среда, 20 июля 2022 г.

25 Awesome Tips On How To Write Persuasive Blog Posts. Part 1

 Think for a second how great would it be if your blog readers would get hooked by your blog content and become your loyal audience.

It would be a dream come true.

But what’s more important is.

How you can do that?

By making your blog persuasive.

In this post, I am going to tell you 25 Awesome tips on how to write a persuasive blog post!

So, let’s dive right in.

What is persuasive writing?

Before diving into the actionable tips which would help you make your blog persuasive.

You should first know what on earth is persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing in simple words is an art of writing content that can convince your readers to believe in your specific idea or saying or to do your desired action.

It is used at various places like blog posts, review articles, comparison articles, landing pages, and a lot more.

In persuasive writing, we use proofs, examples, visualization, etc to convince your readers with you.

So, if you really want to seal the deal through your blog, then you need to master this art ASAP!

Why writing persuasive blog post is important?

Writing a blog post that can easily convey your message to your readers is quite easy.

But to convince your readers to do your desired action requires the power of persuasiveness.

Here are some other benefits of writing persuasive blog posts:

  • Helps in hooking the readers – Persuasive blog posts hooks your reader to read the blog post till the end which results in increased dwell time, page views etc.
  • Reduce bounce rate – By using persuasive writing on your blog posts you can convince the users to take action which leads to reduction in your blog’s bounce rate.
  • Get more sales – As I have previously told that persuasive writing let user take action which helps you get more sales with same amount of traffic.
  • Trust and credibility – In persuasive writing, you back up your claims with proofs, links etc. It helps you build trust and credibility to your theories among your audience.
  • Helps you stand out – There are more than 7.5 million blog posts published everyday and in order to stand out of them requires persuasiveness.

After discussing the possible benefits of writing persuasive blog posts.

Let’s now jump to the actionable strategies which would help you write persuasive blog posts easily.

25 Important Tips on How to Write Persuasive Blog Posts?

Here are my 25 favorite tips to write persuasive blog posts which would let your readers hooked with your blog content.

1. Find topic which your audience has interest in

Finding the right topic to blog on is really important because one right topic can give you a lot of traffic and backlinks naturally.

How to find engaging blog topics?

I personally use SEMrush to find all my blog topics easily.

First, you have to go to SEMrush and click on the “topic research tool” under the content marketing section.

Next, you have to put in your seed keyword there, choose the country you want to target and click on “Get content ideas”.

It would generate a lot of lucrative blog topics on which you write a blog and make your blog viral.

For example, in the topic research tool, I added the seed keyword “blogging” and click on the button.

It gave me a huge bunch of working blog topics within 5 minutes.

2. Pin point the user query and fix it through your blog

After finding a working blog post topic you have to find the query which is the pain in the neck for your audience about that topic.

Because this query is a pain in the neck for your audience and if you fix them through your blog post then they will become your loyal blog readers.

How to find common user queries to address?

One of the best ways to find user queries is Quora. Quora is a question and answer hub where a user posts their queries about a product or a topic.

Just you have to put in the topic you want to find queries for in the search box.

For example, I added “GeneratePress” in the search box and click enter.

You would get a whole bunch of queries that real users are asking.

Along with that, you can go to product hunt to find common user queries exclusively for a product.

After going there you just have to put the name of the product you want to review in the search box.

Next, click on the desired result and scroll down you would get a lot of queries and discussion going around that product.

You can also try g2.com or trust pilot to find queries about a product if you don’t get in the product hunt.

3. Write attention grabbing headlines and meta description

Do you know that 80% of users read your headline and 20% read the content of your blog post?

So, if you want the 80% part to read your article then you need an attention-grabbing headline and meta description for your blog.

Headline and meta description are the first things that users see of your blog.

And not optimizing it can cause a huge loss in your website’s rankings.

How to write click worthy blog headline and description?

First, let’s talk about how you can write an engaging blog headline:

  • Using numbers – Numbers are like brain candy. It induces curiosity in readers which leads to more clicks. Especially using the odd numbers can increase CTR upto 20%.
  • Write multiple headlines – Even pro bloggers have a hard time writing amazing blog headlines in their first attempt. So, you should write at least 2 to 3 headline drafts before finalizing the right one.
  • Ask questions – Questions headlines are a great to evoke curiosity in your readers and make user click on your search result.
  • Address your readers in the headline – Addressing your readers as you and your in the headline adds a touch of personalization to it.

Next here are some tips to write engaging meta descriptions:

  • Add CTA (Call to action) – Add a CTA in your blog description gives your reader the reason to click on your search result.
  • Keep under limit – The meta description length according to Google is 155 words or fewer, and it looks bad if you add more words in it.
  • Use specific words – There are some specific words that marketers use to make their website’s SERP look engaging. Here are some words you can use:
  • Ultimate guide
  • Engaging
  • Crystal clear
  • Step-by-step
  • Breeze to you
  • Fascinating
  • Stunning
  • Horrifying
  • Don’t go clickbatty – Remember, what you tell through your description is what your reader expects from your article. So, do fulfill the things that you promised in description.

4. Use keywords without going overboard

In 2022 your primary focus should be to write blog content for humans rather than Googlebot.

However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t optimize your blog for keywords.

There is no specific number of times you should add keywords to your blog post.

Instead, just sprinkle the keywords sometime in your blog post.

Because keywords help you rank on Google or other search engines.

However, you shouldn’t repeat the same keyword 100 times.

Instead, you can use LSI keywords.

LSI keywords or latent semantic indexing keywords are related keywords of your main keyword which can optimize your blog for.

It helps your blog post to rank on Google for 100s of keywords rather than one.

Here are platforms that you can use to find LSI keywords:

  • Quora – Quora is a question and answer website which can give you a lot of questions that you can use in your blog subheadings or content.
  • Reddit – Reddit is a place where users discuss queries. You can pick out some of the phrases from user queries and use it in your blog post.
  • Pinterest – Pinterest is a hub of untapped keywords. Just type in your seed keyword in search and it would give you a lot of keywords by its autosuggest feature
  • Use Google – You can use Google autosuggest and related to keywords to find LSI keywords for free.

5. Do Extensive Research before writing

As I have previously told that millions of blog posts are published every day.

However, most of them are trash because they simply copy and paste the existing articles.

Which does no good to their blog.

And you can easily protect yourself from it by doing extensive research before writing a blog post.

Here are some ways you can use to do research for your blog post:

  • Read answers from Quora
  • Watch YouTube Videos
  • Read existing blogs ranking on Google
  • Reddit Queries
  • Product hunt

Just do everything so that you get educated about your blog topic properly.

Also, don’t forget to document your findings from the research.

You can either use Google docs or dynalist.io for that.

6. Pull up a proper post structure

After documenting your findings from your research you have to pull it up in a proper post structure

A post structure helps you write your blogs fast and also helps you not go overboard in your blog topic.

To make a post structure you first have to arrange all the subheadings structurally.

Next, you have to add content under each subheading.

After that, you have to add a super engaging intro and conclusion to your blog post.

And at last, add images and visuals to proper places to make it super engaging.

7. Make a short and crisp blog introduction

Writing a proper well-structured blog introduction is very important.

As it helps your reader to get going and read your whole blog post.

I personally use the PBC formula from Brian Dean to make my blog post intro.

PBC – Preview, Benefits, Conclusion

I have used this formula in my previous article about WebP images in WordPress.

In the first line of that post, I have given a preview of what you are going to get through this blog post.

In the next few lines, I have mentioned some benefits you would get if they read this article.

And at last, to conclude the intro, I have used transition phrases to let users get going.

Along with that, you can also start your blog post with a question

As question adds curiosity in your readers to read your full article.

If you want to know more about blog intro you can read this article by blogging wizard.

8. Write the answers at start in query based blog posts

You might have heard of the featured snippet feature of Google.

It is known as the #0 position of Google where some of your blog content is displayed along with your blog URL.

It can help you get more organic CTR which in turn results in more organic traffic.

And the easiest way to rank in the featured snippet is by adding a definition section at the start of your query-based blog posts.

For example, in my micro niche blog guide, I added a section of “What is micro niche blog” right at the start.

So that my post can rank on featured snippet for that definition query.

9. Back your claims up

In this blog post, I have added so many theories, claims, etc.

Like here I have told you how many blogs are published every day.

But think for a second, do you believed me if I had just said it and not linked any article confirming this stat.

So, if you really want your audience to believe your claims you have to back it up with certain proofs such as:

  • An infographic,
  • Blog post
  • Or a video

It helps build the trust of your audience and can impact a lot in your affiliate sales as well.

10. Discuss the “why” aspect of the product

Another important thing that can skyrocket your blog affiliate sales is the “why” aspect of a topic.

By discussing why aspect of the topic, you are telling your readers the benefits of reading your blog post or buying a particular product.

It helps them strengthen their belief in a particular product which can increase your affiliate income.

For example, in this post, I have added a why section to tell you the benefits of persuasive writing.

So that you could know some benefits that you would get by reading this whole post.

11. Use questions to get users going

I have told this many times that questions invoke curiosity in your readers and helps them keep going.

For example, I have used questions a hell of a lot of times in this blog post.

In the starting lines of this blog post, I have used questions to get you going.

I have also added a lot of question subheadings to develop your curiosity about that topic.

So, I would highly recommend you to use questions in content, subheadings, etc without going overboard.

12. Use a lot of visuals, screenshots and videos

Think for a second would you like to read a blog post that contains no images or visuals?

Yes, you can read it but your experience of reading the blog post would be awful.

That is the reason why you should add images, videos, or any visual media to your blog posts.

Along with images and videos, you can also use memes, infographics, etc to stand out from the rest 9 articles on Google.

However, you shouldn’t go nuts over images and visuals.

You have to add them in an ample amount.

For taking the screenshots or doing screen recording you can use Ice Cream Screen Recorder which is totally free.

For videos, you can use YouTube and for infographics, you can use Pinterest.


(To be continued)

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