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вторник, 7 января 2025 г.

Workplace Etiquette

21 Dos and Don’ts of the Workplace

When it comes to working in an office or other professional setting, etiquette matters. How you present yourself and interact with those around you—whether your coworkers, supervisors, or direct reports—speaks to who you are as a person and as a member of the team and can directly influence the trajectory of your career.

I’ve been working in New York City for the duration of my post-grad life, ever since Northeastern’s commencement in May 2012. But I’ve actually been learning about the professional world since December 2008, when I began working at my first co-op. 

In that time, through trial, error, and observation, I’ve learned a lot about what works in the workplace—as well as what doesn’t. 

Because etiquette is so important to professional success, I wanted to share useful tips that other graduates can use as they begin to enter the professional workforce, whether as part of an internship, co-op, or postgraduate life. I polled a few friends (most are fellow Huskies) and coworkers, and this is a compilation of our advice.  

Workplace etiquette: the don’ts

Let’s face it: There are certain actions and behaviors you just shouldn’t bring with you into a professional workplace. Doing so can have major negative impacts on your career. But for many individuals, proper workplace etiquette does not come as intuitively as you might think. Below are some of the biggest don’ts of office life. 

1. Don’t “reply all” to an email chain.

Understand the differences—and repercussions—between hitting “reply” and “reply all” when responding to an email. Carefully consider whether or not all of the parties who received the initial email need to be included in your reply. Additionally, by “replying all,” you may find yourself embarrassed as your entire organization reads details that were only meant to be shared with one or two others. 

When in doubt, always do your part to keep emails and other correspondences friendly and professional. As a general rule, treat your emails as a professional form of communication, and make sure that the information you share is appropriate for the time, place, and people involved.

2. Don’t have personal conversations at your desk.

If you work in an office and you must have a private or personal phone conversation when you’re at work, try not to have the conversation at your desk where others can hear you. Many workplaces have conference rooms that you can use for phone calls; otherwise, it might be a good idea to step outside.

Having a personal conversation at your desk can be distracting to the coworkers near you, and it may open you up to gossip about being someone who “can’t leave their personal life at home”—which isn’t good for your professional image.

3. Don’t bring your emotions into the office.

It’s best to leave your personal emotions at the door when you get to work. Your desk neighbor doesn’t want to hear your sob story from over the weekend. If you truly can’t focus on your work because something has happened, it’s probably a better idea to take some personal time to process your emotions. Or, if something in the workplace is bothering you, reach out to the human resources department or your supervisor to resolve the issue so it doesn’t interfere with your work.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Asking questions—no matter how silly they may seem—will help you clarify expectations and avoid erroneously completing an entire project only to realize you did it all wrong. There’s little worse than overconfidence—especially if it isn’t actually backed up by experience or skill. 

So go ahead and ask your questions, and be sure to truly listen to the answer.

5. Don’t gossip about fellow co-workers…or your boss.

Gossiping is one of the cardinal sins of office work: Just don’t do it. Whether you’re tempted to gossip about your boss, co-worker, or the company as a whole, you’re not hurting anyone but yourself when you do. 

Gossiping can portray you as someone who can’t be trusted or someone who isn’t a team player, which won’t help you reach your professional goals. It can also be duly harmful if it gets back to the target of the gossip.

6. Don’t use emojis or multiple exclamation points (if any) in work emails.

Disclaimer: This bit of advice will depend on the specifics of your workplace. Some workplaces may embrace emojis and relaxed conversation; others may expect a level of formality at all times. Regardless, be cognizant and intentional when crafting your communications. Work emails don’t need to be all serious all the time, but you’ll want to maintain a sense of professionalism so that others see you as the competent expert that you are. 

When in doubt, always communicate professionally in your workplace emails, regardless of how relaxed your superiors might seem. After you’ve spent some time on the job, you’ll have a better idea of what is deemed appropriate in your workplace.

7. Don’t talk back to your boss.

This bit of advice should probably go without saying, but it’s an important one nonetheless. Even if there isn’t much of an age difference between you and your boss, you should never talk back to them. Always show your boss respect, and do your part to not be sarcastic or glib.

This is not to say you can’t disagree with them about aspects of the job, a project, or the company’s strategy. You should always feel free to share thoughts or concerns if you’ve got them. But the way that you do this matters.

Hopefully, you will have the chance to climb the career ladder someday. You will want to have your boss in your corner to help you get there.

8. Don’t forget that at work events, you’re still at work.

Company outings can be a great chance to socialize with your coworkers and get to know them outside of their nine-to-five personas. But while you should be yourself, it’s important to remember that you’re still among office mates who you’ll be working side by side with tomorrow. Be especially careful not to overdo it if alcohol is being served. Everyone will know why you “called in sick” the next day.

9. Don’t be nervous, but also don’t overstep your boundaries.

In the workplace, you’ll often find yourself walking a fine line in how you present yourself. You want to be respectful, but you don’t want to come across as being stuffy; you want to appear confident, but you don’t want to overstep your bounds; you want to express your opinions, but you need to keep them G-rated.

Learning the balance will take trial and error on your part, but it’s an important balance to learn.

10. Don’t forget an umbrella.

This one might sound silly, but it’s important to be prepared for all of life’s annoyances, even at work. Sitting in wet clothes all day is not fun. Walking around with a coffee-stained shirt because your coffee lid popped off is not fun. Talking to someone with spinach stuck between your teeth from lunch is not fun. 

Keeping an umbrella, spare pair of shoes, dental floss, and even a change of shirt in your desk (or the trunk of your car) for emergencies can be smart.

Workplace etiquette: the dos

1. Do arrive early.

There’s some common advice often given to new workers: You want to be in the office before your boss and stay until after he or she leaves. You will be remembered for answering your phone at 8:01 a.m. in a world where tardiness is common (especially in major cities, where traffic can cause all kinds of headaches). Conversely, you will also be noticed if you consistently show up 15 minutes after everyone else—just not in the way you want. 

2. Do network with people outside of your cubicle.

Of course, it’s important that you complete your work on time and up to standard. But it’s also important to remember that a perk of having a job at a company you appreciate is meeting other people with similar interests who can share advice from their past experiences that you can use on the job. 

That’s why it’s important to take networking opportunities seriously, especially when you’re first starting on the job. Grabbing coffee or lunch with your co-workers, attending happy hour or other company functions, and simply making yourself available can go very far.

3. Do be willing to help out a co-worker.

If one of your co-workers asks you for help in completing a task, you should generally say yes —as long as you feel that you can realistically help them while also hitting your own deadlines. This is an opportunity to stand out and demonstrate your own knowledge and skills. It’s also an opportunity to make a friend and bring someone into your corner for the future; you never know when that might come in handy.

4. Do bring in goodies.

Who doesn’t love to eat? Baking cookies, brownies, or some other treats if you have free time one night or just picking up some bagels on the way in to the office can be a really nice gesture for your coworkers—especially if they’re celebrating a big win or going through a stressful period. 

If you do choose to bring in treats, though, it’s important to understand ahead of time whether any of your co-workers have allergies or dietary restrictions like gluten sensitivity. Bringing something in that everyone can enjoy will only make the gesture that much more meaningful.

5. Do create a proper personal email address.

It isn’t uncommon to need to communicate with your co-workers after hours or on the weekend. While many organizations allow employees to log into work email remotely, some do not. It’s important in these cases that you have a professional email address in the event you need to send an email to a co-worker or your boss. “Foxychick123” isn’t going to send the same impression as “firstname.lastname”.

6. Do jump at the chance to complete a new task.

If you’re asked to work on a task that you’ve never worked on in the past, it’s natural to feel nervous. But that’s no reason to decline the work. Accepting new projects expands your skill set and can lead to exciting opportunities down the line. 

You were likely chosen because they have confidence in your abilities. Just make sure to ask questions, seek advice, and make sure you’re on the right track before getting too bogged down in the task.  

7. Do be flexible.

Sometimes, you’re going to be tapped for a project or initiative that requires you to be flexible. You might be asked to work earlier or later hours than usual; you might be asked to perform duties or tasks that you don’t necessarily want to perform, or that you weren’t hired to do. There may come a day when you are asked to work a holiday—either to cover someone else’s shift or to usher a project through to completion. 

While it’s never fun to work a holiday or weekend or to do “someone else’s job,” being willing to roll with the punches demonstrates that you value the company and take your role seriously, which will only help you in the long run. 

8. Do dress appropriately for the office.

What constitutes appropriate will depend on the particular culture of your workplace. But it’s always a good idea to dress to impress, especially when you’re first starting a new role at a company. Even if you don’t have a formal dress code, save the crop tops, flip-flops, and see-through shirts for the weekend—no one will take you seriously if you don’t.

9. Do make sure your earbuds are plugged in securely to your computer.

Have you ever made the mistake of listening to music or a video on your laptop while in public, only to realize that your earbuds weren’t plugged in and that everyone around you could hear? Talk about embarrassing.

Take it from me: It’s only more embarrassing in the workplace. Your coworkers don’t want to hear lyrics streaming from your 2 Chainz Pandora station.

10. Do be open-minded.

Whether you’re taking on new work, building relationships, or advancing in your career, you should do your best to remain open-minded. Nothing is known for certain, and being flexible and open to change will only help you in the long run.

And finally …

11. Do wear a smile.

Having a positive attitude about being at work will affect your job performance significantly. Appearing happy, friendly, and approachable at work can do wonders for your career. Never underestimate the power of a smile.

It’s OK to make mistakes.

It’s understandable to be nervous as you move into your first job after graduation or when you make a career change to a completely new company or industry. But it’s also important to remember that it’s OK to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. As long as you’re constantly growing and learning from those mistakes and make an effort to stop making the same mistakes in the future, your co-workers will notice.


Work Allies vs. Real Friends: Spot the Difference! 

Workplace bonds can feel like genuine friendships, but let’s keep it real—your work allies aren’t always your personal lifelines. While they’re essential for teamwork and success, blurring the lines between professional relationships and true friendships can lead to unexpected complications.

Here’s What You Need to Know :

🔑 Work Relationships Are Task-Oriented – They’re built on shared projects, not personal trust.

⏳ Friendship Takes Time – True friends are there for you beyond deadlines and office walls.

⚖️ Boundaries Are Your Best Friend – They help you stay focused and drama-free.

How to Master the Balance : 

✔ Keep Work and Personal Separate – It’s okay to be friendly, but not every detail of your life belongs at work.

✔ Practice Kindness with Professionalism – Respect and empathy go a long way in building trust.

✔ Invest in Your Growth – Make your contributions shine and focus on career progress.

✔ Avoid Gossip – It’s a trust-breaker, plain and simple.

✔ Celebrate Team Wins – Appreciate collaboration while keeping healthy boundaries. 

💡 The Bottom Line: True friendships are built on trust and shared values, often outside of the workplace. While work allies are vital for your career, your real friends will stand by you through every season of life.

What’s your take ? Have you ever faced the challenge of setting boundaries at work ? Let’s share some insights in the comments !

🎥 Video credits: All rights belong to the original creator.


понедельник, 16 декабря 2024 г.

How to Assess Your Team


Ben Kill, Chartered MCIPD

Assessing and developing critical skills within your team is essential for achieving high performance and ensuring continuous growth. In this text, we'll focus on two fundamental skills, communication and problem-solving, and provide some insights on how to evaluate and improve these skills for better team outcomes.

Effective communication
 is crucial in any high-performing team. This means you want every team member to be able to convey information clearly, both verbally and in writing. They should also excel at active listening, understanding, and validating others' points of view, and be able to adapt their communication styles to suit different audiences. If these behaviors are not being displayed, there are several ways to improve. You might practice summarizing others' points, which can enhance active listening skills, while online courses in public speaking and professional writing can improve overall communication abilities. Additionally, seeking feedback from peers on communication styles can provide valuable insights for improvement. Of course, the negative impact of not improving communication skills can be significant, leading to misunderstandings, errors, inefficiencies, and poor team morale.

Problem-solving is another essential skill for high-performing teams. Team members should be able to quickly identify issues and generate effective solutions, utilizing creative thinking to develop innovative solutions for even the most complex problems. They should also be able to analyze potential outcomes effectively to choose the best solutions. To improve their problem-solving skills, team members can participate in regular brainstorming sessions to foster creative thinking, or even engage in puzzles and games to sharpen their analytical skills. Finally, they should purposely seek diverse perspectives on problems so that they can broaden their approaches. Unfortunately, the consequences of not improving problem-solving skills include project delays, increased costs due to inefficient solutions, and reduced team effectiveness due to the growing number of unresolved issues.

Leaders should encourage team members to train and mentor each other in communication and problem-solving, and provide new opportunities and challenges to help them apply and further develop these skills. Additionally, managers should try to set clear objectives and create a structured development plan to ensure continuous skill enhancement. By focusing on these strategies, you can build a high-performing team that is motivated, engaged, and effective.

Continuing the assessment and development of critical skills within your team is essential for sustaining high performance and growth. In Part 2, we'll focuses on two additional fundamental skills: time management and leadership.

Effective time management is crucial for any high-performing team. Team members should be able to properly prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, thus ensuring that critical tasks are completed on time. Utilizing tools to manage time and stay organized is also key to maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines consistently without sacrificing quality. If these behaviors are not being displayed, team leaders can foster improvements by implementing new time management techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, using digital tools for tracking deadlines and tasks, and regularly adjusting priorities to respond to changing demands. Failing to foster good team management can lead to missed deadlines, poor productivity, and dependency on others due to poor workload management. Any leader can tell you that this can quickly alter team dynamics and cause a lot of unnecessary friction.

Leadership is another essential skill for high-performing teams. Effective leaders help inspire and motivate team members, fostering a positive and productive work environment. They also delegate tasks wisely, ensuring optimal workload distribution, and make decisions confidently. If these leadership behaviors are not being displayed, improvements can be made through mentorship from more experienced leaders, participating in leadership training programs, and seeking regular feedback from the team to refine leadership methods. Without good leadership, teams may suffer from a generalized lack of direction, leading to confusion, inefficiency, and poor decision-making, which can compromise project outcomes.

Whether you're the leader, a manager, or just team member, it's essential that you try to train and mentor one another in time management and leadership skills. You should also seek to provide new opportunities and challenges to help your teammates apply and further develop these skills.

Continuing the assessment and development of critical skills within your team is essential for sustaining high performance and growth. In Part 3, we'll take a closer look at two more fundamental skills: adaptability and teamwork.

Adaptability is crucial in today’s fast-paced work environment. Team members should be able to quickly adjust their approach in response to changing circumstances, embrace new technologies and processes readily, and maintain productivity and composure under stress. If these behaviors are not being displayed, leaders should try challenging team members with new and diverse projects, setting up cross-functional projects to gain experience with different perspectives, and offering feedback to help them understand new viewpoints. Failing to do so can lead to inflexibility that slows innovation and response to market changes, causes undue stress, and contributes to a sense of resistance to new ideas.

Teamwork is perhaps the most important and most obvious factor required for high-performing teams. Remember, just because people are working together, doesn't necessarily mean they are functioning as a team. Effective collaboration, open communication, and respect for diverse viewpoints are key components of strong teamwork. Each member should be able to contribute to group goals, help resolve conflicts amicably, and communicate openly. If these behaviors are not being displayed, it may be time to start engaging in team-building activities to strengthen bonds. It's also a good idea to try and instill empathy by having them consider others’ perspectives or create collaborative projects to improve team dynamics. If a team can't function as one, it can lead to project failures and missed goals.

Leveraging and supporting these critical skills is crucial for sustained success. Leaders should consider encouraging team members to train and mentor each other in both of these disciplines, and provide new opportunities and challenges to help them apply and further develop these skills. By focusing on these strategies, you can build a high-performing team that is motivated, engaged, and effective in achieving its goals.


воскресенье, 4 августа 2024 г.

Acts and Habits at your Workplace


Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give. 🙌

15 acts of kindness we can practice daily in the workplace:

1/ Avoid gossiping.

2/ Use humor when appropriate.

3/ Help someone complete a task.

4/ Offer constructive feedback kindly.

5/ Gift your favorite book to a colleague.

6/ Invite someone to have lunch with you.

7/ Sing a colleague’s praises to their boss.

8/ Understand and be tolerant of others’ mistakes.

9/ Leave a LinkedIn recommendation for a colleague.

10/ Check in on colleagues or friends who seem down.

11/ Give your full attention when someone is speaking.

12/ Say “thank you” to colleagues for completed tasks.

13/ Tell your boss/subordinates what you appreciate about them.

14/ Ask someone for their opinion and consider their perspective.

15/ Don’t ignore messages; respond with “I’m busy right now, but I’ll get back to you later.”

These simple yet powerful habits can be game-changers for your workplace.

Start practicing these acts of kindness,
and your team will follow your lead.

Simple gestures make a difference.

♻️ Kindness is contagious, so let's spread it in our networks to foster kinder workplaces.


15 Workplace Habits to Avoid
