среда, 12 апреля 2023 г.

Activity relationship chart. Part 1


An activity relationship chart (ARC) is a tabular means of displaying the closeness rating among all pairs of activities or departments.[1] In an ARC there are six closeness ratings which may be assigned to each pair of departments, as well as nine reasons for those ratings (each is assigned by a reason code).

Rating symbols

  1. A: Absolutely necessary
  2. E: Especially important
  3. I: Important and core
  4. O: Ordinary
  5. U: Unimportant
  6. X: Prohibited or Undesirable [2]

Reason codes

  1. Same table
  2. Flow of material
  3. Service
  4. Convenience
  5. Inventory control
  6. Communication
  7. Same personnel
  8. Cleanliness
  9. Flow of parts[2]

rule of thumb is used to restrict the choice of rating letters:

  • Very few A and X relationships (no more than five percent) should be assigned
  • No more than 10 percent should be E
  • No more than 15 percent should be I
  • No more than 20 percent should be O
  • About 50 percent of the relationships should be U

Developing an ARC

  1. List all the departments within the facility, and draw a rectangle around each one.
  2. Draw a rhombus between each department, until you fully construct the rhombus as a tree.
  3. Divide each rhombus into two halves; the upper half will contain the rating letter, while the lower half will contain the rating-reason code.


  1. ^ Groover, M. P. (2007). Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work, Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0-13-140650-6
  2. Jump up to:a b Tompkins, J. A., White, J. A., Bozer, Y. A. (2010). Facilities Planning, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-44404-7

How to Create Activity Relationship Chart in Excel

Are you an Industrial Production Engineer? Or do you have an interest in supply chain, system, and production engineering? Then, fasten the seat belt because there will be a bang now. In this article, we’ll demonstrate 4 easy and detailed steps to create an Activity Relationship Chart in Excel. So, let’s go through the article to perform the task efficiently in your work.

Introduction to Activity Relationship Chart

Designing the arrangement of the amenities that already exist on the production floor in order to maximize their productivity is known as facility layout. These resources could be tools, personnel, spaces, etc. For increased output, all of the assets must be appropriately organized on the shop floor. The foundation for creating any form of plant layout is an Activity Relationship Chart. For this chart to provide a useful plant layout, extreme care must be taken in its design.

What Is Activity Relationship Chart?

An Activity Relationship Chart is also known as ARC in short. It’s in a tabular form to express the closeness rating between all sets of activities or departments. Each pair of departments in an ARC may be given one of the six closeness ratings, with nine justifications for each rating (each is assigned by a reason code).

Closeness Rating and Basis of the Coding in Activity Relationship Chart

The relationship chart shows which entities are connected to one another and assesses how important that connection is. The ratings and their closeness are given below.

AAbsolutely necessary
EEspecially important
IImportant and core

Also, there are some reasons behind this closeness. We express them through number codes. So, you can see them below.

1Flow of Material
2Ease of Supervision
3Common Personnel
4Necessary Contact
6Similar Pieces of Equipment

Importance of Activity Relationship Chart

The primary goal of the Activity Relationship Chart is to guarantee that the facility you are developing has the shortest possible distance between two pieces of equipment or departments that are crucial to one another. If the prior activity hasn’t been completed, no other activities can be performed. Imagine if you assigned a metal object to paint first, then welding, as opposed to welding first, then painting? Therefore, putting facilities closer together and shortening cycle times are the main goals.

4 Steps to Create Activity Relationship Chart in Excel

In this section, we’ll learn the 4 basic steps to create an Activity Relationship Chart in Excel. So, let’s go through them one by one.
Here, we have used Microsoft Excel 365 version, you may use any other version according to your convenience. Don’t forget to inform us if you face any trouble while using any other versions of Excel.

Step 01: Create Basic Outline

In the first and foremost step, we should create a basic outline where all the elements of the chart can accommodate themselves. It’s so simple and easy also. So, let’s see it in action.

📌 Steps:

  • At the very beginning, create a table in the B4:M14 range.
  • In cell B4, we wrote down the text Departments.
  • Besides, we can see 1 to 10 in Column B and in Row 4. These are the serial number of the departments which we’ll input in the next step.
  • Also, we have left the D5:M14 range blank for future usage.

Step 02: Disclosure of Department Names

In the next step, we’ll insert the names of the departments of the facility. Here, we’ll use 10 different departments in our sheet. So, without further delay, let’s dive in!

📌 Steps:

  • At this time, write down the name of the departments one after one in the C5:C14 range.
  • In this case, we adverted the FabricationWeldingPaint, etc. departments.

Step 03: Construct Cell Borders

Now, the main part of embellishment comes. We’ll modify the blank spaces in the table to create the Activity Relationship Chart. Let’s see the process in detail.

📌 Steps:

  • At first, select cells in the D5:M14 range.
  • Then, go to the Home tab.
  • After that, click on the Borders drop-down on the Font group of commands.
  • Later, select All Borders from the list.

Currently, the worksheet looks like the following image.

  • Again, select the previous range.
  • Additionally, repeat the previous steps to open the Borders drop-down list.
  • But, this time, select the More Borders option at last.

Immediately, the Format Cells dialog box appears before us. Automatically, it will take us to the Border tab.

  • Then, apply the diagonal border as shown in the image below.
  • As usual, click OK.

Presently, the final result is before our eyes.

Step 04: Give Closeness Rating and Reasons in Each Cell

In this last step, we’ll do the technical part of this chart. Before starting, the dataset is purely fictitious and used only for your understanding. So, let’s get started.

📌 Steps:

Before inserting the data, we’ll restrict some cells. Because no data will sit in them. To do this,

  • Firstly, select the cells along the diagonal in the D5:M14 range.
  • Secondly, proceed to the Home tab.
  • Thirdly, click on the Fill Color drop-down icon on the Font group.
  • Afterward, select Black from the Theme Colors.

Moreover, the final look is like something below.

  • Now, select cell E5 and write down the following text in that cell.
O     3

There are 5 blank spaces between these two letters. We did it intentionally to accommodate these on both sides of the diagonal border in the cell.

  • After that, press the ENTER key.

  • Similarly, fill up the other cells with correct data.

So, If you notice, you’ll see that the data is symmetrical along the corners on both sides of the black cells.
If you want to find the relationship between the Welding and Receiving departments, how could you do that? It’s so easy.
The serial numbers of these two departments are 2 and 5 respectively. So, you will find the result at the intersection of 2 and 5.

Therefore, 2 and 5 intersect with each other two times. In cells E9 and H6, values are the same. So, the relationship between these two departments is A1. That means their closeness is absolutely necessary, and the flow of material will also happen between them.


понедельник, 10 апреля 2023 г.

«Эффект Даннинга-Крюгера». Инструмент #17


Собственно инструмент и называется по именам авторов: «Эффект Даннинга-Крюгера». Поэтому не стал выносить их отдельно. Два гражданина (т.е. социальных психолога) в 1999 г. выдвинули гипотезу, что для людей с низкой квалификацией в любом виде деятельности характерно переоценивать собственные умения и не осознавать всю глубину своей некомпетентности. Вот и здравствуй, Фестинджер, со своим «Когнитивным диссонансом».

Так же люди неспособны адекватно оценивать действительно высокий уровень умений у других. При этом у компетентных специалистов, напротив, самооценка может быть занижена.

Гипотеза подтвердилась. Дополнительно Даннинг и Крюгер установили, что при погружении в тему оценка собственного уровня знаний меняется (повышается, конечно), даже если практических навыков при этом не прибавляется. Т.е. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИ мы становимся еще более опытными.

За модель «Эффект Даннинга-Крюгера» авторы в 2000 г. были номинированы и награждены. Шнобелевской премией. Типа «изобрели велосипед». Какая ирония.

Ценность модели

Только если глубже разобраться, то не все так просто. Во-первых, они дали название эффекту. И теперь мы можем оперировать вполне конкретным понятием. А не просто ссылками на авторитетных мыслителей. Типа Чарлза Дарвина и Бертрана Рассела, на высказываниях которых они построили свою гипотезу.

Во-вторых, многие считают, что такое когнитивное искажение присуще только некомпетентному человеку. Но даже специалист в одной области, может  являться дилетантом в другой области и не подозревать об этом. Как часто я слышал от жалобы от врачей (например, стоматологов) на своих коллег других специальностей. Которые, садясь в кресло, начинали давать «дельные» советы.

В-третьих, даже в пределах одной конкретной области знаний склонность к переоценке своего уровня свойственна большинству людей. Включая людей со средним и выше уровнем компетенции. Просто у компетентных людей ошибка в оценке будет меньше. И только наиболее компетентные люди, могут недооценивать свой уровень. Тем же врачам-стоматологам нельзя задавать вопрос «Кто лучший стоматолог на рынке?». Ответ будет очевиден. Лучше поинтересоваться: «Кто, кроме вас? Кто номер два?»

«Эффект Даннинга-Крюгера» в обучении

Теперь давайте обратимся к теме проведения обучения. И тут «Эффект Даннинга-Крюгера» расцветает пышным цветом. Причем с обеих сторон. Тренер, ни разу в жизни не продавший товар/услугу или не руководивший, ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИ много знает об инструментах продаж или  управления. И даже готов в  пределах своих ТРЕНЕРСКИХ компетенций передать знания страждущим. Но даже мало-мальски опытный продавец увидит разрыв между теорией и практикой применения. И… Нет, не уйдет. Тренинг оплачен и могут быть кадровые последствия его отсутствия. Но заскучает. И на выходе даст развивающую и конструктивную обратную связь: «Полная ерунда». Это если использовать цензурную риторику и легальные дефиниции.

Есть и другая сторона медали. Сколько раз сталкивались с «опытными» сотрудниками. Изначально негативно оценивающие предстоящий тренинг. «Чему они могут меня научить?». Приходится «преодолевать сопротивление». В смысле макать. На одном из тренингов участник заявил, что не надо его учить преодолевать секретарский барьер. Он все умеет. Предложил продемонстрировать смертельную технику. Роль секретаря играл его руководитель. Первая фраза повергла в шок: «Слышь, девочка, соедини с Петрухой!»… Мне даже делать ничего не надо было. Все великолепно отработал его начальник. По полной программе. Грохот от падения с пьедестала был далеко слышен. Ну а дальше  вытаскивали участника по кривой адаптации Кюблер-Росс. Но это уже было в инструменте #12


Making Use of Eye Tracking Technology in Market Research


What is eye-tracking technology?

Eye tracking quite simply involves the recording and analysis of any movement in our eyes, examining where we look and where we gaze our attention. In market research, we can use eye tracking to allow us to see how individuals react to different marketing messages. It enables us to understand an individual’s cognitive engagement with different stimulus in real time, showing us where interest lies, what is overlooked and how the pupil responds to different stimuli.

An infrared light source is used to illuminate the eye, and a camera records the way this light is reflected off the cornea. Algorithms then calculate the position of the eye to determine exactly where the individual focuses. It also measures the number of blinks and any changes in the diameter of the pupil and is ultimately collected into an eye tracking data software to help researchers to understand what actually lies behind ‘the wandering eye’.

3 ways eye tracking technology is a useful tool in market research

  1. It helps us to understand what parts of the stimuli are ignored and what is important and focused on, narrowing in to that one aspect that captured the eye of the individual. In today’s world, we are bombarded with advertisements and marketing messages appearing on websites, mobile apps and the television. They have become impossible to ignore. As a result, most people, the younger generations in particular, tend to zone out from what they usually see as they have become accustomed to seeing similar ads day in day out.

    Eye tracking research can now offer a new, innovative way of testing whether your marketing messages really are effective to your target audience. It allows you to understand what aspects draw them in and what parts are overlooked, ensuring that you get the best out of your messaging in such a crowded space.

  2. It reinforces “seeing your business from the customer’s perspective” and is a huge step towards understanding what actually drives a customer’s emotions at a subconscious level.

    It is an emerging technique within market research, allowing us to catch someone’s eye, as well as understanding what it was that actually caught it. It moves away from thinking a marketing message was not in an optimum location on the screen, wasn’t sized large enough, or was placed after other marketing messages by more prominent brands. Eye tracking allows you to measure and quantify the visual impact of your marketing material.

  3. Finally, eye tracking ensures that data captured is completely accurate and allows us to confidently provide valuable insights back to our clients. It eliminates queries over reliability and validity of results as this type of tracking minimises recall errors and the social desirability effect which conventional research methods usually miss. It is a research method used to tap into the subconscious, unravelling hidden drivers of behaviour, which individuals may otherwise struggle to consciously recall.

Whilst the ideas behind eye tracking technology are decades old, its applications are used everywhere; in education, understanding attention spans and ensuring pupils receive the help and support they require; in the medical world helping to diagnose mental health disorders and in gaming and virtual reality, where your device reacts to what you see in real time. Market researchers are taking advantage of this technology to understand what lies behind successful marketing stimulus – what works for your brand and how we can optimise the little space we have in order to capture an individual’s attention.
