суббота, 9 декабря 2023 г.

Что такое динамический план и динамические стратегии?


Динамический план – это план, который постоянно корректируется в зависимости от изменения внешней среды компании, внутренней ситуации или приоритетов.

Динамический план не может являться результатом разового проекта разработки плана. такой план может создаваться только в рамках постоянно действующего процесса планирования.

В предыдущем уроке мы изучили несколько определений стратегии или стратегического плана. Мы поняли, каким требованиям должен удовлетворять план, чтобы называться полноценной стратегией развития.

В этом уроке необходимо разобраться с ещё одним важным свойством планов – изменчивостью и периодической корректировкой. Если по-простому, то суть состоит в том, что не может быть стратегии, отлитой в камне, т.е. некоего статичного документа, который принимается на несколько лет.

В основе всего процесса достижения целей должен быть план, динамически изменяющийся в зависимости от изменений внешней среды и внутренней ситуации. Если такой план является долгосрочным и создаётся на период в несколько лет, то его можно назвать динамической стратегией.

Внешняя среда постоянно меняется и цели, поставленные в одних условиях, могут быть и скорее всего будут неадекватны новым условиям. В такой ситуации на помощь приходит динамическое стратегическое планирование, в результате которого создаётся и постоянно обновляется стратегический план.

Чтобы пройти этот урок, нужно ознакомиться с текстом урока, посмотреть презентацию в панели приложений (предыдущую версию презентации можно посмотреть на SlideShare) и ответить на вопросы, чтобы пометить урок завершённым.

Зачем нужен динамический план?

Ядром и катализатором достижения и сохранения конкурентоспособности компании является процесс стратегического управления, определяющий эффективность рыночного поведения компании и придающий ему управляемый динамизм и проактивность

Дмитрий Рыцев

Основная мысль урока состоит в том, что привычный многим годовой цикл планирования, в том числе и стратегического, должен быть заменён динамическим планированием.

Дело в том, что новая реальность на рынках, их постоянные изменения и динамика экономической жизни предъявляют разрабатываемым стратегиям компаний новые требования. Удовлетворить их невозможно без того, чтобы научиться постоянно адаптировать и развивать планы в зависимости от происходящих изменений во внутренней или внешней среде.

Существуют сотни дисциплин, подходов, навыков и инструментов стратегического управления, которые необходимо применять при управлении компанией. Но как бы идеально вы их не выполняли, это ничего не будет значить, если не делать некоторые ключевые вещи правильно.

И такой ключевой вещью становится качество и скорость планирования.

Традиционные подходы к стратегическому управлению и долгосрочному планированию, основанные на статических предположениях и однозначных зависимостях уже не работают. На сцену выходят так называемые динамические планы и стратегии, которые обладают одним важным свойством: они приспособлены для быстрых и своевременных изменений.

За счёт чего они получают такие свойства? За счёт продвинутых технологий стратегического планирования, структурирования этапов и конвергенции с методами быстрой разработки. Данные процессы в максимальной степени затрагивают требования к содержанию стратегий и к процессу их создания.

Методология разработки стратегии Strategium Space, которая изучается в рамках нашей проектно-образовательной программы по разработке стратегии компании, наиболее приспособлена для создания и поддержания в актуальном состоянии стратегических планов организации. Актуальный в любой момент времени стратегический план и является искомым динамическим планом.

Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с презентацией, посвящённой динамическим стратегиям, в которой обосновывается необходимость динамического планирования. Внимание, презентация содержит старое брендирование наших разработок.

Основные тезисы презентации о динамическом планировании

Никогда еще не было так сложно и в то же время интересно реализовывать стратегии. Причём это происходит на любых уровнях управления и в любых социальных и бизнес системах. Все они входят в зону повышенной турбулентности.

Перед лицом радикальной динамики рынков и целых экономик мы должны понять, что существующие предикативные технологии на основе прошлых данных очень плохо описывают будущее. Поэтому более тонкие предикативные исследования, своевременная их обработка и отражение в планах должны быть приоритетом для создателей методов управления организациями.

Менеджмент компании должен быть не просто готов к этим новым изменениям. К этому должна быть готова вся система управления компанией. Она должна позволять быстро перенастраивать не только отдельные элементы компании, но и всю компанию и бизнес в целом.

Поэтому особое внимание должно уделяться процессу разработки долгосрочных планов, как основного инструмента разработки и принятия стратегических решений.

Внедряемые организационные, процессные, когнитивные, культурные и ментальные изменения в слоях, составляющих организацию, как систему, должны соответствовать требованиям динамического взаимодействия разных уровней организации и принципам системной динамики.

Только владея новейшими технологиями управления мы сможем продвинуться вперед сами и продвинуть вперед свою компанию и странуВремя работы по старинке уже прошло, те, кто работают по старинке, остаются на свалке истории.

На свалке истории можно остаться, если повезет. Ведь история помнит не всех…

Динамические стратегии – альтернатива реакционному рыночному поведению.

Если ваша компания не формирует самостоятельно новые рынки, не использует новые возможности, затормозилась в развитии, достигла потолка компетентности, то сколько угодно можно винить изменившиеся внешние условия… Причина неудач в другом – в НЕАДЕКВАТНОЙ РЕАКЦИИ СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ на изменения среды.

В таких случаях как бы эффективно не работал персонал на операционных уровнях управления  –  вся их деятельность может быть бесполезной для экономического результата!

Радикально повысить качество управления можно с помощью масштабной программы по модернизации системы управления.


Web design trends 2024


our website reflects your organization

No one wants their website to look tired and out of date. Being aware of the latest website design trends means you can ensure your website keeps impressing visitors. It’s not about chasing the latest fads, which you should be careful to avoid, but rather understanding the current state of best practice and applying these to your site where relevant to you. 

Website design agency Numiko builds stunning and complex websites for some of the most prestigious organizations in the world. So we asked their team of web designers to uncover the latest web design trends for this year and share what their predictions are for 2024. Here’s what they identified as the current top web design trends:

Bento grid layouts

These types of layouts aren’t new. In fact, they’ve been around for decades. However, they have exploded in popularity recently, in part due to their adoption by Apple both in their online presence and iOS.

The bento grid layout feels modern and playful. It’s also very simple, as it’s a form of grid, making it easy to use. You can see more examples of Bento Grids here.

Apple’s decision to use the Bento grid layout for their pages showing the iPhone 14 Pro and Apple Card have propelled its popularity. Apple is probably the world-leading brand in design, so their use of it will prompt many other designs to consider it for their websites. 

Website technologies have developed to support the Bento grid designs, making them easier for developers to deliver. This combined with its integration into iOS means we predict this hot web design trend is just getting started and will continue to grow in popularity in 2024. 

Fluid layouts

Fluid layouts are fully scalable and ‘fluid’ design systems that mean a website no longer snaps to predefined breakpoints and instead proportionally scales to a users’ viewport, ensuring a more consistent experience for users across devicesIn design terms, this means no-longer using pixel based measurements, but instead using percentages.

Elements within the grid adjust proportionally, so the layout smoothly adapts to different sizes. This is the most effective way to ensure your website looks great on all devices. With the rise of new device types such as smartphones with folding screens, like the Galaxy Z fold, it’s more important than ever to ensure your website is perfectly flexible to whatever device your visitor is using.

AI-generated imagery

The proliferation of AI-generated imagery will explode in the next few years. This will affect website design and imagery heavily. This trend started recently with the launch of MidJourney v5 in March 2023, and is set to gain further momentum as AI image-generation tools continue to improve. Dalle-3 is now out in alpha and is due to be released to all Open-AI subscribers in October 2023. 

Below is an example of AI-generated imagery. It’s already on the cusp of realism, it could soon be indistinguishable. 

This raises ethical questions, particularly for charities - does using AI-generated imagery of non-existent people diminish the legitimacy of your message? 

Despite this, we have no doubt that we’ll see AI imagery as a major trend in 2024, potentially with some pushback. Its ease of use means websites that may have lacked great photography in the past and therefore rely on flatter designs, will now be more likely to use images. 

AI-generated video may also start to improve in the same way as AI imagery has over the past year, increasing the use of video and animated content.

Renewed focus on accessibility

Website accessibility is nothing new, but new developments over the course of this year mean it’s receiving more attention than ever. The WCAG standards which set out the official requirements for websites to reach different levels of accessibility and has recently updated its guidance to WCAG 2.2.

In the UK, all public sector websites have been required to meet WCAG AA accessibility standards since 2018. The updates to the WCAG guidelines mean that web design teams will be looking to accessibility afresh in 2024 and building more accessible websites than ever before.

Retro / nostalgia 

It’s 2023, and the 90s are cool again. 

Fashion moves in cycles, and strange as it may seem, there’s now enough time between us and the early 90s that a current pop star’s music videos are deliberately cultivating a 90s look.

Web designs are not immune to this. Certain websites are embarrassing 90s or 2000s fashion trends and applying it to their design. Nottingham Contemporary Art Gallery for example opted for a nostalgic, 90s-inspired design for its new website 

It’s fun, quirky, and stands out from the crowd. It’s a great example of how trends can be unpredictable, they don’t always go one way. Sometimes you have to leap back into the past in order to be cutting edge. 

Large typographic hero images

The ‘hero image’ is a classic of web design. A way to showcase your product or evoke a feeling with a single powerful image. The typographic hero image takes this style of design but updates it by switching to using oversized typography to create a memorable impression.

Artist Martine Syms’ website uses extra-large typography in the place of a hero image to make a bold impression on the visitor.

Numiko applied this trend to their own website, which uses extra-large typography in place of a hero image, with the addition of masked video, using the typography as the mask.


Microinteractions in web design are subtle interactive elements that enhance user engagement and experience. They provide feedback, guide user behavior, and serve various functions such as loading indicators, form validation, and gamification.

These small design elements play a significant role in brand identity and contribute to user satisfaction and usability on websites and digital applications. The interaction itself may be just a simple animation on a button to indicate a change of status, but these little elements of movement help bring a website to life. 

By giving the user subtle clues about changes in status or interactive elements, they can help improve the UX whilst adding to the aesthetic feel of the website, such as in the example below. 

A simple but effective micro interaction website is rotating the hamburger menu to indicate when it is opened. Or you can animate it to become a cross, indicating that you tap there to close it once opened.

Bold and custom typography

Bold typography is a trend characterized by the use of large, impactful fonts. It serves to immediately capture attention, establish a visual hierarchy, and convey brand personality. This trend enhances readability, adapts well to mobile responsiveness, and complements minimalist design principles. 

Designers often use custom fonts for creative expression, and when combined with animations and interactions, it can create engaging web experiences. However, it's essential to consider accessibility to ensure an inclusive user experience. 

For a long time, typography trends emphasized simplicity, serifs were out and Helvetica was king. But now things are going in the opposite direction. Serifs are back. Designers are using typography more creatively, using uncommon fonts to stand out from the crowd. 

E-commerce store aiaiai employs a typographically driven design to great effect, creating a captivating website that stands out from the crowd.

Predictions for 2024

The design trends outlined here are likely to continue to grow in popularity over the course of 2024. The Bento Box layout is currently being propelled by Apple, and so has further to run, but we may see it peak after another year or so. 

AI imagery will evolve rapidly so this will keep getting more and more use in web design over the course of next year. However, because AI will make great imagery ubiquitous, it will mean that great imagery will no longer provide a way to stand out from the crowd. 

That’s where you’ll see trends like creative, bold typography come into their own, as a way to stand and position your brand as different from the rest.


55 Business Model Patterns. #22. Ingredient Branding


Ingredient branding describes the specific selection of an ingredient, component, and brand originating from a specific supplier, which will be included in another product. This product is then additionally branded and advertised with the ingredient product, collectively adding value for the customer. This projects the positive brand associations and properties on the product, and can increase the attractiveness of the end product.

How they do it: Bosch supplies important parts for many industries which include the part in their final product. One Bosch part is for example the battery component for e-bikes, which then are branded ”epowered by Bosch” next to the brand of the bike.

Top Industries

Below, the top industries for the pattern "Ingredient Branding" are displayed, in order to get insights into how this pattern is applied across different industries. We've collected data from 3 firms using this pattern.

Pattern Co-Occurrence

Below, the pattern "Ingredient Branding" is analyzed based on co-occurrence, in order to get insights into how this business model pattern is applied in combination with other patterns within the firms we studied.


воскресенье, 3 декабря 2023 г.

B2B Multichannel Marketing: Top Channels, Trends, and Challenges

 B2B marketers say email is the channel that has the biggest impact on their multichannel strategy, according to recent research from ZoomInfo and Ascend2.

The report was based on data from a survey conducted in April 2023 among 101 B2B marketers.

Half of respondents cite email as among the three channels that have the biggest impact on their multichannel strategy, and a third cite social media.

Some 39% of B2B marketers say having a cohesive multichannel marketing strategy is extremely important and 50% say it is somewhat important.

Some 57% of B2B marketers say their multichannel strategy is now at least partially automated.

B2B marketers say the top challenges they face with multichannel marketing are creating an effective strategy (57% cite as a major challenge), insufficient budget/resources (46%), and data quality (44%).


пятница, 1 декабря 2023 г.



Benchmarking is the ability to identify best practices and working methods using comparative analysis based on certain indicators, as well as apply them in their activities in order to improve the functioning of the company.

The goal of benchmarking is to improve your capabilities. By studying successful work practices, analyzing what makes such high performance possible, and then comparing these processes with how your business works, you can implement changes that will lead to significant improvements.

Internal and External Benchmarking

Internal benchmarking is a process of comparative analysis of best practices and methods of work within an organization: divisions, departments, business processes, products, and more.

External benchmarking is a process of comparative analysis of best practices and methods of work outside the organization: companies of the same industry, companies of different industries, between industries as a whole.

Benchmarking is carried out within the framework of competitive analysis, but its main difference is that you take only reference practices for analysis, those that bring the best results, usually 2-3 are enough, although the number may vary depending on your goals and the state of the industry.

There is no single typology of benchmarking since the analysis can be carried out in almost any field of activity. For example, we can highlight the following:

Strategic Benchmarking is the study of competitive strategies, their implementation plan, and strategic decisions made. Understanding why a competitor’s strategy is more successful than yours will allow you to be more competitive in your industry.

Business Process Benchmarking is a type that applies to both internal and external analysis. You study business processes to find the most successful approach, identify weaknesses in your problematic processes and improve them for more efficient and cost-effective application. Based on the results of this study, you can also decide on the introduction of new business processes.

Product Benchmarking is this type can also be applied to both internal and external analysis. Product Benchmarking is the study of the processes of developing new products or improving existing ones. You analyze competitors’ products to identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as to find new solutions in the production of your products.

Marketing Benchmarking is the study of competitors’ marketing activities: advertising campaigns, marketing research, software, working with social networks, sites, and more.

Benchmarking Process

The benchmarking process can be broken down into many small steps for a more visual picture, but there are a number of general steps.

  1. Objective. Since benchmarking can be applied to almost any field of activity (product, process, strategy, and so on), it is first necessary to analyze the internal environment of the enterprise to identify the most problematic areas and direct your efforts to improve them. Create a benchmarking implementation team.
  2. Plan. Record the results of the internal analysis and determine your next steps to achieve your objective. You should set specific actions, deadlines, responsible persons, choose leading companies to compare their practices, performance indicators, all those necessary elements that will be needed during the study.
  3. Action. At this stage, you must implement what you have intended in the plan. Here you also collect information: surveys, site research, social networks, open documentation on the Internet, and much more.
  4. Analysis. When you have enough information, you need to study it, compare it with your indicators and conclude. It is best to record all the data in the form of a report. It is also necessary to propose a plan with reference points based on the data obtained methods to correct your initial problem. Benchmarking makes sense only when you can implement changes and improvements in your company.
  5. Monitoring. The plan will not be valid if its implementation is not controlled. You will be able to find out the effectiveness of changes if you only track the indicators. Monitoring can be carried out for a short or long period of time, depending on the desired results.

Currently, there are a large number of benchmarking software that allows you to record results, conduct analytics, and process huge and complex amounts of information.

If you want to improve your business, benchmarking is a way to understand what needs to be fixed and how you can succeed, relying on the experience of best practices and techniques.


Core Principles of the Integrated Business Framework. 2 Impact-Driven. 3 Value-Based


2 Impact-Driven


In the spirit of the RoundMap principles, the impact-driven core principle embraces the powerful notion of driving meaningful change within and beyond the organization. Every facet of operations is analyzed, formulated, implemented, and evaluated for its impact.

Under this principle, businesses are not just attuned to the consequences of their actions but actively weave impact measurement, management, and optimization into their strategic fabric. The Impact-driven principle involves a four-step recursive process: Impact Analysis, Impact Formulation, Impact Implementation, and Impact Evaluation.

Ultimately, an impact-driven organization is one that aligns its core objectives with its desired positive effect, ensuring its business strategy actively seeks and drives opportunities to enact beneficial change. It understands that impact analysis is a dynamic process, requiring continual refinement and adjustment – similar to a well-oiled machine that requires regular maintenance for smooth operation.

Through this, organizations strive to create positive shifts, differentiate themselves, and enhance their long-term performance while contributing to the global tapestry of change.



Value-based emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the creation of meaningful value for customers before considering how to capture value for the stakeholders. Instead of solely pursuing short-term profits or fixating on building transient competitive advantages, a value-based organization commits to principles that reflect its intrinsic ethos, ensuring long-term sustainability and engendering trust among stakeholders. 

Such organizations recognize that genuine value is multifaceted. While financial growth is crucial, it’s equally important to prioritize ethical practices, social responsibility, employee well-being, and, most significantly, consistently delivering meaningful value to their customers. By aligning their operations and objectives with these guiding principles, they build a solid corporate culture, fortify customer relationships, and ensure customer, employee, and partner loyalty. 

In a nutshell, being value-based is about grounding business practices in principles that prioritize the customer’s needs and fostering a broader sense of purpose beyond mere profit-making.

The ValueActor™

The concept of a ValueActor is rooted in the intricate workings of a value-driven ecosystem. At its core, a ValueActor is an active entity in the value exchange process, whether an individual, organization, or other form. Structurally, a ValueActor comprises three primary components: an intake funnel for value reception, a value-processing unit that refines and manages value, and an output funnel for value dissemination. It operates in a dual-mode system, characterized by a value deficit on one end and a value surplus on the other. The objective is symbiotic; a ValueActor seeks to address its deficit by harnessing surplus from others while simultaneously aiming to dispense its surplus to those in need. 

Crucially, communication is vital in this ecosystem. A ValueActor signals its value mode, whether a surplus or deficit, through compelling stories, enabling effective and efficient value exchange. Additionally, in pursuing this value-centric operation, a ValueActor must capture value equivalent to or more than the cost of its value creation, ensuring sustainability and perpetuity in its role within the ecosystem.

The ValueCircle™

The ValueCircle™ offers a holistic framework that synergistically amalgamates the strengths of the value chain, value stream, and value network theories, thereby transcending their constraints. It champions end-to-end value creation from raw materials to final customer delivery, underpinned by Lean principles prioritizing waste reduction and iterative refinement. 

Beyond mere linear processes, ValueCircle embodies a collaborative ecosystem of interwoven stakeholders—from suppliers and partners to competitors—all aimed at shared value generation. This structure accentuates customer-centric co-creation, ensuring organizational actions are anchored in real-world needs and active customer engagement. 

Guided by an ethical compass, ValueCircle’s positive core shapes decision-making, ensuring alignment with organizational values. Embracing the dynamism inherent in the value network theory, it promotes adaptability, readiness to shift with changing landscapes, and the elimination of inefficiencies like siloed operations. In essence, the ValueCircle represents a transformative approach to value creation, seamlessly intertwining optimization, collaboration, ethicality, and adaptability within a cohesive and interconnected paradigm.


In the intricate tapestry of a value-driven ecosystem, a ValueActor is a veritable nexus of activity, seamlessly transitioning between various pivotal roles:

  • As a producer, it generates novel value,
  • and as a supplier, it offers this value to other actors within the system.
  • In its capacity as a consumer, it absorbs and benefits from the value generated elsewhere in the ecosystem.
  • As a regulator, it helps establish the guiding principles for value exchange,
  • and as an enforcer, it ensures adherence to these norms.
  • A ValueActor doesn’t stop at merely obtaining value; it further refines and elevates it as a refiner
  • Acting as a facilitator, it paves the way for smooth interactions and transactions, 
  • while in the avatar of a distributor, it ensures that value reaches its intended recipients. 
  • The ValueActor’s job as a communicator is to signal needs and offerings, fostering transparency and mutual understanding. 
  • By serving as an integrator, it weaves together disparate entities, strengthening the interconnectedness and resilience of the ecosystem. 

Yet, amidst these manifold responsibilities, it still fosters innovation, perpetually seeking better, more efficient methods of value creation and exchange in its ever-evolving role as an innovator.


The Job-to-Perform concept, based on the JTBD,  emphasizes understanding the underlying tasks, goals, or needs individuals or organizations seek to accomplish. Instead of focusing merely on the product or service, it zeroes in on the fundamental problem or aspiration driving a consumer’s decision-making process. By identifying and framing these Jobs-to-Perform, businesses can design solutions that more effectively address their target audience’s true desires, ensuring a more tailored and value-centric offering that resonates deeply with the end user.

Value-driven Leadership

Value-driven leadership underscores the necessity of offering intrinsic and enduring value to every stakeholder, transcending a mere competitive mindset. These leaders prioritize the aspirations and anticipations of customers, employees, and the wider community, firmly anchored in the conviction that authentic value generation forms the cornerstone of lasting success. Instead of reflexively responding to competitors, they proactively enhance their portfolio, services, and organizational ethos. 

Central to this proactive approach is the integration of effective feedback loops or learning cycles. By systematically capturing and processing feedback from various touchpoints, leaders can continually refine their strategies, ensuring that the value created remains deeply relevant and resonant with their audience’s evolving needs. Through cultivating an environment of perpetual enhancement and spotlighting tangible impact, value-driven leaders foster trust and loyalty and fortify their organization’s reputation in an ever-fluctuating competitive arena.
