воскресенье, 4 декабря 2016 г.

The seven strategy questions

This list of questions is based on a book by Robert Simons, a Harvard professor (“Seven Strategy Questions” (Harvard Business Press, 2010). It relates to strategy execution more than strategy formulation, because the advice is to continuously ask these questions in order to fine tune the focus of the organization and stay ahead of the competition. The questions are:
  • Who is your primary customer? Have you organized your company to deliver maximum value to that customer?  
  • How do your core values prioritize shareholders, employees, and customers? Is everyone in your company committed to those values?
  • What critical performance variables are you tracking? How are you creating accountability for performance on those variables?
  • What strategic boundaries have you set? Does everyone know what actions are off-limits?
  • How are you generating creative tension? Is that tension catalyzing innovation across units?
  • How committed should your employees be to helping each other? Are they sharing responsibility for your company’s success?
  • What strategic uncertainties keep you awake at night? How are you riveting everyone’s attention on those uncertainties?
If you don’t feel like reading the book, there is also a related HBR article that explores the key issues (link).

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