понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.
Reinventing the company
Four Cornerstones of Corporate Finance
The core-of-value principle states that value is created by growth and return on capital. Practical example: When considering projects, a company should carefully consider whether they match the required return on capital requirements and add to the company’s growth prospects.
The conservation-of-value principle asserts that absolute cash flows are what counts, not earnings per share. Rearranging claims on cash flows does not create value. For example: Just because a merger promises EPS growth does not mean it creates value per se.
The expectations-treadmill principle means that the more investors expect of a company’s share price, the better the firm has to perform to keep up. In practice, this has for example a significant impact on structuring executive compensation (e.g. indexed to the market performance of peer companies).
The best-owner principle states that a business’s value depends upon its owner’s capabilities. Examples are obvious, you just have to look at the value Android could have created for its previous owners vs. what it has created for Google (remember – that was an acquisition in 2005 …).
Составьте карту памяти: от интеллект-карты к картам BRIEF
Джозеф Маккормак, глава из книги "Короче. Меньше слов — больше смысла"
Растущее число компаний, применяющих интеллект-карты, побудило меня попытаться разобраться, почему о них так много говорят. Чтобы улучшить передачу информации за счет упрощения сложных сообщений и превращения их в одностраничную наглядную схему, я решил разработать особый тип интеллект-карты — карту BRIEF.
- B (от англ. background) — вводная информация или начало (beginning).
- R (от англ. reason) — причина или актуальность (relevance).
- I (от англ. information for inclusion) — информация для вовлечения аудитории.
- E (от англ. ending) — заключение или выводы (conclusion).
- F (от англ. follow-up) — контроль результатов или вопросы, которые, как вам кажется, могут задать вам (или зададите вы).
Как можно применять карту BRIEF
Неправильный подход: Боб решает предоставить информацию без подготовки
Правильный подход: Боб составляет карту BRIEF и поддерживает интерес руководителя
Шаг 1. Блок BRIEF
Шаг 2. Вводная информация (начало)
Шаг 3. Причина (актуальность)
Шаг 4. Ключевая информация
- Что сделано по проекту?
- Все ли идет по графику?
- Что еще необходимо?
Шаг 5. Выводы
Шаг 6. Ответ на возможные вопросы
Карты BRIEF: а что в награду?
воскресенье, 1 ноября 2015 г.
Strategic Marketing Framework
A marketing plan is essential for every business and for efficient and effective marketing of any product or service.
A marketing plan serves as a road map. It establishes objectives, recommended actions, and timing for achieving the objectives.
An understanding of the marketing planning process is also a valuable aid in helping managers organize their thinking about the marketing process and the various methods and procedures used.
A strategic marketing plan takes into account the market environment facing the business (e.g. trends, competitive environment, regulatory issues, technological advancements, etc.) Thus, the emphasis is not only on projections but also on an in-depth understanding of the market environment, particularly competitors and customers. Its goals are to take maximum advantage of opportunities, solve problems and counter threats to the business.
Developing the Strategic Marketing Plan
The strategic marketing plan process typically has three stages:
1. Segment the market
- Geographic
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Behaviour
2. Profile the market segments
- Revenue potential
- Market share potential
- Profitability potential
3. Develop a market segment marketing strategy
- Market leader or product line extension
- Mass marketing or targeted marketing
- Direct or indirect sales
After analyzing market segments, customer interests, and the purchase process, it’s time to create the strategic marketing plan.
The strategic marketing plan document usually includes:
1. Situational Analysis – Where is the company now?
- Market Characteristics
- Key Success Factors
- Competition and Product Comparisons
- Technology Considerations
- Legal Environment
- Social Environment
- Problems and Opportunities
2. Marketing Objectives – Where does management want the company to go?
- Product Profile
- Target Market
- Target Volume in Naira and/or Units
3. Marketing Strategies – What should the company do to achieve its objectives?
- Product Strategy
- Pricing Strategy
- Promotion Strategy
- Distribution Strategy
- Marketing Strategy Projection
How to Use a Strategic Marketing Plan – Tactical Plan
Once a company’s executive team has approved the strategic marketing plan it’s time to take the next step — create the tactical marketing programs and projects needed to implement the plan.
These tactical programs usually include:
- Product Development Plan
- Marketing Communications Plan
- Sales Development Plan
- Customer Service Plan
Benefiting from a Strategic Marketing Framework and Tactical Plan
The top-down process of developing a strategic marketing plan helps insure that all tactical marketing programs support the company’s goals and objectives, as well as convey a consistent message to customers.
This approach improves company efficiency in all areas, which helps improve revenue and market share growth, and minimizes expenses — all of which lead to higher profitability.
How Financial & Business Advisory Associates can help develop your strategic marketing framework and tactical plan;
With several years of strategic marketing experience, and helping companies implement marketing and sales programs, F&BA brings a valuable perspective to developing strategic marketing plans and programs.
F&BA can lead your strategic planning team, or assist senior management, throughout the entire strategic marketing plan process.
We can help you:
- Research customer attitudes toward your company, your product category, and your competition.
- Evaluate the attractiveness of potential target markets
- Determine the competitive strengths and weaknesses of your company and your competitors
- Develop marketing communications and sales development strategies for each target market
- Design the metrics to measure performance
- Develop your overall Strategic Marketing Framework
- Develop your tactical Marketing Plan
Создайте бизнес-модель
Билл Олет, глава из книги "Путеводитель предпринимателя. 24 конкретных шага от запуска до стабильного бизнеса"
Предприниматели часто уделяют непропорционально мало времени работе над своей бизнес-моделью. Они много трудятся над созданием профиля конечного потребителя, определением продукта и ценностным предложением, демонстрируют, как будут создавать ценность для покупателя, но почти не обращают внимания на то, как превратить это в доходный бизнес. Они так поглощены выводом продукта на рынок, что ограничиваются адаптацией бизнес-модели, наиболее популярной на схожих рынках.
Как достичь прироста созданной стоимости — вот тема, которая заслуживает большего внимания, чем обычно уделяют ей предприниматели. |
- Потребитель. Нужно понять, что захочется сделать потребителю. И здесь бесценными окажутся знания, которые вы почерпнули при составлении схем самостоятельной хозяйственной единицы и процесса привлечения платежеспособного покупателя.
- Капитализация и прирост стоимости. Оцените, какую ценность и когда ваш продукт представляет для потребителя. Затем решите, какие способы прироста стоимости лучше всего соответствуют этому. Здесь поможет количественная оценка ценностного предложения.
- Конкуренция. Поймите, что делают конкуренты.
- Сбыт. Убедитесь, что у ваших каналов сбыта достаточно мотивации продавать именно ваш продукт.
- А. Годовое или многолетнее обязательство. Оно связывает покупателя и предоставляет в обмен предсказуемо низкие платежи по контрасту с однократной авансовой оплатой. Один из типов — предоплаченную подписку — использовал ведущий лектор МТИ Говард Андерсон, создавая Yankee Group. Он брал за год вперед деньги за подписку на ежемесячную рассылку, получаемый в итоге денежный поток уменьшал зависимость от капитала. (Заметьте, что получение предоплаты, даже если при этом приходится делать скидки, в целом полезно для стартапов.)
- Б. Месячное обязательство. При этом методе пользователь обладает большей гибкостью, но вы часто имеете возможность взимать более высокую плату по сравнению с годовым или многолетним обязательством.
- 1 Michael Arlington, "Amie Street: Awesome New Music Model," TechCrunch, July 23, 2006.
суббота, 31 октября 2015 г.
10 Ways Marketing Operations Creates Value
Lynn Hunsaker
This is the view of Marketing Operations (MO) that is most prevalent, primarily due to the MO label used widely by vendors of customer relationship management, digital marketing, content strategy, and campaign automation technologies. The Automator oversees the selection and deployment of software that helps marketers reach out to customers, keep track of who said and did what and when, and guide prospects and customers toward purchase, repurchase, share of budget expansion, and engagement with the brand.
This role has been essential in marketing organizations for the past 20 years as CFOs have emphasized accountability for budgets and other resources. The Automator and Quantifier often go hand-in-hand as technologies make it easier to count click-throughs and other digital body language, as well as sales conversions and other behaviors and revenue paper-trails across the customer life cycle. Marketing-qualified leads are particularly important for attributing the marketing organization’s value to the sales organization. Marketing dashboards and metrics of all types are the specialty of the Quantifier.
Predictive analytics is the Modeler’s domain, creating what-if scenarios for campaign strategies, customer segmentation, and many complex marketing decisions. The Modeler’s work can specify real-time customer management choices as well as sophisticated brand choice models, competitor reactions, and various insights to guide growth in revenue, market share and other objectives.
Agile marketing is a favorite technique used by the Optimizer, where rapid iteration of a process, with customer feedback, allows improvements toward optimizing it. Agile marketing is rooted in agile software design methodology, and agile innovation is in widespread use among R&D (research and development) departments. Agile marketing is not to be confused with the phrase “marketing agility”, which refers to the marketing organization’s ability to accommodate emerging market opportunities.)
Fire-fighting and expediting are sometimes the Chaos Minimizer’s modus operandi. But that’s a never-ending treadmill. Project management, facilitation, and resource tracking are ways to minimize chaos across the complex spiderweb of activity in a marketing organization. The Chaos Minimizer creates processes and policies that improve line-of-sight across marketing efforts, metrics, systems, data, people, and commitments. This role is sometimes referred to as Marketing Guidance.
People make decisions and create value, regardless of automation and other modernizations. As such, the Social Butterfly makes a point of helping marketers with similar challenges, or working on similar projects, or with similar customers to come together for a meeting of the minds. The Social Butterfly facilitates conversations and sharing of data and best practices, as well as post-mortems and repositories for lessons learned. Knowledge management, organizational learning, and change management are common tools for this role.
Revenue targets can obscure the well-being of the reason marketers exist: customers! The Customer Conscience helps marketers align what they do to match customers’ preferences and natural rhythms across the customer life cycle and customer experience journey. Conscientious efforts can be made to ensure mutual value in every customer engagement effort, and trump self-serving methods with customer-centered methods. This role drives omni-channel consistency and prevents policies and processes that are nonsensical to customers, including premature releases and launches that confuse customers and put undue strain on the service organization, not to mention erosion of trust and customers’ efficiency.
Data and processes that transverse the customer life cycle and all of the marketing groups, both internal and external, are the focus of the Connector. End-to-end flow, closed-loop communication, and hand-off smoothness can be architected for improved user experience of customers and marketers alike, as well as other partners and stakeholders. Most things are managed vertically, with specialization, in an effort to be efficient. Yet business happens horizontally, so strong connections between data and processes and work groups — from the customer’s viewpoint — are keys to greater success.
There are always more ideas than money, so budget management, business case development, and marketing supplier management are often important responsibilities of Marketing Operations. The Resource Expander can minimize duplicated expenditures, expand awareness and use of existing assets and contracts, and leverage many of the above-described roles to make precious resources stretch further. Developing alliance internally and externally is another method to augment marketing resources. This role can create stronger relationships with those who hold the purse strings, and by speaking their language and demonstrating strong stewardship, expand future budgets and support.
Charisma and business savvy are hallmarks of the Strategic Opportunist, applied to the annual operating plan, portfolio development, marketing strategy and plans, alliances and channels, competitive moves, messaging and outreach, and engagement both externally and internally. The less sophisticated Strategic Opportunist may be a bit manipulative, but the masters balance short-term and long-term well-being, mutual value, and collective interests. Organizations that have mastered marketing accountability, alignment to stakeholders, scalability, and organizational agility are the best habitats for Strategic Opportunists to help marketing careers and organizations thrive. This is often the value creation role most visible and appreciated by the C-team.