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пятница, 10 сентября 2021 г.

What Is B2B Demand Generation? Best Top 8 Demand Generation Strategies


What is B2B Demand Generation? 

B2B Demand Generation is a marketing strategy which involves driving interest of people in your product or services. Basically it is the process of generating demand and buzz for your business. It helps to build brand awareness, increase traffic and secure more deals. In simple words, we can say that it is an indirect way to ensure smooth flow of leads to your sales pipeline. There are many effective B2B Demand Generation strategies that you can implement. Keep reading the article to know more in-depth information about Demand Generation and it’s strategies.

Key Points About B2B Demand Generation

  • B2B Demand Generation is called the marketing powerhouse as it helps to build brand awareness, increase traffic and close more deals.
  • Demand Generation marketing is all about creating a healthy pipeline by ensuring the flow of leads and sales conversion.
  • It is a method to expand your audience reach, generate buzz and push customers to take action to close deals.
  • Generating demand includes creating campaigns to capture the attention of people, engaging prospects and keeping your brand highlighted in their minds.
  • The goal of Demand Generation is to push the buyer’s ahead into their buying journey.
  • It is all about putting up the best sales pitch and turning a qualified lead into a new customer.
  • B2B Demand Generation campaigns feed into lead generation. It involves creating compelling, informative content which grasp’s the attention of potential buyers.

Importance of Demand Generation

Now, you have got to know what Demand Generation is all about. At this point, one question might be arising in your mind i.e. WHY Demand Generation is important? Well, we will explain that in this section.

  • Increase Brand Awareness

B2B Demand Generation programs are the awareness machine of the enterprises. They don’t just bring traffic to your website but try to make your brand stand out among others. For people to give your brand priority you need to show them how you are unique and the best among all the solutions present in the market.

To shine out your brand you need to constantly show up at different places such as industry conferences, social media platforms and events etc. Being in the eyes of people all the time aids in building recognition and trust over time. Thus Demand Generation strategy is very important so that you can turn your potential prospects into customers.

  • Generate More Leads

As till now you might have got to know that Demand gen has a more broader focus than lead generation. Nonetheless, B2B Demand generation campaigns help to drive in more leads to your business. It can foster great results for prolonged periods of time if done properly.

Demand Generation strategy helps to fill up the top of the sales funnel with a gush of leads. Sometimes few of these leads are immediately turned into high quality leads. However, nurturing those leads and converting them into new customers is a lengthy process.

  • Increase ROI

More Leads = More Sales = More Revenue 

B2B Demand Generation campaign is both a long and short term strategy. So, you can expect both long and short term results. Some potential buyers might immediately turn into leads and further into customers. But it all depends on how you nurture the leads once they enter your sales funnel.

Some of the Best Demand Generation Strategies 

Above we told you about the importance of Demand Generation strategy and why you need it. Next, we will discuss the best Demand Generation strategies that you can inculcate in your business tactics.

1. Blogging

The easiest and simplest way to capture the attention of people is to post impressive, informative and educative content on your website. This can help you to bring organic traffic to your webpages. Providing valuable content that is relevant to your target audience is a good way to stick them around. You must focus on the customer’s pain points and show your service as a solution to their problem.

Blogging is the most effective and popular form of content marketing. It can increase the visibility of your website as many people might come searching for information on your website. In exchange for providing information you can gather contact details from them.

2. Conducting Live Events 

Whenever you are trying to reach your target audience make sure that your tactics are focused more on people than your service. To create instant buzz and get the attention of people you can conduct industry events or even sponsor them.

You can do press conferences and product launch events. This will make your brand stand out and get more attention. You can also give discount offers and free giveaways in events to attract new customers and get more leads.

3. Account Based Marketing 

ABM campaigns focus on the accounts that are more likely to close deals. It is a way to coordinate your marketing efforts through various channels on the right accounts. The ABM approach is more sophisticated and specific.

In this, you first need to identify your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer’s persona. Once that is done you need to filter out the right target accounts. Then, you can shoot your emails, ads and personalized content to those chosen accounts.

4. Webinars or Online Workshops 

This pandemic times has made the digital world the hero. As we know earlier the things were not so solid on the web platform. But since the need to maintain social distancing came it has taken over all the business processes. In the present time, the meetings and conferences are held online.

You can use the digital platform to your advantage and organize webinars or online workshops. This can help people to know more about your business and what you do. Along with that, you can interact with your potential customers and answer their questions or doubts. This will not only help to build the trust of people but also attract new customers.

5. Videos

Nowadays, people don’t have much time and they want quick solutions. In a research study it has been found that people are more likely to watch visual content than reading texts.

Videos are not only entertaining and informative but they help people to remember more information. You can engage more prospects by producing good quality video content. Also it has been found that visual content has a higher engagement rate than text. So, you must craft nice informative videos and publish them on your website.

6. Sending Emails

First identify your target market and get their specific information either through signups or data analysis. Afterwards, you can tailor your content and offers that would be relevant and customized for your audience.

Direct mailing is a great way to generate demand for your business. This way you can introduce and let people know more about your business and services. Direct emails are one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use for Demand Generation.

7. Social Media Campaigns

With digitalization, people have turned their heads to social media platforms. You can create a social media profile of your business and post interesting and informative content over there. Search about the hot and trendy topics and create content images, videos and infographics according to that.

You can know about the pain points of your customers and highlight your services as all in one solution. Social media can really up your game when it comes to creating brand awareness. Try to make and launch social media campaigns that are consistent and scalable.

8. Search Engine Optimization

The best way to drive organic traffic is to optimize the content that you are posting. Performing keyword research and knowing what keywords people are searching for is vital. This way you can create content in which people are interested and get maximum engagement.

Also make sure that the content you are posting has relevant links added in it. Try to provide the best and smooth experience to the visitors on your site. As your website acts like the first impression of your company. So, make sure that your URLs and web pages work properly and don’t take too much time to load.

Winding Up 

B2B Demand Generation is a method of creating awareness about your brand so as to drive in more leads and increase revenue. The main aim of Demand gen is to expand your audience reach, generate buzz and interest of people in your services. An important fact here to understand is that Demand Generation and lead generation are two different things. There are many Demand Generation strategies that you can utilize to make your business stand out. Go through the above blog to know more about Demand Generation and it’s best strategies that you can use.


воскресенье, 14 декабря 2014 г.

Marketing Operations Defined for Wikipedia, Part I

The marketing operations (MO) function has emerged due to the need for a more transparent, efficient, and accountable view of marketing. Its growth was initially driven by the proliferation of marketing technology and increased pressure from the C-suite to prove the value of marketing and contribute to the bottom-line. The purpose of marketing operations is to increase marketing efficiency and organizational agility. Agile marketing organizations are able to adapt their marketing efforts, quickly and successfully, in response to changing customer behavior, market conditions and business direction to the benefit of improved market share or customer value.

The scope of responsibilities varies across Marketing Operations teams and so, therefore, does the definition. Typically, Marketing Operations is the function responsible for marketing performance measurement, strategic planning guidance and execution, budgeting, process development, professional development, and marketing systems and data. More and more, this role is responsible for affecting change in the marketing organization. This work typically connects closely to, or includes, demand generation, involves the alignment of Marketing with Sales, Business Units, IT and Finance. MO professionals' career paths sometimes originate in Finance, IT, Sales Operations and other analytical or process-oriented roles. The MO function enables the marketing organization to reduce marketing as a cost center and increasingly operate more like a business, with formalized best practices, processes, infrastructure, and reporting.

This injection of left-brain thinking into the typically right-brained-heavy Marketing function, has led to the need of Marketers to expand their skill set to include technical and analytical skills in addition to the traditional marketing skills; intelligence to the designs
The rise of the MO function was first observed by analyst firm IDC in its annual Tech Marketing Benchmarks study early in 2005, with industry guidance in the form of a detailed analysis and framework for the staffing requirements and responsibilities for this role’s contribution to the marketing organization. The 2006 IDC CMO Technology Benchmark Study found that the headcount allocated to MO was about 2.5%. This was the first time MO was specified as a stand-alone function in the IDC studies. By the end of the 2011, the allocation of marketing operations staff had more than doubled to 5.3%.

In 2007, the Marketing Performance Management Study by VisionEdge Marketing found that companies were adding MO to the marketing function to help ensure systems, processes, and tools were in place to support marketing performance measurement and management. Also in 2007, the Journey to Marketing Operations Maturity study by Marketing Operations Partners published an MO framework with marketing strategy and guidance supported by ecosystem alignment, leading to marketing processes and metrics supported by technology and infrastructure management. By 2009, other marketing studies began to incorporate questions about MO. The 2009 Lenskold Group/MarketSphere Marketing ROI and Measurement Study found that companies with MO in place were twice (11% vs 5%) as likely to report having highly effective and efficient marketing.

The role of MO is expanding, especially within marketing organizations serving as value creators and agents of change. Within these organizations, MO is moving beyond campaign automation and financial governance to facilitate accountability, alignment, and agility. Some CMOs treat the MO leader as a Chief of Staff. As such, they are often charged with handling communication to the organization and overseeing the training and development of the marketing professionals.

While it is the responsibility of every marketing professional to engage in performance management, MO brings all of the components together to systematically optimize performance.

- See more at: https://bit.ly/3jrQXYL