Показаны сообщения с ярлыком production duality. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком production duality. Показать все сообщения

пятница, 14 июля 2023 г.

Production I. Production duality


Production maximisation

Production maximisation must be seen as an optimisation problem regarding the production function, represented by isoquants, and a constraint regarding production costs, represented by an isocost line.

Producers are therefore faced with the following problem: faced with a set of possible production levels and a fixed budget, how to choose the level which maximises their production?

If we know the production function of a certain producer, and we know their budget, we have the two restrictions necessary to maximise their production. This can be done graphically, with the point where isocost and isoquant meet defining an optimum, as shown in the adjacent figure.

It can be also done mathematically, through a Lagrangian, where the first derivatives determine a system of equations that can be resolved by submitting our production function to the restriction presented by the budget:

Video – Production maximisation:

Cost minimisation

Cost minimisation tries to answer the fundamental question of how to select inputs in order to produce a given output at a minimum cost.

A firm’s isocost line shows the cost of hiring factor inputs. This line gives us all possible combinations of inputs (here labour and capital) that can be purchased at a given cost.

Assuming that a certain amount of output wants to be achieved, we have several possible combinations to achieve it, but only one that minimises costs. The isocost line tangent to the isoquant, which represents the amount of output targeted, will reveal the input combination that results in the lowest cost, for that given output.

We can also use the method of Lagrangian systems to analytically solve a constrained minimisation problem. The first derivatives determine a system of equations that can be resolved by submitting our sought output to the restriction presented by the minimisation of costs:

Video – Cost minimisation:

Production duality

As in consumer’s theory (where consumption duality is analysed), the firm´s input decision has a dual nature. Finding the optimum levels of inputs, can not only be seen as a question of choosing the lowest isocost line tangent to the production isoquant (as seen when minimising cost), but also as a question of choosing the highest production isoquant tangent to a given isocost line (maximising production). In other words, having a cost function that sets a budget constraint, solving for the inputs allocation that gives the highest output.

The way to solve either problem is very similar: we look for the Lagrangian function and obtain first order conditions, then solve the system.

Video – Production duality:
