If having a website and keep on maintaining it is too much for you then you should drop the idea of having a website if there is no traffic in it.
There are soo many ways through which you can monetize your affiliate profession without even having a professional website.
Especially in 2022, If you have a website for your niche, that is too good but if you don't have one or do not have enough time and energy to maintain it, then you should try other ways of making your side passive income.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the best professions to make a side income or passive income. This profession is going to be on-trend in the upcoming time, so it's better to occupy this profession and get mastery in it starting by now.
So In this article, you are going to get the knowledge of making a profit in affiliate marketing without even having a website.
Let's get it started.
Ways of making passive income through affiliate marketing without any website
1. Pinterest:- Affiliate marketing on Pinterest is the best way to promote products. You don’t need any landing page for promoting products. Pinterest is one of those platforms and social media that let you post affiliate links directly to your stuff.
And believe me, it works like a smooth wine. You just need to make these attractive posts for your product and boom, you can divert so much traffic to your affiliate links.
What do you need to start your affiliate journey on Pinterest?
1. Create an Account: First, after all, you need to create an account, then select a niche/follow account related to your niche.
2. Choose Affiliate Programs: You need to find a good affiliate program whose product you are going to promote. Make sure you are not going to scam people, So choose a popular/trusted, and legit site for the affiliate.
3. Good Quality Images: Make sure to upload good quality images, So that you can get a boost from the Pinterest algorithm.
4. Upload Pin: Now you are going to post your image, write a good description that is keyword heavy. And then you just need to post affiliate links on your Pinterest pins and you are done.
2. Facebook groups:- Before going any further I just want to shed a light on the audience market of Facebook. 2.45 billion monthly active Facebook users registered as of Q3 2019 – making it the world’s biggest social media platform. Meaning no matter how old school your dad is, I bet he has a FB account of their own.

So basically, Fb holds every type of audience, and if anybody can give a fight in holding the maximum user's data with Google that will be Facebook.
Talking about Fb groups, these are those places where Fb users go to get values on a daily basis. For example, If I am interested in art & craft, I will join art & craft groups, same goes to all the people, whatever thing they are interested in, they want to invest their most of the time in those things.
Conclusion: Fb groups are the places where your potential customer congregate. So now when you know where your customers are hanging out, the only thing you need to do it, divert & attract them through your marketing skill.
What to do in order to attract your potential customer in Fb groups.
1. Create your own niche page on FB, At least this you can do if you don't want to create any website. Just create a page with your affiliate product niche and make it more attractive. Post valuable content in it daily. So that when people attract to your content, you could hold the authority of being professional.
2. Join as many groups as you can, where you think your potential customers are hanging out. For example, you sell fitness niche affiliate products, then you must join most of the fitness freak groups where people participate actively.
3. This is my warning and informing:- Don't post your affiliate links on FB. Never do that. You can do it once or twice and maybe the third time, your link will be blocked. So please don't do that because it's one of the biggest mistakes most affiliates have done and then you can't even run a paid advertisement for that link, so it's going to be a big loss for you.
4. Give value to those groups. You need to be very active and you need to help people out in those groups. Remember people are there to get more information about their best interest and in order to attract them to your affiliate product, you need to help them out. So be active and post something that they love to know more about.
5. Note down the people who are engaging with your content in the group and invite them to join your Fb page that you have created.
6. Final step divert them to your bio where you have the link for your affiliate product. If you post really interesting content and they want to know more about it. Give them a strong call to action and divert that traffic in your bio for your affiliate product.
Seems like a lot of work? But think about the traffic you be getting. You could make 10 to 30 sales a day If you do everything right.
3. YouTube channels:- 80% of people use youtube in order to get to know something. You can simply divert your niche traffic to your Youtube channel and then you can promote your affiliate product to them.

I don't want to miss lead you but I will stick to the fact and that is, there is a lot of competition on youtube, a lot. If you are not putting out content on a daily basis and if you are not making content that people want to know about, everything will be just a waste of time.
But just because Youtube is a very great way to get more traffic and more sales, you can definitely try it for the best results.
How To Use Youtube In A Right Way
1. Be more and more specific in your niche. If your niche is nutrition and diet, make it more specific like "perfect diet plan for pregnant women" or something like this. To stand out, you need to be unique.
2. Promote your product by showing the demo or illustrating the pros & cons of the product. Like the one, you see when you want to buy a new iPhone and you go to Youtube to know about its reviews. So the person who made the video on iPhone review definitely will tell you to go to the link in the description to buy it.
These types of videos convert the most visitors into customers.
3. Create your content according to YouTube algorithm and keyword strategies.
4. Be consistent and never give up.
4 Quora:- In quora you can create your own topic space just like the concept of the Fb page and there you can share informative content and divert your traffic to your bio where your affiliate link is placed.

The best thing about Quora is that you can get who is your potential customer just by the type of question the customer would be asking. Think about it, let's say I am digital market which I am (lol) and I want to find clients to work with, so I will go to quora and search for the question "How to make a website for my business" and boom The people who have asked this question are my potential client and I will answer them and pitch for my service so that they can contact me for any further help.
You can do the same, Answer as many questions as you can inside your niche and divert that traffic to your affiliate link in your bio.
5. Social media:- You can not promote the direct links on every social media but you can have one link at least in your bio. So Be active on social media create your niche page professional account and build your social following and then time to time pitch them to your offer in your bio.

Basically, work as a social media influencer. It may sound tough to you, but it is the easiest way to make more sales. The easiest. People who get connect with you on your social media are the most loyal people in your entire network of people. They follow you in the first place because they like your content and with time you build your trust with them. So it's easy to make sales from those people who like you the most. So utilize your social media.
So that's it, the top 5 and most effective ways of making more sales in affiliate marketing without even having any website.
There are plenty but I only talk about the top 5, because these methods work and I don't talk shit. I only create straight-to-point content and I don't like to waste anyone's time with useless information.