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суббота, 20 июля 2024 г.

Five Social Media KPIs to Watch Closely

 Consistent success with social media marketing is driven by understanding what's working and what's not.

And to do that, you first need to determine which key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be measuring.

An infographic (below) from Media Update looks at five social media KPIs that every marketer should be watching: engagement, loyalty, growth, conversions, and reach.

The infographic looks at what each KPI is and which metrics are associated with it.


суббота, 4 мая 2024 г.

Global social media statistics research summary May 2024


By Dave Chaffey 

Our compilation of the latest social media statistics of consumer adoption and usage of social networking platforms

Social networks have transformed marketing and, as this post shows, their popularity is still growing in our latest global social media statistics research summary for 2024.

Networks vary in popularity with different demographics and they're still evolving. Research by Global WebIndex that we reference in this article shows that globally,

62.3% of the world's population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 23 minutes (April 2024).

We'll keep this post updated during 2024 as the latest statistics are published drawing on our recommended top 10 digital marketing statistics sources. We'll be pointing to new data on the popularity of social media from Global Web Index (worldwide), Pew Internet Surveys (US) and OfCom (UK), and, most recently, the Datareportal January 2024 global overview, with the January review expected in the next few weeks.

This post will apply the latest reports to our answers in 7 key areas crucial to understanding consumer use of social networks:

  • Q1. What is the overall popularity of social media compared to internet use globally?
  • Q2. Which are the most popular social networks by demographics (age and gender)?
  • Q3. Which are the fastest-growing social networks?
  • Q4. How do social users interact with brands when selecting products and services?
  • Q5. What are the different engagement metrics based on consumer behavior when using social media?
  • Q6. How do consumers interact with different post formats in social media?
  • Q7. What are the most popular times for consumers to use social media suggesting the best times to post?

Now more than ever, marketers need to make smart decisions when planning their digital distribution channels. So reviewing the latest social media diffusion and usage stats is a crucial part of any company's digital marketing strategy.

Q1. What is the overall popularity of social media compared to internet use globally?

Datareportal regularly updates its global compendium of social media statistics, which we recommend as it gives some great insights into the world of social media. It's a great download for including slides for your presentations. Note that their data is compiled from other sources of which the Global Web Index panel is the best source, although only available to paid subscribers. If you're researching social network adoption, it's worth checking out GWI's top 10 2023 social media statistics and their free annual report of social media trends.

How many people use social media?

According to the Datareportal January April global overview, we can see that social media growth has continued to increase:

  • More than half of the world now uses social media (62.6%)
  • 5.07 billion people around the world now use social media, 259 million new users have come online within the last year.
  • The average daily time spent using social media is 2h 20m.

The full report from Datareportal contains insights collated from different data providers across 200+ slides. It provides country-specific data for the vast majority of the world, so you might want to check out the slides of the countries in your core markets to get a better idea of the current state of social in the areas you operate. In this post, we focus on the social media data which starts at slide 205 in the report.

This chart, by Datareportal, summarises the importance and growth of social media today.

Although the average daily time spent on social has slightly decreased (4 minutes), the growth of adoption remains high. Currently, 93.3% of internet users are using social media, and the gender split is fairly balanced, with slightly more male identities than female identities.

Q2. Which are the most popular social networks by demographics (age and gender)?

The best source for getting stats on the biggest social media platforms is direct from company statements and earning announcements.

Notably, of the top 4 social media platforms, 3 are owned by Meta. Facebook is the most-used platform in total - but as marketers, we know it's crucial to consider different trends of usage for different demographics, as we'll see below.

So, what does this mean for your social media marketing strategy?

Clearly, there are lots of opportunities to reach, interact with, convert, and engage social media users. Savvy marketers use social media across their marketing funnel, to influence journeys from product discovery, through to first purchases, loyalty, and advocacy.

Our RACE Framework has a data-driven structure that marketers can use to plan their own strategies.

Popularity of social networks and instant messengers in the UK for different demographics

This recent data from Comscore focused on the UK for Gen Z, Milennial and Gen X groups shows the wide variation in usage of social apps in the UK. In the younger age group Reddit and Discord are surprisingly important, in part because of Gaming. Facebook remains dominant in older age groups.

United States Social network popularity

The Pew Research Center news usage research is a very strong recent source showing US social media statistics trends in usage for news. Interestingly, nearly half of those surveyed used social media to get news often or sometimes.

More interestingly, the stats breakdown below shows which social media channels are used by which genders, ages, education level, race, and political affiliations. For example, Facebook is a regular source of news to nearly double the amount of women to men. Nearly two thirds of Snapchat's regular news consumers are aged 18-29.

Q3. Which are the fast-growing social networks?

Every marketer has limited time for social media marketing, so which fastest-growing social network should you focus your efforts on?

HubSpot has a good summary of these based on its own consumer survey - see Fastest growing US social platforms 2023 which features less well known, but growing social networks such as BeReal and Twitch.

A summary of global social media growth

The number of social media users globally grew from 4.72 billion in January 2023 to 5.04 billion in January 2024. This accounts for a 8% growth of +320 million users YOY. With more growth predicted over the rest of the year...

Social media vs internet users: opportunities for growth

94.2% of internet users have social media identities today.

Social media platforms today are evolving and developing to meet an ever-wider variety of consumer wants and needs. Surely the value that social media usage can add to consumers' lives is more evident than ever before - social media marketers can tap into that.

2024 analysis of regional use of social media shows the wide variation of social media penetration:

  •  75% in Eastern Asia
  • 71% in North America
  • 68% in Southern America
  • 79-80% in both Northern and Western Europe.
  • This falls to 16% in Western Africa, and 10% in Middle and Eastern Africa.

As you can see, the makeup of our international social media users is varied. This useful infographic demonstrates the share of global social media users - with Eastern Asia representing 30.1% of global social media users.

Q4. How do social users interact with brands when selecting products and services?

One of the challenges of social media marketing is that by its nature, social media are peer-to-peer, involving conversations between friends, families and colleagues. Given this, brands must be sensitive to how they use social media.

Insight from GWI shows the important role that social media plays in influencing brand discovery and in encouraging purchase. This insight shows the relative importance of ads, recommendations and updates to business social media pages in brand discovery.

The research from GlobalWebIndex also shows how/why visitors use different social media services. Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit and Twitter users all report 'follow/find information about products/brands' in their top 3 motivations.

Platform-specific social media marketing planning

Our new Organic Social Media Learning Path modules are dedicated to helping marketers optimize their organic Instagram marketing with a strategic approach, integrated across the marketing funnel.

Our bite-sized modules contain tools and templates designed to help you address the systematic issue of businesses using social media platforms to create standalone posts rather than planning a strategy.

Our Social Media Learning Path has modules with dedicated help for:

  • LinkedIn organic marketing
  • Instagram organic marketing
  • Facebook organic marketing
  • Tiktok organic marketing

This example plan, taken from our Facebook module, demonstrates how a joined-up approach can strengthen each stage of the funnel, across the RACE Framework of reach, act, convert, and engage.

Q5. What are the best benchmarks for different platforms' engagement rates?

Social media statistics benchmarking tool Rival IQ produces these useful sector-by-sector benchmarks of social media engagement metrics including:

  • Posts per day
  • Posts per week
  • Engagement rate
  • Top hashtags by engagement rate

These include useful sector benchmarks for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter you can compare against. Here is a sample of the insights from their 2022 report.

Facebook engagement rates

The 2021 median average engagement rate per post (by follower) on Facebook is 0.064%, across all industries. Sports Teams see the highest engagement, achieving an average of 0.27%, followed by Influencers with 0.23% and Higher Education with 0.15%.

At the lower end of the spectrum, Health & Beauty, and Tech & Software receive an average 0.02% engagement rate.

Instagram engagement rates

Engagement rates are significantly higher on Instagram compared to Facebook. As you can see the 2021 average median engagement rate per post (by follower) is more than 10x higher, despite engagement on Instagram dropping approx 30% between 2020-21.

Q6. How do consumers interact with different post formats in social media?

Marketers know intuitively that the right type of visuals and videos are more effective in gaining engagement.

This is supported by observed interaction rates. According to LinkedIn, Images typically result in a 2x higher comment rate and Video gets 5x more engagement on LinkedIn, Live Video gets 24x more.

This is also supported by this data from this Social Bakers social media trends report:

Videos longer than a minute achieved the highest median interactions and median reach on Facebook, according to Socialbakers data.

In fact, for both reach and interactions, there was a correlation that showed the longer a video was, the further it reached and the more interactions it received.

Socialbakers’ metrics for video length are very short (less than 11.882 seconds), short (more than 11.882 and less than 24.362 seconds), medium (more than 24.362 and less than 61.248 seconds), long (more than 61.248 seconds and less than five minutes), and very long (more than five minutes).

As you can see, different platforms offer different opportunities for capturing different audiences. The trick is finding the right techniques to that to your channel goals.

If you're looking for one simple reference guide which contains all the social media channel updates in an easy-to-track format, look no further than our digital media updates tracker, which is updated quarterly, to make sure our Business Members never miss a trick.

Q7. What are the most popular times for consumers to use social media suggesting the best times to post?

Testing different frequencies of updates and timing is another aspect of social media optimization based on consumer behaviour.

Each network tends to have a ‘sweet spot’ for frequency based on its algorithms. It used to be beneficial to post several times a day on Facebook for many brands, but with decreased organic reach, a single update tends to be more effective. We find a higher frequency on LinkedIn or Twitter tends to be more effective.

Sprout Social's 2022 social media strategy builder compares the best times to post on social media. Compare these to your patterns of posting and consider how you could post differently.

Each network tends to have a ‘sweet spot’ for frequency based on their algorithm and the most common times for consumer usage. It used to be beneficial to post several times a day on Facebook for many brands, but with decreased organic reach, a single update tends to be more effective.

We find a higher frequency on LinkedIn or Twitter tends to be more effective. The results from Instagram and Facebook show a clear preference for around midweek at midday, so you should consider this when scheduling your post updates.


воскресенье, 22 октября 2023 г.

How to create and structure a social media campaign plan, step-by-step


To make sure your social media campaign is as successful as possible, follow our 7 steps to plan and structure your social campaigns

If you have an upcoming marketing campaign for a new product feature, or a holiday promotion that you want to capitalize on, or maybe you’re releasing a brand-new product, you will want to plan a social media marketing campaign to help spread the word.

But in order to make sure your social media marketing is as successful as possible, you need to plan and strategize the campaign in advance and consider how it integrates with other campaign activity.

How to structure an integrated social media campaign plan

Ideally, the social elements of the campaign will be part of a broader marketing campaign plan - our companion post and members' marketing campaign plan template recommend you structure your campaign using these key campaign elements:

  1. Campaign goals and tracking.
  2. Campaign insight and targeting.
  3. Key campaign messages and offers.
  4. Campaign media plan and budget.
  5. Campaign asset production.
  6. Campaign execution.

Your social media campaigns should support these broader campaign goals and plans.

What is social media marketing?

Social media covers a range of digital media enabling audience participation, interaction, sharing, and creation of user-generated content (UGC) on social networks.

Social media is both an art and a science. It’s a science because you need to test and learn what is effective on different social platforms. You need to test the techniques that gain maximum engagement and amplification on each platform by using the latest organic and paid tactics.

An integrated approach towards marketing through social media tools to monitor and facilitate interaction, participation and sharing within online communities. Commercial value can be achieved by encouraging and managing both positive and negative sentiments toward your company and its brands.

What is a social media campaign strategy?

Having a social media campaign strategy aligned with your marketing campaign plan means you will action a defined and consistent process for planning and measuring your social media marketing activities, with defined objectives structured around the campaign.

When planning your social media marketing campaign strategy, we suggest you focus on one of two key social media campaign objectives:

  1. Acquire new customers: Reach, interaction, and Community impact.
  2. Increase sales to existing customers: Volume - Quality - Value - Cost metrics

When it comes to planning your social media strategy, we strongly recommend integrating your activities on these channels across your wider digital marketing strategies - to consolidate your efforts, avoid duplication, and align your customers' journeys to and across your site.

Planning your next social media campaign in 7 steps

At Smart Insights, we have a wealth of free and premium social media resources to help marketers, managers, and business owners elevate their digital and social media strategies using data and best practices.

In the blog below, we will explore 7 steps to creating your social media marketing campaign plan.

1. Set social media campaign goals

The first question you need to ask before a campaign is: why am I running this campaign? Answering this question will determine other steps you take during your campaign.

However, after setting these goals, you need to be specific. What level of brand awareness do you want to achieve with your campaigns? More website traffic? 2,000 new followers?

To set effective goals, they need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Then, after setting your goals, it's vital to state the metrics you'll use to measure the achievement of your goals.

Make no mistake, goals are extremely important. In a CoSchedule survey, it was found that marketers who set goals were 376% more likely to report success.

Moreso, it affects every aspect of your social media campaign and helps to determine its success or failure.

2. Create buyer personas

Even if you create the best campaign content ever, if you're not targeting the right audience with your content, the campaign will likely fail. That's why you need to understand your ideal target before a campaign.

A buyer persona is a document that contains extensive details of your ideal customers. This helps you to create messages in your campaigns that can resonate with your target audience.

Some details to have in your buyer persona include:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Income
  • Location
  • Pain points
  • Favorite social media channels
  • Hobbies
  • Interests

Knowing these details will help you create messages to build trust and convince your prospects to take action.

With a tool like Facebook Audience Insights, you can input a few details and then get more details from Facebook's huge database.

3. Choose your social media channels

When running a social media campaign, you're likely to get better results when you focus on a few social media channels.

From your buyer persona, you have an idea of your ideal audience's favourite social media channels. Most times, it also depends on the type of product or service you're offering. For instance, LinkedIn is a popular network for B2B companies because many decision-makers are present on the platform.

Another way to select social media channels for your campaign is to look at past results on your website analytics. Which channels have referred more visitors to your website in the past? Which channels have brought in more leads? Are there any quick fixes you can make?

Stating these channels will affect your campaign as each channel has its best practices. Furthermore, each channel has its best content type and posting frequency. For example, what works on Twitter won’t necessarily work on Instagram and there’s a huge difference between LinkedIn and most other major social networks.

4. Use a social media calendar

When you run a social media campaign, timing is very important.

Using a social media calendar, you can outline your content from the beginning of your campaign to the end. A social media calendar is similar to a broader marketing campaign or editorial calendar, but focusing on social media activities and posts.

With a calendar in place, your team can focus on what needs to be done at a particular time. Some important tasks to have in your calendar include:

  • Content creation overview to track that content is created in time.
  • Content curation posts: when to share curated content.
  • Employee advocacy posts: if/when your employees share updates from their personal accounts.
  • Social media updates for each channel, throughout the campaign.

Your social media calendar will help ensure that you don’t miss any important steps in your strategy, while also helping you be more productive with your time.

5. Research the right tools to boost productivity

If you're running a social media campaign, you'll inevitably need tools at various stages of your campaign. You can increase your chances of success if you have a list of the tools you want to use at each stage of your social media campaign.

Here are some aspects where tools are vital:

Content creation

Content is key. There's no point defining your audience and planning your distribution if you then post the wrong thing.

Did you know, for example, in Instagram Reels gain an average engagement rate of 1.95%, which is at least double compared to the other post types on Instagram.

Therefore, you need to make sure you are creating the right type of content to delight your audience.

A popular tool you can use to create simple images and moving graphics for your campaign is Canva. It provides templates of the ideal image size for various channels. For your videos, a tool that makes the process easy is Animoto. AI is now available to support text and image creation for social media. Canva has some of the best free options Our article on Trends and Tools for AI in marketing highlights the latest developments.

Content curation

To meet your content needs on social media, you'll need more than the content you produce. Sharing relevant content from other sources will help keep your audience engaged during your campaign.

One problem though is that sourcing these pieces of content manually is ineffective and a time drain. A tool such as Quuu or Curata can find relevant content for your pages.

Social media management

Tasks such as sharing updates, scheduling updates, social listening, collaborating with team members, and others can be accomplished through a social media management tool.

Consequently, you and your team members can carry out your social tasks on a single platform and save a lot of time. Agorapulse is an effective tool for social media management that can meet your team’s needs.

Social media analytics

You need social media analytics tools from the start of your campaign; once you know what your KPIs (key performance indicators) are, use social analytics tools to track them and see how your campaign is evolving.

With this data, you can then adjust and optimize your campaign for maximized results. To help, tools like Cyfe allow you to connect your different social network analytics, along with your website traffic so that you can track all of your results in one place.

6. Carry out competitive analysis

Performing competitive analysis can help you understand what your competitors’ strategy is like as well as see what tactics and channels work for them and which don’t. This activity should inform all aspects of your integrated marketing strategy.

Some vital parts to watch from your competitors are:

  • Social channels used
  • Type of content shared
  • Frequency of social updates
  • Results generated

Apart from watching your competitors for their great practices, you also need to watch out for their mistakes. Thereby, you can exploit them to gain an edge over your competitors.

You can benchmark against competitors to learn from their approaches to inform your campaign using a tool such as RivalIQ which is a paid social media competitor analaysi service, but includes free tools for 'head-to-head analysis'. You can also use tools made available by the social networks. Linked has a useful Competitor Analytics tool and Meta business suite offers Facebook benchmarking business insights to compare competitor pages to yours.

7. Put a system in place to track performance

Tracking performance for your campaign helps to determine the success or failure of your campaigns. More so, it can provide insights to help adjust your social media strategy even while a campaign is still running.

Another benefit you get from tracking your metrics is that it can necessitate changes for your future campaigns. It's vital to note though, that the metrics you track for your campaigns will depend on your goals.

For instance, you can use UTM parameters to track traffic from your campaign to your website. A tool such as Google Analytics will provide details about traffic from a source and its behavior on your website.


To increase the chances of success for your social media marketing campaign, you need a robust plan in place before you start.

This starts with setting your goals. Then, you need to understand your audience, use a social content calendar to plan the actual content, use the right tools to run your campaign, and track your campaign performance throughout.

By following these steps, you’re well on your way to developing a successful social media campaign.

By Lilach Bullock


вторник, 16 мая 2023 г.

The State of Social Media in 2023


The State of Social Media in 2023: How You Can Build Communities, Drive Sales, and Go Viral, According to 1,000+ Social Media Managers

Learn from social media experts on how to take your social strategy to the next level in 2023, plus data from 1000+ global social media marketers.

Written by: Caroline Forsey

There's no two ways around it: Social media is hard.

Nowadays, social media marketers are inundated daily with information on evolving trends, social platforms that are gaining or losing steam, and new types of content. 

It can be hard to keep track. As a social media marketer, you might be asking yourself: 

  • Which social platform is going to offer me the highest ROI in 2023? 
  • When is the best time to post on social?
  • Should I invest in micro-influencers? Should I hire creators? Should I do neither?
  • What's all the fuss about social media communities? 
  • Do my customers care about customer service on social media, or not really? 

To help you identify which trends matter most to your business, and how you can shape your social strategy accordingly, HubSpot Blog Research polled 1,000+ social media marketers globally to learn the biggest trends, challenges, and opportunities of social in 2023. 

"You'll also hear from social media experts at G2, Dropbox, Vimeo, Zoom, Aircall, Rakuten Advertising, HubSpot, and more on how you can effectively engage audiences, cultivate communities, and drive revenue on social in 2023." 

Keep reading, or skip to the section(s) that pertain to you: 

Important Findings & Takeaways for Social Media Marketers 

To start, let's go over some of the biggest trends social media marketers will see in 2023, and how to shift your strategies accordingly. 

1. Social media communities will be critical for increasing engagement. 

A whopping 90% of social media marketers say building an active online community is crucial to a successful social media strategy in 2023. 

Social media communities enable your followers to engage and learn from each other — which helps them perceive your brand as even more valuable. 

Think of it like this: You know that one friend who is a "connector"? That friend who is the best party host, and goes out of her way to facilitate interesting conversations and forge deep connections with everyone around her? 

By cultivating social media communities, your brand can be that person — the "connector" for your prospects and customers. And that's a brand worth investing in. 

(Hear more from Mat Cruz and other experts by reading How These 6 Social Media Marketers & Creators Built Loyal Brand Communities.)

Back in 2020, HubSpot launched a private Facebook Group, Marketer to Marketer. With just 2,000 followers, the group is much smaller than HubSpot's Facebook Page. But it allows for unique conversations. 

As former HubSpot Social Media Community Manager Krystal Wu puts it, "The HubSpot Group gives us a more direct way to interact with a more engaged audience. The Group content gets preferential placement in followers’ news feeds, whereas our normal Page content is a different content angle ... In short, we consider our Group followers as our VIPs."

Wu adds, "The Facebook Group also gives our members an outlet for more niched conversations, providing security and privacy to open up about any struggles, techniques, opportunities, or new information they’ve discovered about their industry."

(Hear more from Amy Porterfield and other experts by reading How These 6 Social Media Marketers & Creators Built Loyal Brand Communities.)

2. Amazon, watch out: Social media is becoming the preferred e-commerce platform for consumers. 

When was the last time you bought something on Instagram or TikTok? If you're anything like me, I bet it was recently.

And you're not alone. 25% of social media users age 18-44 have bought a product on a social app in the past three months, and social is the preferred product discovery platform for consumers age 18-44. 

Perhaps what is most shocking is that 80% of social media marketers believe consumers will buy products directly in social apps more often than on brands' websites or third-party websites, like Amazon, in 2023.

 All of which is to say: If you work in the e-commerce or B2C space, you'll want to ensure you've launched shopping capabilities on your social platforms so your consumers can purchase your products where and when it's most convenient for them.

The biggest inhibitor to social shopping is a lack of trust — only 42% of social users feel comfortable making purchases on social media platforms, and a mere 21% report the products they purchase in-app are high-quality. 

To build trust with your social audiences, you'll want to: 

  • Share customer reviews so they can hear from real people about your products or services. 
  • Work with trusted influencers who can verify that your products are high-quality to their audiences. 
  • Make sure your social channels don't become pure advertisements. Instead, provide value upfront through helpful content, and let your consumers decide for themselves when they're ready to buy. 

3. Re-sharing the same content across platforms won't fly in 2023.

In prior years, it's been tempting to simply post a message or video to one platform, and copy-and-paste it to another. But social media platforms don't reward re-posted content — and your audiences likely won't prefer it, either. 

Fortunately, that doesn't mean you need to make brand-new content for each platform. You can use the same foundational content for each platform as long as you tailor the tone, language, and visuals for each social channel. 

As Alison ColemanZoom's Social Media Manager, told me, "We're excited to focus more on each social platform with its own dedicated strategy, designing content to engage directly with in-feed. The days of repurposing content are not necessarily over, but tailoring how we tell the same story on different platforms, to different audiences, with a different approach, is something we are excited to prioritize in our content."

She continues, "Product tips are a core part of our editorial calendar and what our audiences engage with most — but how we share this differs by platform."

An example of Coleman's repurposing approach looks something like this:

  • Twitter: a thread explaining each action to use the feature and an accompanying gif demoing within the UI, ending with a poll to start a conversation with our community.
  • TikTok: short clips filmed on an iPhone, cut together with quick transitions aligned with trending audio, each step displayed with copy on screen and using the TikTok text-to-speech reader or their AI voiceover filters, and a cheeky caption about the tropes of being a corporate worker.
  • Instagram: an animated Reel, more polished than the TikTok version, with an animated intro for the series, and then into the UI with VO explaining each step.
  • LinkedIn: a carousel with each step as an mp4 or static image, copy to explain the feature, and a comment linking to a relevant blog or training.
  • And always adding subtitles or alt-text where applicable!
  • Coleman adds, "Taking a per-platform approach will allow us to create and test more no-click content with native platform features so our audience can get the full story without needing to leave the feed. We're excited to be intentional about what our followers go to each platform for and show up how and when they want to see us!"

48% of social media marketers do just that — sharing similar content across platforms with some tweaks. Another 34% make unique content from scratch for each platform, and just 17% continue to share the exact same content across platforms.

Mat Cruz, HubSpot Social Team's Community Management & Growth Specialist, believes reposting can be a good idea, but only when properly executed. 

As he puts it, "When creating content, especially with limited resources, it's important we are using our time and effort efficiently. Still, having a brand in today’s social media landscape often means being on multiple platforms to reach various audience segments. With wanting to offer all of them content, reposting seems like a fair solution, but like every business decision, the “right” choice for you comes from weighing your team’s goals against the pros and cons."

He adds, "In short, reposting content across channels can be a great way to spread valuable information while also lightening the production load, but it requires thoughtful execution to truly resonate and add value."

If you're considering reposting content, Cruz recommends you consider some of these questions to better inform your decision:

  • Does the content you want to repost fit each platform you’re on?
  • A simple copy and paste, while being a timesaver, can put a bad taste in an audience’s mouth if the content seems out of place. A tweet may also fit LinkedIn, but not Instagram. You have to take a step back and ask, “Does this message make sense on this platform?”
  • Does reposting a piece of content echo value or add noise? Users follow brands to get value from the content they post. If the content doesn’t bring value to the audience, don’t repost it. Social is a noisy place. Don’t add to it for the sake of posting.
  • Can reposting be a tool in production, not just publishing?

Cruz says, "If reposting content is going to be something you are incorporating into your strategy, make that decision from the start. The more consideration there is in ideation and production to fit various platform needs, the fewer 'tweaks' you’ll have to make. Think of it similarly to the idea of 'measure twice, cut once'. A piece of copy for LinkedIn reposted on Twitter could have very few tweaks if done well."

Cruz adds, "Overall, reposting can be a tool to work smarter, not harder. Still, one must be reminded it should always be seen as a tool, not a crutch. In the end, great content can carry itself when created with strong strategy and care."

4. SEO gives way to social search. 

When I hear about a new interesting brand, I don't start with Google anymore: I start with Instagram. 

Perusing their social profiles helps me get a clearer and more authentic sense on their mission and products. And I'm not alone — 36% of Gen Z and 22% of millennials prefer to search for brands on social media more often than through search engines

This means, while SEO is still a critical component of any marketing strategy, having a social presence is increasingly vital, too. People use social media nowadays to search for content that is interesting and inspirational, as well as to find people, products/services, and brands. 

Here are three top strategies used by social media marketers to optimize your social media accounts for social search:

  • Include relevant keywords and hashtags in your social posts
  • Include relevant keywords and hashtags in your bio 
  • Make sure that your username is easily searchable 

5. Relatable and funny wins in terms of 'most memorable' type of content. 

Consider this: The last time you scrolled through your social feeds, what made you stop? 

For many, the answer is simple: When something seemed funny or made them laugh. 

In 2023, many social media marketers might struggle to identify the type(s) of content that performs best with their audiences — which is why we asked over one thousand social media marketers globally what type of content they post most often. 

45% of social media marketers most often post content that reflects their brand values; that's followed by relatable content (42%), educational (39%), trendy (39%), and funny content (36%). 

However, when asked which type of content is most effective, 66% of social media marketers reported funny content to be the most effective for their brand — followed by relatable content (63%), and trendy content (59%).

This is supported by our Consumer Trends report, as well, which found 49% of consumers reported funny content as being the most memorable, followed by relatable content as #2 (36%). 

Consider, for instance, brands like Chipotle, which currently has over 2 million followers on Chipotle's TikTok thanks to its dedication to creating the type of content TikTok audiences crave: Short, funny, engaging clips

Of course, you don't want to adopt a tone or persona that doesn't fit your brand voice. If your brand voice is more serious, you don't want to start telling random jokes that don't align with the rest of your content. However, you might be able to find subtle ways to inject humor or lightness into your social content. 

But, most importantly, it's critical you remain authentic to your tone and your audience when creating content. 

6. 6 PM to 9 PM, along with 12 PM to 3 PM, are the best times to post across social channels. 

Every year, we survey social media marketers to figure out what time(s) they find most effective for posting on each social platform — and each year, their answers change slightly. 

The best times to post on social media in general, across all industries and platforms, are 6 PM to 9 PM and 12 PM to 3 PM. And Friday is the best day to post. 

This makes sense. Between 6 PM to 9 PM, many social users are done working, and looking for a chance to re-charge or wind down with interesting, engaging content.

And anywhere between noon to 3 PM is typically when you hit a lull in your workday. While some might use that as an opportunity to take a walk or eat lunch, others might spend a few minutes scrolling on social before returning to work. 

We also collected the best times to post on each individual channel: 

  • Instagram: Mid to late evening and mid to late afternoon, specifically from 6 PM - 9 PM, 12 PM - 3 PM, and 3 PM - 6 PM. The best day for Instagram is Saturdays. 
  • Facebook: Evening and mid-to-late afternoon, specifically between 6 and 9 PM and 12 PM - 3 PM. The best days are Friday and Saturday.
  • Twitter: 9 AM - 12 PM is the best time to post on the platform, followed by 12 PM - 3 PM, then 3 PM - 6 PM. The best day is Friday, followed by Wednesday. 
  • LinkedIn: 9 - 12 PM, 12 - 3 PM, or 3 - 6 PM. The best day is Monday, followed by Wednesday. 
  • Pinterest: Between 3 PM and 6 PM. The best day is Friday. 
  • YouTube: 6 PM and 9 PM, 3 to 6 PM, and noon to 3 PM. Fridays and Saturdays are the best days to post. 
  • TikTok: 6 to 9 PM, 3 to 6 PM, and 12 to 3 PM. For B2B brands, Saturdays and Thursdays are the best days to post; for B2C, its Saturdays and Sundays. 

To fully explore this data — along with the worst times to post for each channel — take a look at the full post here

In general, of course, you still want to do whats best for your audience. You can use your own social analytics to uncover which days and times got the most engagement on your platform. It's important to test and iterate when it comes to your own personal audience. 

Important Findings & Takeaways for Brands 

Next, let's explore the social platforms on which marketing execs can expect to see the highest ROI, plus some big-picture strategy intel (like whether you should hire content creators) to help marketing execs successfully lead a social team. 

1. Investing in micro-influencers is more effective than leveraging celebrities. 

If you're a marketing leader wondering where to invest your budget, time, and resources in 2023, it's imperative you consider influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing has proven to be one of the most effective strategies for social media marketers. However, over the past year, we've seen a major shift among social professionals towards micro-influencers. 

In fact, 80% of influencer marketers work with smaller creators and influencers with under 100K followers, and just 16% work with celebrities who have over one million followers. 

Micro-influencers are less expensive, so it's easier to work with them long-term. Equally importantly, micro-influencers have tight-knit, niche, loyal communities, and can be seen as more trustworthy compared to celebrities. Plus, 37% of social media marketers say micro-influencers see higher engagement with their content.

Social media marketers are placing big bets in 2023 on influencer marketing. In fact, a whopping 81% predict most companies will have a creator or influencer as the face of their brand in 2023, and 47% are increasing their investment in influencer marketing in 2023. 

2. Instagram can help you achieve the highest ROI out of any platform. 

If you're a marketing or social media leader wondering where to invest most of your time or energy to get the highest return-on-investment, Instagram is a strong contender to consider. 

Out of all social platforms, Instagram takes the winner's spot for ROI and engagement, and social media professionals predict it will see the most growth in 2023. Social media marketers also believe that Instagram has the most accurate algorithm, and the best potential for brands to grow their audiences

In fact, 29% of social media marketers plan to invest the most in Instagram over any other platform and 52% plan to increase their investment in the platform in 2023, while another 39% will keep it the same.

When asked which platform social media marketers plan to invest the most in for 2023, the majority said Instagram — that's followed by Facebook (23%), YouTube (14%), and TikTok (14%). 

If you're unsure how to measure social media ROI, you're in luck — I spoke with social media experts at G2 and Dropbox to explore the best ways for brands to effectively measure ROI in this post.

(Hear more from Jenny Gardynski and other experts by reading How to Measure Social Media Marketing ROI [with Expert Advice].)

3. It's a good idea to create a customer service strategy on social.

With 76% of social media marketers already offering customer service on social, it's a good idea to consider it for your own strategy in 2023. 

Many social users already expect to be able to communicate with brands via social when it comes to their customer service queries. One in five Gen Z, millennial, and Gen X users have contacted a brand through DM for customer service in the past three months alone. 

You might even consider creating a separate channel for customer service, like Wix did with its Wix Help Twitter account, so users know where to go to get their questions or concerns resolved.

Leveraging social media for customer service can help you meet your customers where they're at on the channels they prefer. It can also help you minimize the amount of requests you get on a given topic: If you're able to post an answer to a commonly-asked question to your entire community through social media, then they don't need to reach out to a representative. 

Which leads us to the next question: Who is answering those DMs? 43% of companies that offer customer service through DMs have a customer service rep respond to the messages — but 41% leave it up to the marketer who is in charge of that platform. Another 13% use automated tools like chatbots. 

I spoke with Julie FernandezAircall's Global Senior Communications Manager, to learn how her team approaches social media as a customer service channel. 

Fernandez told me, "When it comes to customer support, we see social media platforms as a huge opportunity to proactively communicate with prospects and customers alike, whether it be Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook."

In terms of best practices when it comes to customer support on social media, Fernandez advises, "We carefully monitor our mentions, and if we notice someone needs help or is experiencing an outage, we respond as quickly as possible and connect them with our support team directly. We want to make sure they receive the best quality support, and we find that when our team can talk about the issue over the phone, it's far more impactful than going back and forth over social media or using a text-based channel like chat or email."

She adds, "We also monitor relevant feeds to see organic opportunities for Aircall to share product information, answer product questions, participate in industry conversations, and celebrate our partners."

She also encourages brands to consider whether creating a community can help you facilitate conversations that help your prospects and customers grow. As she puts it, "Would it make sense to start a community of your own? If you notice an opportunity to create a shared space, it could pay off in a positive way for your brand and even your product as a whole."

If you're willing to invest in leveraging social media as a customer service platform, you'll want to ensure you have the resources, time, and tools required to create a streamlined, efficient process for both your customers and your employees. 

Important Findings & Takeaways for Content Creators and Influencers 

1. The quality of your content matters more than the amount of followers you have when it comes to getting hired. 

If you're a creator looking to work with a brand in 2023, you'll want to consider the factors that matter most to those looking to hire. 

Most importantly, influencer marketers want to see you can create high-quality social content. Additionally, influencer marketers are concerned with your follower/subscriber count, and whether you align with their company's values. 

HubSpot's Creator program was launched in 2022, and HubSpot writer Erica Santiago spoke with HubSpot's Head of Creators Partnerships, Alanah Joseph, as well as Brandon Huang, Partnerships Lead for the Creators Program, to learn what they both look for when hiring creators

One of the biggest factors is your authenticity as a creator.

As Joseph told Santiago, "Authenticity is key. Authenticity builds trust, so when a creator brings their full selves to their content, their audience trusts them. This is important for a brand looking to run advertisements within the creator’s content. If the audience trusts the creator, they will be more likely to trust the creator’s recommendations."

Additionally, when working with businesses, you'll need to think like a business leader and come prepared with a results-driven approach. Huang says, "I take a close look at all the quantitative metrics that I can regarding a creator: their reach, their engagement, how consistent they are with posting, and how consistent the results are on the content they create."

2. The most popular influencer niches include fashion, lifestyle, and fitness/health.

If you're interested in becoming an influencer, it can be helpful to know which industries are most popular for hiring influencers. 

Influencer marketers work with influencers/creators in fashion (41%) the most, followed by lifestyle/vlog (40%), fitness/health (37%), food (34%), travel (33%), and family (33%).

Of course, you'll want to choose an industry that excites you. If you're not passionate about the topic at-hand, it won't resonate well with your audience. Plus, it will be difficult for you to create content long-term on a topic you don't find interesting. 

3. Marketers prefer working with influencers on Instagram compared to other platforms. 

It's important to know which platform(s) are most preferred by influencer marketers if you hope to work with businesses in 2023. 

As far as platforms, influencer marketers see the highest ROI through Instagram, with YouTube and Facebook tied for #2. These are also the three most popular platforms for influencer marketing.

If you're interested in working with brands, then, it's critical you can demonstrate success on Instagram in particular. Knowing how to create high-quality content that performs well with Instagram's algorithm is vital. 

Social is Always Changing

Understanding trends related to social is imperative for the success of your social strategy because social media users' preferences and expectations change — fast. 

Hopefully, this page gives you a leg-up on your competition and helps you identify the biggest opportunities for growth when it comes to your social accounts in 2023. 

Ultimately, social media is one of the most powerful opportunities for you to connect directly with your prospects and customers. It also enables you to build strong communities and increase brand value and loyalty. 
