role models and also inspiration from nature if we really want to be a part of what Peter Senge calls The Necessary Revolution.

By 2030, Bangladesh will be the 24th largest economy. Here's how ICT is driving that growth

By 2021, Bangladesh expects its ICT exports to be worth $5 billion

Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology, Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, more than 120 companies export information and communications technology (ICT) products worth nearly $1 billion to 35 countries. By 2021, it’s expected that this will increase to $5 billion. Indeed, the growing strength of the ICT Industry underpins the four vital pillars that will support Bangladesh’s transformation to a digital economy by 2021, and a knowledge economy by 2041.
Announced in 2008 and officially launched by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 2009, the Digital Bangladesh Vision identifies human resource development, connecting citizens, digital government and the aforementioned promotion of the ICT industry as critical to meeting these transformation targets. Here’s why they are so important:

Human resource development

The government wants Bangladesh to be a gateway for the digital world and has started multiple initiatives to develop a skilled, equipped and digital-ready pool of talent. Our education system produces more than 500,000 university graduates every year and, thanks to the introduction of several dedicated training programmes to get the talent pool ready to deliver value on a global scale, we have trained more than 65,000 Information Technology Enabled Services (IT/ITeS) professionals in the past year.

According to the Oxford Internet Institute, Bangladesh has the second largest pool of online workers in the world. To further enhance skills, we have established specialized labs in all of the country’s 130 universities. We are investing in frontier tech centres of excellence with global technology partners such as IBM, and we have a strong focus on training professionals in emerging technologies – the Internet of Things, blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and analytics.

Connecting citizens

The next pillar is about connecting citizens - and Bangladesh is committed to ensuring 100% internet connectivity by 2021. We have already made good progress with currently more than 93 million internet subscribers and 160 million mobile subscriptions throughout the nation, making Bangladesh the fifth largest mobile market in Asia Pacific and the ninth largest in the world.
We have ensured seamless connectivity through two submarine cable connections with 1,700 gigabits per second (Gbps) and seven ITC connections with 400 Gbps. We plan to further enhance this by becoming an early adopter of 5G. By the end of 2019, we will provide high-speed internet connectivity to even remote villages.
In order to ensure a cost-effective space for companies interested in investing in Bangladesh, we are building 28 high-tech parks around the country and plan to increase this to 64. There is a focus on developing a thriving environment for partners and investors who are keen to take advantage of the opportunity that Bangladesh presents.

Digital governance

E-governance is the next step in driving the Digital Bangladesh engine forward. The government is proactively pursuing the digitalization of all government portals, such as passport applications and visa applications, by the year 2023. In 2014, we developed the National Portal which now houses more than 45,000 websites and services of different government offices. We have developed more than 5,000 digital centres across the country to help provide various digital services to citizens, while addressing the issue of a digital divide.
Our Bangladesh National Digital Architecture (BNDA), which ensures interoperability, won a World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) award this year and WSIS has recognized Bangladesh for different e-government or digital government initiatives for the past six years in a row.
We have established a Digital Service Accelerator to expedite and facilitate the e-services of all ministries and have issued more than 100 million digital IDs to our citizens – one of the highest volumes in the world. Services are very carefully designed to ensure they are relevant to all three groups of Bangladeshi citizens: younger, tech-savvy generations growing up with technology; “digital adapters,” who are middle-aged individuals who have adopted technology; and the minority who stay away from technology. The scale of digital governance in Bangladesh has a tremendous impact on the transformation of the nation.

Promotion of the ICT industry

The vibrant and rapidly growing ICT industry in Bangladesh is the fourth area supporting digital transformation. We serve clients in an array of domains, including financial services, telecoms and healthcare, and drive the IT/ITES engine behind some of the world’s most global companies.
The four pillars behind Digital Bangladesh are strengthened by strong government commitment and support.

Bangladesh is experiencing nearly 8% gross domestic product (GDP) growth and is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. We are 34th in the World Economic Forum’s Inclusive Development Index, ahead of many established nations, and by 2030, we will be the 24th largest economy in the world. The essential ingredient behind this growth has been the smart use of ICT to spur progress in all sectors.

воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.

How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work

Martin Luenendonk

“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.” – Charles Richards
What comes into your mind when you think of the most precious thing in the world? For some it is diamonds. Yet for others it is gold. Some think of their home, wife and children.
However, very few people manage to answer the question correctly. The answer to this question is time. Time is the most precious commodity in the world despite the fact that it is the most commonly available. What makes it precious is our tendency to waste it.

It is important for everyone in this world to manage time regardless of whatever you do. It is the secret to success and the most successful men in the history were able to open this secret. You have exactly the same amount of time as did Sir Isaac Newton, Tesla, Mother Teresa, Muhammad Ali, Bill Gates, Einstein, Leonardo di Vinci and Michelangelo etc.
What you need to do is to manage your time properly just like all the people who have successfully left their mark on the history.
Unfortunately, time management is a skill very few people succeed in mastering. That being said, you actually need to structure your life rather than trying to manage time, especially if you are running a business. It is also a fact that some of the most experienced businessmen or professionals struggle badly when it comes to time management.
However, it is the most important skill to have in both business and life. And if you are able to optimize your time properly, you will get an unprecedented success in both professional and personal life.
Here are top 10 time management tips that actually work. You can use them days in and days out and the results will always be the same.


First and foremost, you need to identify your business as well as life goals. If you are totally unaware of what your targets are, you can never optimize your time accordingly.
The lack of life goals will only result in the waste of precious time. Without the set targets and goals, everything you do is a potential time waster only.
Therefore, your daily routine should consist of activities and task which directly relate to your goals and help you achieve them in the short and long run.
It is also advisable to set daily goals in order to fully optimize the 24 hours available to you every day.
Similarly, decide early in the morning what results you want to attain from each of the activity you are going to engage in the day. For instance, decide why you are going to meet someone in the evening? What is the purpose of the meeting you have called? It is also imperative to take 5 minutes after every task you complete and determine whether you have achieved your desired results or not.
By performing this ritual daily, you will have an initial idea of what time management looks and feels like. Ultimately, you can implement your time management strategy on bigger scale as well.


There are two types of tasks in the world, the urgent tasks and the less urgent tasks. It is an open secret that you should always tackle urgent tasks first. However, this is not always the case.
Most people keep on wasting time on trivial tasks like checking their Facebook and Twitter status, texting aimlessly, watching Game of Thrones over and over again and of course, just procrastinating. You should not do that. If you don’t prioritize your tasks, you are not going to make most of the time available to you.
Task prioritization is the most important aspect of time management. First Things First by Steven Covey, one of the most popular books on time management, offers a very effective tool for organizational time management.
It helps you create a to-do-list depending upon the importance and urgency of your daily business tasks. In this regard, you can categorize your tasks into following groups.
  • Important and Urgent. These are the tasks which need your immediate attention. You should do them right away without any delay.
  • Important but not Urgent. Initially, these tasks look important but become less important after closer inspection. It is up to you to decide what you need to do with them.
  • Urgent but not Important. These are the tasks which create a lot of hassle but do not offer any real value after completion. You better delegate these tasks to someone else.
  • Not Urgent and not Important. These tasks have the lowest priority. You normally do them to look busy. It is better to perform them at some free time if you have any.
You should always have a list of the most important tasks you need to do every day. Check them of your list one by one as you complete them. Keep repeating the process and you will become adept in prioritizing your tasks.


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer
A planned life is always better than an unplanned life. There is no other opinion about it. Nothing can be worse than having no idea of what you have to do to put your life back on the right track. Similarly, running an unplanned business is a proven recipe for a disaster.
If you do not plan your tasks and activities in advance, you will not only waste a lot of precious time but your business will eventually go to the ruins. Therefore, every business expert asserts on the importance of planning your business activities in advance.
As a matter of fact, you spend more time performing your tasks haphazardly as compared to time spent on actually planning and prioritizing them. Jumping aimlessly from one desk to another will not only make you lose time but you won’t be able to accomplish anything. Most successful people do two things to plan their daily activities.

They Plan a Day or Night before

They spare 15 to 30 minutes at the end of the everyday to make a list of the tasks they have to do first thing in the next morning. Another great decompression technique is to clean your desk before leaving.
You will feel relaxed and better just by looking at the clean table the next morning, helping you focus on the more important tasks at hand.

Plan in the Morning

You can also compile your to-do list by arriving 10 minutes early in the morning. In most cases, the tasks you assemble in the morning are actually the most important and urgent tasks of the day.


The modern world is full of distractions most of which are related to technology such as social media, gaming and watching TV for hours.
For example, smartphone is one of the biggest inventions of the 21st century but it is also the most deceptive time waster in the modern world as well. You need to get rid of all these distractions if you want to optimize your time properly and focus on your life and business.
You also need to identify all the self-induced distractions and try to indulge in them only when absolutely necessary. You might also want to minimize the human-induced distractions from your life and work as well. Askothers, no matter who they are, not to interrupt you when you are performing an important task. It is easier said than done but this is what you have to do.
It is very difficult to break a bad habit or recover from an addiction.
But when there is a will there is a way. Yes, you do need a lot of will power and determination to remove all the unwanted distractions from your life. You have to switch off your phone for a while and concentrate on your tasks. It is also important to meet family, talk to your staff, response to your emails or answer calls.
But you don’t need to do all this when you are in the midst of something important.
For instance, accomplish all these missions before starting your day, by planning a break in the day or after finishing your work when you have nothing else to do.


You may be a very hard working person.
Similarly, you may by expert in multitasking or do not have enough manpower to delegate you duties. All these things compel you to do all the work yourself. Whether you realize it or not, it is one of the biggest methods of wasting your time. Besides, multitasking is never going to produce the desired results you want.
So what should be the best course of action for you? You should probably try to delegate your duties as often as possible. You should probably start by hiring more employees if you can afford of course. These employees can carry some of your burden and take some of the work of your desk.
You should not overly indulge yourself in trivial day to day matters if you want to be a successful businessman. You should focus on the future and long term goals. One way of doing this is to pass some of your responsibilities to others.


If you want to manage your daily activities in the best manner possible, start using calendars at the earliest. Some of the most important mailing software such as Lotus and Outlook come with the calendars, making things even more convenient for you.
Similarly, Google Calendar is one of the best online calendars available to you right now. Just sync it with any of the hardware you commonly use such as your smartphone or tab and you are good to go. It also helps you access your calendar wherever you are.
All online calendars have more or less the same functions. They basically help you make three types of appointments that are general appointments, self-appointments and team appointments.
Furthermore, they also remind you of your appointments a day or two in advance, enabling you to schedule your tasks more effectively.
It is also imperative for you to set a time limit for every task and try to finish it within the deadline. For instance, if you want to complete a presentation before 10 AM, you must finish it before 10 AM.
As a result, you will not linger on and consume the time reserved for other tasks, improving your productivity and effectiveness in the process.


You cannot please every person in this world. It is a universal truth and there is no denying of it. You can manage your time by making a lot of commitments and shuffle between them as the need arises. It is a great time optimization technique to say the least. However, it does not always work. Sometimes, you do need to say no.
Taking every opportunity that comes knocking at your door can also complicate matters for you. It will not only overburden you but can also result in entrepreneur burnout.
Similarly, it is not always possible to honor multiple commitments or give your full time and energy to multiple projects at the same time. In the end, it can result in utter waste of time and sheer disappointment.
Therefore, it is better for you to only take those opportunities you really care about and have reasonable amount of time for. If you cannot deliver in the end or you are too much stretched out already, you must pass on a project.
There is no point of taking an opportunity if you are not interested in it or cannot give it your best. If you take it, it will only add to your frustration and physical exhaustion.


If you are doing a job or completing a task, try to concentrate solely on that task. You can get best out of your time if you focus on one job at a time. Again, keep all unnecessary distractions such as smartphones, television and gaming consoles out of your sight. It is even better if you can find a solitary place so you can focus wholeheartedly on the job.
You need to immerse yourself in that one task you are doing. Just imagine that nothing else exists in this world.
Moreover, try to complete a task once you start it. There should ideally be no breaks other than emergencies until you have finished your work.
Once again, it is important to block all the distractions and spend all your energies on completing the task.
However, you can definitely listen to your favorite music while working if that helps you.


It is difficult to maintain same level of productivity all day long. Some people are more productive in the morning while others like to work during the night.
Therefore, it is imperative for you to find the time when you happen to be most productive. It can be the morning, afternoon, evening or night. Identify your prime time and try to perform the most important or complex tasks during that time.
Similarly, you also need to identify the time when you are least productive. Most people tend to lose focus in the afternoon. Obviously, you should never schedule your important tasks or client meetings during this time of the day. If you do, you will not only lose time but also your productivity and in some cases, trust of your clients.


Constant work and no rest make everyone tired. You can actually burnout physically and mentally if you never take a break. You cannot keep on working without taking any rest. If you do, you will inflict irreparable damage to your mind and body.
It is also almost impossible to recover from emotional and physical burnout you suffer due to overwork. In fact, one of the biggest reasons businessmen fail is that they are unable to stop or switch off when they must.
You should always add necessary breaks and distractions to your daily, weekly and monthly schedule. Always take small breaks after completing a task and freshen up your mind. You can even interrupt a meeting if you don’t feel you are fully into it.
Also try to take biannual and annual vacations whenever you can. You just need to keep in mind that you cannot continue forever. There will always be a time when you have to stop and when the time comes you must stop.


Time is the most valuable asset we have in this world. You can only be successful if you are able to increase your productivity and maximize your effectiveness. It can only be possible if you optimize your time properly.
If you are struggling with time management, you can take help of abovementioned tips to effectively manage your time and transform your life.