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четверг, 23 мая 2024 г.

What's your Emotional Intelligent Leadership Style?


If we have learned anything at EBW Global since this pandemic began, it is that the role of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for leaders in the workplace is ever more critical.

Leaders and managers around the world are finding their ability to use their Emotional Intelligence in their daily lives is having a profound effect on the success of their teams and businesses.

From the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s national coronavirus briefings to work Zoom meetings with socially distanced colleagues, how key messages are delivered is impacting hugely the success of their take up by employees and the general public alike.

The message back from them is clear:

Make us feel valued, safe and that our voices are heard.

This isn’t to say that all operational leaders and employees will crave security and understanding, or that there is a one-size-fits-all solution.

Some will need space or the expectation of results, others might seek long-term goal setting or rapid-fire short-term tasks.

The trick is knowing who will respond to what; and why.

This is not an easy task to achieve when communicating solely via email or video chats with one hundred other priorities fighting for your attention.

It is, however, one that can be made feasible and profitable by adapting leadership techniques on demand and taking the time to add another skillset to your professional arsenal.

"It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change."

Charles Darwin

We find that a great starting point for leaders and managers is to think of leadership in terms of six main styles:

Above: The EBW Leadership Compass

1 - Visionary Leaders - Mobilizing people towards a vision. This style is great for when moving in a new direction; it may struggle when motivating highly experienced staff.

2 - Coaching Leaders – Developing people for the future. A style that works well when building up long-term capabilities, this is least effective when teammates are defiant and unwilling to learn.

3 - Affiliative Leaders – Creating emotional bonds and harmony. Not to be used exclusively, this can work well alongside visionary leadership and is used to best effect in times of stress or when building trust.

4 - Democratic Leaders – Building consensus through participation. Excellent for co-creation and inspiring collective ownership, this style may not be best suited for emergency situations or those requiring rapid decisions.

5 - Pacesetting Leaders – Expecting excellence and self-direction. Perfect for highly motivated and skilled teams, this can provide quick results, but suffers when people need extra guidance or lack drive.

6 - Commanding Leaders – Demanding immediate compliance. This style is most effective in times of crisis or when employees do not respond to other leadership styles. But it can stifle motivation innovation and flexibility.


пятница, 12 апреля 2024 г.

How do you build resilience at work?


”I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot… and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that’s precisely why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan

No matter what your focus is with your clients or your organisation, leadership, management performance, team potential etc' as we recover from COVID19 building resilience is likely to be a big factor.

Defined as the ability to recover from adversity; Resilience is the ultimate tool because it allows us to adapt, to learn, to turn setbacks into progress.

It can be tough enough to manage your own stress. But how can you, as a manager, help the members of your team handle their feelings of stress, burnout, or disengagement?

Because work is getting more demanding and complex, and because many of us now work in 24/7 environments, anxiety and burnout are not uncommon.

Especially as we move back to office or to hybrid working.

In our high-pressure workplaces, staying productive and engaged can be challenging.

Although it’s unlikely that the pace or intensity of work will change much anytime soon, there’s a growing body of research that suggests certain types of development activities can effectively build the capacity for resilience.

One approach is to focus on employees’ personal growth and development.

But how does this teach people to be more resilient?

Research tells us there are four key components that resilient people have:

Confidence - having feelings of competence, effectiveness in coping with stressful situations and strong self esteem are inherent in being resilient.

Social Support - building good relationships and seeking support so individuals overcome adverse situations.

Adaptability - being flexible and changing in situations which are beyond our control are essential to maintaining resilience.

Purposefulness - having a clear sense of purpose, clear values, drive and direction helps individuals persist in the face of setbacks.

These four components of resilience can be learnt and grown through understanding and developing your Emotional Intelligence at work (Business EQ).

For example, we are not born with self confidence. It is a learned skill. We either learn it by accident, or on purpose. Or we live our lives never learning it at all.

By using Emotional Intelligence to focus on building resilience you can quickly help people to deal better with the stresses and strains of work and raise performance at the same time.

How to introduce Emotional Intelligence at work?

Build your expertise with assessments and tools, such as the EBW, and help leaders and teams understand how their emotions impact their behaviour and what to do about it.

By using EBW emotional intelligence assessments and tools you will be able to explore the reasons why your colleagues and clients may struggle at work and how to change their performance by:

  • Shifting performance blocks by using unique insights & powerful conversations

  • Successfully deal with turbulent change with tools that focus on action generating results

  • Building sustainable results by using a series of reinforcing ‘motivational nudges’ and steps to develop and embed new emotional behaviours


воскресенье, 12 ноября 2023 г.

How to lead teams with more expertise than you


In today’s fast paced world, managers, especially top executives, can't be experts in everything.

The "leader as expert" might work for an engineer who becomes a manager of an engineering team, but no leader can be an expert in all aspects of the business they lead.

Leaders and managers today must not only learn how to wear many hats but accept that they will be managing people who have more expertise in a particular area than they do and may be a good deal older/younger and have more experience than them as well.

This isn’t something that just applies to leaders and managers, we all encounter that gut-gnawing nervousness when we look for professionals to depend on, whether it’s an accountant or a car mechanic. We have to balance the awareness that we are not experts with the fact that occasionally we do get the wool pulled over our eyes.

What happens when you start leading people who have more expertise than you?

How can you lead them when they know a lot more about their work than you do?

Welcome to reality: You are now the leader without expertise — Many leaders at this point feel frustrated, tired and disoriented, even angry or start believing that they should not be in their role This is the point where careers can derail.

Lacking confidence or readiness in a role is not unusual and is known by psychologists as ‘the impostor phenomenon’. It is well researched and more common than most people realise.

The phenomenon occurs equally across genders and affects not only the thoughts of those in charge, but it is important to note, their actions, too.

Research suggests that tasks are often, not only delegated according to a person’s skill set or performance, but tasks are assigned based on how similar a person is perceived to be to the leaders/managers.

Similar values, attitudes and dispositions all effect how likely an employee is to be selected for an assignment.

Now you may think that you don’t assign tasks that way, that you are different, that you assign tasks on merit or skill set but the following research may give you food for thought.

Myriam Bechtoldt at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management investigated the imposter phenomenon with 190 managers from different work sectors in Germany.

They found those managers who identified as low in self-confidence assigned routine tasks more to team members who also had low self-confidence.

Significantly, the more that leaders/managers felt like imposters, the greater chance they had of assigning challenging tasks to team members who felt like imposters and struggled with self-confidence.

But perhaps, I can hear you say, the leaders/managers were being clever and simply boosting the confidence of self-doubting team members’ by assigning them challenging tasks to give them the experience of being successful?

If that were the case, routine tasks would also be assigned with the same bias. But the research suggested that managers tended to delegate routine tasks to self-doubting team members even when it did not improve their promotability.

Then, maybe the results could be explained because the managers recognised that people with low confidence often have improved conscientiousness. Or perhaps the managers were discriminating against those with self-confidence?

The researchers investigated these ideas as well and measured conscientiousness and found it did not influence the assignment of tasks and there were no associations between self-confident individuals and task delegation, suggesting that discrimination played no part in the process.

The EBW View

This research uncovers some key biases in leadership behaviours regarding how tasks and opportunities are assigned when leaders feel they are lacking readiness for a role, are working with people outside their area of expertise.

The underlying thrust of the research suggests that using our Emotional Intelligence at work to develop an understanding of emotional biases is key making decisions about which expert team members to best to assign different roles and tasks.

Being better aware of why you delegate tasks and roles will enable you to build powerful teams and help you encourage colleagues to feel valued while giving them appropriate opportunities to showcase their skillset whilst delivering on the team's vision and goals.

Here are 3 top tips for leading a team that is outside your area of expertise:

Here are 3 top tips for leading a team that is outside your area of expertise:

  1. Stay Aware – Use Your Emotional Intelligence

    Favouring people similar to yourself with time and responsibility may make you feel more comfortable but be aware of why you are doing this. Encouraging the diversification of tasks will stop your business or team from amplifying similar opinions and ideas that may not be the optimal way forward.

  2. Measure Progress

    Having clear milestones and checkpoints, is key for both the manager and the managed. Focus your relationship around agreed-upon, measurable objectives. Leading outside your area of expertise is about being an expert in in monitoring and measuring progress. Make sure the expert or the more experienced individual understands that they can gain more flexibility and room to manoeuvre as long as measurable progress is being made.

  3. Create a supportive, collaborative work climate

    Authenticity is king - you can gain credibility and disarm even the most unapproachable expert by saying things such as, "I'm still learning here, so could you help me understand why X works here better than Y?" Your team will respect your humble questions and trust you more.

Asking your experts what you can do to help (and then doing it) is key in gaining credibility. If they need more time to get something done and somebody is breathing down their necks about a deadline, then do the "blocking and tackling" work that every great leader does to protect and support the team. If you've got their back, they'll have your back. Understand where and when you can help, and then help.

Written By The EBW Global Team

суббота, 24 октября 2020 г.

Emotional Intelligence

 The capability of people to perform the work or job that they do falls into three areas:

Technical skills – which includes technical expertise e.g. accountancy skills.

Intellectual capability – which is commonly known as IQ, or cognitive abilities.

Emotional capability – often referred to as emotional intelligence or EI.

Whilst a significant amount of information, research and education exists in the fields of technical skills and intellectual capability, the area of Emotional Intelligence remains largely untouched.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and others.

Emotional Intelligence is divided into the four clusters of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management (often been referred to very broadly as “people skills” in years gone by).

Daniel Goleman, a leader in this field, has identified that successful managers and leaders possess a high percentage of emotional intelligence. By successful we mean those who have; Achieved better financial results,

Developed more effective and supportive organisational climates or culture and Achieved higher productivity gains with their workforce. Goleman’s (1998) findings also indicated that Emotional Intelligence contributes 80 to 90% of the competencies that distinguish outstanding leaders from average leaders.

The behaviours identified include;

the ability to recognise and understand their own moods, emotions and drives as well as their effect on others;

the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses, moods and to think before acting;

the passion to work for reasons beyond money or status and the propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence;

the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and the skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions; the proficiency in managing relationships, building networks and the ability to find common ground and build rapport.

IQ versus EI

In professional and technical fields the typical entry-level threshold IQ is 110 to 120. It is generally considered that your IQ, which is largely genetic, will change little from childhood. Since everyone is in the top 10% or so of intelligence, IQ itself offers relatively little competitive advantage.

EI on the other hand can be learned at any age. Growing your competency in EI is not easy or quick, as it takes perseverance in the process of critical self-evaluation, commitment to improvement and of course behavioural practice.

It is also important to note, that competence in Emotional Intelligence does not necessarily increase with age as you might expect. Some people may learn from life’s experiences, but many do not.


The core of Emotional Intelligence is self-awareness. Self-awareness is comprised of three competencies;

emotional self-awareness, where you are able to read and understand your emotions as well as recognise their impact on work performance and relationships; accurate self-assessment, where you are able to give a realistic evaluation of your strengths and limitations; self-confidence, where you have a positive and strong sense of one’s self-worth. The starting point and key in these areas is the ability to be critically self-reflective.


Self-management is comprised of five competencies;

Self-control, which is keeping disruptive emotions and impulses under control;

transparency, which is maintaining standards of honesty and integrity, managing yourself and responsibilities;

adaptability, which is the flexibility in adapting to changing situations and overcoming obstacles;

achievement orientation, which is the guiding drive to meet an internal standard of excellence;

initiative, which is the readiness to seize opportunities and act.

Social Awareness

Social Awareness is comprised of three competencies;

empathy, which is understanding others and taking an active interest in their concerns;

organisational awareness, which is the ability to read the currents of organisational life, build decision networks and navigate politics;

service orientation, which is recognising and meeting customers needs.

Relationship Management

The Social cluster of Relationship Management is comprised of seven competencies;

visionary leadership, which is inspiring and guiding groups and individuals;

developing others, which is the propensity to strengthen and support the abilities of others through feedback and guidance;

influence, which is the ability to exercise a wide range of persuasive strategies with integrity, and also includes listening and sending clear, convincing and well-tuned messages;

change catalyst, which is the proficiency in initiating new ideas and leading people in a new direction;

conflict management, which is resolving disagreements and collaboratively developing resolutions; building bonds, which is building and maintaining relationships with others;

teamwork and collaboration, which is the promotion of cooperation and building of teams.

The Emotionally Intelligent Organisation

The Emotionally Intelligent Organisation i.e. an organisation with a high number of emotionally intelligent leaders, managers and critical professionals stands to be at the forefront of organisational practice and performance, and is more likely to be an employer of choice.

Research also supports the view that competence in Emotional Intelligence accounts for over 90% of the difference between ineffective leaders and effective leadership performance.

Effective leadership improves business performance and provides organisations with a competitive advantage.

Becoming an EI organisation

The decision to become an emotionally intelligent organisation needs to be based on an organisational strategy to improve business performance.

To implement this strategy you first need to define what the core capabilities your business requires to achieve its vision, values and business strategies which includes Emotional Intelligence clusters and competencies. You will also need to identify the more specific competency profiles for positions within the organisation.

This capability framework and competency profiles, then forms the basis for your performance management system in conjunction with your Key Performance Indicators. The performance management system then becomes a mechanism for driving and achieving changes in the workplace.

The framework can also be used to support recruitment and selection and other cultural development strategies, thus ensuring a more appropriate match of people and organization goals.  The next stage is to grow the emotional intelligence competencies through specific development programs reflecting the organisation’s capability framework.

If you do not have a “core” capability framework for your staff, there are still benefits in introducing Emotional Intelligence development programs. These are seen primarily through improved leadership and interpersonal relationships and as a result improved business performance.

Growing Emotional Intelligence

Growing your EI competencies is not easy or quick, as it takes perseverance in the process of critical self-reflection, commitment to improvement and of course behavioural practice.

Transformational Learning

When you grow your Emotional Intelligence, it is called transformational learning, as this growth comes from using critical self-reflection.

So, what is critical self-reflection? Most people would be familiar with reflection, which is the analysis of one’s beliefs. We also have critical reflection, which is the analysis of the assumptions on which our beliefs are built. But the area we are most interested in is Critical Self-Reflection, which is the analysis of the way we pose problems to ourselves and of our own structure of assumptions that we use as a reference for interpreting our experiences.

Effective critical self-reflection requires you to question yourself and the assumptions you make on an ongoing basis. This can be demonstrated through the three (3) why? Test, that is where you ask “Why” down three levels from the item you are analysing.

For example, I have been asked to present a workshop to one hundred people on a subject I know very well, and I have said no.

(1) Why did I say no? Because I would not feel comfortable doing it.

(2) Why do you feel uncomfortable about doing it? Because I might look incompetent.

(3) Why do you feel you would look incompetent? Because people in the audience may know more than I do.

The answer to this question is based on assumptions, and we need to challenge these assumptions to check their validity. If the assumptions are invalid and we change that assumption and therefore our perspective then transformational learning has occurred.


среда, 2 мая 2018 г.

Power of Emotional Intelligence in Sales — How Can it Help?

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill that you need to master if you have chosen sales as a profession. Getting hijacked by your emotions can crash your sales career; as you need to think critically, act rationally and solve the problems of your customers which is difficult if you are a slave to your emotions.
Being a sales professional, you need to think clearly and act smartly to contribute to the revenue growth of your company. To create a good rapport with your clients, you should be able to understand and manage yours as well as their emotions.
Emotionally intelligent sales reps have been able to excel in sales as they know how to find a way out in difficult situations. They are positive, open-minded, empathetic, self-motivated and know how to handle criticism.

Scale your sales by mastering the art of emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the power that can help sales professionals succeed in the realm of sales. The below reasons will explain how:

EI makes sales reps more authentic in their conversation

Emotionally Intelligent sales professionals know how to take charge of their conversation. They don’t fall prey to their emotions while communicating with the clients. It helps in having an effective and meaningful interaction to reap profitable results.
Sales personnel with high level of Emotional Intelligence can create positive sales relationships as they know what they want and how to convey their message to the client without causing any blunders or misunderstanding.
Emotionally intelligent sales professionals are even good listeners. They attentively hear to the customer’s issues and formulate the next course of action while the person is speaking.

High EI sales reps are personally accountable

Knowing your strengths as well as weaknesses by being self-aware and taking accountability of your action is necessary to survive in the competitive sales scenario. Emotionally intelligent sales reps don’t play the blame game to save themselves, they take ownership of their mistakes and work dedicatedly on improvements. They try to find solutions to tackle issues instead of excuses to escape from it. This helps them in performing better and takes them closer to their sales goals.

Emotional Intelligence makes them more socially competent

Emotionally intelligent people are socially competent; they possess a perfect balance of social awareness and relationship management skills. They understand other’s motives as well as behavior which helps in cultivating a good relationship, especially while dealing with valuable clients.
Socially competent sales reps don’t rush, they take the right move when time is ripe. They can easily decipher client’s need and address their concerns on-time. Such sales professionals are client-centered, they are focused towards delivering good buying experience to build lasting relationships.

Emotionally Intelligent sales reps can handle criticism

Sales professional with high EI are smart enough to handle criticism calmly. They don’t sidestep the issue or get discouraged, but face it with confidence. Neither do they retaliate angrily to a negative comment, instead they reflect and try to improve on their weak areas.
Emotionally intelligent sales reps value their customer so instead of offending them, they try to understand their point of view and appreciate their opinion. They look at criticism as an opportunity of improvement which helps them in upgrading their performance and being more successful.

Wondering how to boost your emotional quotient?

Take the help of the below tips
  • Develop emotional awareness by identifying the circumstances that trigger you to react
  • Reflect on yourself in tranquility to analyze the reason for certain behaviors
  • Increase your ability to empathize to get closer to your clients
  • Have a positive outlook in difficult situations
  • Put yourself in other’s shoe and try to understand their point of view

Closing thoughts

Working on emotional quotient can help you create better relationships with your customers. A detailed information regarding your customers’ pain points, likes and dislikes will help you understand your clients in a better way. We hope this article helps you utilize the power of emotional intelligence and acts as a key to your sales success.
For which you can take the aid of tools like Salesmate CRM that helps you in collecting and centralizing customer’s information. You can even track the interaction they had with your company for having a deeper analysis. This will help in understanding them and their buying behavior to render utmost customer satisfaction.

понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

Emotional intelligence predicts performance and success

Helle Jørnung

At Best Talent recruiting candidates for Life Sciences is taken beyond the usual level of outlining skills and competences. Emotional intelligence is the key to success also within Life Sciences.
In a high performing environment intensely focused on intelligence (as measured by IQ), skills, and competences it may come as a surprise that the emotional intelligence (EQ) rather than the IQ is an indicator of how successful you will become.
“Research now points to EQ as being the critical factor for star performances and business success directly linked to level in the hierarchy and salary, and more so than the IQ,” Helle Jørnung ,Managing Director at Best Talent explains, carrying on, “And this is data driven
– I might add. ”She refers to studies demonstrating that among 90% of top-performers the EQ is more pronounced than the IQ and that among 20% of bottom performers the EQ is fairly low. Acknowledging emotional intelligence as a key instrument to finding the right candidate who will also live up to the employer’s expectations on performance is quite essential by the book of Best Talent.
Assessing both IQ and EQ
“Life science is a hard core data driven business area, and it only comes natural to be highly focused on university degrees, professional skills and expertise during the process of recruiting.
The point is however, that the highly skilled candidate, who may appear perfect on paper, may end up being a poor performer.
EQ can be acquired
The consultants at Best Talent have accepted the fact that it takes more than masters of science or business, PhD’s and publication lists to demonstrate what added value as an employee a candidate will bring. Hence, the EQ as well as IQ assess every candidate – and the results are integrated to match the expectations, demands, culture, values etc. of the employer. “IQ is a constant factor – that does not change much over time. EQ however, is a set of competences that can be acquired and developed in time. EQ grows on us – so to speak – as we grow as human beings physically and mentally. Our model takes this into account, and with this tool we have a unique method to predict who will match a specific job – and the working place, ”she says, and ends, “Testing the EQ alongside the IQ is a unique way to identify and match the right candidates with focus of delivering high performing and successful employees to our life science clients.”
• Best Talent Performs Executive Search in Scandinavia and globally with an Executive Life Science Organisation of Headhunters located in more than 40 countries.
The key to solving this discrepancy is to assess and evaluate the EQ as well as the IQ of candidates,” Helle Jørnung says.