воскресенье, 22 ноября 2020 г.

5 Factors Influencing the Sales Performance Gap



Only 53% of sales performers achieve their sales goals each year. This year, this number will drop below 49% and many of my sales colleagues and experts are forecasting it could be closer to 40%.  Some industries like home renovation & building materials, pet supply and janitorial/cleaning are seeing a major up-swing in the increase in sales…and even these sales performers are being impacted by these 5 factors.

In working closely with sales leaders and their sales teams, we have identified these top 5 factors that are influencing sales performance, and what you can do to combat them to close the gap…

  1. Human Disconnection

Most sales professionals are outgoing social creatures who thrive on relationships, bringing people together to secure the deal and being road warriors.  Sales pros are feeling disconnected from their clients, fellow sales team members, and even from their sales leaders. Lack of F2F human interaction, collaboration and networking is disconnecting sales professionals, and in turn, they’re becoming less motivated and enthusiastic. Ways to combat this would be implementing 1:1 Coaching Calls, daily huddles, virtual coffee breaks, and ringing the bell when securing sales.  A simple way to eliminate disconnection is turn on your video during virtual calls and ask your customer to turn on their camera – it will build rapport, trust and can turn into business!

  1. Commitment

Salespeople are feeling less committed to their roles, which can greatly impact their sales performance. The decreased motivation sent people into a ‘service’ vs ‘sell’ mindset to be more sensitive to their clients during these uncertain times of COVID, though it often results in pushing goals to the back burner. Low commitment can change by creating stronger goals that will get a sales professional excited to take their sales performance to the next level of sales success, and aligned to the company goals.  Choosing a personal goal to work on after work hours will increase productivity and commitment when working, especially when these goals are shared with managers to increase accountability. A new hobby or interest can ignite an internal spark.

  1. Prospecting

Due to lack of tradeshows, events, and travelling, prospecting has taken a hard hit during COVID,  exposing a major gap in sales performance. The lack of tradeshows, live meetings, drop-ins, and conferences leaves salespeople dry for leads and forces harder prospecting. A way to combat this is by committing to a 90-day virtual prospecting blitz.  A simple strategy of 5 prospecting calls by 5pm, or even 10 calls by 10am – along with the double whammy approach will generate more leads.

  1. Presenting solutions to solve a problem

In this virtual-selling reality, simply sending a quote or proposal via email and hoping it gets a “yes” is not going to cut it. Salespeople must demonstrate GRIT, by being more creative and proactive in their presentations now that they are virtual. Schedule a virtual call to present your solution to them, and make sure your proposal actually solves a problem! If you can demonstrate what problem your solution solves and how it would benefit the buyer, your chances of scoring a “yes” improve dramatically.

  1. PURPOSE Consultative Conversations.

Too many salespeople are unsure how to conduct a great virtual call and are bumbling through the call frustrating themselves and even the buyer for not being purposeful.  Our PURPOSE Conversation is a proven framework that will build confidence in a simple step-by-step approach to demonstrate you are being consultative right from preparing for the meeting, all the way through executing next steps. Download our complimentary PURPOSE Conversation template from our Tools & Templates page here.

Closing these gaps is incredibly important, ignoring them will only make them widen and push sales goals further out of reach. Being aware of these performance gaps is the first step on the road to sales recovery.


33 of the Best Social Media Marketing Blogs of 2020


Written by Kipp Bodnar

The great thing about the internet is that it's full of brilliant marketers sharing great information -- all for free.

Social media is no exception.

If you have some extra time in your week to add more blogs to your reading list, we recommend you consider subscribing to some of these 33 blogs specifically about social media marketing.

33 of the Best Social Media Blogs

1. HubSpot Marketing Blog

On the HubSpot Marketing blog, we strive to cover every topic that a modern-day marketer would need to know about. This includes social media. Not only can you find general posts about social media marketing, but you can also find content and original research about specific platforms, like Instagram.

2. Social Media Explorer

Social Media Explorer, founded by Jason Falls, is constantly pumping out great posts on social media's impact on marketing and public relations.

3. The Future Buzz

Adam Singer's blog, The Future Buzz, takes a clear approach to social media marketing and SEO topics, and isn't afraid to take a stance against ideas and tactics he thinks are bad for marketers.

4. Duct Tape Marketing

If you're a small business owner, Duct Tape Marketing is a must-read for strategic and tactical advice about leveraging online marketing and social media to grow your business.

5. Social Media Today

Social Media Today offers a diverse mix of news on social networks' latest developments and cutting-edge tips to perfect your use of each platform. The blog also hosts live Twitter chats from its Twitter hashtag, #SMTLive, on various social media topics twice a month.

6. Small Business Trends

The Social Media section of Small Business Trends, a large news property for entrepreneurs, is filled with expert social media advice and multimedia content for the small business.

7. Web Ink Now

Author and speaker, David Meerman Scott shares great theories and real-life examples of social media's impact on marketing, as well as easy-to-understand content that is great for non-marketing executives.

8. Rebekah Radice

Rebekah Radice is an award-winning social media influencer, and her blog is evidence of her expertise in this industry. Her blog packages common social media topics into solution-based content that tells marketers what they need to know. She also hosts a podcast called Brand Authority, further expanding on the challenges she examines on her blog.

9. Mari Smith

Mari Smith has been called the "Queen of Facebook," and her Facebook-specific blog is a testament to this generous title. Smith uses the latest Facebook trends to create up-to-date insights for the modern social media marketer -- with ample video marketing advice to boot.

10. The Social Media Hat

From social media to email marketing, this simple-looking property is an all-in-one resource for content marketers. The Social Media Hat also includes a recommended list of marketing tools, giving you opportunities to apply what you learn from the blog to your marketing operations.

11. Jon Loomer

Jon Loomer is a blogger and podcaster whose website offers both articles and video tutorials on all things Facebook marketing.

12. TopRank Online Marketing Blog

The TopRank blog has a long history of delivering a great blend of search engine and social media marketing information in easily digestible lists and posts.

13. SocialMedia.biz

This comprehensive blog breaks down its social media content into News, Business, How-To, and Marketing topics -- providing a reader experience that is sorted according to the unique social media challenges you might face in your career.

14. DreamGrow

DreamGrow is dedicated to social media in the context of content marketing. The blog caters to both content creators and marketing strategists, showing readers how to use social media to grow as businesses and as individuals.

15. MarketingProfs Daily Fix

While MarketingProfs reserves some of its content for paid members, its Daily Fix blog offers great daily marketing content for free.

16. Social Business

Eileen Brown's blog, a property of ZDNet, is an expansive resource for emerging trends relating to social media's impact on business.

17. Ask Aaron Lee

Aaron Lee is a social media manager from Malaysia, who uses his experience as an entrepreneur to educate half a million readers worldwide on using social media to grow a business.

18. Altitude Branding

For thoughtful and honest commentary and advice on social media and conducting business on the web, check out Amber Naslund's blog.

19. Dave Fleet

Dave's blog provides valuable information regarding how social media has an impact on brands and traditional communications functions like public relations and advertising.

20. Social Media Examiner

With tons of great guest authors and consistent how-to content, Social Media Examiner offers a ton of free advice for marketers across industries.

21. Convince & Convert

Jay Baer provides actionable information about the best ways to use social media to improve reach and convert new customers.

22. Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang

For an analyst's perspective on high-level social media concepts and emerging trends like social CRM, take a minute to check out Jeremiah's blog.

23. Search Engine Land

Long-time search engine marketing resource Search Engine Land provides expert advice on search marketing.

24. ProBlogger

For those who are interested in improving and expanding their blog across all their digital channels, ProBlogger discusses the strategies and tactics needed to become a successful blogger.

25. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management tool whose Insights blog is always tuned to the latest best practices in social media marketing -- from what content to post to using chatbots for better customer service.

26. Bad Pitch Blog

The Bad Pitch Blog points out mistakes other marketers have made so that you won't make them, too. You'll find some important perspective on media relations -- across all digital channels -- in these posts.

27. The Moz Blog

Moz is known for offering expert tools and advice on search engine optimization (SEO). What you might not know is that the famous Moz Blog also gives you social media advice from the unique perspective of SEO.

28. Peg Fitzpatrick

Peg Fitzpatrick is the author of the best-selling book, "The Art of Social Media," and her blog is an equally creative take on social media marketing for today's content producers.

29. RazorSocial

RazorSocial's social media blog is one of nine content categories that shows you different ways of thinking about content strategy, as well as how to perfect your use of certain marketing tools.

30. Socially Sorted

This award-winning marketing blog comes from Donna Moritz, an Australian content strategist who writes about using social media to become a better storyteller.

31. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a marketing expert, entrepreneur, and consultant who's worked with a number of major companies like Amazon, NBC, and GM.

While Patel's research and insights have been featured on our own blog a handful of times, he also publishes content on his own site. While many of his posts relate to SEO, you can also find content around other digital marketing topics, including social media. 

32. Later

Later is primarily known for its Instagram scheduling platform. However, they also have a pretty comprehensive social media blog that HubSpot's social manager, Kelly Hendrickson, personally loves to read.

33. Buffer

Similar to other blogs on this list, Buffer posts a handful of social-media related posts per day. Buffer, which is a personal favorite of our social media community manager, Krystal Wu, also use videos, original data, and infographics to tell visual stories about social media tactics. 

Reading Up on Social Media Trends

The list of social media blogs is endless, and could be quite overwhelming to you. You might be asking yourself, "How do I keep up with all 33 blogs on this list?"

The truth is that you don't need to read every single blog on this list every day. You just need to skim the ones that value your team and strategies most. 

To eliminate the need for constant surfing, when you find a blog you love, subscribe to its email list for daily notifications in your inbox. 


How COVID-19 Has Impacted Business: A 6-Month Retrospective


Written by Kipp Bodnar

It's been over six months since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. As we reported in March, the initial impact was painful on businesses. But now, six months in, businesses appear to be adapting to the new normal. Digital transformation is accelerating. Inbound marketing strategies are working incredibly well, while outbound sales strategies are struggling. Buyers are more in control than they've ever been, and companies delivering a great digital customer experience are winning.

COVID-19 forced many businesses to start operating online, and since then we've seen a huge spike in online buyer interest that has steadily increased over the past two months. This digital transformation was already occurring before the pandemic, but COVID-19 accelerated its timeline pressuring businesses and buyers to pivot to an online environment. Now that brands are experiencing the benefits of on-demand tools like live chat, these features will be standardized as consumers come to expect them more over time.

We've also seen a simultaneous decline in the effectiveness of outbound strategies. Take sales emails as an example — sends have nearly doubled since March, but open rates continue to remain well below pre-COVID levels. It's not that buyer interest isn't there; it's that consumers now have the liberty to choose when and where they want to interact with businesses. This places greater emphasis on inbound tactics as brands need to prioritize new channels like chat where consumers can interact with marketing, sales, and service at their own pace.

As more businesses learned how to successfully make this pivot, and the global economy slowly started to reopen, sales outcomes started to gradually improve. In June, we saw a significant change in deal performance as both deals won and deals created increased from just below pre-COVID levels to well above the benchmark by the end of July. Currently, global deal performance is hovering at and above pre-COVID levels as more businesses are getting used to working under these new circumstances. While it's certainly still a difficult time for businesses, the sales data suggests that we are slowly starting to move forward.

In this post, we'll take an in-depth look into buyer interest, marketing and sales outreach, and sales outcomes over the past six months. We'll examine how different industries, regions, and company sizes have been impacted by COVID-19, and offer suggestions for investments that make sense right now.

HubSpot can't make predictions about what will happen, and nobody knows what the future looks like. But we hope this report from our customer base provides a helpful reference as businesses enter the next quarter, and that the insights are useful to you in some way. To explore the accompanying dataset on your own, you can find our interactive microsite here.

  1. Buyer Interest

  2. Buyer Outreach

  3. Sales Outcomes

  4. Takeaways

This data is based on benchmarks calculated using weekly averages from Q2 vs. post-holiday weekly averages from Q1. Because the data is aggregated from our customer base, please keep in mind that individual businesses, including HubSpot's, may differ based on their own markets, customer base, industry, geography, stage, and/or other factors. While certain data is reported by industry, please note that we do not track all industries, and that HubSpot's industry classifications may not correspond with standard industry classifications.

COVID-19 6-Month Marketing, Sales, & Service Retrospective

1. Buyers Are in Control.

Customer-Initiated Chat Conversations

Buyer research has shifted to a more on-demand, in-the-moment experience than ever before, and live chat usage strongly supports that. Chat volume has steadily increased over the past six months, and have been trending over 90% above the benchmark since September. Since businesses have moved online, consumers have flocked to chat as a resource for real-time help. Now, consumers expect a live chat option when interacting with brands and businesses are slowly starting to implement them on their websites.

Additionally, now that a significant number of people are working from home and communicating on their preferred time and channel, research is happening on the buyer's schedule -- and they want real-time answers, even if the sales team is asleep. Marketing teams have pivoted to chat to engage prospects. Sales teams are using it to nurture leads, and customer service personnel are using it to support customers. Live chat is proving to be one of the most effective channels for communicating with customers because it allows people to interact with a company on demand. The arc of technology bends toward convenience, so even if demand for chat doesn't stay at this level forever, we feel confident that the pandemic has made chat a table-stakes channel going forward.

Regionally, APAC engaged in the most chat conversations compared to LATAM, EMEA, and NORTHAM. Just three weeks ago, APAC reached 144% above pre-COVID levels and it's been the highest above the benchmark since July. While every region has experienced significant increases for live chat volume, APAC's chat conversations have increased 132% since March, EMEA 86%, LATAM increased 81%, and NORTHAM 81%.

We're not surprised that APAC has been leading the way when it comes to live chat conversations as we've seen this region using more chat and SMS technology for quite some time. Apps like WeChat have gained popularity in the region for years, not only because they make it easier for customers to chat with sales and service people, but also because they give brands the opportunity to launch engaging campaigns. For example, in 2019, India alone had 340 million WhatsApp users, which was a significantly higher proportion of the population more than any other country in the world. Countries in APAC have also been early adopters of SMS and chat  Japanese retailers were using WeChat to advertise and offer customer discounts as a way to incentivize Chinese tourists as far back as 2016.

Web Traffic

Two weeks ago, total web traffic was at a year-high 34% above the benchmark and we've seen this metric increase over 25% since March. Global web traffic seems to be holding steady at this rate as we push past summer and into fall. In fact, this metric has been over 20% above the benchmark for the past 10 weeks. As buyers continue to do their shopping online, businesses with the most established online presence seem to be seeing the most benefit.

If we look at the industry breakdown, computer software leads the way with the most web traffic at 51% above the benchmark. This reflects the digital transformation that was already occurring before COVID-19 but was sped up due to the effects of the pandemic. Compared to where we were in March, nearly all industries have returned to about pre-COVID levels. For example, entertainment, a structurally impacted industry, was 18% below the benchmark in July but has been above or right below the benchmark for the past seven weeks.

2. Inbound Strategies Continue to Prove Effective for Buyer Outreach.

Marketing Emails

With buyer interest so strong, marketers have reinvested in email. Marketing email volume has increased a total of 49% since the start of the pandemic and is currently a year-high 52% above pre-COVID levels. This is a continuation of the steady increase in traffic we've seen over the last few months. At the start of the pandemic, marketing email volume had increased nearly 30% by the end of March. Over the summer, send volume was steady at about 30% above pre-COVID levels and has risen again in the fall.

Response rates are also performing well, remaining at 10-20% above the benchmark since April. In the spring, we saw open rates shoot up immediately following the start of the pandemic, then they leveled out throughout the summer and fall. It's encouraging to see response rates holding up since email marketing has been declared "dead" many times over the last few years as channels like chat have been on the rise. But, in marketing, it's not what channel you're using, it's how you're using it. Highly relevant, helpful content will reach buyers in almost any medium, and we're glad to see marketing teams sustaining high-levels of engagement via email.

Sales Emails

On the sales side, email activity has also increased, but response rates have been on the opposite trajectory. Global send volume has increased 79% since March, but response rates have consistently stayed nearly 30% below the benchmark since April. Send volume continues to grow through the fall as it's increased 25% over the past five weeks.

It's not that this approach isn't working, it's just not great for customer experience. Consumers are getting overloaded with emails as sales teams try to engage their new online audience. Since the pandemic has placed even more control into the buyer's hands, they're really only engaging with sales teams on their terms.

Email is still a valuable channel for salespeople, but blindly emailing prospects isn't going to increase responses. You need to make sure you're being deliberate in your prospecting mix because buyers have a lot more options these days to signal interest (visiting a site, converting on an offer, signing up for a demo, etc.). The key is to understand the intent behind these channels instead of just doubling down where it's easy to spray-and-pray — like with email.

Sales Calls

Even though sales email engagement has been stagnant, a really positive takeaway for sales teams is that call events are now trending 21% above the benchmark and have increased 18% since March. This is a significant turnaround for call prospecting as it dropped to around 25% below the benchmark from March to June, but picked up again later in the summer — about the same time that deal performance began to return to pre-COVID levels.

If we look at call prospecting by company size, smaller companies seemed to have called their prospects sooner than larger ones. Companies with 1-25 employees saw their call prospecting return to pre-COVID levels at the start of July, while 26-200 and over 201 companies are just starting to return to those levels now. Since smaller companies have fewer customers and not as many "set and forget" channels, their sales reps typically have stronger relationships with their customer base. When the pandemic pushed buyers and businesses into a time of uncertainty, these trustworthy relationships are what both sides could lean on to get through hardships. It makes sense that as deal performance began to stabilize in July, smaller companies were the first to return to the phones because they rely so heavily on these close-knit relationships as well as traditional prospecting channels like phones.

Currently, call events are 31% above the benchmark for companies with 0-25 employees and are up 26% since March. We can compare that to other company sizes like 26-200 employees, which is 18% above the benchmark and has increased 17% since March. Over 201 companies are only 2% above the benchmark right now, but this number has increased nearly 30% over the past four months. We'll look for 201 companies to increase their call prospecting as sales outcomes continue to gradually improve.

3. Sales Outcomes Are Gradually Improving.

Deals Won

Over the last few months, we have seen businesses adapt to new circumstances very rapidly. There was a lot of fluctuation in sales outcomes due to changing buyer circumstances, economic uncertainty, etc., all driven by the spread of COVID biologically. At the 6-month mark, businesses are simply more used to operating under these circumstances, and while it's certainly a difficult time, the data suggests that companies of all sizes are starting to move forward.

In April, we hit the lowest point for total deals won at 36% below the benchmark. Following that, we saw steady recovery from late-April to mid-June where deals-won returned to the same levels they were at before the start of the pandemic. Deal performance continued to improve through July and August, and at the end of September, deals won reached 10% above the benchmark. That's more than a 45% increase since the first week of April.

The pandemic has changed the definition of what a "good fit" customer is. Cashflow issues rendered some customers unable to purchase products that they could afford in the past. Changing circumstances affected the urgency customers had around purchases in both directions, accelerating some deals while stalling out others. Businesses have had to reassess their target personas because buyers' circumstances had changed so dramatically. To be successful, brands need to update their definition of a "good fit" customer as well as their sales motions.

Deals Created

In April, we not only saw the lowest number of deals won recorded, but the lowest number of deals created as well. During the week of April 6, deals created fell to 30% below the benchmark and remained below pre-COVID levels until mid-June. Over the summer, deal creation continuously improved and now it's at 35% above the benchmark. That's 65% more deals being created now than they were at the start of April. As businesses pivoted their strategies and learned to operate in a digital world, many found success and are starting to benefit from their new prospecting channels.

Regionally, it appears LATAM was hit the hardest for deal creation in the first three months of the pandemic. It reached its lowest point in April at 43% below the benchmark, but fortunately, bounced back over the summer and is now 16% above the benchmark. EMEA also had a recent return to pre-COVID benchmarks as it was trailing behind all the other regions up until July and August. It was 18% below the benchmark while all other regions sat at least 10% above it. In September, EMEA deal flow surpassed the benchmark for the first time since March and is now 20% above pre-COVID levels.

Construction, Manufacturing, and Computer Software have all been trending above the benchmark since the start of September. Construction is the top-performing industry and has been trending roughly 20% above pre-COVID levels since May. This is expected though, as these industries haven't been as structurally impacted as others. Industries like Travel, Entertainment, and Human Resources are still working their way back towards pre-COVID levels. While they're not exactly at the benchmark, deal creation for these industries has been significantly better than it was at the start of the pandemic.


Online Conversion Isn't New and It's Not Going Anywhere.

Businesses didn't suddenly discover ecommerce and live chat when COVID-19 forced them to adapt their operations. Brands and consumers were already moving online before the pandemic, but COVID accelerated their timeline and pressured them to embrace a digital transformation at a rapid pace. What were once novelty features and services — like live chat — are now vital to day-to-day operations. Without these tools, businesses can't engage or prospect customers like they could before the pandemic.

Now that many companies have pivoted online and are discovering the benefits that come with it, there's no returning to the way things were before. Companies will continue to invest in digital channels as these are proving to be highly-effective options for engagement, prospecting, and support. And, consumers are getting more familiar with these channels as well. As they continue to interact with brands through a digital landscape, they'll come to expect this environment as the standard for businesses moving forward.

Resources to Help:

Free Software to Get Started:

Inbound and Buyer Interest Aren't Optional.

With businesses operating in a digital world, buyer interest has turned into an on-demand experience. More consumers are working from home and spending more time online, which means they're interacting with brands when and where they please. Buyers now have a variety of channels to choose from when they want to contact your brand and they also have the luxury of switching between these channels as they see fit. So, if you want to successfully engage your digital audience, your brand needs to be available on all of the platforms your customers are using. That will also help you maintain a noticeable digital presence as more companies follow suit and go online.

You'll also need to focus more on your inbound methodology since consumers now have more power to interact with brands at their preferred pace. If you prioritize quantity over quality when it comes to messaging — like what we've seen with sales emails — you won't get far with engaging your audience and you may end up damaging the customer experience in the process. Instead, try focusing on sending high-quality content to your "good-fit" prospects. You may have to reassess what "good-fit" means since COVID has significantly impacted buyer profiles, but this should get you on track in terms of engaging buyers that are an ideal match for your sales team.

Resources to Help:

Free Software to Get Started:

Businesses Have to Adapt.

Compared to where we were in March, global sales outcomes look a lot better. But, for many businesses — especially those in structurally-impacted industries — we're nowhere near where we were prior to the pandemic. Businesses have had to adapt their approach to operate under very different circumstances and some have done this successfully while others are still working to come up with an effective plan. The good news is it seems like most businesses understand they need to adapt their strategies in some way if they want to continue to operate in a post-COVID world.

Resources to Help:

Free Software to Get Started:
